Assemble to dedicated segment by default, start of Forth kernel

rename assembly words to be ALL CAPS
This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Penner 2023-09-01 19:10:52 -04:00
parent 8439de78e9
commit 4575706684
3 changed files with 208 additions and 99 deletions

View file

@ -1,14 +1,21 @@
var target
0x100 target !
: >t b, 1 target +! ; ( todo: write to target segment )
: w>t , 2 target +! ;
segalloc const tseg
: @t tseg @far ;
: b@t tseg b@far ;
: !t tseg !far ;
: b!t tseg b!far ;
: +target! ( bytes -- prevtarget ) target @ dup >rot + target ! ;
: >t 1 +target! b!t ;
: w>t 2 +target! !t ;
var op-encode
var lastop
var lastop var lastlabel
var op-memwidth
: byteptr 1 op-memwidth ! ; : byteptr? op-memwidth @ 1 = ;
: farptr 4 op-memwidth ! ; : farptr? op-memwidth @ 4 = ;
: BYTE 1 op-memwidth ! ; : byteptr? op-memwidth @ 1 = ;
: FAR 4 op-memwidth ! ; : farptr? op-memwidth @ 4 = ;
var current-oparg
var opargs-remaining
@ -40,7 +47,7 @@ array oparg2 3 cells allot
: byteval? ( v -- f ) 0xff00 & dup 0xff00 = swap 0 = or ;
: oparg-bwreg? ( -- f ) byteop? if oparg-breg? else oparg-wreg? then ;
: operror ( err -- ) lastop @ wordname type s" : " type type cr ;
: operror ( err -- ) lastop @ type s" near " type lastlabel @ type s" : " type type cr ;
: oparg-complete!
opargs-remaining @ dup if
1 - dup opargs-remaining !
@ -55,54 +62,52 @@ array oparg2 3 cells allot
: unexpected-addr ( addr -- ) drop s" unexpected address" operror ;
: @+ ( disp -- )
opargs-remaining @ if
oparg-type @ dup 0 = if drop oparg-mem! oparg-complete!
oparg-type @ dup 0 = if drop oparg-mem! @]
else 3 = if oparg-val !
else unexpected-addr then then
else unexpected-addr then ;
: @far ( offset segment -- ) 4 set-oparg! oparg-base ! ;
: @FAR ( offset segment -- ) 4 set-oparg! oparg-base ! ;
: oparg-faraddr? oparg-type @ 4 = ;
: l: create target @ , does> @ @+ ;
: l@ [ ' ' , ] cell + @ ;
: L: here create wordname lastlabel ! target @ , does> @ @+ ;
: L@ [ ' ' , ] 2 cells + @ ;
: memreg create , does> @ oparg-base ! oparg-complete! ;
0 memreg bx+si] 1 memreg bx+di] 2 memreg bp+si] 3 memreg bp+di]
4 memreg si] 5 memreg di] 6 memreg bp] 7 memreg bx]
0 memreg BX+SI] 1 memreg BX+DI] 2 memreg BP+SI] 3 memreg BP+DI]
4 memreg SI] 5 memreg DI] 6 memreg BP] 7 memreg BX]
: reg create , does> @ oparg-reg! oparg-complete! ;
( data registers: take the bottom four bits and you have the
REG and R/M encoding for the modr/m byte )
0x00 reg ax 0x01 reg cx 0x02 reg dx 0x03 reg bx
0x04 reg sp 0x05 reg bp 0x06 reg si 0x07 reg di
0x00 reg AX 0x01 reg CX 0x02 reg DX 0x03 reg BX
0x04 reg SP 0x05 reg BP 0x06 reg SI 0x07 reg DI
( 8-bit data registers, same scheme )
0x10 reg al 0x11 reg cl 0x12 reg dl 0x13 reg bl
0x14 reg ah 0x15 reg ch 0x16 reg dh 0x17 reg bh
( segment registers: take the bottom four bits, left shift 1,
and you have the PUSH instruction byte. bitwise or 0x01 and
you have POP.)
