diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/.gitrepo b/vendor/lite-plugins/.gitrepo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a68e0c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/.gitrepo
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+; DO NOT EDIT (unless you know what you are doing)
+; This subdirectory is a git "subrepo", and this file is maintained by the
+; git-subrepo command. See https://github.com/git-commands/git-subrepo#readme
+ remote = https://github.com/rxi/lite-plugins
+ branch = master
+ commit = de4227d55a5c821e3450554c952dfb3b1b192266
+ parent = c843deea3de5d5d8782fe4dadbdbd40422ab88f8
+ method = merge
+ cmdver = 0.4.2
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/README.md b/vendor/lite-plugins/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..502e1ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+Plugins for the [lite text editor](https://github.com/rxi/lite)
+*Note: if you make a pull request, the table should be updated and kept in
+alphabetical order. If your plugin is large (or you'd otherwise prefer it to
+have its own repo), the table can simply be updated to add a link to the repo;
+otherwise the plugin file itself can be submitted. If a plugin's link resolves
+to something other than a raw file it should be marked with an asterisk.*
+Plugin | Description
+[`autoinsert`](plugins/autoinsert.lua?raw=1) | Automatically inserts closing brackets and quotes
+[`autowrap`](plugins/autowrap.lua?raw=1) | Automatically hardwraps lines when typing
+[`bigclock`](plugins/bigclock.lua?raw=1) | Shows the current time and date in a view with large text *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/82752891-3318df00-9db9-11ea-803f-261d80d5cf53.png))*
+[`black`](https://git.sr.ht/~tmpod/black-lite)* | Integrates the [black](https://github.com/psf/black) Python formatter with lite
+[`bracketmatch`](plugins/bracketmatch.lua?raw=1) | Underlines matching pair for bracket under the caret *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/80132745-0c863f00-8594-11ea-8875-c455c6fd7eae.png))*
+[`centerdoc`](plugins/centerdoc.lua?raw=1) | Centers document's content on the screen *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/82127896-bf6e4500-97ae-11ea-97fc-ba9a552bc9a4.png))*
+[`colorpreview`](plugins/colorpreview.lua?raw=1) | Underlays color values (eg. `#ff00ff` or `rgb(255, 0, 255)`) with their resultant color. *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/80743752-731bd780-8b15-11ea-97d3-847db927c5dc.png))*
+[`console`](https://github.com/rxi/console)* | A console for running external commands and capturing their output *([gif](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/81343656-49325a00-90ad-11ea-8647-ff39d8f1d730.gif))*
+[`copyfilelocation`](plugins/copyfilelocation.lua?raw=1) | Copy file location to clipboard
+[`datetimestamps`](plugins/datetimestamps.lua?raw=1) | Insert date-, time- and date-time-stamps
+[`detectindent`](plugins/detectindent.lua?raw=1) | Automatically detects and uses the indentation size and tab type of a loaded file
+[`dragdropselected`](plugins/dragdropselected.lua?raw=1) | Provides basic drag and drop of selected text (in same document)
+[`drawwhitespace`](plugins/drawwhitespace.lua?raw=1) | Draws tabs and spaces *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/80573013-22ae5800-89f7-11ea-9895-6362a1c0abc7.png))*
+[`eofnewline`](https://github.com/bokunodev/lite_modules/blob/master/plugins/eofnewline.lua?raw=1) | Make sure the file ends with one blank line.
+[`eval`](plugins/eval.lua?raw=1) | Replaces selected Lua code with its evaluated result
+[`exec`](plugins/exec.lua?raw=1) | Runs selected text through shell command and replaces with result
+[`ghmarkdown`](plugins/ghmarkdown.lua?raw=1) | Opens a preview of the current markdown file in a browser window *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/82754898-f7394600-9dc7-11ea-8278-2305363ed372.png))*
+[`gitstatus`](plugins/gitstatus.lua?raw=1) | Displays git branch and insert/delete count in status bar *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/81107223-bcea3080-8f0e-11ea-8fc7-d03173f42e33.png))*
+[`gofmt`](plugins/gofmt.lua?raw=1) | Auto-formats the current go file, adds the missing imports and the missing return cases
+[`hidelinenumbers`](plugins/hidelinenumbers.lua?raw=1) | Hides the line numbers on the left of documents *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/81692043-b8b19c00-9455-11ea-8d74-ad99be4b9c5f.png))*
+[`hidestatus`](plugins/hidestatus.lua?raw=1) | Hides the status bar at the bottom of the window
+[`inanimate`](plugins/inanimate.lua?raw=1) | Disables all transition animations
+[`indentguide`](plugins/indentguide.lua?raw=1) | Adds indent guides *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/79640716-f9860000-818a-11ea-9c3b-26d10dd0e0c0.png))*
+[`language_angelscript`](plugins/language_angelscript.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [Angelscript](https://www.angelcode.com/angelscript/) programming language
+[`language_batch`](plugins/language_batch.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for Windows [Batch Files](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batch_file)
+[`language_cmake`](plugins/language_cmake.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the CMake build system language
+[`language_cpp`](plugins/language_cpp.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [C++](https://isocpp.org/) programming language
+[`language_csharp`](plugins/language_csharp.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [C#](http://csharp.net) programming language
+[`language_d`](plugins/language_d.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [D](https://dlang.org/) programming language
+[`language_elixir`](plugins/language_elixir.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [Elixir](https://elixir-lang.org) programming language
+[`language_elm`](plugins/language_elm.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [Elm](https://elm-lang.org) programming language
+[`language_fe`](plugins/language_fe.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [fe](https://github.com/rxi/fe) programming language
+[`language_fennel`](plugins/language_fennel.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [fennel](https://fennel-lang.org) programming language
+[`language_gdscript`](plugins/language_gdscript.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [Godot Engine](https://godotengine.org/)'s GDScript scripting language
+[`language_glsl`](plugins/language_glsl.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [GLSL](https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/specs/gl/) programming language
+[`language_go`](plugins/language_go.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [Go](https://golang.org/) programming language
+[`language_hlsl`](plugins/language_hlsl.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [HLSL](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl) programming language
+[`language_hs`](plugins/language_hs.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/) programming language
+[`language_java`](plugins/language_java.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [Java](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_(programming_language)) programming language
+[`language_jiyu`](plugins/language_jiyu.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [jiyu](https://github.com/machinamentum/jiyu) programming language
+[`language_ksy`](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/whiteh0le/lite-plugins/main/plugins/language_ksy.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for [Kaitai](http://kaitai.io/) struct files
+[`language_make`](plugins/language_make.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the Make build system language
+[`language_meson`](plugins/language_meson.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [Meson](https://mesonbuild.com) build system language
+[`language_odin`](plugins/language_odin.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [Odin](https://github.com/odin-lang/Odin) programming language
+[`language_php`](plugins/language_php.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [PHP](https://php.net) programming language
+[`language_pico8`](plugins/language_pico8.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for [Pico-8](https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php) cartridge files
+[`language_powershell`](plugins/language_powershell.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for [PowerShell](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell) scripting language
+[`language_psql`](plugins/language_psql.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the postgresql database access language
+[`language_rust`](plugins/language_rust.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [Rust](https://rust-lang.org/) programming language
+[`language_sh`](plugins/language_sh.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for shell scripting language
+[`language_tex`](plugins/language_tex.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [LaTeX](https://www.latex-project.org/) typesetting language
+[`language_wren`](plugins/language_wren.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [Wren](http://wren.io/) programming language
+[`lastproject`](plugins/lastproject.lua?raw=1) | Loads the last loaded project if lite is launched without any arguments
+[`lfautoinsert`](plugins/lfautoinsert.lua?raw=1) | Automatically inserts indentation and closing bracket/text after newline
+[`linecopypaste`](plugins/linecopypaste.lua?raw=1) | Copy, cut and paste the current line when nothing is selected
+[`lineguide`](plugins/lineguide.lua?raw=1) | Displays a line-guide at the line limit offset *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/81476159-2cf70000-9208-11ea-928b-9dae3884c477.png))*
+[`linter`](https://github.com/drmargarido/linters)* | Linters for multiple languages
+[`macmodkeys`](plugins/macmodkeys.lua?raw=1) | Remaps mac modkeys `command/option` to `ctrl/alt`
+[`markers`](plugins/markers.lua?raw=1) | Add markers to docs and jump between them quickly *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/82252149-5faaa200-9946-11ea-9199-bea2efb7ee23.png))*
+[`motiontrail`](plugins/motiontrail.lua?raw=1) | Adds a motion-trail to the caret *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/83256814-085ccb00-a1ab-11ea-9e35-e6633cbed1a9.gif))*
+[`openfilelocation`](plugins/openfilelocation.lua?raw=1) | Opens the parent directory of the current file in the file manager
+[`openselected`](plugins/openselected.lua?raw=1) | Opens the selected filename or url
+[`projectmanager`](plugins/projectmanager.lua?raw=1) | Save projects and load/reload them quickly
+[`scale`](plugins/scale.lua?raw=1) | Provides support for dynamically adjusting the scale of the code font / UI (`ctrl+-`, `ctrl+=`)
+[`scalestatus`](plugins/scalestatus.lua?raw=1) | Displays current scale (zoom) in status view (depends on scale plugin)
+[`selectionhighlight`](plugins/selectionhighlight.lua?raw=1) | Highlights regions of code that match the current selection *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/80710883-5f597c80-8ae7-11ea-97f0-76dfacc08439.png))*
+[`sort`](plugins/sort.lua?raw=1) | Sorts selected lines alphabetically
+[`spellcheck`](plugins/spellcheck.lua?raw=1) | Underlines misspelt words *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/79923973-9caa7400-842e-11ea-85d4-7a196a91ca50.png))* *— note: on Windows a [`words.txt`](https://github.com/dwyl/english-words/blob/master/words.txt) dictionary file must be placed beside the exe*
+[`theme16`](https://github.com/monolifed/theme16)* | Theme manager with base16 themes
+[`titleize`](plugins/titleize.lua?raw=1) | Titleizes selected string (`hello world` => `Hello World`)
+[`todotreeview`](https://github.com/drmargarido/TodoTreeView)* | Todo tree viewer for annotations in code like `TODO`, `BUG`, `FIX`, `IMPROVEMENT`
+[`togglesnakecamel`](plugins/togglesnakecamel.lua?raw=1) | Toggles symbols between `snake_case` and `camelCase`
+[`unboundedscroll`](plugins/unboundedscroll.lua?raw=1) | Allows scrolling outside the bounds of a document
+[`workspace`](plugins/workspace.lua?raw=1) | Retains project's layout and open documents between sessions
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/autoinsert.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/autoinsert.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..243e00b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/autoinsert.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local translate = require "core.doc.translate"
+local config = require "core.config"
+local DocView = require "core.docview"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local keymap = require "core.keymap"
+config.autoinsert_map = {
+ ["["] = "]",
+ ["{"] = "}",
+ ["("] = ")",
+ ['"'] = '"',
+ ["'"] = "'",
+ ["`"] = "`",
+local function is_closer(chr)
+ for _, v in pairs(config.autoinsert_map) do
+ if v == chr then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+local function count_char(text, chr)
+ local count = 0
+ for _ in text:gmatch(chr) do
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+ return count
+local on_text_input = DocView.on_text_input
+function DocView:on_text_input(text)
+ local mapping = config.autoinsert_map[text]
+ -- prevents plugin from operating on `CommandView`
+ if getmetatable(self) ~= DocView then
+ return on_text_input(self, text)
+ end
+ -- wrap selection if we have a selection
+ if mapping and self.doc:has_selection() then
+ local l1, c1, l2, c2, swap = self.doc:get_selection(true)
+ self.doc:insert(l2, c2, mapping)
+ self.doc:insert(l1, c1, text)
+ self.doc:set_selection(l1, c1, l2, c2 + 2, swap)
+ return
+ end
+ -- skip inserting closing text
+ local chr = self.doc:get_char(self.doc:get_selection())
+ if text == chr and is_closer(chr) then
+ self.doc:move_to(1)
+ return
+ end
+ -- don't insert closing quote if we have a non-even number on this line
+ local line = self.doc:get_selection()
+ if text == mapping and count_char(self.doc.lines[line], text) % 2 == 1 then
+ return on_text_input(self, text)
+ end
+ -- auto insert closing bracket
+ if mapping and (chr:find("%s") or is_closer(chr) and chr ~= '"') then
+ on_text_input(self, text)
+ on_text_input(self, mapping)
+ self.doc:move_to(-1)
+ return
+ end
+ on_text_input(self, text)
+local function predicate()
+ return getmetatable(core.active_view) == DocView
+ and not core.active_view.doc:has_selection()
+command.add(predicate, {
+ ["autoinsert:backspace"] = function()
+ local doc = core.active_view.doc
+ local l, c = doc:get_selection()
+ local chr = doc:get_char(l, c)
+ if config.autoinsert_map[doc:get_char(l, c - 1)] and is_closer(chr) then
+ doc:delete_to(1)
+ end
+ command.perform "doc:backspace"
+ end,
+ ["autoinsert:delete-to-previous-word-start"] = function()
+ local doc = core.active_view.doc
+ local le, ce = translate.previous_word_start(doc, doc:get_selection())
+ while true do
+ local l, c = doc:get_selection()
+ if l == le and c == ce then
+ break
+ end
+ command.perform "autoinsert:backspace"
+ end
+ end,
+keymap.add {
+ ["backspace"] = "autoinsert:backspace",
+ ["ctrl+backspace"] = "autoinsert:delete-to-previous-word-start",
+ ["ctrl+shift+backspace"] = "autoinsert:delete-to-previous-word-start",
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/autowrap.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/autowrap.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85d4c24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/autowrap.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+require "plugins.reflow"
+local config = require "core.config"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local DocView = require "core.docview"
+config.autowrap_files = { "%.md$", "%.txt$" }
+local on_text_input = DocView.on_text_input
+DocView.on_text_input = function(self, ...)
+ on_text_input(self, ...)
+ -- early-exit if the filename does not match a file type pattern
+ local filename = self.doc.filename or ""
+ local matched = false
+ for _, ptn in ipairs(config.autowrap_files) do
+ if filename:match(ptn) then
+ matched = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not matched then return end
+ -- do automatic reflow on line if we're typing at the end of the line and have
+ -- reached the line limit
+ local line, col = self.doc:get_selection()
+ local text = self.doc:get_text(line, 1, line, math.huge)
+ if #text >= config.line_limit and col > #text then
+ command.perform("doc:select-lines")
+ command.perform("reflow:reflow")
+ command.perform("doc:move-to-next-char")
+ command.perform("doc:move-to-previous-char")
+ end
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/bigclock.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/bigclock.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e35cdbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/bigclock.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local style = require "core.style"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local common = require "core.common"
+local config = require "core.config"
+local View = require "core.view"
+config.bigclock_time_format = "%H:%M:%S"
+config.bigclock_date_format = "%A, %d %B %Y"
+config.bigclock_scale = 1
+local ClockView = View:extend()
+function ClockView:new()
+ ClockView.super.new(self)
+ self.time_text = ""
+ self.date_text = ""
+function ClockView:get_name()
+ return "Big Clock"
+function ClockView:update_fonts()
+ local size = math.floor(self.size.x * 0.15 / 15) * 15 * config.bigclock_scale
+ if self.font_size ~= size then
+ self.time_font = renderer.font.load(EXEDIR .. "/data/fonts/font.ttf", size)
+ self.date_font = renderer.font.load(EXEDIR .. "/data/fonts/font.ttf", size * 0.3)
+ self.font_size = size
+ collectgarbage()
+ end
+ return self.font
+function ClockView:update()
+ local time_text = os.date(config.bigclock_time_format)
+ local date_text = os.date(config.bigclock_date_format)
+ if self.time_text ~= time_text or self.date_text ~= date_text then
+ core.redraw = true
+ self.time_text = time_text
+ self.date_text = date_text
+ end
+ ClockView.super.update(self)
+function ClockView:draw()
+ self:update_fonts()
+ self:draw_background(style.background)
+ local x, y = self.position.x, self.position.y
+ local w, h = self.size.x, self.size.y
+ local _, y = common.draw_text(self.time_font, style.text, self.time_text, "center", x, y, w, h)
+ local th = self.date_font:get_height()
+ common.draw_text(self.date_font, style.dim, self.date_text, "center", x, y, w, th)
+command.add(nil, {
+ ["big-clock:open"] = function()
+ local node = core.root_view:get_active_node()
+ node:add_view(ClockView())
+ end,
+return ClockView
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/bracketmatch.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/bracketmatch.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4253de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/bracketmatch.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local style = require "core.style"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local keymap = require "core.keymap"
+local DocView = require "core.docview"
+local bracket_maps = {
+ -- [ ] ( ) { }
+ { [91] = 93, [40] = 41, [123] = 125, step = 1 },
+ -- ] [ ) ( } {
+ { [93] = 91, [41] = 40, [125] = 123, step = -1 },
+local function get_matching_bracket(doc, line, col, line_limit, open_byte, close_byte, step)
+ local end_line = line + line_limit * step
+ local depth = 0
+ while line ~= end_line do
+ local byte = doc.lines[line]:byte(col)
+ if byte == open_byte then
+ depth = depth + 1
+ elseif byte == close_byte then
+ depth = depth - 1
+ if depth == 0 then return line, col end
+ end
+ local prev_line, prev_col = line, col
+ line, col = doc:position_offset(line, col, step)
+ if line == prev_line and col == prev_col then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+local state = {}
+local function update_state(line_limit)
+ line_limit = line_limit or math.huge
+ -- reset if we don't have a document (eg. DocView isn't focused)
+ local doc = core.active_view.doc
+ if not doc then
+ state = {}
+ return
+ end
+ -- early exit if nothing has changed since the last call
+ local line, col = doc:get_selection()
+ local change_id = doc:get_change_id()
+ if state.doc == doc and state.line == line and state.col == col
+ and state.change_id == change_id and state.limit == line_limit then
+ return
+ end
+ -- find matching bracket if we're on a bracket
+ local line2, col2
+ for _, map in ipairs(bracket_maps) do
+ for i = 0, -1, -1 do
+ local line, col = doc:position_offset(line, col, i)
+ local open = doc.lines[line]:byte(col)
+ local close = map[open]
+ if close then
+ line2, col2 = get_matching_bracket(doc, line, col, line_limit, open, close, map.step)
+ goto found
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ::found::
+ -- update
+ state = {
+ change_id = change_id,
+ doc = doc,
+ line = line,
+ col = col,
+ line2 = line2,
+ col2 = col2,
+ limit = line_limit,
+ }
+local update = DocView.update
+function DocView:update(...)
