Implement font editor, text display, and custom font

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Penner 2020-11-22 19:44:56 -05:00
parent c47f98f43b
commit a88f92b9b3
11 changed files with 114 additions and 40 deletions

View file

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
:ST2H :0x7d
:RSTACK :0x6000
:code code1
:nextsymid 1
:ret (fn [self] [:jmp :next])
:reserve (fn [self] [:block [:inx] [:inx]])
@ -324,6 +325,18 @@
(table.insert block :_end))))
(fn vm.gensym [self]
(local sym (.. "G-GEN-SYM-" self.nextsymid))
(set self.nextsymid (+ self.nextsymid 1))
(fn vm.anon [self ...]
(local sym (self:gensym))
(self.code:append sym ...)
[:vm :lit sym])
(fn vm.str [self str] (self:anon [:bytes str] [:db 0]))
(vm:def :$dovar ; usage: [jsr :$dovar] followed by reserved space
[:pla] [:sta vm.TOP :x] [:pla] [:sta vm.TOPH :x]

editor/fontedit.fnl Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
(local TileView (require :editor.tileedit))
(local tiledraw (require :editor.tiledraw))
(local tiles (require :game.tiles))
(local style (require
(local FontEditView (TileView:extend))
(fn FontEditView.spritegen [self] tiledraw.char-to-sprite)
(fn FontEditView.tilesize [self] (values 8 8))
(fn [self x y] (values y x))
(fn FontEditView.draw-tile-flags [self x y]
(when self.itile
(local char (string.char (+ self.itile 0x20 -1)))
(renderer.draw_text style.big_font char x y style.text))
( 1 1 1 1))
(fn FontEditView.filename [self] tiles.fn-font)
(fn FontEditView.get_name [self] "Font Editor")

View file

@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
(fn [self]
( self)
(set self.tilecache (tiledraw.TileCache (self:loadgfx)))
(set self.tilecache (tiledraw.TileCache (tiles.loadgfx (self:filename)) (self:spritegen)))
(set self.itile 1)
(attach-imstate self))
(fn GraphicsEditView.spritegen [self] tiledraw.tile-to-sprite)
(fn GraphicsEditView.tilesize [self] (values 16 16))
(fn GraphicsEditView.loadgfx [self] (tiles.loadtiles))
(fn GraphicsEditView.filename [self] tiles.fn-tiles)
(fn GraphicsEditView.reload [self]
(self.tilecache:load (self:loadgfx)))
(self.tilecache:load (tiles.loadgfx (self:filename))))
(fn [self ditile]
(when self.itile

View file

@ -8,17 +8,13 @@
(local command (require :core.command))
(local keymap (require :core.keymap))
(command.add nil {
"honeylisp:tile-editor" (fn []
(let [commands {}]
(each [_ name (ipairs [:tile :map :portrait :font])]
(local cls (require (.. "editor." name "edit")))
(tset commands (.. "honeylisp:" name "-editor") (fn []
(local node (core.root_view:get_active_node))
(node:add_view (TileView)))
"honeylisp:map-editor" (fn []
(local node (core.root_view:get_active_node))
(node:add_view (MapEditView)))
"honeylisp:portrait-editor" (fn []
(local node (core.root_view:get_active_node))
(node:add_view (PortraitView)))
(node:add_view (cls)))))
(command.add nil commands))
(command.add (cmd-predicate :editor.gfxedit) {
"graphics-editor:save" (fn [] (core.active_view:save) (core.log "Saved"))

View file

@ -6,12 +6,9 @@
(local PortraitView (TileView:extend))
(fn [self]
( self)
(set self.tilecache.spritegen tiledraw.portrait-to-sprite))
(fn PortraitView.spritegen [self] tiledraw.portrait-to-sprite)
(fn PortraitView.tilesize [self] (values 32 32))
(fn PortraitView.loadgfx [self] (tiles.loadportraits))
(fn [self] (tiles.saveportraits self.tilecache.tiles))
(fn PortraitView.filename [self] tiles.fn-portraits)
(fn [self x y]
(local quadrant (+ (if (>= x 16) 2 0) (if (>= y 16) 1 0)))
(local tilex

View file

@ -77,6 +77,11 @@
( top 0 0)
( bottom 0 16))))
(fn char-to-sprite [gfx]
(make-canvas 7 8 (fn [canvas]
(for [y 0 7]
(draw-byte gfx (+ y 1) 0 y)))))
(fn TileCache [tiles ?spritegen]
{: tiles
:spritegen (or ?spritegen tile-to-sprite)
@ -101,5 +106,5 @@
(tset self.tilesprites itile (self.spritegen (. self.tiles itile :gfx))))
(. self.tilesprites itile))})
{: tile-to-sprite : tilestrip-to-sprite : portrait-to-sprite : pal-from-bit : pal-from-byte : TileCache}
{: tile-to-sprite : tilestrip-to-sprite : portrait-to-sprite : char-to-sprite : pal-from-bit : pal-from-byte : TileCache}