0x20 reg es 0x21 reg cs 0x22 reg ss 0x23 reg ds
0x10 reg AL 0x11 reg CL 0x12 reg DL 0x13 reg BL
0x14 reg AH 0x15 reg CH 0x16 reg DH 0x17 reg BH
( segment registers; same scheme, )
0x20 reg ES 0x21 reg CS 0x22 reg SS 0x23 reg DS
: start-op ( does-ptr argcount -- )
: start-op ( dictentry argcount -- )
0 op-memwidth ! ( start unknown )
opargs-remaining @ if s" not enough arguments" operror then
opargs-remaining ! cell - lastop ! arg1 ;
opargs-remaining ! lastop ! arg1 ;
: prefix create , does> @ >t ;
: 0op create , does> dup 0 start-op @ >t ;
: 0op here create wordname , b, does> dup @ 0 start-op cell + b@ >t ;
0x26 prefix es: 0x36 prefix ss: 0x2e prefix cs: 0x3e prefix ds:
0xf0 prefix lock 0xf2 prefix repnz 0xf3 prefix repz
0x26 prefix ES: 0x36 prefix SS: 0x2e prefix CS: 0x3e prefix DS:
0xf0 prefix LOCK 0xf2 prefix REPNZ 0xf3 prefix REPZ
0x90 0op nop 0xa4 0op movsb 0xa5 0op movsw 0xa6 0op cmpsb
0xa7 0op cmpsw 0xc3 0op ret 0xd7 0op xlat 0xf4 0op hlt
0x98 0op cbw 0x99 0op cwd 0x9c 0op pushf 0x9d 0op popf
0x9e 0op sahf 0x9f 0op lahf 0xaa 0op stosb 0xab 0op stosw
0xac 0op lodsb 0xad 0op lodsw 0xae 0op scasb 0xaf 0op scasw
0xcb 0op retf 0xce 0op into 0xcf 0op iret 0xf8 0op clc
0xf9 0op stc 0xfa 0op cli 0xfb 0op sti 0xfc 0op cld
0xfd 0op std 0xf5 0op cmc
0x90 0op NOP 0xa4 0op MOVSB 0xa5 0op MOVSW 0xa6 0op CMPSB
0xa7 0op CMPSW 0xc3 0op RET 0xd7 0op XLAT 0xf4 0op HLT
0x98 0op CBW 0x99 0op CWD 0x9c 0op PUSHF 0x9d 0op POPF
0x9e 0op SAHF 0x9f 0op LAHF 0xaa 0op STOSB 0xab 0op STOSW
0xac 0op LODSB 0xad 0op LODSW 0xae 0op SCASB 0xaf 0op SCASW
0xcb 0op RETF 0xce 0op INTO 0xcf 0op IRET 0xf8 0op CLC
0xf9 0op STC 0xfa 0op CLI 0xfb 0op STI 0xfc 0op CLD
0xfd 0op STD 0xf5 0op CMC
: :op ( count -- ) create , $DOCOLON , ] does>
dup @ dup start-op cell + op-encode ! ;
: :op ( count -- ) here create wordname , , $DOCOLON , ] does>
dup @ over cell + @ start-op 2 cells + op-encode ! ;
: memarg>case ( -- 0|1|2 )
oparg-base @ dup -1 = if drop 1 ( D16 ) else
@ -112,7 +117,7 @@ array oparg2 3 cells allot
oparg-val @ dup 0 = if drop 0 else byteval? if 1 else 2
then then then then ;
: memarg>mod+rm ( -- mod rm )
memarg>case dup 1 = if drop 0 6 else 2 = if 2 6 else
memarg>case dup 1 = if drop 0 6 else 2 = if 1 6 else
memarg>dispsize oparg-base @ then then ;
: regarg>mod+rm ( -- mod rm ) 3 oparg-val @ ;
@ -131,42 +136,39 @@ array oparg2 3 cells allot
oparg-segreg? if oparg-val @ 0x0f & 3 << + >t rdrop else drop then ;
: >mem ( reg op -- ) >t memarg>mod+rm modrm>t disp>t swap-args imm?>t ;
: >memreg ( op -- ) swap-args oparg-val @ swap-args swap >mem ;
: >mem* oparg-mem? byteop? not and if >mem rdrop else 2drop then ;
: >bmem* oparg-mem? byteop? and if >mem rdrop else 2drop then ;
: >extmem* oparg-mem? byteop? not and if >mem rdrop else 2drop then ;
: >extbmem* oparg-mem? byteop? and if >mem rdrop else 2drop then ;
: >regreg ( reg op -- ) >t regarg>mod+rm modrm>t ;
: >byte-regreg* ( reg op -- ) oparg-breg? if >regreg rdrop else 2drop then ;
: >regreg* ( reg op -- ) oparg-wreg? if >regreg rdrop else 2drop then ;
: >extreg ( reg op -- ) >t regarg>mod+rm modrm>t ;
: >extbreg* ( ext op -- ) oparg-breg? if >extreg rdrop else 2drop then ;
: >extreg* ( ext op -- ) oparg-wreg? if >extreg rdrop else 2drop then ;
1 :op ret- oparg-imm? if oparg-val @ w>t else invalid-args then ;
1 :op push
1 :op RET- oparg-imm? if oparg-val @ w>t else invalid-args then ;
1 :op PUSH
0x50 >wreg+op*
0x06 >segreg+op*
6 0xff >mem*
6 0xff >extmem*
invalid-args ;
1 :op pop
1 :op POP
0x58 >wreg+op*
0x07 >segreg+op*
0 0x8f >mem*
0 0x8f >extmem*
invalid-args ;
1 :op inc
1 :op INC
0x40 >wreg+op*
0 0xfe >byte-regreg*
0 0xff >regreg*
0 0xff >mem*
0 0xfe >extbreg*
