Hotswap works in MAME (once)!

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Penner 2021-10-04 21:22:48 -04:00
parent 4d0beb0dbe
commit e11241eb10
6 changed files with 142 additions and 12 deletions

View file

@ -251,15 +251,16 @@
(set self.dbgfile nil))
(fn [self machine]
(fn [self machine prg-new]
(let [addr-to-label {}
addr-to-size {}]
(each [_ block (pairs]
(each [label pdat (pairs block.preserved)]
(tset addr-to-label pdat.addr label)
(tset addr-to-size pdat.addr pdat.size)))
(collect [addr bytes (pairs (machine:read-batch addr-to-size))]
(values (. addr-to-label addr) bytes))))
(lume.merge (collect [addr bytes (pairs (machine:read-batch addr-to-size))]
(values (. addr-to-label addr) bytes))
(if (?. self.source :read-hotswap) (self.source:read-hotswap machine prg-new) {}))))
(fn [self machine hotswap]

View file

@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
(self:set-bp addr
#( (fn []
(self:clear-bp addr)
(local hotswap (prg-old:read-hotswap self))
(local hotswap (prg-old:read-hotswap self prg-new))
(prg-new:upload self)
(prg-new:write-hotswap self hotswap)
(self:jump (prg-new:lookup-addr :on-hotswap))

ssc/hotswap.fnl Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
; hotswap support
(local {: addr-parser} (require :asm.65816))
(local util (require :lib.util))
(local {: bytes-to-uint16 : bytes-to-uint24 : int16-to-bytes : int24-to-bytes} util)
; Hotswap theory:
; The common case is code moving around in memory; even if you are not changing the content of code that
; is currently executing, any changes to anything mean that pointers to that code will need to change.
; If you try not to store pointers in globals (when everything is statically allocated, you should explicitly
; name things, like in Forth) then the main place that persistent pointers to code exist is in call stacks -
; specifically, the values on the stack consumed by "rts" or "rtl". When hotswapping, we need to walk the
; callstack and A. find these values, and B. patch them to their new values. For this, we need to be able to
; map any address that might be returned to from the old program to the new program - we can easily do this
; by generating symbols for each callsite and setting up a reverse lookup table. We _also_ need to know the
; stack layout at the time of each call so that we can find the next link in the chain, and to verify that
; this hasn't changed (if the function has changed enough, then we can't modify it mid-execution).
(fn assert-local-matches [funcname loc-old loc-new]
(each [_ key (ipairs [:type :name :returnaddr])]
(assert (= (. loc-old key) (. loc-new key)) (.. "Stack mismatch when patching " funcname))))
(fn assert-locals-match [funcname locals-old locals-new]
(assert (= (length locals-old) (length locals-new)) (.. "Stack size mismatch when patching " funcname))
(each [iloc loc-old (ipairs locals-old)]
(assert-local-matches funcname loc-old (. locals-new iloc))))
(fn next-callsite-offset [locals]
(var offset 0)
(var start-counting false)
(each [_ loc (ipairs locals)]
(if start-counting (let [size (match loc.type :placeholder 0 :word 2 :long 4)] (set offset (+ offset size)))
loc.returnaddr (set start-counting true)))
(fn next-callsite-far? [locals]
(var far? false)
(each [_ loc (ipairs locals)]
(when (and loc.returnaddr (= loc.type :long))
(set far? true)))
(fn read-callsite-addr [stack bank far]
(if far (bytes-to-uint24 stack 1) ; lowest byte (top of stack) is preserved B register
(bit.bor (bytes-to-uint16 stack) (bit.lshift bank 16))))
(fn lookup-callsite [ssc addr]
(if (= addr (- (ssc.prg:lookup-addr :yield-forever) 1))
{:callsite-sym :yield-forever :locals [] :calling :yield-forever :funcname "<base task>"}
(. ssc.addr-to-callsite addr)))
(fn patch-stack [ssc-old ssc-new stack bank far]
(print (length stack) bank far)
(if (= (length stack) 0) stack
; top-of-stack should be a callsite; look it up
(let [callsite-addr (read-callsite-addr stack bank far)
{: callsite-sym : locals : funcname} (assert (lookup-callsite ssc-old callsite-addr)
(.. "Top of stack value " callsite-addr " is not a recognized callsite"))
new-addr (- (ssc-new.prg:lookup-addr callsite-sym) 1)
{:locals new-locals} (lookup-callsite ssc-new new-addr)
new-bank (bit.rshift new-addr 16)
_ (when (not far) (assert (= ( callsite-addr 0xff0000) ( new-addr 0xff0000))
(.. funcname " moved banks from " bank " to " new-bank)))
_ (print (.. "patching " callsite-sym " from " callsite-addr " to " new-addr))
_ (assert-locals-match funcname locals new-locals)
new-top (if far (.. (stack:sub 1 1) (int24-to-bytes new-addr))
(int16-to-bytes new-addr))
iaftertop (if far 5 3)
inextstack (+ iaftertop (next-callsite-offset locals))
_ (print (.. "locals " (fv locals) " offset " (next-callsite-offset locals)) inextstack)]
(.. new-top (stack:sub iaftertop (- inextstack 1))
(if (= funcname ssc-old.prg.start-symbol) (stack:sub inextstack) ; stop when we hit the boot-up function
(patch-stack ssc-old ssc-new (stack:sub inextstack) new-bank (next-callsite-far? locals)))))))
(fn split-equally [s size]
(values (fn [s iprev] (let [i (+ iprev 1)
istart (+ (* (- i 1) size) 1)
iend (* i size)]
(when (>= (length s) iend) (values i (s:sub istart iend)))))
s 0))
(fn read-stacks [link ssc]
(let [stack-bounds-addr (ssc.prg:lookup-addr :first-task)
stack-bounds-bytes (link:read stack-bounds-addr 4)
first-task (bytes-to-uint16 stack-bounds-bytes)
last-task (bytes-to-uint16 stack-bounds-bytes 2)
task-size 0x100
read-size (+ (- last-task first-task) task-size)
task-count (/ read-size task-size)
task-bytes (link:read first-task read-size)
sp-offset (addr-parser ssc.TASK-STACK)]
(icollect [_ task (split-equally task-bytes task-size)]
(let [sp-addr (bytes-to-uint16 task sp-offset)
istackstart ( sp-addr 0xff)
stack (task:sub (+ istackstart 2))]
{:sp-addr (+ sp-addr 1) : stack}))))
(fn lookup-yield-bank [ssc] (bit.rshift (ssc.prg:lookup-addr :yield) 16))
(fn filter-nonyielding-stacks [ssc stacks]
(let [yield-bank (lookup-yield-bank ssc)]
(print "yield-bank" yield-bank)
(icollect [_ stack (ipairs stacks)]
(let [callsite-addr (read-callsite-addr stack.stack yield-bank false)
callsite (lookup-callsite ssc callsite-addr)
funcname (?. callsite :calling)]
(print "top callsite:" (string.format "%X" callsite-addr) (fv callsite))
(when (= funcname :yield) stack)))))
(fn hotswap-stacks [link ssc-old ssc-new]
(print "hotswappin time" link ssc-old ssc-new)
(let [stacks (read-stacks link ssc-old)
_ (print "read stacks" (fv stacks))
yielding-stacks (filter-nonyielding-stacks ssc-old stacks)]
(print "filtered stacks" (length stacks) (length yielding-stacks))
(collect [_ {: sp-addr : stack} (ipairs yielding-stacks)]
(let [(success new-stack) (pcall #(patch-stack ssc-old ssc-new stack (lookup-yield-bank ssc-old) false))]
(if success (do (print "patched" (stack:tohex) "to" (new-stack:tohex)) (values (tostring sp-addr) new-stack))
(error (.. new-stack ": stack at " (string.format "%X" sp-addr))))))))
{: hotswap-stacks}

