rewrite imgui, tile editor
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
(local View (require :core.view))
(local tiles (require :game.tiles))
(local tiledraw (require :editor.tiledraw))
(local util (require :lib.util))
(local files (require :game.files))
(local {: attach-imstate : button : vert} (util.require :editor.imgui))
(local GraphicsEditView (View:extend))
(local sprite-scale 4)
(set GraphicsEditView.sprite-scale sprite-scale)
(fn [self]
( self)
(self:set-style (self:initial-style))
(set self.scrollheight math.huge)
(set self.scrollable true)
(attach-imstate self))
(fn GraphicsEditView.get_scrollable_size [self] self.scrollheight)
(fn GraphicsEditView.initial-style [self] :tiles)
(fn GraphicsEditView.tilesize [self]
(let [style (]
(values (or style.editw style.tilew) (or style.edith style.tileh))))
(fn GraphicsEditView.set-style [self key]
(set key)
(set self.tilecache (files.cache key))
(set self.itile 1))
(fn GraphicsEditView.reload [self] (files.reload))
(fn [self] (
(fn [self ditile]
(when self.itile
(local itile (+ self.itile ditile))
(when (>= itile 1) (set self.itile itile))))
(fn GraphicsEditView.draw-sprite [self x y itile ?key]
(let [sprite (self.tilecache:sprite itile ?key)]
(when sprite
( 1 1 1)
( sprite x y 0 self.sprite-scale self.sprite-scale)
(values (* (sprite:getWidth) self.sprite-scale) (* (sprite:getHeight) self.sprite-scale)))))
(fn tile-selector [{: view : x : y : w : scale &as form} chosen-itile ?key]
(var tilex x)
(var tiley y)
(var selected-itile nil)
(var (pixw pixh) (view:tilesize))
(when (= :ii) (set pixw (* (/ pixw 8) 7)))
(local tilew (* scale pixw))
(local tileh (* scale pixh))
(for [itile 1 (length view.tilecache.tiles)]
(view:draw-sprite tilex tiley itile ?key)
(when (= itile chosen-itile)
( :line (- tilex 2) (- tiley 2) (+ tilew 4) (+ tileh 4)))
(when (button {: view :tag [:tile itile] :x tilex :y tiley :w tilew :h tileh})
(set selected-itile itile))
(set tilex (+ tilex tilew 4))
(when (>= (+ tilex tilew) (+ x w))
(set tilex x)
(set tiley (+ tiley tileh 4))))
(set form.h (+ tiley tileh (- y)))
(fn GraphicsEditView.draw-tile-selector [self form ?key]
(match (vert form tile-selector {:scale self.sprite-scale :w form.w} (when (= self.tilekey ?key) self.itile) ?key)
selected-itile (do (set self.itile selected-itile)
(set self.tilekey ?key))))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
(local core (require :core))
(local config (require :core.config))
(local command (require :core.command))
(local keymap (require :core.keymap))
(local style (require
(local lume (require :lib.lume))
(fn attach-imstate [view]
(set view.imstate {})
(fn view.on_mouse_pressed [self button x y clicks]
(tset self.imstate button :pressed)
(self.__index.on_mouse_pressed self button x y clicks))
(fn view.on_mouse_released [self button x y]
(tset self.imstate button :released)
(self.__index.on_mouse_released self button x y))
(fn view.on_key_pressed [self key]
(when (= self.imstate.keys nil)
(set self.imstate.keys []))
(table.insert self.imstate.keys key))
(fn view.on_text_input [self text]
(set self.imstate.text (.. (or self.imstate.text "") text))
(self.__index.on_text_input self text))
(fn view.form [self ?overrides]
(lume.merge {:x (+ self.position.x style.padding.x (- self.scroll.x))
:y (+ self.position.y style.padding.y (- self.scroll.y))
:view self}
(or ?overrides {})))
(fn view.end-scroll [self {: y : h}]
