help text, improve mode-swapping, fast drop, start in-game

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Penner 2022-04-24 23:23:52 -04:00
parent 760815c865
commit 2729b438e5
6 changed files with 52 additions and 16 deletions

View file

@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
:names []
: std-handlers})
(fn modes.cycle [self]
(set self.mode-index (+ self.mode-index 1))
(when (> self.mode-index (length self.names))
(fn modes.cycle [self ?name]
(set self.mode-index (if ?name (lume.find self.names ?name) (+ self.mode-index 1)))
(when (or (not self.mode-index) (> self.mode-index (length self.names)))
(set self.mode-index 1))
(self:switch (self:current)))

View file

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
Welcome to Edtris, the Editable Tetris!
This game has a text editor built into it! You are looking at an editor
called "lite", which is written in Lua and has been ported to run inside
the love2d game engine.
This game has a text editor built into it! It is called "lite", and
is written in Lua and has been ported to run inside the love2d game engine.
Edtris is written in Fennel, which is a language in the Lisp family
that compiles to Lua.
@ -32,9 +31,9 @@ to say
At any time, you can press "E" to come back to this editor and try new things.
Feel free to experiment!
* What happens if you make the well bigger?
* What happens if you make the well deeper? Wider? A different shape?
* What happens if you remove the walls of the well?
* Can you draw a picture in the well?
* Can you turn the well into a picture?
If you like, you can also run the game and the editor at the same time!
If you press Ctrl-Shift-P, type "game" and press enter, a new tab will

View file

@ -22,6 +22,17 @@
(let [xnext (/ dim.tilesize 2)
xwell (* dim.tilesize 5)
current (rules.current-tetromino)]
( 1 1 1 1)
( 22)
( "Next:" dim.tilesize 0)
( 18)
( "Controls:
<- / -> = move
down = drop
spc = fast drop
Z/X/up = rotate
R = reset
E = edit" (/ dim.tilesize 3) (* dim.tilesize 5))
(map.draw-tilemap xwell 0 state.well tiles.tetristile)
(map.draw-tilemap xnext dim.tilesize (rules.tetromino 1) tiles.tetristile)
(when current

View file

@ -132,11 +132,18 @@
stopped (Rules.collides? tetromino x y)]
(if (and stopped (not= dy 0)) ; dropping
(do ( tetromino state.current.x state.current.y)
(not stopped)
(do (set state.current.x x)
(set state.current.y y))))))
(set state.current.y y)
(fn Rules.drop-piece []
(while (not= (Rules.try-move-piece 0 1) :placed)))
(fn Rules.rotate [di]
(when state.current
@ -166,14 +173,19 @@
(let [modes (require :editor.lovemode)
core (require :core)
filename "game/state.fnl"
ldoc (core.open_doc filename)
f ( filename :w)]
(f:write (fv state))
(core.root_view:open_doc (core.open_doc filename))))
(modes:cycle :editor)
; ensure existing state.fnl opens
(each [_ view (ipairs (core.root_view.root_node:get_children))]
(when (= view.doc ldoc) (core.set_active_view view)))
(core.root_view:open_doc ldoc)))
(set Rules.commands
{:move Rules.try-move-piece
:drop Rules.drop-piece
:rotate Rules.rotate
:reset Rules.reset-game
:edit Rules.edit-game})
@ -182,9 +194,10 @@
{:left [:move -1 0]
:right [:move 1 0]
:down [:move 0 1]
:up [:rotate 1]
:z [:rotate -1]
:x [:rotate 1]
:up [:rotate -1]
:space [:drop]
:z [:rotate 1]
:x [:rotate -1]
:r [:reset]
:e [:edit]})

View file

@ -1 +1 @@

View file

@ -32,4 +32,17 @@
"alt+u" "fennel:unload-macro"
(set love.load
(fn []
(local modes (require :editor.lovemode))
(let [f ( "game/state.fnl" :w)]
(f:write "{}")
(core.root_view:open_doc (core.open_doc "edtris.txt"))
(: (core.root_view:get_active_node) :split :right)
(core.root_view:open_doc (core.open_doc "game/state.fnl"))
(modes:cycle :game)))