Toolbox support - we can print numbers!!
This commit is contained in:
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
(local op-pdat {})
(fn addr-page [addr] (math.floor (/ addr 0x10000)))
(fn op-pdat.patch [op env]
(local long-mode (match op.opcode :abs :abl :abx :alx))
(local long-mode (match op.mode :abs :abl :abx :alx))
(when (and long-mode (not= (addr-page (env:lookup-org op.arg))
(set op.mode long-mode)))
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
(where (or :abl :alx :ial)) 4
nil 1
_ (error (.. "unknown mode " op.mode))))
(fn int24-to-bytes [i] (.. (int8-to-bytes (addr-page i)) (int16-to-bytes ( i 0xffff))))
(fn int24-to-bytes [i] (.. (int16-to-bytes ( i 0xffff)) (int8-to-bytes (addr-page i))))
(fn op-pdat.bytes [op env]
(local bytegen (. opcodes op.opcode))
@ -4,18 +4,34 @@
(local ssc (Ssc))
(set ssc.prg.start-symbol :boot)
(compile ssc
(require :ssc.iigs.toolbox)
(org 0xc00)
(clc) (xce) (rep 0x30) ; disable emulation mode, 16-bit index registers
(jsr main)
(sec) (xce) ;re-enter emulation mode
(fn printnum (num) ; TODO
pascalhex (db 5) hexbuf (bytes " "))
(fn printnum (num)
(HexIt num (& hexbuf))
(WriteString 0 (& pascalhex)))
(fn add (lhs rhs) (+ lhs rhs))
(fn main ()
(printnum (add 1 2)))
(let (userid (MMStartUp))
(printnum (add 1 2))
(MMShutDown userid)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
(import-macros {:sss ! : compile} :ssc.macros)
(local lume (require :lib.lume))
#(compile $1
(form def-toolbox [
(fn [ssc name cmd param-words return-words]
(let [call (fn [ssc ...]
(let [arg-count (select :# ...)
expected-arg-count param-words
resultptr (when (> return-words 1) (select (+ expected-arg-count 1) ...))
expected-arg-count (if resultptr (+ expected-arg-count 1) expected-arg-count)
error-handler (when (= arg-count (+ expected-arg-count 1)) (select (+ expected-arg-count 1) ...))
expected-arg-count (if error-handler (+ expected-arg-count 1) expected-arg-count)
block [:block]]
(assert (= arg-count expected-arg-count))
(when resultptr (lume.push block (ssc:compile-expr resultptr) (ssc:push)))
(for [_ 1 return-words] (lume.push block (ssc:push)))
(for [i 1 param-words] (lume.push block (ssc:compile-expr (select i ...)) (ssc:push)))
(lume.push block [:ldx cmd] [:jsr :0xe10000])
(ssc:was-dropped param-words)
(when error-handler
(lume.push block [:bcc :-no-error-]
(ssc:push :error) (ssc:compile-expr error-handler) (ssc:drop)
(if (= return-words 1) (lume.push block (ssc:pop))
resultptr (do (lume.push block [:ldy 0])
(for [i 1 return-words]
(let [stack-offset (+ (* (- return-words i) 2) 1)]
(lume.push block (ssc:pop) [:sta [stack-offset :s] :y])
(when (< i return-words) (lume.push block [:iny] [:iny]))))
(lume.push block (ssc:drop))))
(ssc:compile-expr [:form name call])))])
; todo: some kind of type system, or wrappers for 32-bit pointers, god
