
328 lines
10 KiB
Executable file

import timer.jrt
import beep.jrt
: meep 2000 5 -80 slide ;
: moop 1600 5 80 slide ;
: boom 40 noise ;
: click 2000 3 boop 4000 3 boop ;
1 const CANCEL
2 const WON
3 const LOST
4 const QUIT
IN-PROGRESS bvar, game-state
: leave CANCEL game-state b! ;
: enter IN-PROGRESS game-state b! ;
: in-progress? game-state b@ IN-PROGRESS = ;
: cancelled? game-state b@ CANCEL = ;
: uncancel cancelled? if enter then ;
( minesweeper board model )
30 const maxw 12 const maxh
array board maxw maxh * allot
20 var, boardw
12 var, boardh
30 var, minecount
: board-lim boardw @ boardh @ * board + ;
: square-at ( x y -- p ) boardw @ * + board + ;
: square-pos ( p -- x y ) board - boardw @ /mod swap ;
: valid-pos? ( x y -- f )
dup 0 >= swap boardh @ < and
swap dup 0 >= swap boardw @ < and and ;
0x80 const FMINE
0x40 const FREVEALED
0x20 const FFLAG
: place-mine ( x y -- f )
square-at dup b@ FMINE & not if FMINE swap b! 0 then not ;
: rand-mine ( -- )
begin rand boardw @ % rand boardh @ % place-mine until ;
: reset-board
board begin dup board-lim < while 0 over b! 1+ repeat drop ;
: populate-board
minecount @ begin rand-mine 1- dup not until drop ;
: mine? ( p -- f ) b@ FMINE & ;
: flag? ( p -- f ) b@ FFLAG & ;
: revealed? ( p -- f ) b@ FREVEALED & ;
: squarecount ( p -- c ) b@ NEIGHBOUR-MASK & ;
: do-at ( x y cp -- )
>rot 2dup valid-pos? if square-at swap execute else drop drop drop then ;
: do-neighbour-squares ( x y cp -- )
>r over 1- over 1- r@ do-at
over 1- over r@ do-at
over 1- over 1+ r@ do-at
over over 1- r@ do-at
over over 1+ r@ do-at
over 1+ over 1- r@ do-at
over 1+ over r@ do-at
swap 1+ swap 1+ <r do-at ;
var neighbour-count
var neighbour-check
: count-neighbour neighbour-check @ execute if 1 neighbour-count !+ then ;
: count-neighbours ( x y cp -- ) neighbour-check ! 0 neighbour-count !
' count-neighbour do-neighbour-squares neighbour-count @ ;
: analyze-pos ( x y -- n ) ' mine? count-neighbours ;
: analyze-board
board begin dup board-lim < while
dup square-pos analyze-pos over b@ | over b! 1+ repeat drop ;
: count-surrounding-flags ( x y -- n ) ' flag? count-neighbours ;
: init-board ( -- )
reset-board populate-board analyze-board ;
: lose LOST game-state b!
board begin dup board-lim < while FREVEALED over b!| 1+ repeat drop ;
: reveal ( p -- ) dup flag? not if
dup mine? if lose then FREVEALED swap b!|
else drop then ;
: visibly-empty? dup revealed? swap squarecount not and ;
: backtrack-square ( p -- p ) boardw @ - 1- dup board < if drop board then ;
: backtrack? ( p -- f )
dup revealed? over 1+ revealed? and swap 2 + revealed? and not ;
: autoreveal-backtrack ( p -- p )
dup visibly-empty? over backtrack-square backtrack? and
if backtrack-square 1- then ;
: autoreveal ( -- )
board begin dup board-lim < while
dup revealed? not if
dup square-pos ' visibly-empty? count-neighbours
if dup reveal autoreveal-backtrack then then
1+ repeat drop ;
: check-win ( -- )
in-progress? if
0 board begin dup board-lim < while
dup b@ dup FMINE & swap FREVEALED & or not if swap 1+ swap then
1+ repeat drop not if WON game-state b! then then ;
: reveal-unflagged-neighbours? ( p -- )
dup square-pos count-surrounding-flags over squarecount =
if click square-pos ' reveal do-neighbour-squares else drop then ;
: reveal-at square-at dup revealed?