(set self.scrollheight (- (+ y (or h 0) style.padding.y) (+ self.position.y style.padding.y (- self.scroll.y)))))
(fn view.draw [self]
(set self.cursor nil)
(self.__index.draw self)
(when self.imstate.postponed
(each [_ action (ipairs self.imstate.postponed)]
(set self.imstate.postponed nil))
(when (= self.cursor nil) (set self.cursor :arrow))
(set self.imstate.keys nil)
(set self.imstate.text nil)
(when (= self.imstate.left :released)
(set nil))
(each [_ button (pairs [:left :middle :right])]
(tset self.imstate button
(match (. self.imstate button)
:pressed :down
:down :down
:released nil)))))
(fn register-keys [keys]
(local commands {})
(local keymaps {})
(each [_ key (ipairs keys)]
(local command-name (.. "imstate:" key))
(tset commands command-name #(core.active_view:on_key_pressed key))
(tset keymaps key command-name))
(command.add #(not= (-?> core.active_view.imstate (. :focus)) nil) commands)
(keymap.add keymaps))
(register-keys [:backspace :delete :left :right :shift+left :shift+right :home :end :shift+home :shift+end
:ctrl+left :ctrl+right :ctrl+shift+left :ctrl+shift+right :ctrl+c :ctrl+v])
(fn cmd-predicate [p]
(var p-fn p)
(when (= (type p-fn) :string) (set p-fn (require p-fn)))
(when (= (type p-fn) :table)
(local cls p-fn)
(set p-fn (fn [] (core.active_view:is cls))))
(fn [] (when (= (-?> core.active_view.imstate (. :focus)) nil)
(fn postpone [view f]
(when (= view.imstate.postponed nil)
(set view.imstate.postponed []))
(table.insert view.imstate.postponed f))
(fn make-tag [tag]
(match (type tag)
:string tag
:table (table.concat tag "::")
_ (tostring tag)))
(fn mouse-inside [x y w h]
(local (mx my) (values (love.mouse.getX) (love.mouse.getY)))
(and (>= mx x) (<= mx (+ x w)) (>= my y) (<= my (+ y h))))
(fn consume-pressed [view button]
(when (= (. view.imstate button) :pressed)
(tset view.imstate button :down)
(fn activate [{: view : tag : x : y : w : h}]
(when (and (mouse-inside x y w h) (consume-pressed view :left))
(set (make-tag tag))
(fn set-cursor [view cursor]
(when (= view.cursor nil) (set view.cursor cursor)))
(fn active? [view tag] (= (make-tag tag)))
(fn button [{: view : tag : x : y : w : h &as form}]
(when (mouse-inside x y w h) (set-cursor view :hand))
(activate form)
(and (active? view tag) (= view.imstate.left :released) (mouse-inside x y w h)))
(fn form-defaults [form k v ...]
(when (= (. form k) nil)
(let [v (if (= (type v) :function) (v form) v)]
(tset form k v)))
(if (>= (select :# ...) 2) (form-defaults form ...)
(do (when form.tag (set form.tag (make-tag form.tag))) ; fix up tag
(fn with-style [form ...]
(form-defaults form :font style.font :color style.text :xpad style.padding.x :ypad style.padding.y ...))
(fn textbutton [form label]
(let [{: x : y : w : h : xpad : ypad : font : color : bg}
(with-style form
:bg style.selection
:tag label
:w #(+ ($1.font:get_width label) $1.xpad)
:h #(+ ($1.font:get_height) $1.ypad))]
(renderer.draw_rect x y w h bg)
(renderer.draw_text font label (+ x (/ xpad 2)) (+ y (/ ypad 2)) color)
(button form)))
(fn checkbox [form name isset]
(let [{: x : y : w : h : font : color : x-label}
(with-style form
:tag name
:h (* 12 SCALE)
:x-label #(+ $1.x $1.h $1.xpad)
:w #(+ $1.x-label ($1.font:get_width name)))]
( (if isset :fill :line) x y h h)
(renderer.draw_text font name x-label y color)
( 1 1 1 1)
(button form))) ; whose idea was this?? should return (not isset) >:/
(fn focused? [view tag] (= (make-tag tag) (-?> view.imstate.focus (. :tag))))
