Upgrade to Fennel 0.9.2

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Penner 2021-08-02 14:48:01 -04:00
parent ad219ba221
commit 5bf35209be

View file

@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.repl"] = package.preload["fennel.repl"] or function(...)
if parse_ok_3f then
local _4_0, _5_0 = pcall(compiler.compile, x, {["assert-compile"] = opts["assert-compile"], ["parse-error"] = opts["parse-error"], correlate = opts.correlate, moduleName = opts.moduleName, scope = scope, source = src_string, useMetadata = opts.useMetadata})
local _4_0, _5_0 = pcall(compiler.compile, x, {["assert-compile"] = opts["assert-compile"], ["parse-error"] = opts["parse-error"], correlate = opts.correlate, moduleName = opts.moduleName, scope = scope, source = src_string, useBitLib = opts.useBitLib, useMetadata = opts.useMetadata})
if ((_4_0 == false) and (nil ~= _5_0)) then
local msg = _5_0
@ -1202,6 +1202,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or funct
SPECIALS.each = function(ast, scope, parent)
compiler.assert((#ast >= 3), "expected body expression", ast[1])
local binding = compiler.assert(utils["table?"](ast[2]), "expected binding table", ast)
local _ = compiler.assert((2 <= #binding), "expected binding and iterator", binding)
local until_condition = remove_until_condition(binding)
local iter = table.remove(binding, #binding)
local destructures = {}
@ -1876,7 +1877,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
_0_ = 0
return {autogensyms = {}, depth = _0_, hashfn = (parent0 and parent0.hashfn), includes = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.includes)}), macros = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.macros)}), manglings = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.manglings)}), parent = parent0, refedglobals = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.refedglobals)}), specials = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.specials)}), symmeta = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.symmeta)}), unmanglings = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.unmanglings)}), vararg = (parent0 and parent0.vararg)}
return {autogensyms = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.autogensyms)}), depth = _0_, gensyms = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.gensyms)}), hashfn = (parent0 and parent0.hashfn), includes = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.includes)}), macros = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.macros)}), manglings = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.manglings)}), parent = parent0, refedglobals = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.refedglobals)}), specials = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.specials)}), symmeta = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.symmeta)}), unmanglings = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.unmanglings)}), vararg = (parent0 and parent0.vararg)}
local function assert_msg(ast, msg)
local ast_tbl = nil
@ -1950,11 +1951,11 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local allowed_globals = nil
local function global_allowed(name)
local function global_allowed_3f(name)
return (not allowed_globals or utils["member?"](name, allowed_globals))
local function unique_mangling(original, mangling, scope, append)
if scope.unmanglings[mangling] then
if (scope.unmanglings[mangling] and not scope.gensyms[mangling]) then
return unique_mangling(original, (original .. append), scope, (append + 1))
return mangling
@ -2010,6 +2011,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
append = (append + 1)
scope.unmanglings[mangling] = (base or true)
scope.gensyms[mangling] = true
return mangling
local function autogensym(base, scope)
@ -2068,7 +2070,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
if (local_3f and scope.symmeta[parts[1]]) then
scope.symmeta[parts[1]]["used"] = true
assert_compile((not reference_3f or local_3f or global_allowed(parts[1])), ("unknown global in strict mode: " .. tostring(parts[1])), symbol)
assert_compile((not reference_3f or local_3f or ("_ENV" == parts[1]) or global_allowed_3f(parts[1])), ("unknown global in strict mode: " .. tostring(parts[1])), symbol)
