I could give this presentation

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Penner 2021-07-13 22:35:46 -04:00
parent 3af48a84d6
commit 978880b6c8

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@ -82,71 +82,44 @@
{:target 30 :section :Intro}]
[h "Honeylisp is hard to explain"
** "It is an experimental programming environment designed to enable a productive Apple // game development workflow"
{:target 30}]
[(bgimg "presentation/pics/pete286.jpeg")
h "Some Background"
** "2019: Built a 16-bit MS-DOS game engine, using only retro hardware and software."
" * Driven by a custom Forth interpreter"
{:target 90}]
[(bgimg "presentation/pics/ggj2020.jpeg")
h "Neut Tower"
** "2020: Created Neut Tower as part of two game jams.
* Global Game Jam - One weekend - Feb 2020 - First two rooms
* MS-DOS Game Jam - 1.5 months - April 2020 - 'Shareware Episode 1'"
{:target 60}]
"* Built with https://fennel-lang.org/"
"* Extends the lite text editor https://github.com/rxi/lite"
{:image "presentation/pics/assembly-markup.png" :justify :center}
"* Built all tools from scratch from the assembler up"
"* Not command-line driven - all tools, including the assembler / compiler, run _inside_ the editor"
(openfile :presentation/slides.fnl {:split :right :line 89})
" * Including this presentation!"
{:target 120}]
[(bgimg "presentation/pics/boot-tower.jpeg")
{:action #(files.reload :neuttower/game.json)}
h "Neu] [ower"
** "A small puzzle adventure game!"
"Magic Trick #1"
"Magic Trick #1: Assemble the game and poke it directly into emulated RAM"
{:action boot-game}
"--== D E M O ==--"
{:target 300}]
[h "How It's Made"
** "Is the Apple ][ running Lisp?"
" * Not really?"
"Is the code written in Lisp?"
" * Sort of!"
"Show me some Lisp already! >:/"
(openfile :neuttower/level1.fnl {:split :right :line 42})
" * OK!"
{:target 90 :section "How It's Done"}]
[h "What is this unholy abomination?"
** "Lisp and Forth?!"
{:image "presentation/pics/thinkhard.png" :justify :center}
"Not super keen on writing a complicated compiler"
" * \"Direct threaded\" inner interpreter"
"Forth allows efficient, composable, interactive code"
{:target 60}]
[h "Why use Lisp to compile Forth?"
** "\"Immediate words\" can be Fennel functions that generate code!"
"Program can be compiled into a rich data structure"
(openfile :neuttower/level1.fnl {:split :right :line 59})
"Magic Trick #2"
(np **) "Magic Trick #3"
{:button #(vm-eval :mixed) :text ":mixed"}
{:button #(vm-eval :hires) :text ":hires"}
{:button #(vm-eval 1 2 :+ :.) :text "1 2 :+ :."}
{:button #(vm-eval :earthquake) :text ":earthquake"}
{:pause-after true}
{:target 180}]
[h "Explain this voodoo!"
** "Directly inspired by Dagen Brock's 2016 KFest talk on GSPlus"
"Ended up using MAME - Lua plugin system exposes EVERYTHING"
"Use Jeejah nREPL server library with custom nREPL client"
"1. What if I could poke my program directly into an emulator's memory?"
"2. What if I could preserve the current runtime state but rewrite the code?"
" ... even if the data has moved?"
"3. What if I could interactively try out new code while my game was running?"
{:target 60}]
[h "Wait WTF Is An Assembler"
** "It's just converting mnemonics to bytes, right?"
{:image "presentation/pics/assembly-markup.png" :justify :center :pause-after true}
"Whoooops, actually the hard part is converting labels to addresses"
"Zero-page instructions are a different size, which messes up data layout!"
"Initial pass is needed to gather all symbols to determine sizes"
{:target 60}]
"The assembler running inside the editor means the output is a rich object, not a file"
{:target 45}]
[h "Hot-Code Reload"
** "What if I could preserve the current runtime state but rewrite the code?"
(openfile :neuttower/level1.fnl {:split :right :line 59})
"Magic Trick #2: Areas of memory can be marked as 'preserved' when new code is uploaded"
{:target 180}]
[(bgimg "presentation/pics/ggj2020.jpeg")
h "Interactive Execution"
** "What if I could interactively try out new code while my game was running?"
(np **) "Magic Trick #3"
{:button #(vm-eval :mixed) :text ":mixed"}
{:button #(vm-eval :hires) :text ":hires"}
{:button #(vm-eval 1 2 :+ :.) :text "1 2 :+ :."}
{:button #(vm-eval :jaye-yx :get :.) :text ":jaye-yx :get :."}
{:button #(vm-eval :earthquake) :text ":earthquake"}
{:pause-after true}
{:target 180}]
[h "The Tools"
** {:image "presentation/pics/retro-game-dev-quote.png" :justify :center :pause-after true}
{:action #(files.reload :neuttower/game.json)}
@ -160,12 +133,9 @@
(openview #(MapEditView))
"Full-screen bitmap editor"
(openview #(ScreenEditView :neuttower/title.screen) {:pause-after true})
(openfile :presentation/slides.fnl {:split :right :line 133})
"Presentation viewer"
{:target 300 :section "Tooling"}]
[h "Editing Editors With My Editor"
** "lite is a small, highly-extensible text editor written in Lua"
"Lua provides a very dynamic environment"
** "Lua provides a very dynamic environment"
(openview #(MapEditView))
(openfile :editor/mapedit.fnl {:split :right :line 235})
@ -193,6 +163,33 @@
{:pause-after true :section "Thanks!"}]
; [(bgimg "presentation/pics/pete286.jpeg")
; h "Some Background"
; ** "2019: Built a 16-bit MS-DOS game engine, using only retro hardware and software."
; " * Driven by a custom Forth interpreter"
; {:target 90}]
; [(bgimg "presentation/pics/ggj2020.jpeg")
; h "Neut Tower"
; ** "2020: Created Neut Tower as part of two game jams.
; * Global Game Jam - One weekend - Feb 2020 - First two rooms
; * MS-DOS Game Jam - 1.5 months - April 2020 - 'Shareware Episode 1'"
; {:target 60}]
; [h "What is this unholy abomination?"
; ** "Lisp and Forth?!"
; {:image "presentation/pics/thinkhard.png" :justify :center}
; "Not super keen on writing a complicated compiler"
; " * \"Direct threaded\" inner interpreter"
; "Forth allows efficient, composable, interactive code"
; {:target 60}]
; [h "Wait WTF Is An Assembler"
; ** "It's just converting mnemonics to bytes, right?"
; "Whoooops, actually the hard part is converting labels to addresses"
; "Zero-page instructions are a different size, which messes up data layout!"
; "Initial pass is needed to gather all symbols to determine sizes"
; {:target 60}]
; [h "Step 5: Running on Hardware"
; ** "I have a IIgs with a serial cable - I can poke bytes in directly from the monitor"
; "]IN#2\n]PR#2\n]CALL-151"