@echo off :: AIR application packaging :: More information: :: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=CommandLineTools_5.html#1035959 :: Path to Flex SDK binaries set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Dev\flash\flex\bin :: Signature (see 'CreateCertificate.bat') set CERTIFICATE="KlikPunk.pfx" set SIGNING_OPTIONS=-storetype pkcs12 -keystore %CERTIFICATE% -tsa none if not exist %CERTIFICATE% goto certificate :: Output if not exist air md air set AIR_FILE=air/KlikPunk.air :: Input set APP_XML=application.xml set FILE_OR_DIR=-C bin . echo Signing AIR setup using certificate %CERTIFICATE%. call adt -package %SIGNING_OPTIONS% %AIR_FILE% %APP_XML% %FILE_OR_DIR% if errorlevel 1 goto failed echo. echo AIR setup created: %AIR_FILE% echo. goto end :certificate echo Certificate not found: %CERTIFICATE% echo. echo Troubleshotting: echo A certificate is required, generate one using 'CreateCertificate.bat' echo. goto end :failed echo AIR setup creation FAILED. echo. echo Troubleshotting: echo did you configure the Flex SDK path in this Batch file? echo. :end pause