(fn focus [{: view : tag : x : y : w : h &as form} opts]
(if (activate form)
(set view.imstate.focus
(doto (lume.clone (or opts {}))
(tset :tag (make-tag tag))))
(and (= view.imstate.left :released) (focused? view tag) (not (mouse-inside x y w h)))
(set view.imstate.focus nil))
(focused? view tag))
(local blink_period 0.8)
(fn x-from-i [s i xLeft font]
(if (or (<= i 1) (= s "")) xLeft
(x-from-i (s:sub 2) (- i 1) (+ xLeft (font:get_width (s:sub 1 1))) font)))
(fn i-from-x [s x xLeft font ?i]
(local i (or ?i 1))
(local w (font:get_width (s:sub 1 1)))
(local xMid (+ xLeft (/ w 2)))
(if (or (<= x xMid) (= s "")) i
(i-from-x (s:sub 2) x (+ xLeft w) font (+ i 1))))
(fn next-match [text i di pred]
(local imax (+ (length text) 1))
(local inext (+ i di))
(if (<= inext 1) 1
(> inext imax) imax
(pred (text:sub inext inext)) (if (< di 0) i inext)
(next-match text inext di pred)))
(fn is-nonword-char [char] (config.non_word_chars:find char nil true))
(fn next-word [text i di]
(let [iwordboundary (next-match text i di #(is-nonword-char $1))]
(next-match text iwordboundary di #(not (is-nonword-char $1)))))
(fn textnav [key i text]
(local imax (+ (length text) 1))
(match key
:left (math.max 1 (- i 1))
:right (math.min imax (+ i 1))
:ctrl+left (next-word text i -1)
:ctrl+right (next-word text i 1)
:home 1
:end imax))
(fn selection-span [view]
(let [f view.imstate.focus
iStart (math.min f.i f.iAnchor)
iLim (math.max f.i f.iAnchor)]
(values iStart iLim)))
(fn selection-text [view text]
(local (iStart iLim) (selection-span view))
(text:sub iStart (- iLim 1)))
(fn replace-selection [view s replacement ?iStart ?iLim]
(local (iStart iLim) (if ?iLim (values ?iStart ?iLim) (selection-span view)))
(local text
(.. (s:sub 1 (- iStart 1))
(s:sub iLim)))
(local iNew (+ iStart (length replacement)))
(set view.imstate.focus.i iNew)
(set view.imstate.focus.iAnchor iNew)
(fn textbox [form text]
(local {: font : color : w : h : x : y : xpad : ypad : color : view : tag}
(with-style form :h #(+ ($1.font:get_height) $1.xpad)))
(var textNew (or text ""))
(local (hText xText yText) (values (font:get_height) (+ x (/ xpad 2)) (+ y (/ ypad 2))))
(local initial-press (= view.imstate.left :pressed))
; handle key events
(when (focus form {:i 1 :iAnchor 1 :blink (love.timer.getTime)})
(local f view.imstate.focus)
(when (> f.i (+ (length textNew) 1)) (set f.i (+ (length textNew) 1)))
(when (> f.iAnchor (+ (length textNew) 1)) (set f.iAnchor (+ (length textNew) 1)))
(when view.imstate.text
(set textNew (replace-selection view textNew view.imstate.text)))
(each [_ key (ipairs (or view.imstate.keys []))]
(set view.imstate.focus.blink (love.timer.getTime))
(if (= key :ctrl+c) (system.set_clipboard (selection-text view textNew))
(= key :ctrl+v) (set textNew (replace-selection view textNew (system.get_clipboard)))
(key:find "shift%+") (set f.i (or (textnav (key:gsub "shift%+" "") f.i textNew) f.i))
(let [iNav (textnav key f.i textNew)]
(when iNav
(set f.i iNav)
(set f.iAnchor iNav))
(when (or (= key :delete) (= key :backspace))
(local (iStartDel iLimDel)
(if (not= f.i f.iAnchor) (selection-span view)
(= key :delete) (values f.i (+ f.i 1))
(= key :backspace) (values (math.max 1 (- f.i 1)) f.i)))
(set textNew (replace-selection view textNew "" iStartDel iLimDel)))))))
; handle mouse events
(when (mouse-inside x y w h) (set-cursor view :ibeam))
(when (and (focused? view tag) (active? view tag) (mouse-inside x y w h))
