More accurate multitile previews

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Penner 2020-11-22 12:16:48 -05:00
parent ffdef1485a
commit 30045823e1
3 changed files with 97 additions and 74 deletions

View file

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
( :line (- tilex 2) (- tiley 2) (+ tilew 4) (+ tileh 4)))
(when (button self [:tile itile] tilex tiley tilew tileh)
(set self.itile itile))
(set tilex (+ tilex tilew))
(set tilex (+ tilex tilew 4))
(when (>= (+ tilex tilew) (+ x w))
(set tilex x)
(set tiley (+ tiley tileh 4)))))

View file

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
(local GraphicsEditView (require :editor.gfxedit))
(local GraphicsEditView (require :editor.gfxedit))
(local style (require
(local util (require :lib.util))
(local lume (require :lib.lume))
(local {: mouse-inside : activate : active? : checkbox : textfield : textbutton} (util.require :editor.imstate))
(local {: tilestrip-to-sprite} (util.require :editor.tiledraw))
(local MapEditView (GraphicsEditView:extend))
(local sprite-scale 3)
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@
(fn [self]
( self)
(set self.sprite-scale sprite-scale)
(set self.stripcache {})
; map is stored bottom-to-top
@ -74,38 +76,54 @@
( :line xEnd yEnd (/ tilew 5))
( 1 1 1)))
(fn MapEditView.draw-tilestrip [self x y my]
; stripcache leaks but honestly who cares
(local tilestrip [])
(var stripid "")
(for [mx 1 mapw]
(local itile (self:itile-from-xy mx my))
(local tile (. self.tilecache.tiles itile :gfx))
(table.insert tilestrip tile)
(set stripid (.. stripid (string.char itile))))
(var sprite (. self.stripcache stripid))
(when (= sprite nil)
(set sprite (tilestrip-to-sprite tilestrip))
(tset self.stripcache stripid sprite))
( sprite x y 0 self.sprite-scale self.sprite-scale))
(fn MapEditView.draw-map-editor [self x y]
(activate self :map x y (* tilew mapw) (* tileh maph))
(var iobject-over nil)
(for [mx 1 mapw] (for [my 1 maph]
(local tilex (+ x (* (- mx 1) tilew)))
(for [my 1 maph]
(local tiley (+ y (* (- my 1) tileh)))
(local itile (self:itile-from-xy mx my))
(local iobject (self:iobject-from-xy mx my))
(self:draw-sprite tilex tiley itile)
(when (and (not= iobject nil) (= self.itile nil))
( 1 0 (if (and (= self.itile nil) (= iobject self.iobject)) 1 0))
( 3)
( :line tilex tiley tilew tileh)
( 1 1 1))
(when (and (mouse-inside tilex tiley tilew tileh) (not= iobject nil))
(set iobject-over iobject))
(when (and self.itile (active? self :map) (mouse-inside tilex tiley tilew tileh) (not= itile self.itile))
(self:set-tile mx my self.itile))
(when (and (= self.itile nil) (active? self :map) (mouse-inside tilex tiley tilew tileh))
(match self.imstate.left
:pressed (set self.iobject-linking iobject)
(if (and (not= iobject nil) (= self.iobject-linking iobject))
(set self.iobject iobject)
(self:draw-tilestrip x tiley my)
(for [mx 1 mapw]
(local tilex (+ x (* (- mx 1) tilew)))
(local itile (self:itile-from-xy mx my))
(local iobject (self:iobject-from-xy mx my))
(when (and (not= iobject nil) (= self.itile nil))
( 1 0 (if (and (= self.itile nil) (= iobject self.iobject)) 1 0))
( 3)
( :line tilex tiley tilew tileh)
( 1 1 1))
(when (and (mouse-inside tilex tiley tilew tileh) (not= iobject nil))
(set iobject-over iobject))
(when (and self.itile (active? self :map) (mouse-inside tilex tiley tilew tileh) (not= itile self.itile))
(self:set-tile mx my self.itile))
(when (and (= self.itile nil) (active? self :map) (mouse-inside tilex tiley tilew tileh))
(match self.imstate.left
:pressed (set self.iobject-linking iobject)
(if (and (not= iobject nil) (= self.iobject-linking iobject))
(set self.iobject iobject)
(not= self.iobject-linking nil)
(tset (self:linking-obj) :link iobject)
(not= self.iobject-linking nil)
(tset (self:linking-obj) :link iobject)
(= iobject nil)
(let [tile (self.tilecache:tile itile)]
(table.insert self.level.objects {:x mx :y my :func (or tile.word "")})
(set self.iobject (length self.level.objects))))))))
(= iobject nil)
(let [tile (self.tilecache:tile itile)]
(table.insert self.level.objects {:x mx :y my :func (or tile.word "")})
(set self.iobject (length self.level.objects))))))))
(when (= self.itile nil)
(for [iobject 1 (length self.level.objects)]
(self:draw-link-line x y iobject [0 0 1 0.3]))