; toolbox locator
(def-toolbox TLStartUp 0x0201 0 0)
(def-toolbox TLShutDown 0x0301 0 0)
(def-toolbox TLVersion 0x0401 0 1)
(def-toolbox GetFuncPtr 0x0b01 2 2)
(def-toolbox LoadOneTool 0x0f01 2 0)
(def-toolbox LoadTools 0x0e01 2 0)
(def-toolbox MessageCenter 0x1501 4 0)
(def-toolbox RestoreTextState 0x1401 2 0)
(def-toolbox SaveTextState 0x1301 0 2)
(def-toolbox TLMountVolume 0x1101 10 1)
(def-toolbox TLTextMountVolume 0x1201 8 1)
(def-toolbox UnloadOneTool 0x1001 1 0)
; integer math (skipping long, frac, and fixed because 32 is too many bits)
(def-toolbox IMStartUp 0x020b 0 0)
(def-toolbox IMShutDown 0x030b 0 0)
(def-toolbox IMVersion 0x040b 0 1)
(def-toolbox IMStatus 0x060b 0 1)
(def-toolbox Dec2Int 0x280b 6 1)
(def-toolbox HexIt 0x2a0b 1 2)
(def-toolbox Int2Dec 0x260b 5 0)
(def-toolbox Int2Hex 0x220b 4 0)
(def-toolbox Multiply 0x090b 2 2)
(def-toolbox SDivide 0x0a0b 2 2)
(def-toolbox UDivide 0x0b0b 2 2)
; memory manager
(def-toolbox MMStartUp 0x0202 0 1) ; -> word userID
(def-toolbox MMShutDown 0x0302 1 0) ; word userID
(def-toolbox MMVersion 0x0402 0 1) ; word version
(def-toolbox MMStatus 0x0602 0 1) ; bool
(def-toolbox BlockMove 0x2b02 6 0)
(def-toolbox CheckHandle 0x1e02 2 0)
(def-toolbox CompactMem 0x1f02 0 0)
(def-toolbox DisposeAll 0x1102 1 0)
(def-toolbox DisposeHandle 0x1002 2 0)
(def-toolbox FindHandle 0x1a02 2 2)
(def-toolbox FreeMem 0x1b02 0 2)
(def-toolbox GetHandleSize 0x1802 2 2)
(def-toolbox HandToHand 0x2a02 6 0)
(def-toolbox HandToPtr 0x2902 6 0)
(def-toolbox HLock 0x2002 2 0)
(def-toolbox HLockAll 0x2102 1 0)
(def-toolbox HUnlock 0x2202 2 0)
(def-toolbox HUnlockAll 0x2302 1 0)
(def-toolbox MaxBlock 0x1c02 0 2)
(def-toolbox NewHandle 0x0902 6 2)
(def-toolbox PtrToHand 0x2802 6 0)
(def-toolbox PurgeAll 0x1302 1 0)
(def-toolbox PurgeHandle 0x1202 2 0)
(def-toolbox ReAllocHandle 0x0a02 8 0)
(def-toolbox RestoreHandle 0x0b02 2 0) ; handle theHandle
(def-toolbox SetHandleSize 0x1902 4 0) ; long newSize, handle theHandle
(def-toolbox SetPurge 0x2402 2 1) ; handle theHandle -> word newPurgeLevel
(def-toolbox SetPurgeAll 0x2502 2 0) ; word userID, word newPurgeLevel
(def-toolbox TotalMem 0x1d02 0 2) ; -> long totalSize
; text
(def-toolbox TextStartUp 0x020c 0 0)
(def-toolbox TextShutDown 0x030c 0 0)
(def-toolbox TextVersion 0x040c 0 1) ; -> versionInfo
(def-toolbox TextStatus 0x060c 0 1) ; -> activeFlag
(def-toolbox CtlTextDev 0x160c 2 0) ; word deviceNum, word controlCode
(def-toolbox ErrWriteBlock 0x1f0c 4 0) ; ptr textPtr, word offset, word count
(def-toolbox ErrWriteChar 0x190c 1 0) ; word theChar
(def-toolbox ErrWriteCString 0x210c 2 0) ; ptr cStrPtr
(def-toolbox ErrWriteLine 0x1b0c 2 0) ; ptr strPtr
(def-toolbox ErrWriteString 0x1d0c 2 0) ; ptr strPtr
(def-toolbox GetErrGlobals 0x0e0c 0 2) ; -> word andMask, word orMask