View file

@ -3,13 +3,16 @@
#(compile $1
(start-symbol boot)
(predef-fn boot () void far)
(predef-fn [(or $2 :main)] () void far)
[(when (not= :udpdebug) (! (do ;udpdebug boots into 16-bit mode
(start-symbol boot-8)
(org 0x1000)
(fn boot-8 ()
(asm (clc) (xce) (rep 0x30) ; disable emulation mode, 16-bit index registers
(jsr boot)
(sec) (xce))) ; re-enter emulation mode
(asm (clc) (xce) (rep 0x30)) ; disable emulation mode, 16-bit index registers
(asm (sec) (xce))) ; re-enter emulation mode
(org 0x060000)
@ -42,7 +45,7 @@
(set! BootHandle-e0 (NewHandle 0x4000 BootUserID 0xb017 0xe02000))
(set! BootHandle-e1 (NewHandle 0x8000 BootUserID 0xb017 0xe12000))
(asm (jsl [(or $2 :main)]))
( [(or $2 :main)] )
(DisposeHandle BootHandle-e1)
(DisposeHandle BootHandle-e0)

View file

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
(fn Ssc.compile-function-generic [self name args body post-body returnaddr-type call-instruction]
(let [arglocals (self:parse-parameters args)]
(self:define-fn name (lume.concat arglocals [{:type returnaddr-type :comment :returnaddr}])
(self:define-fn name (lume.concat arglocals [{:type returnaddr-type :returnaddr true}])
#(let [(c-function etype) (self:expr-poly body)]
( name c-function (table.unpack post-body))
{:arity (length args) :args arglocals :org :type etype : name : call-instruction}))))
@ -482,8 +482,9 @@
locals (lume.clone self.locals)
callid (or (. self.callsites 0)
_ (tset self.callsites (+ callid 1))
callsite-sym (.. "<callsite " self.defining-fn " " ":" callid ">")
capture-addr (fn [addr] (tset self.addr-to-callsite addr {: callsite-sym : locals}))
funcname self.defining-fn
callsite-sym (.. "<callsite " funcname " " ":" callid ">")
capture-addr (fn [addr] (tset self.addr-to-callsite (- addr 1) {: callsite-sym : locals : funcname :calling}))
post (icollect [_ (countiter (length args))] (self:drop))]
(values (lume.concat [:block] pre [[] callsite-sym [:export callsite-sym] [:meta capture-addr]] post) f.type)))
@ -541,6 +542,11 @@
(fn Ssc.assemble [self]
(set self.prg.source self)
(fn [self machine prg-new]
(local {: hotswap-stacks} (require :ssc.hotswap))
(hotswap-stacks machine self prg-new.source))

View file

@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
[:tsc] [:and 0xff] [:ora task-base] [:tcs]])])
(fn yield ()
(asm (tsc) (sta [$1.TASK-STACK])
(asm (tsc) (sta [$1.TASK-STACK]) ;
debug-stub on-hotswap (export debug-stub) (export on-hotswap) ; todo: cleanup mame hotswap logic
(lda [$1.TASK-NEXT]) (tcd)
(lda [$1.TASK-STACK]) (tcs)))