( iteration control stacks We create two new stacks - a small stack to hold the "current" value of the loop, or the "i" stack, and a larger stack to hold any extra state, which we call the "next" stack. Typically the top of the next stack would contain an "iterator" that knows how to advance to the next value and how to be cancelled, depending on the needs of the calling code. With these two new stacks, we can create a generic loop construct for iterating over streaming values. Not only that, but those values can be arbitrarily filtered and transformed simply by pushing a new value onto the iter-next stack which calls out to the previous one. ) uservar itop 8 cells userallot { userhere @ } const itop-init uservar nexttop 24 cells userallot { userhere @ } const nexttop-init ' task-init :chain >r itop-init itop r@ !far nexttop-init nexttop r@ !far r ( i -- v ) POP AX SHL AX 1 # MOV BX @[ SS: r MOV BX @[ SS: r@ @] INC BX INC BX MOV @[ SS: r ( c -- ) MOV BX @[ SS: r@ @] POP CX SHL CX 1 # ADD BX CX MOV @[ SS: r ( v -- ) POP AX MOV BX @[ SS: r@ @] DEC BX DEC BX MOV @[ SS: i nexttop :push >next : MOV DI @[ SS: nexttop @] ( make SP affect the nextstack and DI affect the data stack. ) STD ( data stack grows down ) XCHG DI SP ( PUSH decrements and then stores; STOSW stores then decrements. ) SCASW ( pre-decrement ) 1 :> POP AX STOSW LOOP 1 <@ ( fix SP - DI is one word past the end of the stack ) CLD SCASW XCHG SP DI ( update nexttop ) MOV @[ SS: nexttop @] DI 2 <: NEXT :asm n->next ( args... n |n| -- |n| args... ) MOV AX SS MOV ES AX POP CX JCXZ 1 @> MOV DI @[ SS: nexttop @] STD ( next-stack grows down ) SCASW ( pre-decrement ) 0 :> POP AX STOSW LOOP 0 <@ CLD SCASW ( correct DI - off by one word ) MOV @[ SS: nexttop @] DI 1 <: NEXT ( iterators are pointers to an array containing two function pointers: xt-iter xt-cancel The xt-iter word must take care of updating the stacks directly. If there are no more values, it must remove the values from the i-stack, drop itself from the next-stack, and return 0. "finished" and "finish?" are useful words to help with this. The xt-cancel word should remove all of the iterator's state from the iteration stacks and return nothing. "n-nextdrop" and "iterdrop" are useful words to help with this. If the iterator is itself making use of an iterator below it on the stack, the xt-cancel word should call "cancel" to recursively clean that up once it's done. Note that all "next" words _must_ be defined in the target Forth! This means that any iterator that dereferences near memory, such as "links", WILL NOT WORK on the host Forth! ) : iterate 0 nextpeek @ execute ; : cancel 0 nextpeek cell + @ execute ; : EACH_ r ; { ( Because we dereference pointers on the return stack, we must run this from the caller's segment. Copy the definition into the host segment. ) : EACH_ r ; : each ' EACH_ , here >i 0 , ; immediate : continue ' GOTO_ , i cell - , ; immediate : next ['] continue here i ; : CONTINUE t, GOTO_ i cell - w>t ; :timm continue CONTINUE ; :timm next CONTINUE i swap w>t w>t ; :timm >iter next ; } : finished ( -- 0 ) cancel 0 ; : finish? ( f -- f ) if 1 else finished then ; ( n ) ' finished ( c ) :noname nextdrop cancel ; iter, : >cancel >iter ; { : break ' >cancel , ['] continue ; immediate :timm break t, >cancel CONTINUE ; } ( n ) ' 0 ( c ) ' nextdrop iter, : nothing >iter ; : 1cancel idrop nextdrop ; ( n ) ' finished ( c ) ' 1cancel iter, ( n ) :noname nextdrop 1 >iter ; ( c ) ' 1cancel iter, : single >i >iter ; ( n ) :noname i finish? ; ( c ) ' 1cancel iter, : times ( n -- ) >i >iter ; ( n ) :noname i finish? ; ( c ) ' 1cancel iter, : links ( p -- ) dup if >i >iter else nothing then ; : +for? ( n -- f ) i 1 nextpeek != finish? ; ( n ) :noname 1 +for? ; ( c ) :noname 2 iterdrop ; iter, : for ( start lim -- ) >next 1- >i >iter ; ( n ) :noname 2 nextpeek +for? ; ( c ) :noname 3 iterdrop ; iter, : for+ ( start lim inc -- ) >next >next 1 nextpeek - >i >iter ; ( n ) :noname i b@ finish? ; ( c ) ' 1cancel iter, : pchars ( st -- ) 1- >i >iter ; : nth ( i -- v ) 0 each 2dup = if drop i break then 1+ next swap drop ; : count 0 each 1+ next ; :asm _suspend>args ( iter |r| yieldpoint -- argcount |r| yieldpoint iter ) MOV DI @[ -2 @+ BP] POP @[ BP] INC BP INC BP XOR AH AH MOV AL @[ DS: DI] PUSH AX NEXT :asm 2r>next MOV BX @[ SS: nexttop @] ( bp grows up. top: BP-2, second: BP-4 nexttop grows down. top: nexttop, second: nexttop+2 ) SUB BX 4 # ( make room for 2 more items on next stack ) MOV AX @[ -4 @+ BP] MOV @[ SS: 2 @+ BX] AX MOV AX @[ -2 @+ BP] MOV @[ SS: BX] AX SUB BP 4 # ( pop two off return stack ) MOV @[ SS: nexttop @] BX NEXT :asm _resume>args ( |n| yieldpoint xt-next -- argcount |n| |r| resumepoint ) MOV BX @[ SS: nexttop @] MOV DI @[ SS: 2 @+ BX] ADD BX 4 # MOV @[ SS: nexttop @] BX XOR AH AH MOV AL @[ DS: DI] INC DI PUSH AX ( argcount ) MOV @[ BP] DI INC BP INC BP NEXT : _resume _resume>args n-args n->next 2r>next 1 ; : _cancel _resume>args n-nextdrop rdrop ; ( n ) :noname _resume>args n-next >iter ; ( yielding from a generator has three moving parts: suspend: run immediately when the generator yields. takes care of updating the i-stack appropriately, as well as potentially saving any yield-specific state to the next-stack. After this runs, the generator's extra parameters are pushed to the next-stack, along with the generator's "resume" pointer and the yielder's iterator. resume: run when the generator is resumed by iterating. Before this runs, the yielder will take care of placing the "resume" pointer back on the stack and restoring the generator's arguments, so the stack environments should match what they were when the suspension happened. This deals with cleaning up after the yielder so the rest of the generator can run. cancel: run when the generator is aborted. Before this runs, the next-stack is cleared of the "resume" pointer and all of the generator's arguments. This should remove any yield-specific data from the iteration stacks, and potentially call "cancel" to clean up the iterator underneath if the yielder is intended to map or filter another iterator. ) { var gen-arg-count :timm (( t:| t, GENSTART_ gen-arg-count @ >t ; :timm )) t, 0 t|; t, execute 0 gen-arg-count ! ; : +arg 1 gen-arg-count !+ ; :timm +arg +arg ; : -arg -1 gen-arg-count !+ ; :timm -arg -arg ; :timm >arg t, >next +arg ; : colonpair ( xt-first xt-second -- xt ) target t swap w>t t, return ; : :yield ( xt-suspend xt-resume xt-cancel -- ) } t' _cancel swap colonpair swap t' _resume swap colonpair target >r w>t w>t gencolon w>t r@ compilenum t, _suspend t, return create immediate @ w>t gen-arg-count @ >t ; } : shadow-i next >i ; : 2>i >i >i ; : 2idrop idrop idrop ; : unmap idrop i ; : mapcancel unmap cancel ; : unsuspend rdrop rdrop r ; ( don't yield at all, skip past the yielder ) : suspend? not if unsuspend then ; ( suspend resume cancel ) ' noop ' noop ' noop :yield yield0 [ ' >i ' idrop ' idrop :yield yield ' >i ' ' 2>i ' 2idrop dup :yield yield2 ' shadow-i ' unmap ' mapcancel :yield map ' noop ' noop ' cancel :yield pass ' suspend? ' noop ' cancel :yield filter : take ( n -- ) >arg (( each dup if pass else break then 1- next drop )) ; : readbytes ( -- ) (( each i b@ map next )) ; : chars ( p -- ) pchars readbytes ;