+ update(self, ...)
+ update_state(100)
+local draw_line_text = DocView.draw_line_text
+function DocView:draw_line_text(idx, x, y)
+ draw_line_text(self, idx, x, y)
+ if self.doc == state.doc and idx == state.line2 then
+ local color = style.bracketmatch_color or style.syntax["function"]
+ local x1 = x + self:get_col_x_offset(idx, state.col2)
+ local x2 = x + self:get_col_x_offset(idx, state.col2 + 1)
+ local h = math.ceil(1 * SCALE)
+ renderer.draw_rect(x1, y + self:get_line_height() - h, x2 - x1, h, color)
+ end
+command.add("core.docview", {
+ ["bracket-match:move-to-matching"] = function()
+ update_state()
+ if state.line2 then
+ core.active_view.doc:set_selection(state.line2, state.col2)
+ end
+ end,
+keymap.add { ["ctrl+m"] = "bracket-match:move-to-matching" }
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/centerdoc.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/centerdoc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1921467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/centerdoc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+local config = require "core.config"
+local DocView = require "core.docview"
+local draw_line_gutter = DocView.draw_line_gutter
+local get_gutter_width = DocView.get_gutter_width
+function DocView:draw_line_gutter(idx, x, y)
+ local offset = self:get_gutter_width() - get_gutter_width(self)
+ draw_line_gutter(self, idx, x + offset, y)
+function DocView:get_gutter_width()
+ local real_gutter_width = get_gutter_width(self)
+ local width = real_gutter_width + self:get_font():get_width("n") * config.line_limit
+ return math.max((self.size.x - width) / 2, real_gutter_width)
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/colorpreview.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/colorpreview.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dca419c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/colorpreview.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+local common = require "core.common"
+local DocView = require "core.docview"
+local white = { common.color "#ffffff" }
+local black = { common.color "#000000" }
+local tmp = {}
+local function draw_color_previews(self, idx, x, y, ptn, base, nibbles)
+ local text = self.doc.lines[idx]
+ local s, e = 0, 0
+ while true do
+ s, e = text:find(ptn, e + 1)
+ if not s then break end
+ local str = text:sub(s, e)
+ local r, g, b = str:match(ptn)
+ r, g, b = tonumber(r, base), tonumber(g, base), tonumber(b, base)
+ -- #123 becomes #112233
+ if nibbles then
+ r = r * 16
+ g = g * 16
+ b = b * 16
+ end
+ local x1 = x + self:get_col_x_offset(idx, s)
+ local x2 = x + self:get_col_x_offset(idx, e + 1)
+ local oy = self:get_line_text_y_offset()
+ local text_color = math.max(r, g, b) < 128 and white or black
+ tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3] = r, g, b
+ local l1, _, l2, _ = self.doc:get_selection(true)
+ if not (self.doc:has_selection() and idx >= l1 and idx <= l2) then
+ renderer.draw_rect(x1, y, x2 - x1, self:get_line_height(), tmp)
+ renderer.draw_text(self:get_font(), str, x1, y + oy, text_color)
+ end
+ end
+local draw_line_text = DocView.draw_line_text
+function DocView:draw_line_text(idx, x, y)
+ draw_line_text(self, idx, x, y)
+ draw_color_previews(self, idx, x, y, "#(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)%f[%W]", 16)
+ draw_color_previews(self, idx, x, y, "#(%x)(%x)(%x)%f[%W]", 16, true) -- support #fff css format
+ draw_color_previews(self, idx, x, y, "rgba?%((%d+)%D+(%d+)%D+(%d+).-%)", 10)
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/copyfilelocation.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/copyfilelocation.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d365240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/copyfilelocation.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local config = require "core.config"
+command.add("core.docview", {
+ ["copy-file-location:copy-file-location"] = function()
+ local doc = core.active_view.doc
+ if not doc.filename then
+ core.error "Cannot copy location of unsaved doc"
+ return
+ end
+ local filename = system.absolute_path(doc.filename)
+ core.log("Copying to clipboard \"%s\"", filename)
+ system.set_clipboard(filename)
+ end
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/datetimestamps.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/datetimestamps.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..518f0a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/datetimestamps.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local config = require "core.config"
+local command = require "core.command"
+Date and time format placeholders
+from https://www.lua.org/pil/22.1.html
+%a abbreviated weekday name (e.g., Wed)
+%A full weekday name (e.g., Wednesday)
+%b abbreviated month name (e.g., Sep)
+%B full month name (e.g., September)
+%c date and time (e.g., 09/16/98 23:48:10)
+%d day of the month (16) [01-31]
+%H hour, using a 24-hour clock (23) [00-23]
+%I hour, using a 12-hour clock (11) [01-12]
+%M minute (48) [00-59]
+%m month (09) [01-12]
+%p either "am" or "pm" (pm)
+%S second (10) [00-61]
+%w weekday (3) [0-6 = Sunday-Saturday]
+%x date (e.g., 09/16/98)
+%X time (e.g., 23:48:10)
+%Y full year (1998)
+%y two-digit year (98) [00-99]
+%% the character `%´
+config.datetimestamps_format_datestamp = "%Y%m%d"
+config.datetimestamps_format_datetimestamp = "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"
+config.datetimestamps_format_timestamp = "%H%M%S"
+local function datestamp()
+ local sOut = os.date(config.datetimestamps_format_datestamp)
+ core.active_view.doc:text_input(sOut)
+local function datetimestamp()
+ local sOut = os.date(config.datetimestamps_format_datetimestamp)
+ core.active_view.doc:text_input(sOut)
+local function timestamp()
+ local sOut = os.date(config.datetimestamps_format_timestamp)
+ core.active_view.doc:text_input(sOut)
+command.add("core.docview", {
+ ["datetimestamps:insert-datestamp"] = datestamp,
+ ["datetimestamps:insert-timestamp"] = timestamp,
+ ["datetimestamps:insert-datetimestamp"] = datetimestamp
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/detectindent.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/detectindent.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c473b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/detectindent.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local config = require "core.config"
+local DocView = require "core.docview"
+local Doc = require "core.doc"
+local cache = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" })
+local function detect_indent(doc)
+ for _, text in ipairs(doc.lines) do
+ local str = text:match("^ +")
+ if str then return "soft", #str end
+ local str = text:match("^\t+")
+ if str then return "hard" end
+ end
+local function update_cache(doc)
+ local type, size = detect_indent(doc)
+ if type then
+ cache[doc] = { type = type, size = size }
+ end
+local new = Doc.new
+function Doc:new(...)
+ new(self, ...)
+ update_cache(self)
+local clean = Doc.clean
+function Doc:clean(...)
+ clean(self, ...)
+ update_cache(self)
+local function with_indent_override(doc, fn, ...)
+ local c = cache[doc]
+ if not c then
+ return fn(...)
+ end
+ local type, size = config.tab_type, config.indent_size
+ config.tab_type, config.indent_size = c.type, c.size or config.indent_size
+ local r1, r2, r3 = fn(...)
+ config.tab_type, config.indent_size = type, size
+ return r1, r2, r3
+local perform = command.perform
+function command.perform(...)
+ return with_indent_override(core.active_view.doc, perform, ...)
+local draw = DocView.draw
+function DocView:draw(...)
+ return with_indent_override(self.doc, draw, self, ...)
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/dragdropselected.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/dragdropselected.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2ce67f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/dragdropselected.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ dragdropselected.lua
+ provides basic drag and drop of selected text (in same document)
+ version: 20200627_133351
+ originally by SwissalpS
+ TODO: use OS drag and drop events
+ TODO: change mouse cursor when duplicating
+ TODO: add dragging image
+local DocView = require "core.docview"
+local core = require "core"
+local keymap = require "core.keymap"
+-- helper function for on_mouse_pressed to determine if mouse down is in selection
+-- iLine is line number where mouse down happened
+-- iCol is column where mouse down happened
+-- iSelLine1 is line number where selection starts
+-- iSelCol1 is column where selection starts
+-- iSelLine2 is line number where selection ends
+-- iSelCol2 is column where selection ends
+local function isInSelection(iLine, iCol, iSelLine1, iSelCol1, iSelLine2, iSelCol2)
+ if iLine < iSelLine1 then return false end
+ if iLine > iSelLine2 then return false end
+ if (iLine == iSelLine1) and (iCol < iSelCol1) then return false end
+ if (iLine == iSelLine2) and (iCol > iSelCol2) then return false end
+ return true
+end -- isInSelection
+-- override DocView:on_mouse_moved
+local on_mouse_moved = DocView.on_mouse_moved
+function DocView:on_mouse_moved(x, y, ...)
+ local sCursor = nil
+ -- make sure we only act if previously on_mouse_pressed was in selection
+ if self.bClickedIntoSelection then
+ -- show that we are dragging something
+ sCursor = 'hand'
+ -- check for modifier to duplicate
+ -- (may want to set a flag as this only needs to be done once)
+ -- TODO: make image to drag with and/or hand over to OS dnd event
+ if not keymap.modkeys['ctrl'] then
+ -- TODO: maybe check if moved at all and only delete then or
+ -- as some editors do, only when dropped. I do like it going
+ -- instantly as that reduces the travel-distance.
+ self.doc:delete_to(0)
+ --sCursor = 'arrowWithPlus' -- 'handWithPlus'
+ end
+ -- calculate line and column for current mouse position
+ local iLine, iCol = self:resolve_screen_position(x, y)
+ -- move text cursor
+ self.doc:set_selection(iLine, iCol)
+ -- update scroll position
+ self:scroll_to_line(iLine, true)
+ end -- if previously clicked into selection
+ -- hand off to 'old' on_mouse_moved()
+ on_mouse_moved(self, x, y, ...)
+ -- override cursor as needed
+ if sCursor then self.cursor = sCursor end
+end -- DocView:on_mouse_moved
+-- override DocView:on_mouse_pressed
+local on_mouse_pressed = DocView.on_mouse_pressed
+function DocView:on_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks)
+ -- no need to proceed if not left button or has no selection
+ if ('left' ~= button)
+ or (not self.doc:has_selection())
+ or (1 < clicks) then
+ return on_mouse_pressed(self, button, x, y, clicks)
+ end
+ -- convert pixel coordinates to line and column coordinates
+ local iLine, iCol = self:resolve_screen_position(x, y)
+ -- get selection coordinates
+ local iSelLine1, iSelCol1, iSelLine2, iSelCol2 = self.doc:get_selection(true)
+ -- set flag for on_mouse_released and on_mouse_moved() methods to detect dragging
+ self.bClickedIntoSelection = isInSelection(iLine, iCol, iSelLine1, iSelCol1,
+ iSelLine2, iSelCol2)
+ if self.bClickedIntoSelection then
+ -- stash selection for inserting later
+ self.sDraggedText = self.doc:get_text(self.doc:get_selection())
+ else
+ -- let 'old' on_mouse_pressed() do whatever it needs to do
+ on_mouse_pressed(self, button, x, y, clicks)
+ end
+end -- DocView:on_mouse_pressed
+-- override DocView:on_mouse_released()
+local on_mouse_released = DocView.on_mouse_released
+function DocView:on_mouse_released(button)
+ if self.bClickedIntoSelection then
+ -- insert stashed selected text at current position
+ self.doc:text_input(self.sDraggedText)
+ -- unset stash and flag(s) TODO:
+ self.sDraggedText = ''
+ self.bClickedIntoSelection = nil
+ end
+ -- hand over to old handler
+ on_mouse_released(self, button)
+end -- DocView:on_mouse_released
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/drawwhitespace.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/drawwhitespace.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6ed07d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/drawwhitespace.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+local common = require "core.common"
+local config = require "core.config"
+local style = require "core.style"
+local DocView = require "core.docview"
+local command = require "core.command"
+-- originally written by luveti
+config.whitespace_map = { [" "] = "·", ["\t"] = "»" }
+config.draw_whitespace = true
+local draw_line_text = DocView.draw_line_text
+function DocView:draw_line_text(idx, x, y)
+ draw_line_text(self, idx, x, y)
+ if not config.draw_whitespace then return end
+ local text = self.doc.lines[idx]
+ local tx, ty = x, y + self:get_line_text_y_offset()
+ local font = self:get_font()
+ local color = style.whitespace or style.syntax.comment
+ local map = config.whitespace_map
+ for chr in common.utf8_chars(text) do
+ local rep = map[chr]
+ if rep then
+ renderer.draw_text(font, rep, tx, ty, color)
+ end
+ tx = tx + font:get_width(chr)
+ end
+command.add("core.docview", {
+ ["draw-whitespace:toggle"] = function() config.draw_whitespace = not config.draw_whitespace end,
+ ["draw-whitespace:disable"] = function() config.draw_whitespace = false end,
+ ["draw-whitespace:enable"] = function() config.draw_whitespace = true end,
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/eval.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/eval.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54e08ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/eval.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local function eval(str)
+ local fn, err = load("return " .. str)
+ if not fn then fn, err = load(str) end
+ assert(fn, err)
+ return tostring(fn())
+command.add("core.docview", {
+ ["eval:insert"] = function()
+ core.command_view:enter("Evaluate And Insert Result", function(cmd)
+ core.active_view.doc:text_input(eval(cmd))
+ end)
+ end,
+ ["eval:replace"] = function()
+ core.active_view.doc:replace(eval)
+ end,
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/exec.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/exec.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe87afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/exec.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local function exec(cmd, keep_newline)
+ local fp = io.popen(cmd, "r")
+ local res = fp:read("*a")
+ fp:close()
+ return keep_newline and res or res:gsub("%\n$", "")
+local function shell_quote(str)
+ return "'" .. str:gsub("'", "'\\''") .. "'"
+local printfb_sub = {
+ ["\\"] = "\\\\",
+ ["\0"] = "\\0000",
+ ["'"] = "'\\''",
+local function printfb_quote(str)
+ return "'" .. str:gsub(".", printfb_sub) .. "'"
+command.add("core.docview", {
+ ["exec:insert"] = function()
+ core.command_view:enter("Insert Result Of Command", function(cmd)
+ core.active_view.doc:text_input(exec(cmd))
+ end)
+ end,
+ ["exec:replace"] = function()
+ core.command_view:enter("Replace With Result Of Command", function(cmd)
+ core.active_view.doc:replace(function(str)
+ return exec(
+ "printf %b " .. printfb_quote(str:gsub("%\n$", "") .. "\n") .. " | eval '' " .. shell_quote(cmd),
+ str:find("%\n$")
+ )
+ end)
+ end)
+ end,
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/ghmarkdown.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/ghmarkdown.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f49c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/ghmarkdown.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local keymap = require "core.keymap"
+local html = [[
+ ${title}
+command.add("core.docview", {
+ ["ghmarkdown:show-preview"] = function()
+ local dv = core.active_view
+ local content = dv.doc:get_text(1, 1, math.huge, math.huge)
+ local esc = { ['"'] = '\\"', ["\n"] = '\\n' }
+ local text = html:gsub("${(.-)}", {
+ title = dv:get_name(),
+ content = content:gsub(".", esc)
+ })
+ local htmlfile = core.temp_filename(".html")
+ local fp = io.open(htmlfile, "w")
+ fp:write(text)
+ fp:close()
+ core.log("Opening markdown preview for \"%s\"", dv:get_name())
+ if PLATFORM == "Windows" then
+ system.exec("start " .. htmlfile)
+ else
+ system.exec(string.format("xdg-open %q", htmlfile))
+ end
+ core.add_thread(function()
+ coroutine.yield(5)
+ os.remove(htmlfile)
+ end)
+ end
+keymap.add { ["ctrl+shift+m"] = "ghmarkdown:show-preview" }
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/gitstatus.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/gitstatus.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a58fd0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/gitstatus.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local config = require "core.config"
+local style = require "core.style"
+local StatusView = require "core.statusview"
+local git = {
+ branch = nil,
+ inserts = 0,
+ deletes = 0,
+local function exec(cmd, wait)
+ local tempfile = core.temp_filename()
+ system.exec(string.format("%s > %q", cmd, tempfile))
+ coroutine.yield(wait)
+ local fp = io.open(tempfile)
+ local res = fp:read("*a")
+ fp:close()
+ os.remove(tempfile)
+ return res
+ while true do
+ if system.get_file_info(".git") then
+ -- get branch name
+ git.branch = exec("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", 1):match("[^\n]*")
+ -- get diff
+ local line = exec("git diff --stat", 1):match("[^\n]*%s*$")
+ git.inserts = tonumber(line:match("(%d+) ins")) or 0
+ git.deletes = tonumber(line:match("(%d+) del")) or 0
+ else
+ git.branch = nil
+ end
+ coroutine.yield(config.project_scan_rate)
+ end
+local get_items = StatusView.get_items
+function StatusView:get_items()
+ if not git.branch then
+ return get_items(self)
+ end
+ local left, right = get_items(self)
+ local t = {
+ style.dim, self.separator,
+ (git.inserts ~= 0 or git.deletes ~= 0) and style.accent or style.text,
+ git.branch,
+ style.dim, " ",
+ git.inserts ~= 0 and style.accent or style.text, "+", git.inserts,
+ style.dim, " / ",
+ git.deletes ~= 0 and style.accent or style.text, "-", git.deletes,
+ }
+ for _, item in ipairs(t) do
+ table.insert(right, item)
+ end
+ return left, right
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/gofmt.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/gofmt.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11c90b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/gofmt.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local keymap = require "core.keymap"
+local function exec(cmd)
+ local fp = io.popen(cmd, "r")
+ local res = fp:read("*a")
+ local success = fp:close()
+ return res:gsub("%\n$", ""), success
+local function get_cmd_text(cmd, doc)
+ local active_filename = doc and system.absolute_path(doc.filename or "")
+ return exec(string.format("%s %s", cmd, active_filename))
+local function update_doc(cmd, doc)
+ local text, success = get_cmd_text(cmd, doc)
+ if success == nil then
+ local err_text = "Command '%s' not found in the system"
+ core.error(string.format(err_text, cmd))
+ return
+ end
+ local sel = { doc:get_selection() }
+ doc:remove(1, 1, math.huge, math.huge)
+ doc:insert(1, 1, text)
+ doc:set_selection(table.unpack(sel))
+command.add("core.docview", {
+ ["gofmt:gofmt"] = function()
+ update_doc("gofmt", core.active_view.doc)
+ end,
+ ["gofmt:goimports"] = function()
+ update_doc("goimports", core.active_view.doc)
+ end,
+ ["gofmt:goreturns"] = function()
+ update_doc("goreturns", core.active_view.doc)
+ end,
+keymap.add {
+ ["ctrl+i"] = "gofmt:gofmt",
+ ["ctrl+h"] = "gofmt:goimports",
+ ["ctrl+u"] = "gofmt:goreturns",
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/hidelinenumbers.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/hidelinenumbers.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..206bd23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/hidelinenumbers.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+local style = require "core.style"
+local DocView = require "core.docview"
+DocView.draw_line_gutter = function() end
+DocView.get_gutter_width = function() return style.padding.x end
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/hidestatus.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/hidestatus.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c0bb15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/hidestatus.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+local command = require "core.command"
+local StatusView = require "core.statusview"
+local visible = false
+local funcs = {
+ [true] = StatusView.update,
+ [false] = function(self) self.size.y = 0 end,
+function StatusView:update(...)