(local mouse-i (i-from-x textNew (love.mouse.getX) x style.font))
(when initial-press
(set view.imstate.focus.iAnchor mouse-i))
(set view.imstate.focus.i mouse-i))
; draw box
( 1)
( :line x y w h)
(if (focused? view tag)
; draw text with selection + caret
(let [(iStart iLim) (selection-span view)
xSelect (renderer.draw_text font (textNew:sub 1 (- iStart 1)) xText yText color)
sSelect (textNew:sub iStart (- iLim 1))
wSelect (font:get_width sSelect)
xTail (+ xSelect wSelect)]
(when (> wSelect 0)
(renderer.draw_rect xSelect yText wSelect hText style.selection)
(renderer.draw_text font sSelect xSelect yText color))
(renderer.draw_text font (textNew:sub iLim) xTail yText color)
(when (or (active? view tag)
(< (% (- (love.timer.getTime) view.imstate.focus.blink) (* blink_period 2)) blink_period))
(renderer.draw_rect (x-from-i textNew view.imstate.focus.i xText font) yText style.caret_width hText style.caret)))
; just draw the text
(renderer.draw_text font textNew xText yText color))
( 1 1 1)
(fn textfield [form label text]
(let [{: x : y : w : wlabel : wtext : font : color}
(with-style form :wlabel #(+ ($1.font:get_width label) $1.xpad)
:wtext (* 150 SCALE)
:w #(+ $1.wlabel $1.wtext)
:tag label)
form-textbox (lume.merge form {:w wtext :x (+ x wlabel)})
_ (renderer.draw_text font label x y color)
text (textbox form-textbox text)]
(set form.h form-textbox.h)
(fn option-text [option]
(match (type option)
:string option
:table (or option.label (tostring option))
_ (tostring option)))
(fn dropdown [form selection options]
(let [{: x : y : w :h row-h : font : color : bg : xpad : ypad : view : tag}
(with-style form :h #(+ ($1.font:get_height) $1.ypad)
:bg style.selection)]
(var new-selection nil)
(renderer.draw_rect x y w row-h bg)
(renderer.draw_text style.font (option-text selection) (+ x xpad) (+ y (/ ypad 2)) color)
(renderer.draw_text style.icon_font "-" (+ x w (- xpad)) (+ y (/ ypad 2)) color)
(when (focused? view tag)
(var row-y (+ y row-h))
(each [i option (ipairs options)]
(when (button (lume.merge form {:tag [(make-tag tag) i] :y row-y}))
(set new-selection option))
(set row-y (+ row-y row-h)))
(postpone view (fn []
(var row-y (+ y row-h))
(each [i option (ipairs options)]
(renderer.draw_rect x row-y w row-h bg)
(renderer.draw_text font (option-text option) (+ x xpad) (+ row-y (/ ypad 2)) color)
(set row-y (+ row-y row-h))))))
(focus form)
(or new-selection selection)))
(local form-preserved-keys (collect [_ key (ipairs [:view :x :y :font :color :xpad :ypad])] key true))
(fn prepare-form [form overrides]
(each [key (pairs form)]
(when (= (. form-preserved-keys key) nil)
(tset form key nil)))
(lume.extend form overrides)
(fn vert [form viewfn overrides ...]
(let [result [(viewfn (prepare-form form overrides) ...)]]
(set form.y (+ form.y (or form.h 0) (or form.ypad 0)))
(table.unpack result)))
(fn horiz [form viewfn overrides ...]
(let [result [(viewfn (prepare-form form overrides) ...)]]
(set form.x (+ form.x (or form.w 0) (or form.xpad 0)))
(table.unpack result)))
(fn horiz-wrapper [{: x : w &as form}]
(set form.w nil)
(fn [viewfn overrides ...]
(let [result [(viewfn (prepare-form form overrides) ...)]]
(set form.x (+ form.x (or form.w 0) (or form.xpad 0)))
(when (> form.x (+ x w))
(set form.x x)
(set form.y (+ form.y form.h (or form.ypad 0))))
(table.unpack result))))
{: attach-imstate : cmd-predicate : postpone : mouse-inside : activate : active?