if (allowed_globals and not local_3f) then
utils.root.scope.refedglobals[parts[1]] = true
@ -2102,7 +2104,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local m = getmetatable(ast)
return ((m and m.line and m) or (("table" == type(ast)) and ast) or {})
local function flatten_chunk_correlated(main_chunk)
local function flatten_chunk_correlated(main_chunk, options)
local function flatten(chunk, out, last_line, file)
local last_line0 = last_line
if chunk.leaf then
@ -2111,7 +2113,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
for _, subchunk in ipairs(chunk) do
if (subchunk.leaf or (#subchunk > 0)) then
local source = ast_source(subchunk.ast)
if (file == source.file) then
if (file == source.filename) then
last_line0 = math.max(last_line0, (source.line or 0))
last_line0 = flatten(subchunk, out, last_line0, file)
@ -2121,7 +2123,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
return last_line0
local out = {}
local last = flatten(main_chunk, out, 1, main_chunk.file)
local last = flatten(main_chunk, out, 1, options.filename)
for i = 1, last do
if (out[i] == nil) then
out[i] = ""
@ -2178,7 +2180,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local function flatten(chunk, options)
local chunk0 = peephole(chunk)
if options.correlate then
return flatten_chunk_correlated(chunk0), {}
return flatten_chunk_correlated(chunk0, options), {}
local sm = {}
local ret = flatten_chunk(sm, chunk0, options.indent, 0)
@ -2222,20 +2224,21 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local function exprs1(exprs)
return table.concat(utils.map(exprs, 1), ", ")
local function disambiguate_parens(code, chunk)
if (code:byte() == 40) then
return ("do end " .. code)
return code
local function keep_side_effects(exprs, chunk, start, ast)
for j = (start or 1), #exprs do
local start0 = (start or 1)
for j = start0, #exprs do
local se = exprs[j]
if ((se.type == "expression") and (se[1] ~= "nil")) then
emit(chunk, string.format("do local _ = %s end", tostring(se)), ast)
elseif (se.type == "statement") then
emit(chunk, disambiguate_parens(tostring(se), chunk), ast)
local code = tostring(se)
local disambiguated = nil
if (code:byte() == 40) then
disambiguated = ("do end " .. code)
disambiguated = code
emit(chunk, disambiguated, ast)
return nil
@ -2353,7 +2356,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local function compile_function_call(ast, scope, parent, opts, compile1, len)
local fargs = {}
local fcallee = compile1(ast[1], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]
assert_compile((fcallee.type ~= "literal"), ("cannot call literal value " .. tostring(ast[1])), ast)
assert_compile((("string" == type(ast[1])) or (fcallee.type ~= "literal")), ("cannot call literal value " .. tostring(ast[1])), ast)
for i = 2, len do
local subexprs = nil
local _0_
@ -2372,7 +2375,13 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
keep_side_effects(subexprs, parent, 2, ast[i])
local call = string.format("%s(%s)", tostring(fcallee), exprs1(fargs))
local pat = nil
if ("string" == type(ast[1])) then
pat = "(%s)(%s)"
pat = "%s(%s)"
local call = string.format(pat, tostring(fcallee), exprs1(fargs))
return handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(call, "statement")}, parent, opts, ast)
local function compile_call(ast, scope, parent, opts, compile1)
@ -2749,7 +2758,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or funct
local function traceback(msg, start)
local msg0 = (msg or "")
local msg0 = tostring((msg or ""))
if ((msg0:find("^Compile error") or msg0:find("^Parse error")) and not utils["debug-on?"]("trace")) then
return msg0
@ -2888,7 +2897,7 @@ package.preload["fennel.friend"] = package.preload["fennel.friend"] or function(
local m = getmetatable(ast)
return ((m and m.line and m) or (("table" == type(ast)) and ast) or {})