+ funcs[visible](self, ...)
+command.add(nil, {
+ ["hide-status:toggle"] = function() visible = not visible end,
+ ["hide-status:hide"] = function() visible = false end,
+ ["hide-status:show"] = function() visible = true end,
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/inanimate.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/inanimate.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a01aa40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/inanimate.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local View = require "core.view"
+function View:move_towards(t, k, dest)
+ if type(t) ~= "table" then
+ return self:move_towards(self, t, k, dest)
+ end
+ if t[k] ~= dest then
+ core.redraw = true
+ end
+ t[k] = dest
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/indentguide.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/indentguide.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daf7d8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/indentguide.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+local style = require "core.style"
+local config = require "core.config"
+local DocView = require "core.docview"
+local function get_line_spaces(doc, idx, dir)
+ local text = doc.lines[idx]
+ if not text then
+ return 0
+ end
+ local s, e = text:find("^%s*")
+ if e == #text then
+ return get_line_spaces(doc, idx + dir, dir)
+ end
+ local n = 0
+ for i = s, e do
+ n = n + (text:byte(i) == 9 and config.indent_size or 1)
+ end
+ return n
+local function get_line_indent_guide_spaces(doc, idx)
+ if doc.lines[idx]:find("^%s*\n") then
+ return math.max(
+ get_line_spaces(doc, idx - 1, -1),
+ get_line_spaces(doc, idx + 1, 1))
+ end
+ return get_line_spaces(doc, idx)
+local draw_line_text = DocView.draw_line_text
+function DocView:draw_line_text(idx, x, y)
+ local spaces = get_line_indent_guide_spaces(self.doc, idx)
+ local sw = self:get_font():get_width(" ")
+ local w = math.ceil(1 * SCALE)
+ local h = self:get_line_height()
+ for i = 0, spaces - 1, config.indent_size do
+ local color = style.guide or style.selection
+ renderer.draw_rect(x + sw * i, y, w, h, color)
+ end
+ draw_line_text(self, idx, x, y)
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_angelscript.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_angelscript.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c39cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_angelscript.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.as$", "%.asc$" },
+ comment = "//",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "#", "[^\\]\n" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "-?0[xX]%x+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?0[bB][0-1]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?0[oO][0-7]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "&inout", type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "&in", type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "&out", type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*@", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "[%-%+!~@%?:&|%^<>%*/=%%]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ -- Common
+ ["shared"] = "keyword",
+ ["external"] = "keyword",
+ ["private"] = "keyword",
+ ["protected"] = "keyword",
+ ["const"] = "keyword",
+ ["final"] = "keyword",
+ ["abstract"] = "keyword",
+ ["class"] = "keyword",
+ ["typedef"] = "keyword",
+ ["namespace"] = "keyword",
+ ["interface"] = "keyword",
+ ["import"] = "keyword",
+ ["enum"] = "keyword",
+ ["funcdef"] = "keyword",
+ ["get"] = "keyword",
+ ["set"] = "keyword",
+ ["mixin"] = "keyword",
+ ["void"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int8"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int16"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int32"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int64"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint8"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint16"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint32"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint64"] = "keyword2",
+ ["float"] = "keyword2",
+ ["double"] = "keyword2",
+ ["bool"] = "keyword2",
+ ["auto"] = "keyword",
+ ["override"] = "keyword",
+ ["explicit"] = "keyword",
+ ["property"] = "keyword",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["switch"] = "keyword",
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["default"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["do"] = "keyword",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["try"] = "keyword",
+ ["catch"] = "keyword",
+ ["cast"] = "keyword",
+ ["function"] = "keyword",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["null"] = "literal",
+ ["is"] = "operator",
+ ["and"] = "operator",
+ ["or"] = "operator",
+ ["xor"] = "operator",
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_batch.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_batch.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8caad59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_batch.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+-- batch syntax for lite
+-- windows batch files use caseless matching for symbols
+local symtable = {
+ ["keyword"] = {
+ "if", "else", "elsif", "not", "for", "do", "in",
+ "equ", "neq", "lss", "leq", "gtr", "geq", -- == != < <= > >=
+ "nul", "con", "prn", "prn", "lpt1", "com1", "com2", "com3", "com4",
+ "exist", "defined",
+ "errorlevel", "cmdextversion",
+ "goto", "call", "verify",
+ },
+ ["function"] = {
+ "set", "setlocal", "endlocal", "enabledelayedexpansion",
+ "echo", "type",
+ "cd", "chdir",
+ "md", "mkdir",
+ "pause", "choice", "exit",
+ "del", "rd", "rmdir",
+ "copy", "xcopy",
+ "move", "ren",
+ "find", "findstr",
+ "sort", "shift", "attrib",
+ "cmd", "command",
+ "forfiles",
+ },
+-- prepare a mixed symbol list
+local function prepare_symbols(symtable)
+ local symbols = { }
+ for symtype, symlist in pairs(symtable) do
+ for _, symname in ipairs(symlist) do
+ symbols[symname:lower()] = symtype
+ symbols[symname:upper()] = symtype
+ end
+ end
+ return symbols
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.bat$", "%.cmd$" },
+ comment = "rem",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "@echo off\n", type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "@echo on\n", type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "rem.-\n", type = "comment" }, -- rem comment line, rem, rem.
+ { pattern = "REM.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = "%s*:[%w%-]+", type = "symbol" }, -- :labels
+ { pattern = "%:%:.-\n", type = "comment" }, -- :: comment line
+ { pattern = "%%%w+%%", type = "symbol" }, -- %variable%
+ { pattern = "%%%%?~?[%w:]+", type = "symbol" }, -- %1, %~dpn1, %~1:2, %%i, %%~i
+ { pattern = "[!=()%>&%^/\\@]", type = "operator" }, -- operators
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+f?", type = "number" }, -- integer numbers
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" }, -- "strings"
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "normal" },
+ { pattern = ":eof", type = "keyword" }, -- not quite as intended, but ok for now
+ },
+ symbols = prepare_symbols(symtable),
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_cmake.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_cmake.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78354e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_cmake.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.cmake$", "CMakeLists.txt$" },
+ comment = "//",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = { "#", "[^\\]\n" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "normal" },
+ { pattern = "%${[%a_][%w_]*%}", type = "operator" },
+ },
+ symbols = {},
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_cpp.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_cpp.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b2fce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_cpp.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+pcall(require, "plugins.language_c")
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = {
+ "%.h$", "%.inl$", "%.cpp$", "%.cc$", "%.C$", "%.cxx$",
+ "%.c++$", "%.hh$", "%.H$", "%.hxx$", "%.hpp$", "%.h++$"
+ },
+ comment = "//",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "#", "[^\\]\n" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "-?0x%x+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["alignof"] = "keyword",
+ ["alignas"] = "keyword",
+ ["and"] = "keyword",
+ ["and_eq"] = "keyword",
+ ["not"] = "keyword",
+ ["not_eq"] = "keyword",
+ ["or"] = "keyword",
+ ["or_eq"] = "keyword",
+ ["xor"] = "keyword",
+ ["xor_eq"] = "keyword",
+ ["private"] = "keyword",
+ ["protected"] = "keyword",
+ ["public"] = "keyword",
+ ["register"] = "keyword",
+ ["nullptr"] = "keyword",
+ ["operator"] = "keyword",
+ ["asm"] = "keyword",
+ ["bitand"] = "keyword",
+ ["bitor"] = "keyword",
+ ["catch"] = "keyword",
+ ["throw"] = "keyword",
+ ["try"] = "keyword",
+ ["class"] = "keyword",
+ ["compl"] = "keyword",
+ ["explicit"] = "keyword",
+ ["export"] = "keyword",
+ ["concept"] = "keyword",
+ ["consteval"] = "keyword",
+ ["constexpr"] = "keyword",
+ ["constinit"] = "keyword",
+ ["const_cast"] = "keyword",
+ ["dynamic_cast"] = "keyword",
+ ["reinterpret_cast"] = "keyword",
+ ["static_cast"] = "keyword",
+ ["static_assert"] = "keyword",
+ ["template"] = "keyword",
+ ["this"] = "keyword",
+ ["thread_local"] = "keyword",
+ ["requires"] = "keyword",
+ ["co_wait"] = "keyword",
+ ["co_return"] = "keyword",
+ ["co_yield"] = "keyword",
+ ["decltype"] = "keyword",
+ ["delete"] = "keyword",
+ ["export"] = "keyword",
+ ["friend"] = "keyword",
+ ["typeid"] = "keyword",
+ ["typename"] = "keyword",
+ ["mutable"] = "keyword",
+ ["virtual"] = "keyword",
+ ["using"] = "keyword",
+ ["namespace"] = "keyword",
+ ["new"] = "keyword",
+ ["noexcept"] = "keyword",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["then"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["elseif"] = "keyword",
+ ["do"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["goto"] = "keyword",
+ ["struct"] = "keyword",
+ ["union"] = "keyword",
+ ["typedef"] = "keyword",
+ ["enum"] = "keyword",
+ ["extern"] = "keyword",
+ ["static"] = "keyword",
+ ["volatile"] = "keyword",
+ ["const"] = "keyword",
+ ["inline"] = "keyword",
+ ["switch"] = "keyword",
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["default"] = "keyword",
+ ["auto"] = "keyword",
+ ["const"] = "keyword",
+ ["void"] = "keyword",
+ ["int"] = "keyword2",
+ ["short"] = "keyword2",
+ ["long"] = "keyword2",
+ ["float"] = "keyword2",
+ ["double"] = "keyword2",
+ ["char"] = "keyword2",
+ ["unsigned"] = "keyword2",
+ ["bool"] = "keyword2",
+ ["true"] = "keyword2",
+ ["false"] = "keyword2",
+ ["wchar_t"] = "keyword2",
+ ["char8_t"] = "keyword2",
+ ["char16_t"] = "keyword2",
+ ["char32_t"] = "keyword2",
+ ["NULL"] = "literal",
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_csharp.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_csharp.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e790e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_csharp.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = "%.cs$",
+ comment = "//",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "[%$%@]?\"", '"', '\\' }, type = "string" }, -- string interpolation and verbatim
+ { pattern = "'\\x%x?%x?%x?%x'", type = "string" }, -- character hexadecimal escape sequence
+ { pattern = "'\\u%x%x%x%x'", type = "string" }, -- character unicode escape sequence
+ { pattern = "'\\?.'", type = "string" }, -- character literal
+ { pattern = "-?0x%x+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "%?%?", type = "operator" }, -- ?? null-coalescing
+ { pattern = "%?%.", type = "operator" }, -- ?. null-conditional
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ -- keywords
+ ["abstract"] = "keyword",
+ ["as"] = "keyword",
+ ["await"] = "keyword",
+ ["base"] = "keyword",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["catch"] = "keyword",
+ ["checked"] = "keyword",
+ ["class"] = "keyword",
+ ["const"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["default"] = "keyword",
+ ["delegate"] = "keyword",
+ ["do"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["enum"] = "keyword",
+ ["event"] = "keyword",
+ ["explicit"] = "keyword",
+ ["extern"] = "keyword",
+ ["finally"] = "keyword",
+ ["fixed"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["foreach"] = "keyword",
+ ["get"] = "keyword",
+ ["goto"] = "keyword",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["implicit"] = "keyword",
+ ["in"] = "keyword",
+ ["interface"] = "keyword",
+ ["internal"] = "keyword",
+ ["is"] = "keyword",
+ ["lock"] = "keyword",
+ ["namespace"] = "keyword",
+ ["new"] = "keyword",
+ ["operator"] = "keyword",
+ ["out"] = "keyword",
+ ["override"] = "keyword",
+ ["params"] = "keyword",
+ ["private"] = "keyword",
+ ["protected"] = "keyword",
+ ["public"] = "keyword",
+ ["readonly"] = "keyword",
+ ["ref"] = "keyword",
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["sealed"] = "keyword",
+ ["set"] = "keyword",
+ ["sizeof"] = "keyword",
+ ["stackalloc"] = "keyword",
+ ["static"] = "keyword",
+ ["struct"] = "keyword",
+ ["switch"] = "keyword",
+ ["this"] = "keyword",
+ ["throw"] = "keyword",
+ ["try"] = "keyword",
+ ["typeof"] = "keyword",
+ ["unchecked"] = "keyword",
+ ["unsafe"] = "keyword",
+ ["using"] = "keyword",
+ ["var"] = "keyword",
+ ["virtual"] = "keyword",
+ ["void"] = "keyword",
+ ["volatile"] = "keyword",
+ ["where"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["yield"] = "keyword",
+ -- types
+ ["bool"] = "keyword2",
+ ["byte"] = "keyword2",
+ ["char"] = "keyword2",
+ ["decimal"] = "keyword2",
+ ["double"] = "keyword2",
+ ["float"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int"] = "keyword2",
+ ["long"] = "keyword2",
+ ["object"] = "keyword2",
+ ["sbyte"] = "keyword2",
+ ["short"] = "keyword2",
+ ["string"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint"] = "keyword2",
+ ["ulong"] = "keyword2",
+ ["ushort"] = "keyword2",
+ -- literals
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["null"] = "literal",
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_d.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_d.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4597943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_d.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.d$", "%.di$" },
+ comment = "//",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%+", "%+/" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '`', '`', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "-?0x%x+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&%$]+", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*!", type = "function" }, -- highlight templates
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ { pattern = "@safe", type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "@trusted", type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "@nogc", type = "keyword" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["abstract"] = "keyword",
+ ["alias"] = "keyword",
+ ["align"] = "keyword",
+ ["asm"] = "keyword",
+ ["assert"] = "keyword",
+ ["auto"] = "keyword",
+ ["body"] = "keyword",
+ ["bool"] = "keyword2",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["byte"] = "keyword2",
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["cast"] = "keyword",
+ ["catch"] = "keyword",
+ ["cdouble"] = "keyword2",
+ ["cent"] = "keyword2",
+ ["cfloat"] = "keyword2",
+ ["char"] = "keyword2",
+ ["class"] = "keyword",
+ ["const"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["creal"] = "keyword2",
+ ["dchar"] = "keyword2",
+ ["debug"] = "keyword",
+ ["default"] = "keyword",
+ ["delegate"] = "keyword",
+ ["deprecated"] = "keyword",
+ ["do"] = "keyword",
+ ["double"] = "keyword2",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["enum"] = "keyword",
+ ["export"] = "keyword",
+ ["extern"] = "keyword",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["final"] = "keyword",
+ ["finally"] = "keyword",
+ ["float"] = "keyword2",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["foreach"] = "keyword",
+ ["foreach_reverse"] = "keyword",
+ ["function"] = "keyword",
+ ["goto"] = "keyword",
+ ["idouble"] = "keyword2",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["ifloat"] = "keyword2",
+ ["immutable"] = "keyword",
+ ["import"] = "keyword",
+ ["in"] = "keyword",
+ ["inout"] = "keyword",
+ ["int"] = "keyword2",
+ ["interface"] = "keyword",
+ ["invariant"] = "keyword",
+ ["ireal"] = "keyword2",
+ ["is"] = "keyword",
+ ["lazy"] = "keyword",
+ ["long"] = "keyword2",
+ ["macro"] = "keyword",
+ ["mixin"] = "keyword",
+ ["module"] = "keyword",
+ ["new"] = "keyword",
+ ["nothrow"] = "keyword",
+ ["null"] = "literal",
+ ["out"] = "keyword",
+ ["override"] = "keyword",
+ ["package"] = "keyword",
+ ["pragma"] = "keyword",
+ ["private"] = "keyword",
+ ["protected"] = "keyword",
+ ["public"] = "keyword",
+ ["pure"] = "keyword",
+ ["real"] = "keyword2",
+ ["ref"] = "keyword",
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["scope"] = "keyword",
+ ["shared"] = "keyword",
+ ["short"] = "keyword2",
+ ["static"] = "keyword",
+ ["struct"] = "keyword",
+ ["super"] = "keyword",
+ ["switch"] = "keyword",
+ ["synchronized"] = "keyword",
+ ["template"] = "keyword",
+ ["this"] = "keyword",
+ ["throw"] = "keyword",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["try"] = "keyword",
+ ["typeid"] = "keyword",
+ ["typeof"] = "keyword",
+ ["ubyte"] = "keyword2",
+ ["ucent"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint"] = "keyword2",
+ ["ulong"] = "keyword2",
+ ["union"] = "keyword",
+ ["unittest"] = "keyword",
+ ["ushort"] = "keyword2",
+ ["version"] = "keyword",
+ ["void"] = "keyword",
+ ["wchar"] = "keyword2",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["with"] = "keyword",
+ ["__FILE__"] = "keyword",
+ ["__FILE_FULL_PATH__"] = "keyword",
+ ["__MODULE__"] = "keyword",
+ ["__LINE__"] = "keyword",
+ ["__FUNCTION__"] = "keyword",
+ ["__PRETTY_FUNCTION__"] = "keyword",
+ ["__gshared"] = "keyword",
+ ["__traits"] = "keyword",
+ ["__vector"] = "keyword",
+ ["__parameters"] = "keyword",
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_elixir.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_elixir.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f87fad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_elixir.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.ex$", "%.exs$"},
+ comment = "#",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "#.*\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { ':"', '"', '\\' }, type = "number" },
+ { pattern = { '"""', '"""', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { '~%a[/"|\'%(%[%{<]', '[/"|\'%)%]%}>]', '\\' }, type = "string"},
+ { pattern = "-?0x%x+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = ':"?[%a_][%w_]*"?', type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%a][%w_!?]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "%u%w+", type = "normal" },
+ { pattern = "@[%a_][%w_]*", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "_%a[%w_]*", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*<>!|&]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["def"] = "keyword",
+ ["defp"] = "keyword",
+ ["defguard"] = "keyword",
+ ["defguardp"] = "keyword",
+ ["defmodule"] = "keyword",
+ ["defprotocol"] = "keyword",
+ ["defimpl"] = "keyword",
+ ["defrecord"] = "keyword",
+ ["defrecordp"] = "keyword",
+ ["defmacro"] = "keyword",
+ ["defmacrop"] = "keyword",
+ ["defdelegate"] = "keyword",
+ ["defoverridable"] = "keyword",
+ ["defexception"] = "keyword",
+ ["defcallback"] = "keyword",
+ ["defstruct"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["when"] = "keyword",
+ ["with"] = "keyword",
+ ["cond"] = "keyword",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["unless"] = "keyword",
+ ["try"] = "keyword",
+ ["receive"] = "keyword",
+ ["after"] = "keyword",
+ ["raise"] = "keyword",
+ ["rescue"] = "keyword",
+ ["catch"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["quote"] = "keyword",
+ ["unquote"] = "keyword",
+ ["super"] = "keyword",
+ ["unquote_splicing"] = "keyword",
+ ["do"] = "keyword",
+ ["end"] = "keyword",
+ ["fn"] = "keyword",
+ ["import"] = "keyword2",
+ ["alias"] = "keyword2",
+ ["use"] = "keyword2",
+ ["require"] = "keyword2",
+ ["and"] = "operator",
+ ["or"] = "operator",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["nil"] = "literal",
+ },
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.l?eex$" },
