move 8bitsy editor to new imgui, add label widget

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Penner 2021-12-24 17:08:01 -06:00
parent 8aa79a4c2d
commit 45e78e298e
4 changed files with 97 additions and 87 deletions

View file

@ -1,41 +1,40 @@
(local util (require :lib.util))
(local actions (require :editor.actions))
(local {: textbox : dropdown : textfield} (util.require :editor.imstate))
(local {: textbox : dropdown : textfield : label : under : right-of : reform : group-wrapper} (util.require :editor.imgui))
(local files (require :game.files))
(local lume (require :lib.lume))
(local style (require
(actions.register :say
(fn [action view x y w i]
(let [characters ( #$1.label)
(fn [action form i]
(let [characters ( (or []) #$1.label)
character (or action.character (. characters 1))
lines (or action.lines [])
(character y) (dropdown view [:say :char i] character characters x (+ y style.padding.y) w)
(line1 y) (textbox view [:say :line1 i] (or (. lines 1) "") x (+ y style.padding.y) w)
(line2 y) (textbox view [:say :line2 i] (or (. lines 2) "") x y w)
(line3 y) (textbox view [:say :line3 i] (or (. lines 3) "") x y w)
(line4 y) (textbox view [:say :line4 i] (or (. lines 4) "") x y w)]
character (dropdown (under form {:tag [:say :char i] :w form.w}) character characters)
line1 (textbox (under form {:tag [:say :line1 i] :w form.w}) (or (. lines 1) ""))
line2 (textbox (under form {:tag [:say :line2 i] :w form.w}) (or (. lines 2) ""))
line3 (textbox (under form {:tag [:say :line3 i] :w form.w}) (or (. lines 3) ""))
line4 (textbox (under form {:tag [:say :line4 i] :w form.w}) (or (. lines 4) ""))]
(set action.character character)
(util.nested-tset action [:lines 1] (line1:sub 1 33))
(util.nested-tset action [:lines 2] (line2:sub 1 33))
(util.nested-tset action [:lines 3] (line3:sub 1 33))
(util.nested-tset action [:lines 4] (line4:sub 1 33))
(util.nested-tset action [:lines 4] (line4:sub 1 33))))
(fn [action vm]
(local {: say} (require :bitsy.defs))
(say action.character (table.unpack ( action.lines #($1:upper))))))
(actions.register :warp
(fn [action view x y w i]
(let [maps (icollect [imap _ (ipairs] (.. :map imap))
(fn [action form i]
(let [g (group-wrapper form)
maps (icollect [imap _ (ipairs] (.. :map imap))
map (or (. maps 1))
y (+ y style.padding.y)
map (dropdown view [:warp :map i] map maps x y (* 100 SCALE))
(position-string y) (textbox view [:warp :loc i] (string.format "%x" (or action.position 0)) (+ x (* 150 SCALE)) y (* 150 SCALE))
map (g dropdown (under form {:tag [:warp :map i] :w (- (/ form.w 2) form.xpad)}) map maps)
position-string (g textbox (right-of form {:tag [:warp :loc i] :w form.w}) (string.format "%x" (or action.position 0)))
position (or (tonumber position-string 16) action.position)]
(set map)
(set action.position position)
(fn [action vm]
(values :move-to-responder action.position :lit :map-player-yx-ptr :set :lit :next-level :set)))
@ -43,20 +42,17 @@
(actions.register-const :disappear :disappear)
(actions.register :set-flag
(fn [action view x y w i]
(let [y (+ y style.padding.y)
x (renderer.draw_text style.font "Set " x y style.text)
flag (or action.flag (. 1))
flag (dropdown view [:set-flag :flag i] flag x y (* 100 SCALE))
x (renderer.draw_text style.font " to " (+ x (* 100 SCALE)) y style.text)
(fn [action form i]
(let [g (group-wrapper form)
options (lume.concat
[{:label "<Yes>" :value 0xffff} {:label "<No>" :value 0}]
(icollect [_ flag (ipairs] {:label flag :value (.. :cond- flag)}))
rhs (or action.rhs (. options 1))
(rhs y) (dropdown view [:set-flag :rhs i] rhs options x y (* 100 SCALE))]
(set action.flag flag)
(set action.rhs rhs)
rhs (or action.rhs (. options 1))]
(g label (reform form) "Set ")
(set action.flag (g dropdown (right-of form {:tag [:set-flag :flag i] :w (* 100 SCALE)}) action.flag
(g label (right-of form) " to ")
(set action.rhs (g dropdown (right-of form {:tag [:set-flag :rhs i] :w (* 100 SCALE)}) rhs options))
(fn [action vm]
(values action.rhs.value (.. :cond-var- action.flag) :set)))