local suggestions = {["$ and $... in hashfn are mutually exclusive"] = {"modifying the hashfn so it only contains $... or $, $1, $2, $3, etc"}, ["can't start multisym segment with a digit"] = {"removing the digit", "adding a non-digit before the digit"}, ["cannot call literal value"] = {"checking for typos", "checking for a missing function name"}, ["could not compile value of type "] = {"debugging the macro you're calling to return a list or table"}, ["could not read number (.*)"] = {"removing the non-digit character", "beginning the identifier with a non-digit if it is not meant to be a number"}, ["expected a function.* to call"] = {"removing the empty parentheses", "using square brackets if you want an empty table"}, ["expected binding table"] = {"placing a table here in square brackets containing identifiers to bind"}, ["expected body expression"] = {"putting some code in the body of this form after the bindings"}, ["expected each macro to be function"] = {"ensuring that the value for each key in your macros table contains a function", "avoid defining nested macro tables"}, ["expected even number of name/value bindings"] = {"finding where the identifier or value is missing"}, ["expected even number of values in table literal"] = {"removing a key", "adding a value"}, ["expected local"] = {"looking for a typo", "looking for a local which is used out of its scope"}, ["expected macros to be table"] = {"ensuring your macro definitions return a table"}, ["expected parameters"] = {"adding function parameters as a list of identifiers in brackets"}, ["expected rest argument before last parameter"] = {"moving & to right before the final identifier when destructuring"}, ["expected symbol for function parameter: (.*)"] = {"changing %s to an identifier instead of a literal value"}, ["expected var (.*)"] = {"declaring %s using var instead of let/local", "introducing a new local instead of changing the value of %s"}, ["expected vararg as last parameter"] = {"moving the \"...\" to the end of the parameter list"}, ["expected whitespace before opening delimiter"] = {"adding whitespace"}, ["global (.*) conflicts with local"] = {"renaming local %s"}, ["illegal character: (.)"] = {"deleting or replacing %s", "avoiding reserved characters like \", \\, ', ~, ;, @, `, and comma"}, ["local (.*) was overshadowed by a special form or macro"] = {"renaming local %s"}, ["macro not found in macro module"] = {"checking the keys of the imported macro module's returned table"}, ["macro tried to bind (.*) without gensym"] = {"changing to %s# when introducing identifiers inside macros"}, ["malformed multisym"] = {"ensuring each period or colon is not followed by another period or colon"}, ["may only be used at compile time"] = {"moving this to inside a macro if you need to manipulate symbols/lists", "using square brackets instead of parens to construct a table"}, ["method must be last component"] = {"using a period instead of a colon for field access", "removing segments after the colon", "making the method call, then looking up the field on the result"}, ["mismatched closing delimiter (.), expected (.)"] = {"replacing %s with %s", "deleting %s", "adding matching opening delimiter earlier"}, ["multisym method calls may only be in call position"] = {"using a period instead of a colon to reference a table's fields", "putting parens around this"}, ["unable to bind (.*)"] = {"replacing the %s with an identifier"}, ["unexpected closing delimiter (.)"] = {"deleting %s", "adding matching opening delimiter earlier"}, ["unexpected multi symbol (.*)"] = {"removing periods or colons from %s"}, ["unexpected vararg"] = {"putting \"...\" at the end of the fn parameters if the vararg was intended"}, ["unknown global in strict mode: (.*)"] = {"looking to see if there's a typo", "using the _G table instead, eg. _G.%s if you really want a global", "moving this code to somewhere that %s is in scope", "binding %s as a local in the scope of this code"}, ["unused local (.*)"] = {"fixing a typo so %s is used", "renaming the local to _%s"}, ["use of global (.*) is aliased by a local"] = {"renaming local %s", "refer to the global using _G.%s instead of directly"}}