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = { "" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '%f[^>][^<]', '%f[<]' }, type = "normal" },
+ { pattern = { '<%%=?', '%%>' }, type = "normal" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "0x[%da-fA-F]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.]*f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "%f[^<]![%a_][%w_]*", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "%f[^<][%a_][%w_]*", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "%f[^<]/[%a_][%w_]*", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "[/<>=]", type = "operator" },
+ },
+ symbols = {},
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_elm.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_elm.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f449a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_elm.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.elm$" },
+ comment = "%-%-",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = {"%-%-", "\n"}, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "{%-", "%-}" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { '"""', '"""', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "-?0x%x+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "%.%.", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[=:|&<>%+%-%*\\/%^%%]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_'][%w_']*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["as"] = "keyword",
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["of"] = "keyword",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["then"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["import"] = "keyword",
+ ["module"] = "keyword",
+ ["exposing"] = "keyword",
+ ["let"] = "keyword",
+ ["in"] = "keyword",
+ ["type"] = "keyword",
+ ["alias"] = "keyword",
+ ["port"] = "keyword",
+ ["and"] = "keyword",
+ ["or"] = "keyword",
+ ["xor"] = "keyword",
+ ["not"] = "keyword",
+ ["number"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Bool"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Char"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Float"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Int"] = "keyword2",
+ ["String"] = "keyword2",
+ ["True"] = "literal",
+ ["False"] = "literal",
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_fe.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_fe.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f97e73b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_fe.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = "%.fe$",
+ comment = ";",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = ";.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "0x[%da-fA-F]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.]*", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "'", type = "symbol" },
+ { pattern = "%f[^(][^()'%s\"]+", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[^()'%s\"]+", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["if"] = "keyword2",
+ ["let"] = "keyword2",
+ ["do"] = "keyword2",
+ ["fn"] = "keyword2",
+ ["mac"] = "keyword2",
+ ["'"] = "keyword2",
+ ["print"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["car"] = "keyword",
+ ["cdr"] = "keyword",
+ ["not"] = "keyword",
+ ["setcdr"] = "keyword",
+ ["setcar"] = "keyword",
+ ["nil"] = "literal",
+ ["t"] = "literal",
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_fennel.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_fennel.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7320e91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_fennel.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+-- Support for the Fennel programming language: https://fennel-lang.org
+-- Covers all the keywords up to Fennel version 0.4.0
+-- Currently only covers highlighting, not indentation, delimiter
+-- matching, or evaluation.
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = "%.fnl$",
+ comment = ";",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = ";.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "0x[%da-fA-F]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.]*", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "%f[^(][^()'%s\"]+", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[^()'%s\"]+", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["eval-compiler"] = "keyword2",
+ ["doc"] = "keyword2",
+ ["lua"] = "keyword2",
+ ["hashfn"] = "keyword2",
+ ["macro"] = "keyword2",
+ ["macros"] = "keyword2",
+ ["import-macros"] = "keyword2",
+ ["do"] = "keyword2",
+ ["values"] = "keyword2",
+ ["if"] = "keyword2",
+ ["when"] = "keyword2",
+ ["each"] = "keyword2",
+ ["for"] = "keyword2",
+ ["fn"] = "keyword2",
+ ["lambda"] = "keyword2",
+ ["λ"] = "keyword2",
+ ["partial"] = "keyword2",
+ ["while"] = "keyword2",
+ ["set"] = "keyword2",
+ ["global"] = "keyword2",
+ ["var"] = "keyword2",
+ ["local"] = "keyword2",
+ ["let"] = "keyword2",
+ ["tset"] = "keyword2",
+ ["set-forcibly!"] = "keyword2",
+ ["doto"] = "keyword2",
+ ["match"] = "keyword2",
+ ["or"] = "keyword2",
+ ["and"] = "keyword2",
+ ["not"] = "keyword2",
+ ["not="] = "keyword2",
+ ["pick-args"] = "keyword2",
+ ["pick-values"] = "keyword2",
+ ["macrodebug"] = "keyword2",
+ ["."] = "keyword",
+ ["+"] = "keyword",
+ [".."] = "keyword",
+ ["^"] = "keyword",
+ ["-"] = "keyword",
+ ["*"] = "keyword",
+ ["%"] = "keyword",
+ ["/"] = "keyword",
+ [">"] = "keyword",
+ ["<"] = "keyword",
+ [">="] = "keyword",
+ ["<="] = "keyword",
+ ["="] = "keyword",
+ ["#"] = "keyword",
+ ["..."] = "keyword",
+ [":"] = "keyword",
+ ["->"] = "keyword",
+ ["->>"] = "keyword",
+ ["-?>"] = "keyword",
+ ["-?>>"] = "keyword",
+ ["$"] = "keyword",
+ ["$1"] = "keyword",
+ ["$2"] = "keyword",
+ ["$3"] = "keyword",
+ ["$4"] = "keyword",
+ ["$5"] = "keyword",
+ ["$6"] = "keyword",
+ ["$7"] = "keyword",
+ ["$8"] = "keyword",
+ ["$9"] = "keyword",
+ ["lshift"] = "keyword",
+ ["rshift"] = "keyword",
+ ["bor"] = "keyword",
+ ["band"] = "keyword",
+ ["bnot"] = "keyword",
+ ["bxor"] = "keyword",
+ ["nil"] = "literal",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_gdscript.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_gdscript.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e301354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_gdscript.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+-- Support for the GDScript programming language: https://godotengine.org/
+-- Covers the most used keywords up to Godot version 3.2.x
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.gd$" },
+ comment = "#",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "#.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "-?0x%x*", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.e]*", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%:%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ -- keywords
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["elif"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["match"] = "keyword",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["pass"] = "keyword",
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["class"] = "keyword",
+ ["class_name"] = "keyword",
+ ["extends"] = "keyword",
+ ["is"] = "keyword",
+ ["in"] = "keyword",
+ ["as"] = "keyword",
+ ["and"] = "keyword",
+ ["or"] = "keyword",
+ ["not"] = "keyword",
+ ["self"] = "keyword",
+ ["tool"] = "keyword",
+ ["signal"] = "keyword",
+ ["func"] = "keyword",
+ ["static"] = "keyword",
+ ["const"] = "keyword",
+ ["enum"] = "keyword",
+ ["var"] = "keyword",
+ ["onready"] = "keyword",
+ ["export"] = "keyword",
+ ["setget"] = "keyword",
+ ["breakpoint"] = "keyword",
+ ["preload"] = "keyword",
+ ["yield"] = "keyword",
+ ["assert"] = "keyword",
+ ["remote"] = "keyword",
+ ["master"] = "keyword",
+ ["puppet"] = "keyword",
+ ["remotesync"] = "keyword",
+ ["mastersync"] = "keyword",
+ ["puppetsync"] = "keyword",
+ -- types
+ ["void"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int"] = "keyword2",
+ ["float"] = "keyword2",
+ ["bool"] = "keyword2",
+ ["String"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Vector2"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Rect2"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Vector3"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Transform2D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Plane"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Quat"] = "keyword2",
+ ["AABB"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Basis"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Transform"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Color"] = "keyword2",
+ ["NodePath"] = "keyword2",
+ ["RID"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Object"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Array"] = "keyword2",
+ ["PoolByteArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["PoolIntArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["PoolRealArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["PoolStringArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["PoolVector2Array"] = "keyword2",
+ ["PoolVector3Array"] = "keyword2",
+ ["PoolColorArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Dictionary"] = "keyword2",
+ -- literals
+ ["null"] = "literal",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["PI"] = "literal",
+ ["TAU"] = "literal",
+ ["INF"] = "literal",
+ ["NAN"] = "literal",
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_glsl.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_glsl.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da69ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_glsl.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+local style = require "core.style"
+local common = require "core.common"
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.glsl$", "%.frag$", "%.vert$", },
+ comment = "//",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "#", "[^\\]\n" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "-?0x%x+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "ivec[2-4]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "bvec[2-4]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "uvec[2-4]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "vec[2-4]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "dmat[2-4]x[2-4]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "dmat[2-4]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "mat[2-4]x[2-4]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "mat[2-4]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ --https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/specs/gl/GLSLangSpec.4.60.pdf
+ --The symbols are added here in the order they appear in the spec
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["do"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["const"] = "keyword",
+ ["switch"] = "keyword",
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["default"] = "keyword",
+ ["const"] = "keyword",
+ ["void"] = "keyword",
+ ["bool"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint"] = "keyword2",
+ ["float"] = "keyword2",
+ ["double"] = "keyword2",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["NULL"] = "literal",
+ ["attribute"] = "keyword",
+ ["varying"] = "keyword",
+ ["uniform"] = "keyword",
+ ["buffer"] = "keyword",
+ ["shared"] = "keyword",
+ ["layout"] = "keyword",
+ ["centroid"] = "keyword",
+ ["flat"] = "keyword",
+ ["smooth"] = "keyword",
+ ["noperspective"]= "keyword",
+ ["patch"] = "keyword",
+ ["sample"] = "keyword",
+ ["in"] = "keyword",
+ ["out"] = "keyword",
+ ["inout"] = "keyword",
+ ["invariant"] = "keyword",
+ ["precise"] = "keyword",
+ ["lowp"] = "keyword",
+ ["mediump"] = "keyword",
+ ["highp"] = "keyword",
+ ["precision"] = "keyword",
+ ["struct"] = "keyword",
+ ["subroutine"] = "keyword",
+ ["coherent"] = "keyword",
+ ["volatile"] = "keyword",
+ ["readonly"] = "keyword",
+ ["writeonly"] = "keyword",
+ ["sampler1D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["sampler2D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["sampler3D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["samplerCube"] = "keyword2",
+ ["sampler1DShadow"] = "keyword2",
+ ["sampler2DShadow"] = "keyword2",
+ ["samplerCubeShadow"] = "keyword2",
+ ["sampler1DArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["sampler2DArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["samplerCubeArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["sampler1DArrayShadow"] = "keyword2",
+ ["sampler2DArrayShadow"] = "keyword2",
+ ["samplerCubeArrayShadow"]= "keyword2",
+ ["isampler1D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["isampler2D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["isampler3D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["isamplerCube"] = "keyword2",
+ ["sampler2DMS"] = "keyword2",
+ ["isampler2DMS"] = "keyword2",
+ ["usampler2DMS"] = "keyword2",
+ ["sampler2DMSArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["isampler2DMSArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["usampler2DMSArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["isampler1DArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["isampler2DArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["usampler1D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["usampler2D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["usampler3D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["usamplerCube"] = "keyword2",
+ ["usampler1DArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["usampler2DArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["sampler2DRect"] = "keyword2",
+ ["sampler2DRectShadow"] = "keyword2",
+ ["isampler2DRect"] = "keyword2",
+ ["usampler2DRect"] = "keyword2",
+ ["samplerBuffer"] = "keyword2",
+ ["isamplerBuffer"] = "keyword2",
+ ["usamplerBuffer"] = "keyword2",
+ ["image1D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["iimage1D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uimage1D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["image1DArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["iimage1DArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uimage1DArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["image2D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["iimage2D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uimage2D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["image2DArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["iimage2DArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uimage2DArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["image2DRect"] = "keyword2",
+ ["iimage2DRect"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uimage2DRect"] = "keyword2",
+ ["image2DMS"] = "keyword2",
+ ["iimage2DMS"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uimage2DMS"] = "keyword2",
+ ["image2DMSArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["iimage2DMSArray"]= "keyword2",
+ ["uimage2DMSArray"]= "keyword2",
+ ["image3D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["iimage3D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uimage3D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["imageCube"] = "keyword2",
+ ["iimageCube"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uimageCube"] = "keyword2",
+ ["imageCubeArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["iimageCubeArray"]= "keyword2",
+ ["uimageCubeArray"]= "keyword2",
+ ["imageBuffer"] = "keyword2",
+ ["iimageBuffer"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uimageBuffer"] = "keyword2",
+ ["atomic_uint"] = "keyword2",
+ ["radians"] = "keyword",
+ ["degrees"] = "keyword",
+ ["sin"] = "keyword",
+ ["cos"] = "keyword",
+ ["tan"] = "keyword",
+ ["asin"] = "keyword",
+ ["acos"] = "keyword",
+ ["atan"] = "keyword",
+ ["sinh"] = "keyword",
+ ["cosh"] = "keyword",
+ ["tanh"] = "keyword",
+ ["asinh"] = "keyword",
+ ["acosh"] = "keyword",
+ ["pow"] = "keyword",
+ ["exp"] = "keyword",
+ ["exp2"] = "keyword",
+ ["log2"] = "keyword",
+ ["sqrt"] = "keyword",
+ ["inversesqrt"] = "keyword",
+ ["abs"] = "keyword",
+ ["sign"] = "keyword",
+ ["floor"] = "keyword",
+ ["trunc"] = "keyword",
+ ["round"] = "keyword",
+ ["roundEven"] = "keyword",
+ ["ceil"] = "keyword",
+ ["fract"] = "keyword",
+ ["mod"] = "keyword",
+ ["modf"] = "keyword",
+ ["min"] = "keyword",
+ ["max"] = "keyword",
+ ["clamp"] = "keyword",
+ ["mix"] = "keyword",
+ ["step"] = "keyword",
+ ["smoothstep"] = "keyword",
+ ["isnan"] = "keyword",
+ ["isinf"] = "keyword",
+ ["floatBitsToInt"] = "keyword",
+ ["floatBitsToUint"] = "keyword",
+ ["intBitsToFloat"] = "keyword",
+ ["uintBitsToFloat"] = "keyword",
+ ["fma"] = "keyword",
+ ["frexp"] = "keyword",
+ ["ldexp"] = "keyword",
+ ["packUnorm2x16"] = "keyword",
+ ["packSnorm2x16"] = "keyword",
+ ["packUnorm4x8"] = "keyword",
+ ["packSnorm4x8"] = "keyword",
+ ["unpackUnorm2x16"] = "keyword",
+ ["unpackSnorm2x16"] = "keyword",
+ ["unpackUnorm4x8"] = "keyword",
+ ["unpackSnorm4x8"] = "keyword",
+ ["packHalf2x16"] = "keyword",
+ ["unpackHalf2x16"] = "keyword",
+ ["packDouble2x32"] = "keyword",
+ ["unpackDouble2x32"] = "keyword",
+ ["length"] = "keyword",
+ ["distance"] = "keyword",
+ ["dot"] = "keyword",
+ ["cross"] = "keyword",
+ ["normalize"] = "keyword",
+ ["ftransform"] = "keyword",
+ ["faceforward"] = "keyword",
+ ["reflect"] = "keyword",
+ ["refract"] = "keyword",
+ ["matrixCompMult"] = "keyword",
+ ["outerProduct"] = "keyword",
+ ["transpose"] = "keyword",
+ ["determinant"] = "keyword",
+ ["inverse"] = "keyword",
+ ["lessThan"] = "keyword",
+ ["lessThanEqual"] = "keyword",
+ ["greaterThan"] = "keyword",
+ ["greaterThanEqual"] = "keyword",
+ ["equal"] = "keyword",
+ ["notEqual"] = "keyword",
+ ["any"] = "keyword",
+ ["all"] = "keyword",
+ ["not"] = "keyword",
+ ["uaddCarry"] = "keyword",
+ ["usubBorrow"] = "keyword",
+ ["umulExtended"] = "keyword",
+ ["imulExtended"] = "keyword",
+ ["bitfieldExtract"] = "keyword",
+ ["bitfieldInsert"] = "keyword",
+ ["bitfieldReverse"] = "keyword",
+ ["bitCount"] = "keyword",
+ ["findLSB"] = "keyword",
+ ["findMSB"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureSize"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureQueryLod"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureQueryLevels"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureSamples"] = "keyword",
+ ["texture"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureProj"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureLod"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureOffset"] = "keyword",
+ ["texelFetch"] = "keyword",
+ ["texelFetchOffset"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureProjOffset"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureLodOffset"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureProjLod"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureProjLodOffset"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureGrad"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureGradOffset"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureProjGrad"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureProjGradOffset"]= "keyword",
+ ["textureGather"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureGatherOffset"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureGatherOffsets"] = "keyword",
+ --Atomic Counter Functions
+ ["atomicCounterIncrement"]= "keyword",
+ ["atomicCounterDecrement"]= "keyword",
+ ["atomicCounter"] = "keyword",
+ ["atomicCounterAdd"] = "keyword",
+ ["atomicCounterSubtract"] = "keyword",
+ ["atomicCounterMin"] = "keyword",
+ ["atomicCounterMax"] = "keyword",
+ ["atomicCounterAnd"] = "keyword",
+ ["atomicCounterOr"] = "keyword",
+ ["atomicCounterXor"] = "keyword",
+ ["atomicCounterExchange"] = "keyword",
+ ["atomicCounterCompSwap"] = "keyword",
+ --Atomic Memory Functions
+ ["atomicAdd"] = "keyword",
+ ["atomicMin"] = "keyword",
+ ["atomicMax"] = "keyword",
+ ["atomicAnd"] = "keyword",
+ ["atomicOr"] = "keyword",
+ ["atomicXor"] = "keyword",
+ ["atomicExchange"]= "keyword",
+ ["atomicCompSwap"]= "keyword",
+ --Image Functions
+ ["imageSize"] = "keyword",
+ ["imageSamples"] = "keyword",
+ ["imageLoad"] = "keyword",
+ ["imageStore"] = "keyword",
+ ["imageAtomicAdd"] = "keyword",
+ ["imageAtomicMin"] = "keyword",
+ ["imageAtomicMax"] = "keyword",
+ ["imageAtomicAnd"] = "keyword",
+ ["imageAtomicOr"] = "keyword",
+ ["imageAtomicXor"] = "keyword",
+ ["imageAtomicExchange"]= "keyword",
+ ["imageAtomicCompSwap"]= "keyword",
+ --Geometry Shader Functions
+ ["EmitStreamVertex"] = "keyword",
+ ["EndStreamPrimitive"] = "keyword",
+ ["EmitVertex"] = "keyword",
+ ["EndPrimitive"] = "keyword",
+ --Fragment Processing Functions
+ ["dFdx"] = "keyword",