if reveal-unflagged-neighbours? else reveal click then
autoreveal check-win ;
: flag-noise ( p -- ) b@ FFLAG & if moop else meep then ;
: flag-at square-at dup revealed? not
if FFLAG swap dup flag-noise b!^ else drop then ;
( theming )
array countcolors white b, lblue b, lgreen b, red b, blue b,
brown b, cyan b, black b, gray b,
var theme
: colvar theme @ + b@ ;
: col-bg 0 colvar bg! ;
: col-flag 1 colvar fg! ;
: col-mine 2 colvar fg! ;
: col-block 3 colvar fg! ;
: col-grid 4 colvar fg! ;
: col-curs 5 colvar fg! ;
: col-count ( c -- )
countcolors + b@ dup 0 colvar = if drop col-grid else fg! then ;
{ :timm deftheme CREATE >t >t >t >t >t >t DOES} theme ! ;
( cursor grid block mine flag bg )
blue white black magenta red lgray deftheme win31
white yellow black lmagenta yellow red deftheme hotdog
yellow lgray cyan lmagenta yellow blue deftheme borland
magenta lgray magenta magenta magenta cyan deftheme cga4
( minesweeper board drawing )
: draw-neighbour-count ( b -- )
NEIGHBOUR-MASK & dup col-count
dup if [ key 0 lit ] + else drop [ key lit ] then draw-char ;
: draw-flag ( -- ) col-flag 0x0d draw-char ;
: draw-mine ( -- ) col-mine 0xec draw-char ;
: draw-block ( -- ) col-block 0xb1 draw-char ;
: draw-revealed ( b -- )
dup FMINE & if draw-mine drop else draw-neighbour-count then ;
: draw-hidden ( b -- )
FFLAG & if draw-flag else draw-block then ;
: draw-square ( p -- )
b@ dup FREVEALED & if draw-revealed else draw-hidden then col-grid ;
: boardx ( -- x ) pagew boardw @ 2* 1+ - 2/ ;
: boardy ( -- y ) pageh boardh @ 2* 1+ - 2/ ;
: boardx! ( -- ) boardx textx! ;
: boardy! ( -- ) boardy texty! ;
: next-row ( -- ) nextline boardx! ;
: draw-border ( end mid -- )
boardw @ begin .- 1- dup while over execute repeat drop drop execute next-row ;
: draw-board-top tl ' tr ' dT draw-border ;
: draw-board-bottom bl ' br ' uT draw-border ;
: draw-rowborder rT ' lT ' .+ draw-border ;
: draw-row ( p -- p )
.| begin dup draw-square .| 1+ dup square-pos drop not until next-row ;
: draw-board ( -- ) 0 boxstyle!
col-grid col-bg boardx! boardy! draw-board-top
board begin draw-row dup square-pos valid-pos? while draw-rowborder repeat
drop draw-board-bottom ;
( general-purpose drawing )
: clear [ key lit ] fill-page ;
: emptych? ( ch -- f ) dup 32 = swap 0 = or ;
: drawdot? ( st -- f ) dup b@ emptych? swap 1+ b@ emptych? or not ;
: dot 7 draw-char ;
: sp 32 draw-char ;
: spacer ( st -- ) sp drawdot? if dot else sp then sp ;
: draw-spaced-text ( st -- )
begin dup b@ dup while draw-char dup spacer 1+ repeat drop drop ;
( menu subsystem )
2 cells const menu-optsize
var current-menu
: menu-options current-menu @ cell + 1+ ;
: menu-size current-menu @ cell + b@ ;
: init-menu current-menu @ @ execute ;
: menu-option ( iopt -- p ) menu-optsize * menu-options + ;
0 var, menu-selected
: menu-activate menu-selected @ menu-option cell + @ execute ;
: menu-selected! ( i -- )
dup 0 >= over menu-size < and if menu-selected ! else drop then ;
: menu-selected+! ( di -- ) menu-selected @ + menu-selected! ;
: draw-selection ( iopt -- )
menu-selected @ = if draw-mine else sp then sp ;
: draw-option ( iopt -- ) white fg! menu-option @ draw-text ;
: draw-menu
30 9 textxy!