local suggestions = {["$ and $... in hashfn are mutually exclusive"] = {"modifying the hashfn so it only contains $... or $, $1, $2, $3, etc"}, ["can't start multisym segment with a digit"] = {"removing the digit", "adding a non-digit before the digit"}, ["cannot call literal value"] = {"checking for typos", "checking for a missing function name"}, ["could not compile value of type "] = {"debugging the macro you're calling to return a list or table"}, ["could not read number (.*)"] = {"removing the non-digit character", "beginning the identifier with a non-digit if it is not meant to be a number"}, ["expected a function.* to call"] = {"removing the empty parentheses", "using square brackets if you want an empty table"}, ["expected binding and iterator"] = {"making sure you haven't omitted a local name or iterator"}, ["expected binding table"] = {"placing a table here in square brackets containing identifiers to bind"}, ["expected body expression"] = {"putting some code in the body of this form after the bindings"}, ["expected each macro to be function"] = {"ensuring that the value for each key in your macros table contains a function", "avoid defining nested macro tables"}, ["expected even number of name/value bindings"] = {"finding where the identifier or value is missing"}, ["expected even number of values in table literal"] = {"removing a key", "adding a value"}, ["expected local"] = {"looking for a typo", "looking for a local which is used out of its scope"}, ["expected macros to be table"] = {"ensuring your macro definitions return a table"}, ["expected parameters"] = {"adding function parameters as a list of identifiers in brackets"}, ["expected rest argument before last parameter"] = {"moving & to right before the final identifier when destructuring"}, ["expected symbol for function parameter: (.*)"] = {"changing %s to an identifier instead of a literal value"}, ["expected var (.*)"] = {"declaring %s using var instead of let/local", "introducing a new local instead of changing the value of %s"}, ["expected vararg as last parameter"] = {"moving the \"...\" to the end of the parameter list"}, ["expected whitespace before opening delimiter"] = {"adding whitespace"}, ["global (.*) conflicts with local"] = {"renaming local %s"}, ["illegal character: (.)"] = {"deleting or replacing %s", "avoiding reserved characters like \", \\, ', ~, ;, @, `, and comma"}, ["local (.*) was overshadowed by a special form or macro"] = {"renaming local %s"}, ["macro not found in macro module"] = {"checking the keys of the imported macro module's returned table"}, ["macro tried to bind (.*) without gensym"] = {"changing to %s# when introducing identifiers inside macros"}, ["malformed multisym"] = {"ensuring each period or colon is not followed by another period or colon"}, ["may only be used at compile time"] = {"moving this to inside a macro if you need to manipulate symbols/lists", "using square brackets instead of parens to construct a table"}, ["method must be last component"] = {"using a period instead of a colon for field access", "removing segments after the colon", "making the method call, then looking up the field on the result"}, ["mismatched closing delimiter (.), expected (.)"] = {"replacing %s with %s", "deleting %s", "adding matching opening delimiter earlier"}, ["multisym method calls may only be in call position"] = {"using a period instead of a colon to reference a table's fields", "putting parens around this"}, ["unable to bind (.*)"] = {"replacing the %s with an identifier"}, ["unexpected closing delimiter (.)"] = {"deleting %s", "adding matching opening delimiter earlier"}, ["unexpected multi symbol (.*)"] = {"removing periods or colons from %s"}, ["unexpected vararg"] = {"putting \"...\" at the end of the fn parameters if the vararg was intended"}, ["unknown global in strict mode: (.*)"] = {"looking to see if there's a typo", "using the _G table instead, eg. _G.%s if you really want a global", "moving this code to somewhere that %s is in scope", "binding %s as a local in the scope of this code"}, ["unused local (.*)"] = {"fixing a typo so %s is used", "renaming the local to _%s"}, ["use of global (.*) is aliased by a local"] = {"renaming local %s", "refer to the global using _G.%s instead of directly"}}
local unpack = (table.unpack or _G.unpack)
local function suggest(msg)
local suggestion = nil
@ -3706,19 +3715,19 @@ local function dofile_2a(filename, options, ...)
opts.filename = filename
return eval(source, opts, ...)