+ ["dFdy"] = "keyword",
+ ["dFdxFine"] = "keyword",
+ ["dFdyFine"] = "keyword",
+ ["dFdxCoarse"] = "keyword",
+ ["dFdyCoarse"] = "keyword",
+ ["fwidth"] = "keyword",
+ ["fwidthFine"] = "keyword",
+ ["fwidthCoarse"] = "keyword",
+ ["interpolateAtCentroid"]= "keyword",
+ ["interpolateAtSample"] = "keyword",
+ ["interpolateAtOffset"] = "keyword",
+ --Shader Invocation Control Functions
+ ["barrier"] = "keyword",
+ --Shader Memory Control Functions
+ ["memoryBarrier"] = "keyword",
+ ["memoryBarrierAtomicCounter"]= "keyword",
+ ["memoryBarrierBuffer"] = "keyword",
+ ["memoryBarrierShared"] = "keyword",
+ ["memoryBarrierImage"] = "keyword",
+ ["groupMemoryBarrier"] = "keyword",
+ --Subpass-Input Functions
+ ["subpassLoad"] = "keyword",
+ --Shader Invocation Group Functions
+ ["anyInvocation"] = "keyword",
+ ["allInvocations"] = "keyword",
+ ["allInvocationsEqual"]= "keyword",
+ --"In addition, when targeting Vulkan, the following keywords also exist:"
+ ["texture1D"] = "keyword",
+ ["texture1DArray"] = "keyword",
+ ["itexture1D"] = "keyword",
+ ["itexture1DArray"] = "keyword",
+ ["utexture1D"] = "keyword",
+ ["utexture1DArray"] = "keyword",
+ ["texture2D"] = "keyword",
+ ["texture2DArray"] = "keyword",
+ ["itexture2D"] = "keyword",
+ ["itexture2DArray"] = "keyword",
+ ["utexture2D"] = "keyword",
+ ["utexture2DArray"] = "keyword",
+ ["texture2DRect"] = "keyword",
+ ["itexture2DRect"] = "keyword",
+ ["utexture2DRect"] = "keyword",
+ ["texture2DMS"] = "keyword",
+ ["itexture2DMS"] = "keyword",
+ ["utexture2DMS"] = "keyword",
+ ["texture2DMSArray"] = "keyword",
+ ["itexture2DMSArray"]= "keyword",
+ ["utexture2DMSArray"]= "keyword",
+ ["texture3D"] = "keyword",
+ ["itexture3D"] = "keyword",
+ ["utexture3D"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureCube"] = "keyword",
+ ["itextureCube"] = "keyword",
+ ["utextureCube"] = "keyword",
+ ["textureCubeArray"] = "keyword",
+ ["itextureCubeArray"]= "keyword",
+ ["utextureCubeArray"]= "keyword",
+ ["textureBuffer"] = "keyword",
+ ["itextureBuffer"] = "keyword",
+ ["utextureBuffer"] = "keyword",
+ ["sampler"] = "keyword2",
+ ["samplerShadow"] = "keyword2",
+ ["subpassInput"] = "keyword2",
+ ["isubpassInput"] = "keyword2",
+ ["usubpassInput"] = "keyword2",
+ ["subpassInputMS"] = "keyword2",
+ ["isubpassInputMS"] = "keyword2",
+ ["usubpassInputMS"] = "keyword2",
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_go.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_go.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..488725f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_go.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.go$" },
+ comment = "//",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "`", "`", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "0[oO_][0-7]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?0x[%x_]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+_%d", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = ":=", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["elseif"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["struct"] = "keyword",
+ ["switch"] = "keyword",
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["default"] = "keyword",
+ ["const"] = "keyword",
+ ["package"] = "keyword",
+ ["import"] = "keyword",
+ ["func"] = "keyword",
+ ["var"] = "keyword",
+ ["type"] = "keyword",
+ ["interface"] = "keyword",
+ ["select"] = "keyword",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["range"] = "keyword",
+ ["chan"] = "keyword",
+ ["defer"] = "keyword",
+ ["go"] = "keyword",
+ ["int"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int64"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int32"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int16"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int8"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint64"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint32"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint16"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint8"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uintptr"] = "keyword2",
+ ["float64"] = "keyword2",
+ ["float32"] = "keyword2",
+ ["map"] = "keyword2",
+ ["string"] = "keyword2",
+ ["rune"] = "keyword2",
+ ["bool"] = "keyword2",
+ ["byte"] = "keyword2",
+ ["error"] = "keyword2",
+ ["complex64"] = "keyword2",
+ ["complex128"] = "keyword2",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["nil"] = "literal",
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_hlsl.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_hlsl.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1444ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_hlsl.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+local style = require "core.style"
+local common = require "core.common"
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.hlsl$", },
+ comment = "//",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "#", "[^\\]\n" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "-?0x%x+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "int[1-9]x[1-9]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "int1[0-6]x[1-9]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "int[1-9]x1[0-6]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "int1[0-6]x1[0-6]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "int[1-4]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "uint[1-9]x[1-9]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "uint1[0-6]x[1-9]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "uint[1-9]x1[0-6]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "uint1[0-6]x1[0-6]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "uint[1-4]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "dword[1-9]x[1-9]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "dword1[0-6]x[1-9]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "dword[1-9]x1[0-6]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "dword1[0-6]x1[0-6]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "dword[1-4]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "half[1-9]x[1-9]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "half1[0-6]x[1-9]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "half[1-9]x1[0-6]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "half1[0-6]x1[0-6]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "half[1-4]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "float[1-9]x[1-9]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "float1[0-6]x[1-9]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "float[1-9]x1[0-6]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "float1[0-6]x1[0-6]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "float[1-4]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "double[1-9]x[1-9]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "double1[0-6]x[1-9]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "double[1-9]x1[0-6]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "double1[0-6]x1[0-6]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "double[1-4]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ --https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl-appendix-keywords
+ --The symbols are added in the order they appear on this webpage, which is alphabetically
+ ["AppendStructuredBuffer"]= "keyword",
+ ["asm"] = "keyword",
+ ["asm_fragment"] = "keyword",
+ ["BlendState"] = "keyword2",
+ ["bool"] = "keyword2",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["Buffer"] = "keyword2",
+ ["ByteAddressBuffer"]= "keyword2",
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["cbuffer"] = "keyword2",
+ ["centroid"] = "keyword2",
+ ["class"] = "keyword",
+ ["column_major"] = "keyword",
+ ["compile"] = "keyword",
+ ["compile_fragment"] = "keyword",
+ ["CompileShader"] = "keyword",
+ ["const"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["ComputeShader"] = "keyword",
+ ["ConsumeStructuredBuffer"]= "keyword",
+ ["default"] = "keyword",
+ ["DepthStencilState"]= "keyword",
+ ["DepthStencilView"] = "keyword",
+ ["discard"] = "keyword",
+ ["do"] = "keyword",
+ ["double"] = "keyword2",
+ ["DomainShader"] = "keyword2",
+ ["dword"] = "keyword2",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["export"] = "keyword",
+ ["extern"] = "keyword",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["float"] = "keyword2",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["fxgroup"] = "keyword2",
+ ["GeometryShader"] = "keyword2",
+ ["groupshared"] = "keyword",
+ ["half"] = "keyword2",
+ ["HullShader"] = "keyword2",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["in"] = "keyword",
+ ["inline"] = "keyword",
+ ["inout"] = "keyword",
+ ["InputPatch"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int"] = "keyword2",
+ ["interface"] = "keyword",
+ ["line"] = "keyword2",
+ ["lineadj"] = "keyword2",
+ ["linear"] = "keyword",
+ ["LineStream"] = "keyword2",
+ ["matrix"] = "keyword2",
+ ["min16float"] = "keyword2",
+ ["min10float"] = "keyword2",
+ ["min16int"] = "keyword2",
+ ["min12int"] = "keyword2",
+ ["min16uint"] = "keyword2",
+ ["namespace"] = "keyword",
+ ["nointerpolation"] = "keyword",
+ ["noperspective"] = "keyword",
+ ["NULL"] = "literal",
+ ["out"] = "keyword",
+ ["OutputPatch"] = "keyword2",
+ ["packoffset"] = "keyword",
+ ["pass"] = "keyword",
+ ["pixelfragment"] = "keyword",
+ ["PixelShader"] = "keyword2",
+ ["point"] = "keyword2",
+ ["PointStream"] = "keyword2",
+ ["precise"] = "keyword",
+ ["RasterizerState"] = "keyword2",
+ ["RenderTargetView"] = "keyword2",
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["register"] = "keyword",
+ ["row_major"] = "keyword",
+ ["RWBuffer"] = "keyword2",
+ ["RWByteAddressBuffer"]= "keyword2",
+ ["RWStructuredBuffer"]= "keyword2",
+ ["RWTexture1D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["RWTexture1DArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["RWTexture2D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["RWTexture2DArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["RWTexture3D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["sample"] = "keyword",
+ ["sampler"] = "keyword2",
+ ["SamplerState"] = "keyword2",
+ ["SamplerComparisonState"]= "keyword2",
+ ["shared"] = "keyword",
+ ["snorm"] = "keyword",
+ ["stateblock"] = "keyword",
+ ["stateblock_state"] = "keyword",
+ ["static"] = "keyword",
+ ["string"] = "keyword2",
+ ["struct"] = "keyword",
+ ["switch"] = "keyword",
+ ["StructuredBuffer"] = "keyword2",
+ ["tbuffer"] = "keyword2",
+ ["technique"] = "keyword2",
+ ["technique10"] = "keyword2",
+ ["technique11"] = "keyword2",
+ ["texture"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Texture1D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Texture1DArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Texture2D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Texture2DArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Texture2DMS"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Texture2DMSArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Texture3D"] = "keyword2",
+ ["TextureCube"] = "keyword2",
+ ["TextureCubeArray"] = "keyword2",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["typedef"] = "keyword",
+ ["triangle"] = "keyword2",
+ ["triangleadj"] = "keyword2",
+ ["TriangleStream"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uniform"] = "keyword",
+ ["unorm"] = "keyword",
+ ["unsigned"] = "keyword",
+ ["vector"] = "keyword2",
+ ["vertexfragment"] = "keyword2",
+ ["VertexShader"] = "keyword2",
+ ["void"] = "keyword",
+ ["volatile"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ --https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl-intrinsic-functions
+ --The symbols are added in the order they appear on this webpage, which is alphabetically
+ ["abort"] = "keyword",
+ ["abs"] = "keyword",
+ ["acos"] = "keyword",
+ ["all"] = "keyword",
+ ["any"] = "keyword",
+ ["asdouble"] = "keyword",
+ ["asfloat"] = "keyword",
+ ["asin"] = "keyword",
+ ["asint"] = "keyword",
+ ["asuint"] = "keyword",
+ ["atan"] = "keyword",
+ ["atan2"] = "keyword",
+ ["ceil"] = "keyword",
+ ["clamp"] = "keyword",
+ ["clip"] = "keyword",
+ ["cos"] = "keyword",
+ ["cosh"] = "keyword",
+ ["countbits"] = "keyword",
+ ["cross"] = "keyword",
+ ["ddx"] = "keyword",
+ ["ddx_coarse"] = "keyword",
+ ["ddx_fine"] = "keyword",
+ ["ddy"] = "keyword",
+ ["ddy_coarse"] = "keyword",
+ ["ddy_fine"] = "keyword",
+ ["degrees"] = "keyword",
+ ["determinant"] = "keyword",
+ ["distance"] = "keyword",
+ ["dot"] = "keyword",
+ ["dst"] = "keyword",
+ ["errorf"] = "keyword",
+ ["exp"] = "keyword",
+ ["exp2"] = "keyword",
+ ["f16tof32"] = "keyword",
+ ["f32tof16"] = "keyword",
+ ["faceforward"] = "keyword",
+ ["firstbithigh"]= "keyword",
+ ["firstbitlow"] = "keyword",
+ ["floor"] = "keyword",
+ ["fma"] = "keyword",
+ ["fmod"] = "keyword",
+ ["frac"] = "keyword",
+ ["frexp"] = "keyword",
+ ["fwidth"] = "keyword",
+ ["isfinite"] = "keyword",
+ ["isinf"] = "keyword",
+ ["isnan"] = "keyword",
+ ["ldexp"] = "keyword",
+ ["length"] = "keyword",
+ ["lerp"] = "keyword",
+ ["lit"] = "keyword",
+ ["log"] = "keyword",
+ ["log10"] = "keyword",
+ ["log2"] = "keyword",
+ ["mad"] = "keyword",
+ ["max"] = "keyword",
+ ["min"] = "keyword",
+ ["modf"] = "keyword",
+ ["msad4"] = "keyword",
+ ["mul"] = "keyword",
+ ["noise"] = "keyword",
+ ["normalize"] = "keyword",
+ ["pow"] = "keyword",
+ ["printf"] = "keyword",
+ ["radians"] = "keyword",
+ ["rcp"] = "keyword",
+ ["reflect"] = "keyword",
+ ["refract"] = "keyword",
+ ["reversebits"] = "keyword",
+ ["round"] = "keyword",
+ ["rsqrt"] = "keyword",
+ ["saturate"] = "keyword",
+ ["sign"] = "keyword",
+ ["sin"] = "keyword",
+ ["sincos"] = "keyword",
+ ["sinh"] = "keyword",
+ ["smoothstep"] = "keyword",
+ ["sqrt"] = "keyword",
+ ["step"] = "keyword",
+ ["tan"] = "keyword",
+ ["tanh"] = "keyword",
+ ["transpose"] = "keyword",
+ ["trunc"] = "keyword",
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_hs.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_hs.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0bf378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_hs.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.hs$" },
+ comment = "%-%-",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = {"%-%-", "\n"}, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "{%-", "%-}" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "-?0x%x+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[!%#%$%%&*+./%<=>%?@\\%^|%-~:]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_'][%w_']*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["as"] = "keyword",
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["of"] = "keyword",
+ ["class"] = "keyword",
+ ["data"] = "keyword",
+ ["default"] = "keyword",
+ ["deriving"] = "keyword",
+ ["do"] = "keyword",
+ ["forall"] = "keyword",
+ ["foreign"] = "keyword",
+ ["hiding"] = "keyword",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["then"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["import"] = "keyword",
+ ["infix"] = "keyword",
+ ["infixl"] = "keyword",
+ ["infixr"] = "keyword",
+ ["let"] = "keyword",
+ ["in"] = "keyword",
+ ["mdo"] = "keyword",
+ ["module"] = "keyword",
+ ["newtype"] = "keyword",
+ ["qualified"] = "keyword",
+ ["type"] = "keyword",
+ ["where"] = "keyword",
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_java.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_java.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d9e12d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_java.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.java$" },
+ comment = "//",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "'\\x%x?%x?%x?%x'", type = "string" }, -- character hexadecimal escape sequence
+ { pattern = "'\\u%x%x%x%x'", type = "string" }, -- character unicode escape sequence
+ { pattern = "'\\?.'", type = "string" }, -- character literal
+ { pattern = "-?0x%x+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["then"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["else if"] = "keyword",
+ ["do"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["new"] = "keyword",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["goto"] = "keyword",
+ ["class"] = "keyword",
+ ["implements"] = "keyword",
+ ["extends"] = "keyword",
+ ["private"] = "keyword",
+ ["protected"] = "keyword",
+ ["public"] = "keyword",
+ ["abstract"] = "keyword",
+ ["interface"] = "keyword",
+ ["assert"] = "keyword",
+ ["import"] = "keyword",
+ ["native"] = "keyword",
+ ["package"] = "keyword",
+ ["super"] = "keyword",
+ ["synchronized"] = "keyword",
+ ["instanceof"] = "keyword",
+ ["enum"] = "keyword",
+ ["catch"] = "keyword",
+ ["throw"] = "keyword",
+ ["throws"] = "keyword",
+ ["try"] = "keyword",
+ ["transient"] = "keyword",
+ ["finally"] = "keyword",
+ ["static"] = "keyword",
+ ["volatile"] = "keyword",
+ ["final"] = "keyword",
+ ["switch"] = "keyword",
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["default"] = "keyword",
+ ["void"] = "keyword",
+ ["int"] = "keyword2",
+ ["short"] = "keyword2",
+ ["byte"] = "keyword2",
+ ["long"] = "keyword2",
+ ["float"] = "keyword2",
+ ["double"] = "keyword2",
+ ["char"] = "keyword2",
+ ["boolean"] = "keyword2",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["null"] = "literal",
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_jiyu.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_jiyu.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cf94dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_jiyu.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.jiyu$", "%.jyu$" },
+ comment = "//",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "\"\"\"", "\"\"\"" }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "0b[0-1]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "0x[%da-fA-F]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.]*", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[<>~=+-*/]=", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[..]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[#@]?[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ -- Keywords
+ ["func"] = "keyword",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["defer"] = "keyword",
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["switch"] = "keyword",
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["fallthrough"] = "keyword",
+ ["struct"] = "keyword",
+ ["union"] = "keyword",
+ ["enum"] = "keyword",
+ ["using"] = "keyword",
+ ["var"] = "keyword",
+ ["let"] = "keyword",
+ ["typealias"] = "keyword",
+ ["library"] = "keyword",
+ ["framework"] = "keyword",
+ ["temporary_c_vararg"] = "keyword2";
+ -- Builtin procedures and directives
+ ["cast"] = "keyword2",
+ ["sizeof"] = "keyword2",
+ ["alignof"] = "keyword2",
+ ["strideof"] = "keyword2",
+ ["offsetof"] = "keyword2",
+ ["type_of"] = "keyword2",
+ ["type_info"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#if"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#load"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#import"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#clang_import"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#file"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#filepath"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#line"] = "keyword2",
+ ["@c_function"] = "keyword2",
+ ["@export"] = "keyword2",
+ ["@flags"] = "keyword2",
+ ["@metaprogram"] = "keyword2",
+ -- Types
+ ["string"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint8"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint16"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint32"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint64"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint128"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int8"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int16"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int32"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int64"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int128"] = "keyword2",
+ ["float"] = "keyword2",
+ ["double"] = "keyword2",
+ ["void"] = "keyword2",
+ ["bool"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Type"] = "keyword2",
+ -- Literals
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["null"] = "literal",
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_make.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_make.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f586a05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_make.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "Makefile", "makefile", "%.mk$" },