(def-toolbox GetErrorDevice 0x140c 0 3) ; -> word deviceType, long ptrOrSlot
(def-toolbox GetInGlobals 0x0c0c 0 2) ; -> word andMask, word orMask
(def-toolbox GetInputDevice 0x120c 0 3) ; -> word deviceType, long ptrOrSlot
(def-toolbox GetOutGlobals 0x0d0c 0 2) ; -> word andMask, word orMask
(def-toolbox GetOutputDevice 0x130c 0 3) ; -> word deviceType, long ptrOrSlot
(def-toolbox InitTextDev 0x150c 1 0) ; word deviceNum
(def-toolbox ReadChar 0x220c 1 1) ; word echoFlag -> word char
(def-toolbox ReadLine 0x240c 5 1) ; ptr bufferPtr, word maxCount, word eolChar, word echoFlag -> word charCount
(def-toolbox SetErrGlobals 0x0b0c 2 0) ; word andMask, word orMask
(def-toolbox SetErrorDevice 0x110c 3 0) ; word deviceType, long ptrOrSlot
(def-toolbox SetInGlobals 0x090c 2 0) ; word andMask, word orMask
(def-toolbox SetInputDevice 0x0f0c 3 0) ; word deviceType, long ptrOrSlot
(def-toolbox SetOutGlobals 0x0a0c 2 0) ; word andMask, word orMask
(def-toolbox SetOutputDevice 0x100c 3 0) ; word deviceType, long ptrOrSlot
(def-toolbox StatusTextDev 0x170c 2 0) ; word deviceNum, word requestCode
(def-toolbox TextReadBlock 0x230c 5 0) ; ptr bufferPtr, word offset, word blockSize, word echoFlag
(def-toolbox TextWriteBlock 0x1e0c 4 0) ; ptr textPtr, word offset, word count
(def-toolbox WriteChar 0x180c 1 0) ; word theChar
(def-toolbox WriteCString 0x200c 2 0) ; ptr cStrPtr
(def-toolbox WriteLine 0x1a0c 2 0) ; ptr strPtr
(def-toolbox WriteString 0x1c0c 2 0) ; ptr strPtr
@ -40,13 +40,15 @@
(local lume (require :lib.lume))
(local Ssc (Object:extend))
(local Prg (require :asm.asm))
(local util (require :lib.util))
(fn [self ?opts]
(local opts (or ?opts {}))
(set self.prg (or opts.prg ( nil :65816)))
(set self.forms (lume.clone (or opts.forms self.__index.forms)))
(set self.functions {})
(set self.locals []))
(set self.locals [])
(set self.modules {}))
(fn Ssc.push [self ?local]
(table.insert self.locals (or ?local [:tmp]))
@ -57,6 +59,11 @@
loc (when (not= ?local loc) (error (.. "Internal stack error: expected " (or ?local "temporary") " temporary, got " loc))))
(tset self.locals (length self.locals) nil)
(fn Ssc.pop [self ?local]
(self:drop ?local)
(fn Ssc.was-dropped [self localcount]
(set self.locals (lume.slice self.locals 1 (- (length self.locals) localcount))))
(fn Ssc.defining? [self] (> (length self.locals) 0))
@ -154,6 +161,13 @@
(assert (= (length self.locals) (+ (length args) 1)))
(set self.locals []))
:form (lambda [self name func] (tset self.forms name func))
:require (lambda [self name]
(when (= (. self.modules name) nil)
(let [mod (util.reload name)
func (if (= (type mod) :function) mod mod.module)]
(tset self.modules name mod)
(func self))))
:& (lambda [self label] [:lda #($1:lookup-addr label)])
(fn Ssc.local-offset [self symbol]
Reference in a new issue