local mod = {["comment?"] = utils["comment?"], ["compile-stream"] = compiler["compile-stream"], ["compile-string"] = compiler["compile-string"], ["list?"] = utils["list?"], ["load-code"] = specials["load-code"], ["macro-loaded"] = specials["macro-loaded"], ["macro-searchers"] = specials["macro-searchers"], ["make-searcher"] = specials["make-searcher"], ["search-module"] = specials["search-module"], ["sequence?"] = utils["sequence?"], ["string-stream"] = parser["string-stream"], ["sym-char?"] = parser["sym-char?"], ["sym?"] = utils["sym?"], comment = utils.comment, compile = compiler.compile, compile1 = compiler.compile1, compileStream = compiler["compile-stream"], compileString = compiler["compile-string"], doc = specials.doc, dofile = dofile_2a, eval = eval, gensym = compiler.gensym, granulate = parser.granulate, list = utils.list, loadCode = specials["load-code"], macroLoaded = specials["macro-loaded"], makeSearcher = specials["make-searcher"], make_searcher = specials["make-searcher"], mangle = compiler["global-mangling"], metadata = compiler.metadata, parser = parser.parser, path = utils.path, repl = repl, scope = compiler["make-scope"], searchModule = specials["search-module"], searcher = specials["make-searcher"](), sequence = utils.sequence, stringStream = parser["string-stream"], sym = utils.sym, traceback = compiler.traceback, unmangle = compiler["global-unmangling"], varg = utils.varg, version = "0.9.1-dev", view = view}
local mod = {["comment?"] = utils["comment?"], ["compile-stream"] = compiler["compile-stream"], ["compile-string"] = compiler["compile-string"], ["list?"] = utils["list?"], ["load-code"] = specials["load-code"], ["macro-loaded"] = specials["macro-loaded"], ["macro-searchers"] = specials["macro-searchers"], ["make-searcher"] = specials["make-searcher"], ["search-module"] = specials["search-module"], ["sequence?"] = utils["sequence?"], ["string-stream"] = parser["string-stream"], ["sym-char?"] = parser["sym-char?"], ["sym?"] = utils["sym?"], comment = utils.comment, compile = compiler.compile, compile1 = compiler.compile1, compileStream = compiler["compile-stream"], compileString = compiler["compile-string"], doc = specials.doc, dofile = dofile_2a, eval = eval, gensym = compiler.gensym, granulate = parser.granulate, list = utils.list, loadCode = specials["load-code"], macroLoaded = specials["macro-loaded"], makeSearcher = specials["make-searcher"], make_searcher = specials["make-searcher"], mangle = compiler["global-mangling"], metadata = compiler.metadata, parser = parser.parser, path = utils.path, repl = repl, scope = compiler["make-scope"], searchModule = specials["search-module"], searcher = specials["make-searcher"](), sequence = utils.sequence, stringStream = parser["string-stream"], sym = utils.sym, traceback = compiler.traceback, unmangle = compiler["global-unmangling"], varg = utils.varg, version = "0.9.2", view = view}
utils["fennel-module"] = mod
local builtin_macros = [===[;; This module contains all the built-in Fennel macros. Unlike all the other
;; modules that are loaded by the old bootstrap compiler, this runs in the
;; compiler scope of the version of the compiler being defined.
;; The code for these macros is somewhat idiosyncratic because it cannot use any
;; macros which have not yet been defined.
;; TODO: some of these macros modify their arguments; we should stop doing that,
;; but in a way that preserves file/line metadata.
(fn ->* [val ...]
"Thread-first macro.
Take the first value and splice it into the second form as its first argument.
@ -3729,7 +3738,7 @@ do
(table.insert elt 2 x)
(set x elt)))
(fn ->>* [val ...]
"Thread-last macro.
Same as ->, except splices the value into the last position of each form
@ -3740,7 +3749,7 @@ do
(table.insert elt x)
(set x elt)))
(fn -?>* [val ...]
"Nil-safe thread-first macro.
Same as -> except will short-circuit with nil when it encounters a nil value."
@ -3755,7 +3764,7 @@ do
(if ,tmp
(-?> ,el ,(unpack els))
(fn -?>>* [val ...]
"Nil-safe thread-last macro.
Same as ->> except will short-circuit with nil when it encounters a nil value."
@ -3770,14 +3779,20 @@ do
(if ,tmp
(-?>> ,el ,(unpack els))
(fn ?dot [tbl k ...]
(fn ?dot [tbl ...]
"Nil-safe table look up.
Same as . (dot), except will short-circuit with nil when it encounters
a nil value in any of subsequent keys."