0 0xff >extreg*
0 0xff >extmem*
1 0xff >extmem*
invalid-args ;
1 :op incb
0 0xfe >byte-regreg*
0 0xfe >mem*
invalid-args ;
1 :op dec
1 :op DEC
0x48 >wreg+op*
1 0xfe >byte-regreg*
1 0xff >regreg*
0 0xff >mem*
1 0xfe >bmem*
1 0xfe >extbreg*
1 0xff >extreg*
1 0xff >extmem*
1 0xfe >extbmem*
invalid-args ;
1 :op int
1 :op INT
oparg-imm? if oparg-val @ dup 3 = if drop 0xcc >t else 0xcd >t >t then
else invalid-args then ;
@ -180,33 +182,37 @@ array oparg2 3 cells allot
: >far-jmp* ( op -- ) oparg-faraddr?
if >t oparg-base @ w>t oparg-val @ w>t rdrop else drop then ;
1 :op jo 0x70 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op jno 0x71 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op jb 0x72 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op jnb 0x73 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op jz 0x74 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op jnz 0x75 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op jbe 0x76 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op ja 0x77 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op js 0x78 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op jns 0x79 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op jpe 0x7a >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op jpo 0x7b >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op jl 0x7c >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op jge 0x7d >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op jle 0x7e >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op jg 0x7f >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op loopnz 0xe0 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op loopz 0xe1 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op loop 0xe2 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op jcxz 0xe3 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op jmp
1 :op JO 0x70 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op JNO 0x71 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op JB 0x72 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op JNB 0x73 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op JZ 0x74 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op JNZ 0x75 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op JBE 0x76 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op JA 0x77 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op JS 0x78 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op JNS 0x79 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op JPE 0x7a >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op JPO 0x7b >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op JL 0x7c >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op JGE 0x7d >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op JLE 0x7e >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op JG 0x7f >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op LOOPNZ 0xe0 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op LOOPZ 0xe1 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op LOOP 0xe2 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op JCXZ 0xe3 >short-jmp* invalid-args ;
1 :op JMP
0xeb >short-jmp*
0xe9 >near-reljmp*
0xea >far-jmp*
farptr? if 0x05 0xff >extmem* then
0x04 0xff >extmem* ( todo: JMP to reg allowed )
invalid-args ;
1 :op call
1 :op CALL
0xe8 >near-reljmp*
farptr? if 0x03 0xff >extmem* then
0x02 0xff >extmem* ( todo: CALL reg allowed )
invalid-args ;
( four opcodes laid out next to each other:
@ -214,8 +220,16 @@ array oparg2 3 cells allot
: memreg? ( -- f ) oparg-mem? swap-args oparg-bwreg? swap-args and ;
: >bmr-wmr? ( base -- f )