View file

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
(fn TileView.update-tile [self newtile]
(self.tilecache:update-tile self.itile newtile))
(fn [self] (tiles.savetiles self.tilecache.tiles))
(fn [self] (tiles.savegfx (self:filename) self.tilecache.tiles))
(fn TileView.draw [self]
(self:draw_background style.background)

game/font.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
(local {: walkable} tile.flag-to-bit)
(local prg (
(local tiles (prg:org 0x4100))
(local tiles-org (prg:org 0x4100))
(local font-org (prg:org 0x4900))
(local vm ( prg))
(local code1 vm.code)
(local mapw 20)
@ -147,7 +148,7 @@
(vm:word :drawfooter
0x21d0 :clearline
0x39d0 :clearline
0x2250 :clearline 0x22d0 :clearline 0x2350 :clearline 0x23d0 :clearline)
(vm:word :drawmaprow ; pscreen pmap -- pmap
@ -172,7 +173,7 @@
; we save some cycles by storing the indices as lllhhhhh, so we don't need to shift them'
[:lda vm.TOP :x] [:tay]
[:and 0x1f]
[:clc] [:adc #(hi]
[:clc] [:adc #(hi]
[:sta vm.TOPH :x]
[:tya] [:and 0xe0]
[:sta vm.TOP :x])
@ -295,7 +296,43 @@
(vm:word :full-redraw :drawmap :object-redraw)
(vm:word :object-redraw :jaye-yx :get :draw-jaye-yx)
(tile.append-gfx tiles)
(vm:def :draw-pchar ; pscreen pchar --
[:ldy 7] [:clc]
[:lda [vm.TOP :x]]
[:sta [vm.ST1 :x]]
[:inc vm.TOP :x]
[:lda vm.ST1H :x] [:adc 4] [:sta vm.ST1H :x]
[:bne :loop]
(vm:drop) (vm:drop))
(vm:def :lookup-pchar ; c -- pchar
[:lda vm.TOP :x]
[:sbc 0x20]
[:sta vm.TOP :x]
[:lda 0]
[:asl vm.TOP :x] [:rol :a] ;x2
[:asl vm.TOP :x] [:rol :a] ;x4
[:asl vm.TOP :x] [:rol :a] ;x8
[:adc #(hi]
[:sta vm.TOPH :x])
(vm:word :draw-char ; pscreen c --
:lookup-pchar :draw-pchar)
(vm:word :draw-text ; st --
0x2257 (vm:while [:over :bget :dup] ; st pscreen c
:over :swap :draw-char ; st pscreen
:inc :swap :inc :swap)
:drop :drop)
(vm:word :hello-world (vm:str "HELLO, WORLD!") :draw-text)
(tile.appendtiles tiles-org)
; thought:
; hotswap-safe debug stub at root of call stack
@ -304,6 +341,9 @@
; 20x12 means full map is 240 bytes - we have an extra 16 bytes at the end to mess with?
(tile.appendmaps (prg:org 0x4800))
(font-org:append :font)
(tile.appendgfx font-org (tile.loadgfx tile.fn-font))
(code1:append :main
[:jsr :reset]
[:jsr :interpret]

View file

@ -1 +1 @@

View file

@ -13,21 +13,22 @@
(fn serialize [tile] (doto (lume.clone tile) (tset :gfx (tile.gfx:tohex))))
(fn loadtiles [] ( (util.readjson "game/tiles.json") deserialize))
(fn savetiles [tiles] (util.writejson "game/tiles.json" ( tiles serialize)))
(local fn-tiles "game/tiles.json")
(local fn-portraits "game/portraits.json")
(local fn-font "game/font.json")
(fn loadportraits [] ( (util.readjson "game/portraits.json") deserialize))
(fn saveportraits [p] (util.writejson "game/portraits.json" ( p serialize)))
(fn loadgfx [filename] ( (util.readjson filename) deserialize))
(fn savegfx [filename gfx] (util.writejson filename ( gfx serialize)))
(fn appendtiles [org tiles]
(each [_ tile (ipairs tiles)]
(when tile.label (org:append tile.label))
(org:append [:bytes tile.gfx])))
(fn appendgfx [org gfx]
(each [_ g (ipairs gfx)]
(when g.label (org:append g.label))
(org:append [:bytes g.gfx])))
(fn append-gfx [org]
(local tiles (loadtiles))
(appendtiles org tiles)
(appendtiles org (loadportraits))
(fn appendtiles [org]
(local tiles (loadgfx fn-tiles))
(appendgfx org tiles)
(appendgfx org (loadgfx fn-portraits))
(org:append :tileflags)
(each [_ tile (ipairs tiles)]
(var flags 0)
@ -39,5 +40,6 @@
(local map (util.readjson "game/map00001.json"))
(org:append :map [:bytes (]))
{: loadtiles : savetiles : appendtiles : append-gfx : appendmaps : flags : flag-to-bit : loadportraits : saveportraits}
{: loadgfx : savegfx : appendtiles : appendgfx : appendmaps : flags : flag-to-bit
: fn-tiles : fn-portraits : fn-font}