(if (= nil k) tbl `(let [res# (. ,tbl ,k)]
(and res# (?. res# ,...)))))
(let [head (gensym :t)
lookups `(do (var ,head ,tbl) ,head)]
(each [_ k (ipairs [...])]
;; Kinda gnarly to reassign in place like this, but it emits the best lua.
;; With this impl, it emits a flat, concise, and readable set of if blocks.
(table.insert lookups (# lookups) `(if (not= nil ,head)
(set ,head (. ,head ,k)))))
(fn doto* [val ...]
"Evaluates val and splices it into the first argument of subsequent forms."
(let [name (gensym)
@ -3787,7 +3802,7 @@ do
(table.insert form elt))
(table.insert form name)
(fn when* [condition body1 ...]
"Evaluate body for side-effects only when condition is truthy."
(assert body1 "expected body")
@ -3795,7 +3810,7 @@ do
(fn with-open* [closable-bindings ...]
"Like `let`, but invokes (v:close) on each binding after evaluating the body.
The body is evaluated inside `xpcall` so that bound values will be closed upon
@ -3812,13 +3827,13 @@ do
`(let ,closable-bindings
(close-handlers# (xpcall ,bodyfn ,traceback)))))
(fn collect* [iter-tbl key-value-expr ...]
"Returns a table made by running an iterator and evaluating an expression
that returns key-value pairs to be inserted sequentially into the table.
This can be thought of as a \"table comprehension\". The provided key-value
expression must return either 2 values, or nil.
For example,
(collect [k v (pairs {:apple \"red\" :orange \"orange\"})]
(values v k))
@ -3834,12 +3849,12 @@ do
(match ,key-value-expr
(k# v#) (tset tbl# k# v#)))
(fn icollect* [iter-tbl value-expr ...]
"Returns a sequential table made by running an iterator and evaluating an
expression that returns values to be inserted sequentially into the table.
This can be thought of as a \"list comprehension\".
For example,
(icollect [_ v (ipairs [1 2 3 4 5])] (when (> v 2) (* v v)))
@ -3853,7 +3868,7 @@ do
(each ,iter-tbl
(tset tbl# (+ (length tbl#) 1) ,value-expr))
(fn partial* [f ...]
"Returns a function with all arguments partially applied to f."
(assert f "expected a function to partially apply")
@ -3861,10 +3876,10 @@ do
(table.insert body _VARARG)
`(fn [,_VARARG]
(fn pick-args* [n f]
"Creates a function of arity n that applies its arguments to f.
For example,
(pick-args 2 func)
expands to
@ -3876,10 +3891,10 @@ do
(tset bindings i (gensym)))
`(fn ,bindings
(,f ,(unpack bindings)))))
(fn pick-values* [n ...]
"Like the `values` special, but emits exactly n values.
For example,
(pick-values 2 ...)
expands to
@ -3894,7 +3909,7 @@ do
(if (= n 0) `(values)
`(let [,let-syms ,let-values]
(values ,(unpack let-syms))))))
(fn lambda* [...]
"Function literal with arity checking.
Will throw an exception if a declared argument is passed in as nil, unless
@ -3921,26 +3936,26 @@ do
,(tostring a)
,(or a.filename :unknown)
,(or a.line "?"))))))
(assert (= :table (type arglist)) "expected arg list")
(each [_ a (ipairs arglist)]
(check! a))
(if empty-body?
(table.insert args (sym :nil)))
`(fn ,(unpack args))))
(fn macro* [name ...]
"Define a single macro."
(assert (sym? name) "expected symbol for macro name")
(local args [...])
`(macros {,(tostring name) (fn ,(unpack args))}))
(fn macrodebug* [form return?]
"Print the resulting form after performing macroexpansion.
With a second argument, returns expanded form as a string instead of printing."
(let [handle (if return? `do `print)]
`(,handle ,(view (macroexpand form _SCOPE)))))
(fn import-macros* [binding1 module-name1 ...]