+ comment = "#",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "#.*\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = [[\.]], type = "normal" },
+ { pattern = "$[@^<%%?+|*]", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "$%(.-%)", type = "variable" },
+ { pattern = "%f[%w_][%d%.]+%f[^%w_]", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "%..*:", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = ".*:", type = "function" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_meson.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_meson.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab6be17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_meson.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = "meson.build$",
+ comment = "#",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = { "#", "\n" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'''", "'''" }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "0x[%da-fA-F]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+%d*", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%%%*!]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["then"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["elif"] = "keyword",
+ ["endif"] = "keyword",
+ ["foreach"] = "keyword",
+ ["endforeach"] = "keyword",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["and"] = "keyword",
+ ["not"] = "keyword",
+ ["or"] = "keyword",
+ ["in"] = "keyword",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_odin.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_odin.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb60a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_odin.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = "%.odin$",
+ comment = "//",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "`", "`" }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "0b[01_]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "0o[0-7_]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "0[dz][%d_]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "0x[%da-fA-F_]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%._e]*i?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?[%d_]+i?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[<>~=+-*/]=", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[::][:=]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&:]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "%$[%a_][%w_]*", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[#@]?[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ -- Keywords
+ ["package"] = "keyword",
+ ["import"] = "keyword",
+ ["foreign"] = "keyword",
+ ["when"] = "keyword",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["defer"] = "keyword",
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["switch"] = "keyword",
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["in"] = "keyword",
+ ["notin"] = "keyword",
+ ["do"] = "keyword",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["fallthrough"] = "keyword",
+ ["proc"] = "keyword",
+ ["struct"] = "keyword",
+ ["union"] = "keyword",
+ ["enum"] = "keyword",
+ ["bit_set"] = "keyword",
+ ["map"] = "keyword",
+ ["dynamic"] = "keyword",
+ ["using"] = "keyword",
+ ["inline"] = "keyword",
+ ["no_inline"] = "keyword",
+ ["context"] = "keyword",
+ ["distinct"] = "keyword",
+ ["opaque"] = "keyword",
+ ["macro"] = "keyword", -- Reserved, not yet used
+ ["const"] = "keyword", -- Reserved, not yet used
+ -- Builtin procedures and directives
+ ["cast"] = "keyword2",
+ ["auto_cast"] = "keyword2",
+ ["transmute"] = "keyword2",
+ ["len"] = "keyword2",
+ ["cap"] = "keyword2",
+ ["size_of"] = "keyword2",
+ ["align_of"] = "keyword2",
+ ["offset_of"] = "keyword2",
+ ["typeid_of"] = "keyword2",
+ ["type_of"] = "keyword2",
+ ["type_info_of"] = "keyword2",
+ ["type_info_base"] = "keyword2",
+ ["swizzle"] = "keyword2",
+ ["complex"] = "keyword2",
+ ["real"] = "keyword2",
+ ["imag"] = "keyword2",
+ ["conj"] = "keyword2",
+ ["min"] = "keyword2",
+ ["max"] = "keyword2",
+ ["abs"] = "keyword2",
+ ["clamp"] = "keyword2",
+ ["assert"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#assert"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#location"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#caller_location"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#packed"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#raw_union"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#align"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#no_nil"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#complete"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#no_alias"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#align"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#load"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#location"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#file"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#line"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#procedure"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#defined"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#no_bounds_check"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#bounds_check"] = "keyword2",
+ ["#type"] = "keyword2",
+ ["@private"] = "keyword2",
+ -- Types
+ ["rawptr"] = "keyword2",
+ ["typeid"] = "keyword2",
+ ["any"] = "keyword2",
+ ["string"] = "keyword2",
+ ["cstring"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uint"] = "keyword2",
+ ["uintptr"] = "keyword2",
+ ["rune"] = "keyword2",
+ ["byte"] = "keyword2",
+ ["u8"] = "keyword2",
+ ["u16"] = "keyword2",
+ ["u32"] = "keyword2",
+ ["u64"] = "keyword2",
+ ["u128"] = "keyword2",
+ ["i8"] = "keyword2",
+ ["i16"] = "keyword2",
+ ["i32"] = "keyword2",
+ ["i64"] = "keyword2",
+ ["i128"] = "keyword2",
+ ["f16"] = "keyword2",
+ ["f32"] = "keyword2",
+ ["f64"] = "keyword2",
+ ["u16le"] = "keyword2",
+ ["u32le"] = "keyword2",
+ ["u64le"] = "keyword2",
+ ["u128le"] = "keyword2",
+ ["i16le"] = "keyword2",
+ ["i32le"] = "keyword2",
+ ["i64le"] = "keyword2",
+ ["i128le"] = "keyword2",
+ ["u16be"] = "keyword2",
+ ["u32be"] = "keyword2",
+ ["u64be"] = "keyword2",
+ ["u128be"] = "keyword2",
+ ["i16be"] = "keyword2",
+ ["i32be"] = "keyword2",
+ ["i64be"] = "keyword2",
+ ["i128be"] = "keyword2",
+ ["complex32"] = "keyword2",
+ ["complex64"] = "keyword2",
+ ["complex128"] = "keyword2",
+ ["quaternion128"] = "keyword2",
+ ["quaternion256"] = "keyword2",
+ ["bool"] = "keyword2",
+ ["b8"] = "keyword2",
+ ["b32"] = "keyword2",
+ ["b64"] = "keyword2",
+ ["b128"] = "keyword2",
+ -- Literals
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["nil"] = "literal",
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_php.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_php.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6ed516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_php.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.php$", "%.phtml" },
+ headers = "^<%?php",
+ comment = "//",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = "#.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
+ -- I dont know why the '//' are needed but I leave it here for now
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "%\\x[%da-fA-F]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%.%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ -- To indicate variables.
+ { pattern = "%$", type = "operator" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["elseif"] = "keyword",
+ ["endif"] = "keyword",
+ ["declare"] = "keyword",
+ ["enddeclare"] = "keyword",
+ ["switch"] = "keyword",
+ ["endswitch"] = "keyword",
+ ["as"] = "keyword",
+ ["do"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["endfor"] = "keyword",
+ ["foreach"] = "keyword",
+ ["endforeach"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["endwhile"] = "keyword",
+ ["switch"] = "keyword",
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["default"] = "keyword",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["exit"] = "keyword",
+ ["goto"] = "keyword",
+ ["catch"] = "keyword",
+ ["throw"] = "keyword",
+ ["try"] = "keyword",
+ ["finally"] = "keyword",
+ ["class"] = "keyword",
+ ["trait"] = "keyword",
+ ["interface"] = "keyword",
+ ["public"] = "keyword",
+ ["static"] = "keyword",
+ ["protected"] = "keyword",
+ ["private"] = "keyword",
+ ["abstract"] = "keyword",
+ ["final"] = "keyword",
+ ["function"] = "keyword2",
+ ["global"] = "keyword2",
+ ["var"] = "keyword2",
+ ["const"] = "keyword2",
+ ["bool"] = "keyword2",
+ ["boolean"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int"] = "keyword2",
+ ["integer"] = "keyword2",
+ ["real"] = "keyword2",
+ ["double"] = "keyword2",
+ ["float"] = "keyword2",
+ ["string"] = "keyword2",
+ ["array"] = "keyword2",
+ ["object"] = "keyword2",
+ ["callable"] = "keyword2",
+ ["iterable"] = "keyword2",
+ ["namespace"] = "keyword2",
+ ["extends"] = "keyword2",
+ ["implements"] = "keyword2",
+ ["instanceof"] = "keyword2",
+ ["require"] = "keyword2",
+ ["require_once"] = "keyword2",
+ ["include"] = "keyword2",
+ ["include_once"] = "keyword2",
+ ["use"] = "keyword2",
+ ["new"] = "keyword2",
+ ["clone"] = "keyword2",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["NULL"] = "literal",
+ ["parent"] = "literal",
+ ["self"] = "literal",
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_pico8.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_pico8.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8edf92f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_pico8.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = "%.p8$",
+ headers = "^pico-8 cartridge",
+ comment = "--",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = { 'pico%-8 cartridge', '__lua__' }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '__gfx__\n', '%z' }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "%[%[", "%]%]" }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "%-%-%[%[", "%]%]"}, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = "%-%-.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = "-?0x%x+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "%.%.%.?", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[<>~=&|]=", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^%%#<>]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%s*%f[(\"{]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ { pattern = "::[%a_][%w_]*::", type = "function" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["then"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["elseif"] = "keyword",
+ ["end"] = "keyword",
+ ["do"] = "keyword",
+ ["function"] = "keyword",
+ ["repeat"] = "keyword",
+ ["until"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["local"] = "keyword",
+ ["in"] = "keyword",
+ ["not"] = "keyword",
+ ["and"] = "keyword",
+ ["or"] = "keyword",
+ ["goto"] = "keyword",
+ ["self"] = "keyword2",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["nil"] = "literal",
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_powershell.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_powershell.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01c00f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_powershell.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = {"%.ps1$", "%.psm1$", "%.psd1$", "%.ps1xml$", "%.pssc$", "%.psrc$", "%.cdxml$"},
+ comment = "#",
+ patterns = {
+ {pattern = "#.*\n", type = "comment"},
+ {pattern = [[\.]], type = "normal"},
+ {pattern = {'"', '"'}, type = "string"},
+ {pattern = {"'", "'"}, type = "string"},
+ {pattern = "%f[%w_][%d%.]+%f[^%w_]", type = "number"},
+ {pattern = "[%+=/%*%^%%<>!~|&,:]+", type = "operator"},
+ {pattern = "%f[%S]%-[%w%-_]+", type = "function"},
+ {pattern = "[%u][%a]+[%-][%u][%a]+", type = "function"},
+ {pattern = "${.*}", type = "symbol"},
+ {pattern = "$[%a_@*][%w_]*", type = "keyword2"},
+ {pattern = "$[%$][%a]+", type = "keyword2"},
+ {pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol"}
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["elseif"] = "keyword",
+ ["switch"] = "keyword",
+ ["default"] = "keyword",
+ ["function"] = "keyword",
+ ["filter"] = "keyword",
+ ["workflow"] = "keyword",
+ ["configuration"] = "keyword",
+ ["class"] = "keyword",
+ ["enum"] = "keyword",
+ ["Parameter"] = "keyword",
+ ["ValidateScript"] = "keyword",
+ ["CmdletBinding"] = "keyword",
+ ["try"] = "keyword",
+ ["catch"] = "keyword",
+ ["finally"] = "keyword",
+ ["throw"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["do"] = "keyword",
+ ["until"] = "keyword",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["foreach"] = "keyword",
+ ["in"] = "keyword",
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["where"] = "function",
+ ["select"] = "function",
+ ["filter"] = "keyword",
+ ["in"] = "keyword",
+ ["trap"] = "keyword",
+ ["param"] = "keyword",
+ ["data"] = "keyword",
+ ["dynamicparam"] = "keyword",
+ ["begin"] = "function",
+ ["process"] = "function",
+ ["end"] = "function",
+ ["exit"] = "function",
+ ["inlinescript"] = "function",
+ ["parallel"] = "function",
+ ["sequence"] = "function",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["TODO"] = "comment",
+ ["FIXME"] = "comment",
+ ["XXX"] = "comment",
+ ["TBD"] = "comment",
+ ["HACK"] = "comment",
+ ["NOTE"] = "comment"
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_psql.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_psql.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c6c4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_psql.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+-- In sql symbols can be lower case and upper case
+local keywords = {
+ "EXCEPT", "ALL", "ASC", "DESC", "NULLS",
+ "CASE", "THEN", "WHEN", "ELSE", "END",
+local types = {
+local literals = {
+local symbols = {}
+for _, keyword in ipairs(keywords) do
+ symbols[keyword:lower()] = "keyword"
+ symbols[keyword] = "keyword"
+for _, type in ipairs(types) do
+ symbols[type:lower()] = "keyword2"
+ symbols[type] = "keyword2"
+for _, literal in ipairs(literals) do
+ symbols[literal:lower()] = "literal"
+ symbols[literal] = "literal"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.sql$", "%.psql$" },
+ comment = "--",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "%-%-.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%%<>!~|&@%?$#]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = symbols,
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_rust.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_rust.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..321efc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_rust.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.rs$" },
+ comment = "//",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "`", "`", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "0[oO_][0-7]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?0x[%x_]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+_%d", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+f?", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["as"] = "keyword",
+ ["async"] = "keyword",
+ ["await"] = "keyword",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["const"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["crate"] = "keyword",
+ ["dyn"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["enum"] = "keyword",
+ ["extern"] = "keyword",
+ ["false"] = "keyword",
+ ["fn"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["impl"] = "keyword",
+ ["in"] = "keyword",
+ ["let"] = "keyword",
+ ["loop"] = "keyword",
+ ["match"] = "keyword",
+ ["mod"] = "keyword",
+ ["move"] = "keyword",
+ ["mut"] = "keyword",
+ ["pub"] = "keyword",
+ ["ref"] = "keyword",
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["Self"] = "keyword",
+ ["self"] = "keyword",
+ ["static"] = "keyword",
+ ["struct"] = "keyword",
+ ["super"] = "keyword",
+ ["trait"] = "keyword",
+ ["true"] = "keyword",
+ ["type"] = "keyword",
+ ["unsafe"] = "keyword",
+ ["use"] = "keyword",
+ ["where"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["i32"] = "keyword2",
+ ["i64"] = "keyword2",
+ ["i128"] = "keyword2",
+ ["i16"] = "keyword2",
+ ["i8"] = "keyword2",
+ ["u16"] = "keyword2",
+ ["u32"] = "keyword2",
+ ["u64"] = "keyword2",
+ ["usize"] = "keyword2",
+ ["isize"] = "keyword2",
+ ["f32"] = "keyword2",
+ ["f64"] = "keyword2",
+ ["f128"] = "keyword2",
+ ["String"] = "keyword2",
+ ["&str"] = "keyword2",
+ ["bool"] = "keyword2",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["None"] = "literal",
+ ["Some"] = "literal",
+ ["Option"] = "literal",
+ ["Result"] = "literal",
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_sh.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_sh.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4153c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_sh.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.sh$" },
+ headers = "^#!.*bin.*sh\n",
+ comment = "#",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "#.*\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = [[\.]], type = "normal" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { '`', '`', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "%f[%w_][%d%.]+%f[^%w_]", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[!<>|&%[%]=*]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "%f[%S]%-[%w%-_]+", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "${.*}", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "$[%a_@*][%w_]*", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["do"] = "keyword",
+ ["done"] = "keyword",
+ ["elif"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["esac"] = "keyword",
+ ["fi"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["function"] = "keyword",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["in"] = "keyword",
+ ["select"] = "keyword",
+ ["then"] = "keyword",
+ ["time"] = "keyword",
+ ["until"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["echo"] = "keyword",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_tex.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_tex.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eced489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_tex.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.tex$" },
+ comment = "%%",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = {"%%", "\n"}, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = "&", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "\\\\", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = {"%$", "%$"}, type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = {"\\%[", "\\]"}, type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = {"{", "}"}, type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "\\%w*", type = "keyword2" },
+ },
+ symbols = {}
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_wren.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_wren.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccd53db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/language_wren.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.wren$" },
+ comment = "//",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "%.%.%.?", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[<>!=]=", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&?:]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%s*%f[(\"{]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["class"] = "keyword",
+ ["construct"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["false"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["foreign"] = "keyword",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["import"] = "keyword",
+ ["in"] = "keyword",
+ ["is"] = "keyword",
+ ["null"] = "keyword",
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["static"] = "keyword",
+ ["super"] = "keyword",
+ ["this"] = "keyword",
+ ["true"] = "keyword",
+ ["var"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["this"] = "keyword2",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["null"] = "literal",
+ },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/lastproject.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/lastproject.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09ca507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/lastproject.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local last_project_filename = EXEDIR .. PATHSEP .. ".lite_last_project"
+-- load last project path
+local fp = io.open(last_project_filename)
+local project_path
+if fp then
+ project_path = fp:read("*a")
+ fp:close()
+-- save current project path
+local fp = io.open(last_project_filename, "w")
+fp:write(system.absolute_path ".")