memreg? if byteop? not if 1 + then >memreg 1 else drop 0 then ;
: regreg? oparg-wreg? swap-args oparg-wreg? swap-args and ;
: bregbreg? oparg-breg? swap-args oparg-breg? swap-args and ;
: >regreg ( op -- f ) swap-args oparg-val @ swap swap-args >extreg ;
: >brr-wrr? ( base -- f )
regreg? if 1 + else bregbreg? not if drop 0 return then then >regreg 1 ;
: >bmr-wmr-brm-wrm* ( base -- )
dup >bmr-wmr? if drop rdrop return then
dup >brr-wrr? if drop rdrop return then
2 + swap-args >bmr-wmr? swap-args if rdrop then ;
: >bmr-wmr-brm-wrm? ( base -- f )
1 swap >bmr-wmr-brm-wrm* drop 0 ;
@ -226,25 +240,25 @@ array oparg2 3 cells allot
oparg-val @ dup 0x10 = if drop >t swap-args imm?>t swap-args rdrop return then
0x00 = if 1 + >t swap-args imm?>t swap-args rdrop return else drop then ;
2 :op xchg
2 :op XCHG
arg2 oparg-reg? oparg-val @ 0x00 = arg1 oparg-wreg? and
if 0x90 >wreg+op* then
invalid-args ;
2 :op mov
2 :op MOV
0x88 >bmr-wmr-brm-wrm*
arg2 oparg-imm? arg1 if
oparg-wreg? if oparg-val @ 0xb8 | >t arg2 oparg-val @ w>t return then
oparg-breg? if oparg-val @ 0x0f & 0xb0 | >t arg2 oparg-val @ >t return then
0 0xc6 >bmem*
0 0xc7 >mem*
0 0xc6 >extbmem*
0 0xc7 >extmem*
invalid-args ;
2 :op add 0x00 >6group-math* invalid-args ;
2 :op adc 0x10 >6group-math* invalid-args ;
2 :op ADD 0x00 >6group-math* invalid-args ;
2 :op ADC 0x10 >6group-math* invalid-args ;
2 :op AND 0x20 >6group-math* invalid-args ;
2 :op xor 0x30 >6group-math* invalid-args ;
2 :op XOR 0x30 >6group-math* invalid-args ;
2 :op OR 0x08 >6group-math* invalid-args ;
2 :op sbb 0x18 >6group-math* invalid-args ;
2 :op sub 0x28 >6group-math* invalid-args ;
2 :op cmp 0x38 >6group-math* invalid-args ;
2 :op SBB 0x18 >6group-math* invalid-args ;
2 :op SUB 0x28 >6group-math* invalid-args ;
2 :op CMP 0x38 >6group-math* invalid-args ;

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -1,14 +1,109 @@
s" defs.jrt" loadfile
s" asm.jrt" loadfile
( tinyjort calling convention:
SP - data stack pointer, grows down
BP - return stack pointer, grows up
SI - instruction pointer
BX - W register - code pointer for current word
mov ah 0x02 #
mov dl key ! #
int 0x21 #
all other registers can and will be clobbered
JMP 0x1000 @+
JMP @[ BX] ;
( dictionary format:
DICTIONARY - an array of 16 pointers to linked lists of entries.
The dictlist for a given word is chosen by taking the
first character of the word and taking its first 4
LINK - pointer to next word in the dictionary
FLAGS - byte
LENGTH - byte
NAME - bytes ending in \0
CODE POINTER - pointer to machine code routine )
0 w>t 0 w>t 0 w>t 0 w>t 0 w>t 0 w>t 0 w>t 0 w>t
0 w>t 0 w>t 0 w>t 0 w>t 0 w>t 0 w>t 0 w>t 0 w>t
L: LATEST 0 w>t
: savelabel ( word -- )
here swap begin dup b@ dup while b, 1 + repeat b, drop lastlabel ! ;
: DICTLIST ( word -- tptr ) b@ 0x0f & dup . cells [ L@ DICTIONARY lit ] + ;
: strlen ( word -- len ) 0 swap begin dup b@ while swap 1 + swap 1 + repeat drop ;
: str>t ( word -- ) begin dup b@ dup while >t 1 + repeat >t drop ;
: link>t ( tptr-head -- ) dup @t swap target @ swap !t w>t ;
: DEF word dup savelabel dup DICTLIST link>t 0 >t dup strlen >t str>t ;
: WORD= ( word len tptr -- f ) ;
: t' word dup strlen over DICTLIST @t ( word len tptr )
begin dup @t while 3dup WORD= if 5 + + swap drop return then repeat
drop drop drop 0 ;
: :ASM DEF target @ 2 + w>t ;
: CONST DEF [ L@ $$CONST lit ] w>t w>t ;
L: $$VAR
: ARRAY DEF [ L@ $$VAR lit ] w>t ;
: VAR, ARRAY w>t ;
( "codepointer words" that evaluate to a pointer to the assembly -
useful to define things like $DOCOLON. )
:ASM return
JMP @[ BX]
( 0x1000 target ! )
s"" overwrite
:noname for i b@ fputc next ; execute
0x100 target @ :noname for i tseg b@far fputc next ; execute