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(set actions.edit (defmulti #$1.action :edit ...))
(set actions.generate (defmulti #$1.action :generate ...))
(defmethod actions.edit :default (fn [action view x y w i] y))
(defmethod actions.edit :default (fn [action form i]))
(fn actions.register [key edit generate]
(when (= actions.actionlist nil)
@ -18,6 +18,6 @@
(defmethod actions.generate key generate))
(fn actions.register-const [key generated-value]
(actions.register key (fn [action view x y w i] y) #generated-value))
(actions.register key (fn [action form i]) #generated-value))

View file

@ -97,12 +97,7 @@
(fn set-cursor [view cursor]
(when (= view.cursor nil) (set view.cursor cursor)))
(fn active? [view tag] (= (make-tag tag)))
(fn button [{: view : tag : x : y : w : h &as form}]
(when (mouse-inside x y w h) (set-cursor view :hand))
(activate form)
(and (active? view tag) (= view.imstate.left :released) (mouse-inside x y w h)))
;; styling and layout
(fn form-defaults [form k v ...]
(when (= (. form k) nil)
(let [v (if (= (type v) :function) (v form) v)]
@ -114,6 +109,71 @@
(fn with-style [form ...]
(form-defaults form :font style.font :color style.text :xpad style.padding.x :ypad style.padding.y ...))
(local form-preserved-keys (collect [_ key (ipairs [:view :x :y :font :color :xpad :ypad])] key true))
(fn reform [form overrides]
(if (and overrides overrides.into (not= overrides.into form))
(reform (lume.extend (lume.clear overrides.into) form) overrides)
(do (each [key (pairs form)]
(when (= (. form-preserved-keys key) nil)
(tset form key nil)))
(lume.extend form (or overrides {})))))
(fn under [form overrides] (reform form (lume.merge (or overrides {}) {:y (+ form.y (or form.h 0) (or form.ypad 0))})))
(fn right-of [form overrides] (reform form (lume.merge (or overrides {}) {:x (+ form.x (or form.w 0) (or form.xpad 0))})))
(fn group-wrapper [orig-form]
(let [group {}
(fn [form coord-key size-key]
(let [coord-group (. group coord-key) size-group (. group size-key)
coord-form (. form coord-key) size-form (. form size-key)]
(if (= coord-group nil) ; container takes on the size of its first item
(do (tset group coord-key coord-form)
(tset group size-key size-form))
(> coord-group coord-form) ; we have an item that is outside the bounds to the left / up; reduce the starting point and extend the size
(do (tset group coord-key coord-form)
(tset group size-key (- (math.max (+ coord-form size-form) (+ coord-group size-group)) coord-form)))
; extend the size if the new item is outside the bounds to the right / down
(tset group size-key (- (math.max (+ coord-form size-form) (+ coord-group size-group)) coord-group)))
update-dimensions (fn [form] (update-dimension form :x :w) (update-dimension form :y :h))]
(fn [?viewfn-or-form ?form ...]
(match [(type ?viewfn-or-form) ?viewfn-or-form]
[:function viewfn] (let [result [(viewfn ?form ...)]]
(update-dimensions ?form)
(table.unpack result))
[:table form] (update-dimensions form)
[:nil] (do (lume.extend orig-form group)
(lume.clear group)
(fn horiz-wrapper [{:x orig-x :w orig-w}]
(fn [{: x : y : w : h : xpad : ypad &as form} overrides]
(if (> (+ x (or w 0) xpad (or w 0)) (+ orig-x orig-w))
(reform form (lume.merge (or overrides {}) {:x orig-x :y (+ y (or h 0) (or ypad 0))}))
(right-of form overrides))))
;; widgets and widget helpers
(fn active? [view tag] (= (make-tag tag)))
(fn button [{: view : tag : x : y : w : h &as form}]
(when (mouse-inside x y w h) (set-cursor view :hand))
(activate form)
(and (active? view tag) (= view.imstate.left :released) (mouse-inside x y w h)))
(fn label [form text]
(let [{: x : y : w : h : halign : valign : font : color}
(with-style form
:w #($1.font:get_width text)
:h #($1.font:get_height)
:halign :left
:valign :center)
x (match halign :left x :center (+ x (/ (- w (font:get_width text)) 2)) :right (+ x w (- (font:get_width text))))
y (match valign :top y :center (+ y (/ (- h (font:get_height)) 2)) :bottom (+ y h (- (font:get_height))))]
(renderer.draw_text font text x y color)))
(fn textbutton [form label]
(let [{: x : y : w : h : xpad : ypad : font : color : bg}
(with-style form
@ -317,55 +377,8 @@
(set form.h form-dropdown.h)
(local form-preserved-keys (collect [_ key (ipairs [:view :x :y :font :color :xpad :ypad])] key true))
(fn reform [form overrides]
(if (and overrides overrides.into (not= overrides.into form))
(reform (lume.extend (lume.clear overrides.into) form) overrides)
(do (each [key (pairs form)]
(when (= (. form-preserved-keys key) nil)
(tset form key nil)))
(lume.extend form (or overrides {})))))
(fn under [form overrides] (reform form (lume.merge (or overrides {}) {:y (+ form.y (or form.h 0) (or form.ypad 0))})))
(fn right-of [form overrides] (reform form (lume.merge (or overrides {}) {:x (+ form.x (or form.w 0) (or form.xpad 0))})))
(fn group-wrapper [orig-form]
(let [group {}
(fn [form coord-key size-key]
(let [coord-group (. group coord-key) size-group (. group size-key)
coord-form (. form coord-key) size-form (. form size-key)]
(if (= coord-group nil) ; container takes on the size of its first item
(do (tset group coord-key coord-form)
(tset group size-key size-form))
(> coord-group coord-form) ; we have an item that is outside the bounds to the left / up; reduce the starting point and extend the size
(do (tset group coord-key coord-form)
(tset group size-key (- (math.max (+ coord-form size-form) (+ coord-group size-group)) coord-form)))
; extend the size if the new item is outside the bounds to the right / down
(tset group size-key (- (math.max (+ coord-form size-form) (+ coord-group size-group)) coord-group)))
update-dimensions (fn [form] (update-dimension form :x :w) (update-dimension form :y :h))]
(fn [?viewfn-or-form ?form ...]
(match [(type ?viewfn-or-form) ?viewfn-or-form]
[:function viewfn] (let [result [(viewfn ?form ...)]]
(update-dimensions ?form)
(table.unpack result))
[:table form] (update-dimensions form)
[:nil] (do (lume.extend orig-form group)
(lume.clear group)
(fn horiz-wrapper [{:x orig-x :w orig-w}]
(fn [{: x : y : w : h : xpad : ypad &as form} overrides]
(if (> (+ x (or w 0) xpad (or w 0)) (+ orig-x orig-w))
(reform form (lume.merge (or overrides {}) {:x orig-x :y (+ y (or h 0) (or ypad 0))}))
(right-of form overrides))))
{: attach-imstate : cmd-predicate : postpone : mouse-inside : activate : active?
: button : checkbox : textbox : textfield : textbutton : dropdown : labelled-dropdown
: button : checkbox : textbox : textfield : textbutton : dropdown : labelled-dropdown : label
: reform : under : right-of : horiz-wrapper : group-wrapper
: with-style : form-defaults}