textx 0 begin dup menu-size < while
dup draw-selection dup draw-option 1+ nextline over textx! repeat
drop drop ;
: await-menu
wait-key key>scan
dup %esc = if leave then
dup %up = if -1 menu-selected+! then
dup %down = if 1 menu-selected+! then
%enter = if menu-activate init-menu then ;
: run-menu
enter init-menu
begin draw-menu await-menu in-progress? not until
uncancel ;
{ :timm defmenu ( itemcount cpinit -- )
CREATE target current-menu !t w>t dup >t menu-optsize * ALLOT DOES}
menu-selected @ >r current-menu @ >r
current-menu ! 0 menu-selected! run-menu
<r current-menu ! <r menu-selected! ;
{ :timm defitem ( cp name iopt -- ) menu-option dup >rot !t cell + !t ; }
( minesweeper game UI )
0 bvar, cursx 0 bvar, cursy
: draw-cursor ( -- )
1 boxstyle! col-curs
cursx b@ 2* boardx + textx!
cursy b@ 2* boardy + texty!
textx tl .- tr nextline textx!
textx .| dup 2 + textx! .| nextline textx!
bl .- br ;
: move-cursor ( dx dy -- )
cursy b@ + swap cursx b@ + swap 2dup valid-pos?
if cursy b! cursx b! else drop drop then ;
: curs@ cursx b@ cursy b@ ;
0x21 const %f
: await-command
wait-key key>scan
dup %esc = if leave then
dup %left = if -1 0 move-cursor then
dup %right = if 1 0 move-cursor then
dup %up = if 0 -1 move-cursor then
dup %down = if 0 1 move-cursor then
dup %f = if curs@ flag-at then
dup %enter = swap %space = or if curs@ reveal-at then ;
: popupbox ( h -- )
20 8 textxy! 0 hstyle! 1 vstyle!
39 swap filled draw-box ;
: result-message ( st x -- )
5 popupbox ( x ) 10 textxy! draw-spaced-text
wait-key drop ;
: fanfare meep moop meep moop meep moop meep ;
: display-result
game-state b@
dup WON = if fanfare green bg! lcyan fg! s" YOU WON" 26 result-message then
LOST = if boom red bg! yellow fg! s" YOU LOST" 25 result-message then ;
2 :noname blue bg! lgray fg! 4 popupbox ; defmenu quitmenu
' leave s" Return to game" 0 defitem
:noname QUIT game-state b! ; s" Quit to title" 1 defitem
: confirm-quit cancelled? if quitmenu then ;
: draw-game draw-board draw-cursor ;
: play enter col-bg clear
begin draw-game await-command confirm-quit in-progress? not until
draw-board display-result enter ;
: start init-board boardw @ 2/ cursx b! boardh @ 2/ cursy b! play ;
( title menu )
array title-text t", SWINE MEEPER"
5 :noname col-bg clear ; defmenu theme-menu
' win31 s" 3.11 for Worksties" 0 defitem
' hotdog s" Pork Sausage Stand" 1 defitem
' borland s" Boarland Turbohog" 2 defitem
' cga4 s" Sowlo Jazz" 3 defitem
' leave s" Done" 4 defitem
20 12 30 minecount ! boardh ! boardw !
: config-game ( boardw boardh minecount -- )
minecount ! boardh ! boardw ! leave ;
3 :noname red bg! clear ; defmenu difficulty-menu
:noname 10 10 10 config-game ; s" Easy ( 10x10, 10 swine )" 0 defitem
:noname 20 12 30 config-game ; s" Moderate ( 20x12, 30 swine )" 1 defitem
:noname 30 12 60 config-game ; s" Hard ( 30x12, 60 swine )" 2 defitem
: draw-title
blue bg! yellow fg! clear
17 3 textxy! title-text draw-spaced-text ;
4 ' draw-title defmenu title-menu
' start s" Start Game" 0 defitem
' difficulty-menu s" Difficulty" 1 defitem
' theme-menu s" Themes" 2 defitem
' leave s" Quit" 3 defitem
: title install-timer textmode reseed! hidecursor
textmode uninstall-timer ;
' title ' main redefine
{ s" swine.com" writecom }