local core = require "core" local command = require "core.command" local function exec(cmd, keep_newline) local fp = io.popen(cmd, "r") local res = fp:read("*a") fp:close() return keep_newline and res or res:gsub("%\n$", "") end local function shell_quote(str) return "'" .. str:gsub("'", "'\\''") .. "'" end local printfb_sub = { ["\\"] = "\\\\", ["\0"] = "\\0000", ["'"] = "'\\''", } local function printfb_quote(str) return "'" .. str:gsub(".", printfb_sub) .. "'" end command.add("core.docview", { ["exec:insert"] = function() core.command_view:enter("Insert Result Of Command", function(cmd) core.active_view.doc:text_input(exec(cmd)) end) end, ["exec:replace"] = function() core.command_view:enter("Replace With Result Of Command", function(cmd) core.active_view.doc:replace(function(str) return exec( "printf %b " .. printfb_quote(str:gsub("%\n$", "") .. "\n") .. " | eval '' " .. shell_quote(cmd), str:find("%\n$") ) end) end) end, })