View file

@ -231,11 +231,12 @@
(var istep-to-delete nil)
(when (not object.steps) (set object.steps []))
(each [istep step (ipairs object.steps)]
(when (textbutton (reform form {:x (+ form.x (* 280 SCALE))}) "X")
(when (textbutton (reform form {:x (+ form.x (* 280 SCALE)) :into {}}) "X")
(set istep-to-delete istep))
(set step.condition (. (dropdown (reform form {:x (+ form.x (* 100 SCALE)) :w (* 100 SCALE) :tag [:code-condition istep]}) (condition-label step.condition) (condition-options)) :flag))
(set step.action (dropdown (under form {:w (* 100 SCALE) :tag [:code-action istep]}) (or step.action (. actions.actionlist 1)) actions.actionlist))
(actions.edit (under form {:w (* 300 SCALE)}) istep))
(set step.condition (. (dropdown (reform form {:x (+ form.x (* 150 SCALE)) :w (* 100 SCALE) :tag [:code-condition istep] :into {}}) (condition-label step.condition) (condition-options)) :flag))
(set step.action (dropdown (reform form {:w (* 100 SCALE) :tag [:code-action istep]}) (or step.action (. actions.actionlist 1)) actions.actionlist))
(actions.edit step (under form {:w (* 300 SCALE)}) istep)
(under form))
(when istep-to-delete (table.remove object.steps istep-to-delete))
(when (textbutton (under form) "+ New Step")
(table.insert object.steps {})))