Slides can now open custom views

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Penner 2021-07-02 11:49:36 -04:00
parent c6f3f415b9
commit 3a70705efc

View file

@ -3,6 +3,12 @@
(local {: parse} (util.require :presentation.engine))
(local core (require :core))
(local style (require
(local TileEditView (require :editor.tileedit))
(local MapEditView (require :editor.mapedit))
(local PortraitEditView (require :editor.portraitedit))
(local FontEditView (require :editor.fontedit))
(local ScreenEditView (require :editor.screenedit))
(local h
{:style true
:font (renderer.font.load "presentation/font/PrintChar21.ttf" (* 64 SCALE))
@ -26,15 +32,19 @@
node (root:get_node_for_view view)]
(when node (node:close_active_view root))))
(fn split-and-open [f ?split]
(let [focused-view core.active_view
focused-node (core.root_view:get_active_node)
_ (when ?split (focused-node:split ?split))
view (f)
node (core.root_view:get_active_node)]
(when (= (core.root_view.root_node:get_node_for_view view) nil) (node:add_view view))
(when ?split (core.set_active_view focused-view)) ; don't switch focus
#(view-cleanup view)))
(fn openview [f ?split] {:action #(split-and-open f ?split)})
(fn openfile [filename ?split]
{:action (fn []
(let [focused-view core.active_view
d (core.open_doc filename)
focused-node (core.root_view:get_active_node)
node (when ?split (focused-node:split ?split))
view (core.root_view:open_doc d)]
(when ?split (core.set_active_view focused-view)) ; don't switch focus
#(view-cleanup view)))})
(openview #(core.root_view:open_doc (core.open_doc filename)) ?split))
(parse [
[h "" "" ""
@ -74,7 +84,7 @@
" :loop [:bne :loop]"
"Lexical scope with nested blocks"
" [:block :loop (generate-loop-code) [:bne :loop]]"]
; ;; DEMO before tech dive
; ;; DEMO before tech dive??
[h "Wait WTF Is An Assembler"
** "It's just converting mnemonics to bytes, right?"
{:image "presentation/pics/assembly-markup.png" :justify :center :pause-after true}
@ -94,5 +104,29 @@
"\"Immediate words\" can be Fennel functions that generate code!"]
[h "Extensible Assembler??"
** "How do you turn code into bytes?"
" [:vm 1 2 :+ :.]"]
" [:vm 1 2 :+ :.]"
" (vm:if [:do-true-thing] [:do-false-thing])"
"I can even do short-circuiting OR!"
" (vm:if-or [[:dup 1 :=] [:dup 3 :=]] [:do-true-thing] [:do-false-thing])"]
[h "Step 3: Tooling And Workflow"
** "I want an environment that makes it easy to make graphical tools"
"I'm SO tired of web tech"
"Could LÖVE2D with an imgui work?"]
[h "lite"
** "A small, highly-extensible text editor written in Lua"
"Backend is SDL"
"Could I rewrite it to run under LÖVE2D?"
" Yes! In a weekend!"]
[h "Custom Editors"
** "14x16 tile editor"
(openview #(TileEditView))
"Font editor"
(openview #(FontEditView))
"Portrait editor"
(openview #(PortraitEditView))
"Map editor"
(openview #(MapEditView))
"Screen editor"
(lume.merge (openview #(ScreenEditView :neuttower/title.screen)) {:pause-after true})]