( iteration control stacks We create two new stacks - a small stack to hold the "current" value of the loop, or the "i" stack, and a larger stack to hold any extra state, as well as the cp of a word that moves to the next value, which we call the "next" stack. With these two new stacks, we can create a generic loop construct for iterating over streaming values. Not only that, but those values can be arbitrarily filtered and transformed simply by pushing a new value onto the iter-next stack which calls out to the previous one. ) uservar itop 8 cells userallot { userhere @ } const itop-init uservar nexttop 24 cells userallot { userhere @ } const nexttop-init ' task-init :chain >r itop-init itop r@ !far nexttop-init nexttop r@ !far r ( i -- v ) POP AX SHL AX 1 # MOV BX @[ SS: r MOV BX @[ SS: r@ @] INC BX INC BX MOV @[ SS: r ( v -- ) POP AX MOV BX @[ SS: r@ @] DEC BX DEC BX MOV @[ SS: i nexttop :push >next :asm r>next MOV BX @[ SS: nexttop @] DEC BX DEC BX DEC BP DEC BP MOV AX @[ BP] MOV @[ SS: nexttop @] BX MOV @[ SS: BX] AX NEXT :asm next>r MOV BX @[ SS: nexttop @] MOV AX @[ SS: BX] INC BX INC BX MOV @[ SS: nexttop @] BX MOV @[ BP] AX INC BP INC BP NEXT : cancel" will push a word onto the next-stack that will query the iterator below it to determine how many items need to be dropped. It will drop one item from the i-stack if the iterator indicates that there are more items. If an iterator requires any more complex cleanup to happen as the result of a cancellation, such as dropping multiple items off the i-stack, or aborting a task, it should check the "cancelled" flag to determine whether to perform it. An iterator that returns 0 0 will not cause any further changes to occur to the iteration stacks, which allows it to be in complete control of this scenario if needed. Note that all "next" words _must_ be defined in the target Forth! This means that any iterator that dereferences near memory, such as "links", WILL NOT WORK on the host Forth! ) ( get-next returns the result of the iterator in swapped order - it is usually more convenient to specify the count last when writing iterators, but it's always more convenient to check the flag first when consuming the result. ) : get-next ( -- c f ) 0 nextpeek execute swap ; : n-nextdrop ( c -- ) dup if begin nextdrop 1- dup not until then drop ; : iterate get-next if drop 1 else n-nextdrop 0 then ; : EACH_ r ; { ( Because we dereference pointers on the return stack, we must run this from the caller's segment. Copy the definition into the host segment. ) : EACH_ r ; : each ' EACH_ , here >i 0 , ; immediate : continue ' GOTO_ , i cell - , ; immediate : next ['] continue here i ; : CONTINUE t, GOTO_ i cell - w>t ; :timm continue CONTINUE ; :timm next CONTINUE cancel :| 1 cancelled ! nextdrop get-next if idrop then 0 cancelled ! 0 swap |; >next ; { : break ' >cancel , ['] continue ; immediate :timm break t, >cancel CONTINUE ; } : cancel >cancel iterate drop ; : nothing :| 0 1 |; >next ; : single >i :| nextdrop :| idrop 0 1 |; >next 1 1 |; >next ; : times ( n -- ) >i :| i 1 then 1 |; >next ; : links ( p -- ) dup if >i :| i 1 then 1 |; >next else nothing then ; : +for? ( n -- f ) i 1 then ; : for ( start lim -- ) >next 1- >i :| 1 +for? 2 |; >next ; : for+ ( start lim inc -- ) >next >next 1 nextpeek - >i :| 2 nextpeek +for? 3 |; >next ; : pchars ( st -- ) 1- >i :| i 1 else drop 0 then 1 |; >next ; :asm _resume ( cpcancel -- 0 0 args... ) POP DX MOV AX SS MOV ES AX PUSH FALSE PUSH FALSE MOV DI @[ SS: nexttop @] ( make SP affect the nextstack and DI affect the data stack. ) STD ( data stack grows down ) XCHG DI SP POP BX ( points to xt of the girl calling this, discard ) POP BX ( points to the following the yield ) XOR CX CX MOV CL @[ BX] CMP @[ cancelled @] 0 # JNZ 0 @> ( not cancelled; move CX values from next-stack to data-stack ) ( PUSH decrements and then stores; STOSW stores then decrements. ) SCASW ( pre-decrement ) JCXZ 2 @> 1 :> POP AX STOSW LOOP 1 <@ 2 <: ( fix return stack to return to the yielded code ) INC BX MOV @[ BP] BX INC BP INC BP ( fix SP - DI is one word past the end of the stack ) CLD SCASW XCHG SP DI ( fix nexttop ) MOV @[ SS: nexttop @] DI NEXT 0 <: ( cancelled! ) ( fix SP ) CLD XCHG SP DI ( throw away next values ) SHL CX 1 # ADD DI CX ( update nexttop ) MOV @[ SS: nexttop @] DI ( abort the current word ) DEC BP DEC BP MOV SI @[ BP] ( run the "cancel" xt in DX ) MOV BX DX JMP @[ BX] :asm _suspend ( 0 0 cpresume -- 1 n ) POP DX MOV AX SS MOV ES AX MOV DI @[ SS: nexttop @] DEC BP DEC BP ( top of return stack points to arg count ) MOV BX @[ BP] XOR CX CX MOV CL @[ BX] STD ( next-stack grows down ) SCASW ( pre-decrement ) JCXZ 1 @> 0 :> POP AX STOSW LOOP 0 <@ 1 <: MOV AX BX STOSW MOV AX DX STOSW CLD SCASW MOV @[ SS: nexttop @] DI ( data stack contains 0 0, must become 1 argcount+2 ) POP AX POP AX MOV AX 1 # PUSH AX MOV CL @[ BX] INC CX INC CX PUSH CX NEXT : GENSTART_ r>next :| ' noop _resume |; >next ; { var gen-arg-count :timm (( t:| t, GENSTART_ gen-arg-count @ >t ; :timm )) t|; t, execute 0 gen-arg-count ! ; : +arg 1 gen-arg-count !+ ; :timm +arg +arg ; : -arg -1 gen-arg-count !+ ; :timm -arg -arg ; :timm >arg t, >next +arg ; : :yield } create immediate target , startcolon does> @ w>t gen-arg-count @ >t ; } :yield yield0 :| ' noop _resume |; _suspend ; :yield yield >i :| ' idrop _resume idrop |; _suspend ; :yield yield> >i :| ' idrop _resume i >i :| idrop idrop ' noop _resume |; _suspend ; :yield map next >i :| :| idrop i cancel |; _resume idrop i |; _suspend 1+ ; : _pass-suspend rdrop :| ' cancel _resume |; _suspend ; : _return rdrop r ; ( don't yield at all, skip past the yielder ) :yield pass _pass-suspend ; :yield filter if _pass-suspend then _return ; : take ( n -- ) >arg (( each dup if pass else break then 1- next drop )) ; : readbytes ( -- ) (( each i b@ map next )) ; : chars ( p -- ) pchars readbytes ;