"Binds a table of macros from each macro module according to a binding form.
Each binding form can be either a symbol or a k/v destructuring table.
@ -3971,9 +3986,9 @@ do
(tostring modname)))
(tset scope.macros import-key (. subscope.macros macro-name))))))
;;; Pattern matching
(fn match-values [vals pattern unifications match-pattern]
(let [condition `(and)
bindings []]
@ -3984,7 +3999,7 @@ do
(each [_ b (ipairs subbindings)]
(table.insert bindings b))))
(values condition bindings)))
(fn match-table [val pattern unifications match-pattern]
(let [condition `(and (= (type ,val) :table))
bindings []]
@ -4016,7 +4031,7 @@ do
(each [_ b (ipairs subbindings)]
(table.insert bindings b)))))
(values condition bindings)))
(fn match-pattern [vals pattern unifications]
"Takes the AST of values and a single pattern and returns a condition
to determine if it matches as well as a list of bindings to
@ -4043,11 +4058,10 @@ do
(and (list? pattern) (= (. pattern 2) `?))
(let [(pcondition bindings) (match-pattern vals (. pattern 1)
condition `(and ,pcondition)]
(for [i 3 (length pattern)] ; splice in guard clauses
(table.insert condition (. pattern i)))
(values `(let ,bindings
,condition) bindings))
condition `(and ,(unpack pattern 3))]
(values `(and ,pcondition
(let ,bindings
,condition)) bindings))
;; multi-valued patterns (represented as lists)
(list? pattern)
(match-values vals pattern unifications match-pattern)
@ -4056,7 +4070,7 @@ do
(match-table val pattern unifications match-pattern)
;; literal value
(values `(= ,val ,pattern) []))))
(fn match-condition [vals clauses]
"Construct the actual `if` AST for the given match values and clauses."
(if (not= 0 (% (length clauses) 2)) ; treat odd final clause as default
@ -4070,17 +4084,20 @@ do
(table.insert out `(let ,bindings
(fn match-val-syms [clauses]
"How many multi-valued clauses are there? return a list of that many gensyms."
(let [syms (list (gensym))]
(for [i 1 (length clauses) 2]
(if (list? (. clauses i))
(each [valnum (ipairs (. clauses i))]
(if (not (. syms valnum))
(tset syms valnum (gensym))))))
(let [clause (if (and (list? (. clauses i)) (= `? (. clauses i 2)))
(. clauses i 1)
(. clauses i))]
(if (list? clause)
(each [valnum (ipairs clause)]
(if (not (. syms valnum))
(tset syms valnum (gensym)))))))
(fn match* [val ...]
;; Old implementation of match macro, which doesn't directly support
;; `where' and `or'. New syntax is implemented in `match-where',
@ -4090,9 +4107,9 @@ do
;; protect against multiple evaluation of the value, bind against as
;; many values as we ever match against in the clauses.
(list `let [vals val] (match-condition vals clauses))))
;; Construction of old match syntax from new syntax
(fn partition-2 [seq]
;; Partition `seq` by 2.
;; If `seq` has odd amount of elements, the last one is dropped.
@ -4112,7 +4129,7 @@ do
(if (not= nil v2)
(table.insert res [v1 v2]))))
(fn transform-or [[_ & pats] guards]
;; Transforms `(or pat pats*)` lists into match `guard` patterns.
@ -4121,7 +4138,7 @@ do
(each [_ pat (ipairs pats)]
(table.insert res (list pat `? (unpack guards))))
(fn transform-cond [cond]
;; Transforms `where` cond into sequence of `match` guards.
@ -4136,12 +4153,12 @@ do
[(list second `? (unpack cond 3))]))
(fn match-where [val ...]
"Perform pattern matching on val. See reference for details.
(match data-expression
pattern body
(where pattern guard guards*) body
@ -4157,7 +4174,7 @@ do
(if else-branch
(table.insert match-body else-branch))
(match* val (unpack match-body))))
{:-> ->*
:->> ->>*
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