+-- restart using last project path if we had no commandline arguments and could
+-- find a last-project file
+if #ARGS == 1 and project_path then
+ system.exec(string.format("%s %q", EXEFILE, project_path))
+ core.quit(true)
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/lfautoinsert.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/lfautoinsert.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ea7b9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/lfautoinsert.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local config = require "core.config"
+local keymap = require "core.keymap"
+config.lfautoinsert_map = {
+ ["{%s*\n"] = "}",
+ ["%(%s*\n"] = ")",
+ ["%f[[]%[%s*\n"] = "]",
+ ["%[%[%s*\n"] = "]]",
+ ["=%s*\n"] = false,
+ [":%s*\n"] = false,
+ ["^#if.*\n"] = "#endif",
+ ["^#else.*\n"] = "#endif",
+ ["%f[%w]do%s*\n"] = "end",
+ ["%f[%w]then%s*\n"] = "end",
+ ["%f[%w]else%s*\n"] = "end",
+ ["%f[%w]repeat%s*\n"] = "until",
+ ["%f[%w]function.*%)%s*\n"] = "end",
+ ["^%s*<([^/][^%s>]*)[^>]*>%s*\n"] = "$TEXT>",
+local function indent_size(doc, line)
+ local text = doc.lines[line] or ""
+ local s, e = text:find("^[\t ]*")
+ return e - s
+command.add("core.docview", {
+ ["autoinsert:newline"] = function()
+ command.perform("doc:newline")
+ local doc = core.active_view.doc
+ local line, col = doc:get_selection()
+ local text = doc.lines[line - 1]
+ for ptn, close in pairs(config.lfautoinsert_map) do
+ local s, _, str = text:find(ptn)
+ if s then
+ if close
+ and col == #doc.lines[line]
+ and indent_size(doc, line + 1) <= indent_size(doc, line - 1)
+ then
+ close = str and close:gsub("$TEXT", str) or close
+ command.perform("doc:newline")
+ core.active_view:on_text_input(close)
+ command.perform("doc:move-to-previous-line")
+ if doc.lines[line+1] == doc.lines[line+2] then
+ doc:remove(line+1, 1, line+2, 1)
+ end
+ elseif col < #doc.lines[line] then
+ command.perform("doc:newline")
+ command.perform("doc:move-to-previous-line")
+ end
+ command.perform("doc:indent")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+keymap.add {
+ ["return"] = { "command:submit", "autoinsert:newline" }
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/linecopypaste.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/linecopypaste.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..eb6f375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/linecopypaste.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local function doc()
+ return core.active_view.doc
+local line_in_clipboard = false
+local doc_copy = command.map["doc:copy"].perform
+command.map["doc:copy"].perform = function()
+ if doc():has_selection() then
+ doc_copy()
+ line_in_clipboard = false
+ else
+ local line = doc():get_selection()
+ system.set_clipboard(doc().lines[line])
+ line_in_clipboard = true
+ end
+local doc_cut = command.map["doc:cut"].perform
+command.map["doc:cut"].perform = function()
+ if doc():has_selection() then
+ doc_cut()
+ line_in_clipboard = false
+ else
+ local line = doc():get_selection()
+ system.set_clipboard(doc().lines[line])
+ doc():remove(line, 1, line+1, 1)
+ doc():set_selection(line, 1)
+ line_in_clipboard = true
+ end
+local doc_paste = command.map["doc:paste"].perform
+command.map["doc:paste"].perform = function()
+ if line_in_clipboard == false then
+ doc_paste()
+ else
+ local line, col = doc():get_selection()
+ doc():insert(line, 1, system.get_clipboard():gsub("\r", ""))
+ doc():set_selection(line+1, col)
+ end
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/lineguide.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/lineguide.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc24567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/lineguide.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+local config = require "core.config"
+local style = require "core.style"
+local DocView = require "core.docview"
+local draw = DocView.draw
+function DocView:draw(...)
+ draw(self, ...)
+ local offset = self:get_font():get_width("n") * config.line_limit
+ local x = self:get_line_screen_position(1) + offset
+ local y = self.position.y
+ local w = math.ceil(SCALE * 1)
+ local h = self.size.y
+ local color = style.guide or style.selection
+ renderer.draw_rect(x, y, w, h, color)
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/macmodkeys.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/macmodkeys.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69028ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/macmodkeys.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+local keymap = require "core.keymap"
+local on_key_pressed = keymap.on_key_pressed
+local on_key_released = keymap.on_key_released
+local function remap_key(k)
+ return k:gsub("command", "ctrl")
+ :gsub("option", "alt")
+function keymap.on_key_pressed(k)
+ return on_key_pressed(remap_key(k))
+function keymap.on_key_released(k)
+ return on_key_released(remap_key(k))
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/markers.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/markers.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e397d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/markers.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+-- Markers plugin for lite text editor
+-- original implementation by Petri Häkkinen
+local core = require "core"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local keymap = require "core.keymap"
+local style = require "core.style"
+local DocView = require "core.docview"
+local Doc = require "core.doc"
+local cache = {} -- this table contains subtables for each document, each subtable is a set of line numbers
+setmetatable(cache, {
+ __mode = "k",
+ __index = function(t, k)
+ t[k] = {}
+ return t[k]
+ end,
+local function shift_lines(doc, at, diff)
+ if diff == 0 then return end
+ local t = {}
+ for line in pairs(cache[doc]) do
+ line = line >= at and line + diff or line
+ t[line] = true
+ end
+ cache[doc] = t
+local raw_insert = Doc.raw_insert
+function Doc:raw_insert(line, col, text, ...)
+ raw_insert(self, line, col, text, ...)
+ local line_count = 0
+ for _ in text:gmatch("\n") do
+ line_count = line_count + 1
+ end
+ shift_lines(self, line, line_count)
+local raw_remove = Doc.raw_remove
+function Doc:raw_remove(line1, col1, line2, col2, ...)
+ raw_remove(self, line1, col1, line2, col2, ...)
+ shift_lines(self, line2, line1 - line2)
+local draw_line_gutter = DocView.draw_line_gutter
+function DocView:draw_line_gutter(idx, x, y)
+ if cache[self.doc] and cache[self.doc][idx] then
+ local h = self:get_line_height()
+ renderer.draw_rect(x, y, style.padding.x * 0.4, h, style.selection)
+ end
+ draw_line_gutter(self, idx, x, y)
+command.add("core.docview", {
+ ["markers:toggle-marker"] = function()
+ local doc = core.active_view.doc
+ local line = doc:get_selection()
+ local markers = cache[doc]
+ if markers[line] then
+ markers[line] = nil
+ else
+ markers[line] = true
+ end
+ end,
+ ["markers:go-to-next-marker"] = function()
+ local doc = core.active_view.doc
+ local line = doc:get_selection()
+ local markers = cache[doc]
+ local first_marker = math.huge
+ local next_marker = math.huge
+ for l, _ in pairs(markers) do
+ if l > line and l < next_marker then
+ next_marker = l
+ end
+ first_marker = math.min(first_marker, l)
+ end
+ if next_marker == math.huge then
+ next_marker = first_marker
+ end
+ if next_marker ~= math.huge then
+ doc:set_selection(next_marker, 1)
+ core.active_view:scroll_to_line(next_marker, true)
+ end
+ end,
+keymap.add {
+ ["ctrl+f2"] = "markers:toggle-marker",
+ ["f2"] = "markers:go-to-next-marker",
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/motiontrail.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/motiontrail.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e688e1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/motiontrail.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local config = require "core.config"
+local style = require "core.style"
+local DocView = require "core.docview"
+config.motiontrail_steps = 50
+local function lerp(a, b, t)
+ return a + (b - a) * t
+local function get_caret_rect(dv)
+ local line, col = dv.doc:get_selection()
+ local x, y = dv:get_line_screen_position(line)
+ x = x + dv:get_col_x_offset(line, col)
+ return x, y, style.caret_width, dv:get_line_height()
+local last_x, last_y, last_view
+local draw = DocView.draw
+function DocView:draw(...)
+ draw(self, ...)
+ if self ~= core.active_view then return end
+ local x, y, w, h = get_caret_rect(self)
+ if last_view == self and (x ~= last_x or y ~= last_y) then
+ local lx = x
+ for i = 0, 1, 1 / config.motiontrail_steps do
+ local ix = lerp(x, last_x, i)
+ local iy = lerp(y, last_y, i)
+ local iw = math.max(w, math.ceil(math.abs(ix - lx)))
+ renderer.draw_rect(ix, iy, iw, h, style.caret)
+ lx = ix
+ end
+ core.redraw = true
+ end
+ last_view, last_x, last_y = self, x, y
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/openfilelocation.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/openfilelocation.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58c3d6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/openfilelocation.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local config = require "core.config"
+if PLATFORM == "Windows" then
+ config.filemanager = "explorer"
+elseif PLATFORM == "Mac OS X" then
+ config.filemanager = "open"
+ config.filemanager = "xdg-open"
+command.add("core.docview", {
+ ["open-file-location:open-file-location"] = function()
+ local doc = core.active_view.doc
+ if not doc.filename then
+ core.error "Cannot open location of unsaved doc"
+ return
+ end
+ local folder = doc.filename:match("^(.*)[/\\].*$") or "."
+ core.log("Opening \"%s\"", folder)
+ if PLATFORM == "Windows" then
+ system.exec(string.format("%s %s", config.filemanager, folder))
+ else
+ system.exec(string.format("%s %q", config.filemanager, folder))
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/openselected.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/openselected.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65fdeb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/openselected.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local keymap = require "core.keymap"
+command.add("core.docview", {
+ ["open-selected:open-selected"] = function()
+ local doc = core.active_view.doc
+ if not doc:has_selection() then
+ core.error("No text selected")
+ return
+ end
+ local text = doc:get_text(doc:get_selection())
+ core.log("Opening \"%s\"...", text)
+ if PLATFORM == "Windows" then
+ system.exec("start " .. text)
+ else
+ system.exec(string.format("xdg-open %q", text))
+ end
+ end,
+keymap.add { ["ctrl+shift+o"] = "open-selected:open-selected" }
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/projectmanager.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/projectmanager.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5a66e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/projectmanager.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+local project_manager = {}
+local core = require "core"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local common = require "core.common"
+local keymap = require "core.keymap"
+local projects_file = ".lite_projects.lua"
+project_manager.projects = {}
+local function load_projects()
+ local ok, t = pcall(dofile, EXEDIR .. "/" .. projects_file)
+ if ok then project_manager.projects = t end
+local function serialize(val)
+ if type(val) == "string" then
+ return string.format("%q", val)
+ elseif type(val) == "table" then
+ local t = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(val) do
+ table.insert(t, "[" .. serialize(k) .. "]=" .. serialize(v))
+ end
+ return "{" .. table.concat(t, ",") .. "}"
+ end
+ return tostring(val)
+local function save_projects()
+ local fp = io.open(EXEDIR .. "/" .. projects_file, "w")
+ if fp then
+ fp:write("return ", serialize(project_manager.projects), "\n")
+ fp:close()
+ end
+local function path_base_name(str)
+ local pattern = "[\\/]?([^\\/]+)[\\/]?$"
+ return str:match(pattern)
+function project_manager.add_project()
+ local proj_dir = system.absolute_path(".")