View file

@ -13,65 +13,69 @@
(fn make-canvas [w h f]
(local canvas ( w h))
(local prevcanvas (
(canvas:setFilter :nearest :nearest)
(local scissor [(])
( canvas)
( 0 0 0)
(f canvas)
( prevcanvas)
( (table.unpack scissor))
( 1 1 1 1)
(fn tile-to-sprite [tile]
(make-canvas 14 16 (fn [canvas]
(fn draw-byte [bytes ibyte xoffset y ?state ?prevpal]
(local byte (string.byte (bytes:sub ibyte ibyte)))
(var prevstate nil)
(var state (or ?state :off))
(var pal [(pal-from-byte byte)])
(var prevpal (or ?prevpal pal))
(for [bitx 0 6]
(local x (+ bitx xoffset))
(local bit (not= 0 ( byte (bit.lshift 1 bitx))))
(local prevart (. prevpal (+ 1 (% x 2))))
(local art (. pal (+ 1 (% x 2))))
(set prevstate state)
(set prevpal pal)
(set state
(match [prevstate bit]
[:off false] :off
[:off true] :rising
[:rising false] :falling
[:rising true] :on
[:falling false] :off
[:falling true] :rising
[:on true] :on
[:on false] :falling))
(local white [255 255 255])
(local (prevcolor color)
(match [prevstate state]
[_ :on] (values white white)
[:off :rising] (values nil art)
[:falling :rising] (values prevart art)))
(putpixel (- x 1) y prevcolor)
(putpixel x y color))
(values state pal))
(fn tilestrip-to-sprite [tiles]
(make-canvas (* 14 (length tiles)) 16 (fn [canvas]
(for [y 0 15]
(local byte1 (string.byte (tile:sub (+ y 1) (+ y 1))))
(local byte2 (string.byte (tile:sub (+ y 17) (+ y 17))))
(local pal1 [(pal-from-byte byte1)])
(local pal2 [(pal-from-byte byte2)])
(var prevstate :off)
(var state :off)
(for [x 0 13]
(local byte (if (< x 7) byte1 byte2))
(local bitx (if (< x 7) x (- x 7)))
(local bit (not= 0 ( byte (bit.lshift 1 bitx))))
(local prevpal (if (< x 8) pal1 pal2))
(local pal (if (< x 7) pal1 pal2))
(local prevart (. prevpal (+ 1 (% x 2))))
(local art (. pal (+ 1 (% x 2))))
(set prevstate state)
(set state
(match [prevstate bit]
[:off false] :off
[:off true] :rising
[:rising false] :falling
[:rising true] :on
[:falling false] :off
[:falling true] :rising
[:on true] :on
[:on false] :falling))
(local white [255 255 255])
(local (prevcolor color)
(match [prevstate state]
[_ :on] (values white white)
[:off :rising] (values nil art)
[:falling :rising] (values prevart art)))
(putpixel (- x 1) y prevcolor)
(putpixel x y color))))))
(var state nil)
(var prevpal nil)
(each [itile tile (ipairs tiles)]
(local x (* (- itile 1) 14))
(set (state prevpal) (draw-byte tile (+ y 1) x y state prevpal))
(set (state prevpal) (draw-byte tile (+ y 17) (+ x 7) y state prevpal)))))))
(fn tile-to-sprite [tile] (tilestrip-to-sprite [tile]))
(fn portrait-to-sprite [gfx]
(print "generating portrait")
(local tl (tile-to-sprite (gfx:sub 1 32)))
(local bl (tile-to-sprite (gfx:sub 33 64)))
(local tr (tile-to-sprite (gfx:sub 65 96)))
(local br (tile-to-sprite (gfx:sub 97 128)))
(local top (tilestrip-to-sprite [(gfx:sub 1 32) (gfx:sub 65 96)]))
(local bottom (tilestrip-to-sprite [(gfx:sub 33 64) (gfx:sub 97 128)]))
(make-canvas 28 32 (fn [canvas]
( tl 0 0)
( bl 0 16)
( tr 14 0)
( br 14 16))))
( top 0 0)
( bottom 0 16))))
(fn TileCache [tiles ?spritegen]
{: tiles
@ -97,4 +101,5 @@
(tset self.tilesprites itile (self.spritegen (. self.tiles itile :gfx))))
(. self.tilesprites itile))})
{: tile-to-sprite : portrait-to-sprite : pal-from-bit : pal-from-byte : TileCache}
{: tile-to-sprite : tilestrip-to-sprite : portrait-to-sprite : pal-from-bit : pal-from-byte : TileCache}