+ local proj_name = path_base_name(proj_dir)
+ core.command_view:set_text(proj_name)
+ core.command_view:enter("Project Name",
+ function(text)
+ if text then
+ project_manager.projects[text] = proj_dir
+ save_projects()
+ end
+ end)
+local function get_project_names()
+ local t = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(project_manager.projects) do table.insert(t, k) end
+ return t
+local function project_lister(func)
+ local projects = get_project_names();
+ core.command_view:enter("Open Project", func, function(text)
+ local res = common.fuzzy_match(projects, text)
+ for i, name in ipairs(res) do
+ res[i] = {
+ text = name,
+ info = project_manager.projects[name],
+ }
+ end
+ return res
+ end)
+function project_manager.rename_project(func)
+ project_lister(function(text, item)
+ if item then
+ core.command_view:set_text(item.text)
+ core.command_view:enter("Rename ".. item.text,
+ function(_text)
+ if _text then
+ project_manager.projects[_text] = project_manager.projects[item.text]
+ project_manager.projects[item.text] = nil
+ save_projects()
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end)
+function project_manager.open_project()
+ project_lister(function(text, item)
+ if item then
+ system.exec(string.format("%q %q", EXEFILE, item.info))
+ end
+ end)
+function project_manager.switch_project()
+ project_lister(function(text, item)
+ if item then
+ system.exec(string.format("%q %q", EXEFILE, item.info))
+ os.exit()
+ end
+ end)
+function project_manager.remove_project()
+ project_lister(function(text, item)
+ if item then
+ project_manager.projects[item.text] = nil
+ save_projects()
+ end
+ end)
+command.add(nil, {
+ ["project-manager:open-project"] = project_manager.open_project,
+ ["project-manager:switch-project"] = project_manager.switch_project,
+ ["project-manager:add-project"] = project_manager.add_project,
+ ["project-manager:remove-project"] = project_manager.remove_project,
+ ["project-manager:rename-project"] = project_manager.rename_project,
+ })
+return project_manager
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/scale.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/scale.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dfa699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/scale.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local common = require "core.common"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local config = require "core.config"
+local keymap = require "core.keymap"
+local style = require "core.style"
+local RootView = require "core.rootview"
+local CommandView = require "core.commandview"
+config.scale_mode = "code"
+config.scale_use_mousewheel = true
+local font_cache = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" })
+-- the following should be kept in sync with core.style's default font settings
+font_cache[style.font] = { EXEDIR .. "/data/fonts/font.ttf", 14 * SCALE }
+font_cache[style.big_font] = { EXEDIR .. "/data/fonts/font.ttf", 34 * SCALE }
+font_cache[style.icon_font] = { EXEDIR .. "/data/fonts/icons.ttf", 14 * SCALE }
+font_cache[style.code_font] = { EXEDIR .. "/data/fonts/monospace.ttf", 13.5 * SCALE }
+local load_font = renderer.font.load
+function renderer.font.load(...)
+ local res = load_font(...)
+ font_cache[res] = { ... }
+ return res
+local function scale_font(font, s)
+ local fc = font_cache[font]
+ return renderer.font.load(fc[1], fc[2] * s)
+local current_scale = SCALE
+local default = current_scale
+local function get_scale() return current_scale end
+local function set_scale(scale)
+ scale = common.clamp(scale, 0.2, 6)
+ -- save scroll positions
+ local scrolls = {}
+ for _, view in ipairs(core.root_view.root_node:get_children()) do
+ local n = view:get_scrollable_size()
+ if n ~= math.huge and not view:is(CommandView) then
+ scrolls[view] = view.scroll.y / (n - view.size.y)
+ end
+ end
+ local s = scale / current_scale
+ current_scale = scale
+ if config.scale_mode == "ui" then
+ SCALE = current_scale
+ style.padding.x = style.padding.x * s
+ style.padding.y = style.padding.y * s
+ style.divider_size = style.divider_size * s
+ style.scrollbar_size = style.scrollbar_size * s
+ style.caret_width = style.caret_width * s
+ style.tab_width = style.tab_width * s
+ style.big_font = scale_font(style.big_font, s)
+ style.icon_font = scale_font(style.icon_font, s)
+ style.font = scale_font(style.font, s)
+ end
+ style.code_font = scale_font(style.code_font, s)
+ -- restore scroll positions
+ for view, n in pairs(scrolls) do
+ view.scroll.y = n * (view:get_scrollable_size() - view.size.y)
+ view.scroll.to.y = view.scroll.y
+ end
+ core.redraw = true
+local on_mouse_wheel = RootView.on_mouse_wheel
+function RootView:on_mouse_wheel(d, ...)
+ if keymap.modkeys["ctrl"] and config.scale_use_mousewheel then
+ if d < 0 then command.perform "scale:decrease" end
+ if d > 0 then command.perform "scale:increase" end
+ else
+ return on_mouse_wheel(self, d, ...)
+ end
+command.add(nil, {
+ ["scale:reset" ] = function() set_scale(default) end,
+ ["scale:decrease"] = function() set_scale(current_scale * 0.9) end,
+ ["scale:increase"] = function() set_scale(current_scale * 1.1) end,
+keymap.add {
+ ["ctrl+0"] = "scale:reset",
+ ["ctrl+-"] = "scale:decrease",
+ ["ctrl+="] = "scale:increase",
+return { get_scale = get_scale, set_scale = set_scale }
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/scalestatus.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/scalestatus.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03216b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/scalestatus.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ scalestatus.lua
+ displays current scale (zoom) in status view
+ version: 20200628_155804
+ originally by SwissalpS
+ Depends on plugin scale.lua version >= 20200628_154010
+local scale = require "plugins.scale"
+-- make sure plugin is installed and has get_scale field
+if not scale.get_scale then
+ local core = require "core"
+ core.error("Plugin 'scale' needs to be updated, scalestatus inactive.")
+ return false
+local config = require "core.config"
+local StatusView = require "core.statusview"
+config.scalestatus_format = '%.0f%%'
+local get_items = StatusView.get_items
+function StatusView:get_items()
+ local left, right = get_items(self)
+ local t = {
+ self.separator,
+ string.format(config.scalestatus_format, scale.get_scale() * 100),
+ }
+ for _, item in ipairs(t) do
+ table.insert(right, item)
+ end
+ return left, right
+return true
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/selectionhighlight.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/selectionhighlight.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93dfe17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/selectionhighlight.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+local style = require "core.style"
+local DocView = require "core.docview"
+-- originally written by luveti
+local function draw_box(x, y, w, h, color)
+ local r = renderer.draw_rect
+ local s = math.ceil(SCALE)
+ r(x, y, w, s, color)
+ r(x, y + h - s, w, s, color)
+ r(x, y + s, s, h - s * 2, color)
+ r(x + w - s, y + s, s, h - s * 2, color)
+local draw_line_body = DocView.draw_line_body
+function DocView:draw_line_body(idx, x, y)
+ local line1, col1, line2, col2 = self.doc:get_selection(true)
+ if line1 == line2 and col1 ~= col2 then
+ local lh = self:get_line_height()
+ local selected_text = self.doc.lines[line1]:sub(col1, col2 - 1)
+ local current_line_text = self.doc.lines[idx]
+ local last_col = 1
+ while true do
+ local start_col, end_col = current_line_text:find(selected_text, last_col, true)
+ if start_col == nil then break end
+ local x1 = x + self:get_col_x_offset(idx, start_col)
+ local x2 = x + self:get_col_x_offset(idx, end_col + 1)
+ local color = style.selectionhighlight or style.syntax.comment
+ draw_box(x1, y, x2 - x1, lh, color)
+ last_col = end_col + 1
+ end
+ end
+ draw_line_body(self, idx, x, y)
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/sort.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/sort.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e865ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/sort.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local translate = require "core.doc.translate"
+local function split_lines(text)
+ local res = {}
+ for line in (text .. "\n"):gmatch("(.-)\n") do
+ table.insert(res, line)
+ end
+ return res
+command.add("core.docview", {
+ ["sort:sort"] = function()
+ local doc = core.active_view.doc
+ local l1, c1, l2, c2, swap = doc:get_selection(true)
+ l1, c1 = translate.start_of_line(doc, l1, c1)
+ l2, c2 = translate.end_of_line(doc, l2, c2)
+ doc:set_selection(l1, c1, l2, c2, swap)
+ doc:replace(function(text)
+ local head, body, foot = text:match("(\n*)(.-)(\n*)$")
+ local lines = split_lines(body)
+ table.sort(lines, function(a, b) return a:lower() < b:lower() end)
+ return head .. table.concat(lines, "\n") .. foot
+ end)
+ end,
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/spellcheck.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/spellcheck.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f29792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/spellcheck.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local style = require "core.style"
+local config = require "core.config"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local common = require "core.common"
+local DocView = require "core.docview"
+local Doc = require "core.doc"
+config.spellcheck_files = { "%.txt$", "%.md$", "%.markdown$" }
+if PLATFORM == "Windows" then
+ config.dictionary_file = EXEDIR .. "/words.txt"
+ config.dictionary_file = "/usr/share/dict/words"
+local last_input_time = 0
+local word_pattern = "%a+"
+local words
+ local t = {}
+ local i = 0
+ for line in io.lines(config.dictionary_file) do
+ for word in line:gmatch(word_pattern) do
+ t[word:lower()] = true
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ if i % 1000 == 0 then coroutine.yield() end
+ end
+ words = t
+ core.redraw = true
+ core.log_quiet("Finished loading dictionary file: \"%s\"", config.dictionary_file)
+local function matches_any(filename, ptns)
+ for _, ptn in ipairs(ptns) do
+ if filename:find(ptn) then return true end
+ end
+local function active_word(doc, line, tail)
+ local l, c = doc:get_selection()
+ return l == line and c == tail
+ and doc == core.active_view.doc
+ and system.get_time() - last_input_time < 0.5
+local text_input = Doc.text_input
+function Doc:text_input(...)
+ text_input(self, ...)
+ last_input_time = system.get_time()
+local draw_line_text = DocView.draw_line_text
+function DocView:draw_line_text(idx, x, y)
+ draw_line_text(self, idx, x, y)
+ if not words
+ or not matches_any(self.doc.filename or "", config.spellcheck_files) then
+ return
+ end
+ local s, e = 0, 0
+ local text = self.doc.lines[idx]
+ while true do
+ s, e = text:find(word_pattern, e + 1)
+ if not s then break end
+ local word = text:sub(s, e):lower()
+ if not words[word] and not active_word(self.doc, idx, e + 1) then
+ local color = style.spellcheck_error or style.syntax.keyword2
+ local x1 = x + self:get_col_x_offset(idx, s)
+ local x2 = x + self:get_col_x_offset(idx, e + 1)
+ local h = math.ceil(1 * SCALE)
+ renderer.draw_rect(x1, y + self:get_line_height() - h, x2 - x1, h, color)
+ end
+ end
+local function get_word_at_caret()
+ local doc = core.active_view.doc
+ local l, c = doc:get_selection()
+ local s, e = 0, 0
+ local text = doc.lines[l]
+ while true do
+ s, e = text:find(word_pattern, e + 1)
+ if c >= s and c <= e + 1 then
+ return text:sub(s, e):lower(), s, e
+ end
+ end
+local function compare_words(word1, word2)
+ local res = 0
+ for i = 1, math.max(#word1, #word2) do
+ if word1:byte(i) ~= word2:byte(i) then
+ res = res + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return res
+command.add("core.docview", {
+ ["spell-check:add-to-dictionary"] = function()
+ local word = get_word_at_caret()
+ if words[word] then
+ core.error("\"%s\" already exists in the dictionary", word)
+ return
+ end
+ if word then
+ local fp = assert(io.open(config.dictionary_file, "a"))
+ fp:write("\n" .. word .. "\n")
+ fp:close()
+ words[word] = true
+ core.log("Added \"%s\" to dictionary", word)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["spell-check:replace"] = function()
+ local word, s, e = get_word_at_caret()
+ -- find suggestions
+ local suggestions = {}
+ local word_len = #word
+ for w in pairs(words) do
+ if math.abs(#w - word_len) <= 2 then
+ local diff = compare_words(word, w)
+ if diff < word_len * 0.5 then
+ table.insert(suggestions, { diff = diff, text = w })
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if #suggestions == 0 then
+ core.error("Could not find any suggestions for \"%s\"", word)
+ return
+ end
+ -- sort suggestions table and convert to properly-capitalized text
+ table.sort(suggestions, function(a, b) return a.diff < b.diff end)
+ local doc = core.active_view.doc
+ local line = doc:get_selection()
+ local has_upper = doc.lines[line]:sub(s, s):match("[A-Z]")
+ for k, v in pairs(suggestions) do
+ if has_upper then
+ v.text = v.text:gsub("^.", string.upper)
+ end
+ suggestions[k] = v.text
+ end
+ -- select word and init replacement selector
+ local label = string.format("Replace \"%s\" With", word)
+ doc:set_selection(line, e + 1, line, s)
+ core.command_view:enter(label, function(text, item)
+ text = item and item.text or text
+ doc:replace(function() return text end)
+ end, function(text)
+ local t = {}
+ for _, w in ipairs(suggestions) do
+ if w:lower():find(text:lower(), 1, true) then
+ table.insert(t, w)
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+ end)
+ end,
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/titleize.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/titleize.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e4b52a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/titleize.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local command = require "core.command"
+command.add("core.docview", {
+ ["titleize:titleize"] = function()
+ core.active_view.doc:replace(function(text)
+ return text:gsub("%f[%w](%w)", string.upper)
+ end)
+ end,
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/togglesnakecamel.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/togglesnakecamel.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..236c22e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/togglesnakecamel.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local keymap = require "core.keymap"
+local function f(x, y)
+ return x .. "_" .. string.lower(y)
+local function toggle(symbol)
+ if not symbol:match("[a-z]") then
+ return
+ elseif symbol:match("_") then
+ return symbol:gsub("_(.)", string.upper)
+ elseif symbol:match("^[a-z]") then
+ return symbol:gsub("(.)([A-Z])", f):lower()
+ end
+command.add("core.docview", {
+ ["toggle-snake-camel:toggle"] = function()
+ core.active_view.doc:replace(function(text)
+ return text:gsub("[%w][%w%d_]*", toggle)
+ end)
+ end,
+keymap.add {
+ ["f6"] = "toggle-snake-camel:toggle",
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/unboundedscroll.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/unboundedscroll.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4cc7bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/unboundedscroll.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+local DocView = require "core.docview"
+function DocView.clamp_scroll_position()
+ -- do nothing
diff --git a/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/workspace.lua b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/workspace.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..028e0a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lite-plugins/plugins/workspace.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+local core = require "core"
+local DocView = require "core.docview"
+local workspace_filename = ".lite_workspace.lua"
+local function serialize(val)
+ if type(val) == "string" then
+ return string.format("%q", val)
+ elseif type(val) == "table" then
+ local t = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(val) do
+ table.insert(t, "[" .. serialize(k) .. "]=" .. serialize(v))
+ end
+ return "{" .. table.concat(t, ",") .. "}"
+ end
+ return tostring(val)
+local function has_no_locked_children(node)
+ if node.locked then return false end
+ if node.type == "leaf" then return true end
+ return has_no_locked_children(node.a) and has_no_locked_children(node.b)
+local function get_unlocked_root(node)
+ if node.type == "leaf" then
+ return not node.locked and node
+ end
+ if has_no_locked_children(node) then
+ return node
+ end
+ return get_unlocked_root(node.a) or get_unlocked_root(node.b)
+local function save_view(view)
+ local mt = getmetatable(view)
+ if mt == DocView then
+ return {
+ type = "doc",
+ active = (core.active_view == view),
+ filename = view.doc.filename,
+ selection = { view.doc:get_selection() },
+ scroll = { x = view.scroll.to.x, y = view.scroll.to.y },
+ text = not view.doc.filename and view.doc:get_text(1, 1, math.huge, math.huge)
+ }
+ end
+ for name, mod in pairs(package.loaded) do
+ if mod == mt then
+ return {
+ type = "view",
+ active = (core.active_view == view),
+ module = name
+ }
+ end
+ end
+local function load_view(t)
+ if t.type == "doc" then
+ local ok, doc = pcall(core.open_doc, t.filename)
+ if not ok then
+ return DocView(core.open_doc())
+ end
+ local dv = DocView(doc)
+ if t.text then doc:insert(1, 1, t.text) end
+ doc:set_selection(table.unpack(t.selection))
+ dv.last_line, dv.last_col = doc:get_selection()
+ dv.scroll.x, dv.scroll.to.x = t.scroll.x, t.scroll.x
+ dv.scroll.y, dv.scroll.to.y = t.scroll.y, t.scroll.y
+ return dv
+ end
+ return require(t.module)()
+local function save_node(node)
+ local res = {}
+ res.type = node.type
+ if node.type == "leaf" then
+ res.views = {}
+ for _, view in ipairs(node.views) do
+ local t = save_view(view)
+ if t then
+ table.insert(res.views, t)
+ if node.active_view == view then
+ res.active_view = #res.views
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ res.divider = node.divider
+ res.a = save_node(node.a)
+ res.b = save_node(node.b)
+ end
+ return res
+local function load_node(node, t)
+ if t.type == "leaf" then
+ local res
+ for _, v in ipairs(t.views) do
+ local view = load_view(v)
+ if v.active then res = view end
+ node:add_view(view)
+ end
+ if t.active_view then
+ node:set_active_view(node.views[t.active_view])
+ end
+ return res
+ else
+ node:split(t.type == "hsplit" and "right" or "down")
+ node.divider = t.divider
+ local res1 = load_node(node.a, t.a)
+ local res2 = load_node(node.b, t.b)
+ return res1 or res2
+ end
+local function save_workspace()
+ local root = get_unlocked_root(core.root_view.root_node)
+ local fp = io.open(workspace_filename, "w")
+ if fp then
+ fp:write("return ", serialize(save_node(root)), "\n")
+ fp:close()
+ end
+local function load_workspace()
+ local ok, t = pcall(dofile, workspace_filename)
+ os.remove(workspace_filename)
+ if ok then
+ local root = get_unlocked_root(core.root_view.root_node)
+ local active_view = load_node(root, t)
+ if active_view then
+ core.set_active_view(active_view)
+ end
+ end
+local run = core.run
+function core.run(...)
+ if #core.docs == 0 then
+ core.try(load_workspace)
+ local exit = os.exit
+ function os.exit(...)
+ save_workspace()
+ exit(...)
+ end
+ end
+ core.run = run
+ return core.run(...)