: button : checkbox : textbox : textfield : textbutton : dropdown
: vert : horiz : horiz-wrapper
: with-style : prepare-form : form-defaults}
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
(local GraphicsEditView (require :editor.gfxedit))
(local GraphicsEditView (require :editor.gfxedit2))
(local style (require
(local style (require
(local tiles (require :game.tiles))
(local tiles (require :game.tiles))
(local files (require :game.files))
(local files (require :game.files))
(local util (require :lib.util))
(local util (require :lib.util))
(local {: mouse-inside : activate : active? : checkbox : textfield : button : dropdown} (util.require :editor.imstate))
(local lume (require :lib.lume))
(local {: mouse-inside : activate : active? : checkbox : textfield : button : dropdown : with-style : form-defaults : vert : horiz-wrapper} (util.require :editor.imgui))
(local TileView (GraphicsEditView:extend))
(local TileView (GraphicsEditView:extend))
@ -47,92 +48,105 @@
(renderer.draw_rect x y pixel-size pixel-size colorbg)
(renderer.draw_rect x y pixel-size pixel-size colorbg)
(when ?colorfg (renderer.draw_rect (+ x 3) (+ y 3) (- pixel-size 6) (- pixel-size 6) ?colorfg)))
(when ?colorfg (renderer.draw_rect (+ x 3) (+ y 3) (- pixel-size 6) (- pixel-size 6) ?colorfg)))
(fn TileView.draw-tile-editor [self tile x y]
(fn tile-editor [{:view self : x : y &as form} tile]
(when (not (active? self :tile)) (self:draw-off))
(local {: tag} (with-style form :tag :tile))
(when (not (active? self tag)) (self:draw-off))
(local (w h) (self:tilesize))
(local (w h) (self:tilesize))
(local editor-w (* (+ pixel-size 1) w))
(set form.w (* (+ pixel-size 1) w))
(local editor-h (* (+ pixel-size 1) h))
(set form.h (* (+ pixel-size 1) h))
(activate self :tile x y editor-w editor-h)
(activate form)
(for [bitx 0 (- w 1)] (for [bity 0 (- h 1)]
(for [bitx 0 (- w 1)] (for [bity 0 (- h 1)]
(local (ibyte ibit mask) (self:map-bitxy bitx bity w h))
(local (ibyte ibit mask) (self:map-bitxy bitx bity w h))
(local b (get-bits tile ibyte ibit mask))
(local b (get-bits tile ibyte ibit mask))
(local (px py) (values (+ x (* bitx (+ pixel-size 1))) (+ y (* bity (+ pixel-size 1)))))
(local (px py) (values (+ x (* bitx (+ pixel-size 1))) (+ y (* bity (+ pixel-size 1)))))
(local (colorbg colorfg) (self:pixel-color b ibyte ibit))
(local (colorbg colorfg) (self:pixel-color b ibyte ibit))
(self:draw-pixel px py colorbg colorfg)
(self:draw-pixel px py colorbg colorfg)
(when (and (active? self :tile) (mouse-inside px py pixel-size pixel-size))
(when (and (active? self tag) (mouse-inside px py pixel-size pixel-size))
(self:draw-on b)
(self:draw-on b)
(local bits (self:draw-bits))
(local bits (self:draw-bits))
(when (not= bits b)
(when (not= bits b)
(self:update-tile (set-tile-bits tile ibyte ibit mask bits))))))
(self:update-tile (set-tile-bits tile ibyte ibit mask bits))))))
( 1 1 1 1)
( 1 1 1 1))
(values editor-w editor-h))
(fn TileView.draw-tile-flag [self flagname x y]
(fn TileView.draw-tile-editor [self form tile] (vert form tile-editor {} tile))
(local flags (-?> self.tilecache.tiles (. self.itile) (. :flags)))
(local flagset (if flags (. flags flagname) false))
(let [(checked yNew) (checkbox self flagname flagset x y)]
(when checked (tset flags flagname (if flagset nil true)))
(fn TileView.draw-tile-flags [self x y]
(fn tile-flag [form tile flagname]
(local tile (-?> self.tilecache.tiles (. self.itile)))
(local flagset (?. tile :flags flagname))
(var y y)
(when (checkbox form flagname flagset)
(tset tile :flags flagname (if flagset nil true))))
(fn TileView.draw-tile-flags [self form]
(let [tile (-?> self.tilecache.tiles (. self.itile))
fieldform {:wlabel (* 100 SCALE) :wtext (* 200 SCALE)}]
(when tile
(when tile
(set (tile.word y) (textfield self "Default word" tile.word x (+ y style.padding.y) (* 100 SCALE) (* 200 SCALE)))
(set tile.word (vert form textfield fieldform "Default word" tile.word))
(set (tile.label y) (textfield self "Label" tile.label x (+ y style.padding.y) (* 100 SCALE) (* 200 SCALE))))
(set tile.label (vert form textfield fieldform "Label" tile.label)))
(each [iflag flagname (ipairs (tiles.flags))]
(each [iflag flagname (ipairs (tiles.flags))]
(set y (self:draw-tile-flag flagname x (+ y style.padding.y))))
(vert form tile-flag {} tile flagname))))
(fn TileView.draw-tile-preview [self x y]
(fn tile-preview [{:view self : x : y &as form} itile tilekey]
(each [_ [tx ty] (ipairs (self:preview-locations))]
(each [_ [tx ty] (ipairs (self:preview-locations))]
(self:draw-sprite (+ x (* tx self.sprite-scale)) (+ y (* ty self.sprite-scale)) self.itile self.tilekey)))
(let [dx (* tx self.sprite-scale) dy (* ty self.sprite-scale)
(w h) (self:draw-sprite (+ x dx) (+ y dy) itile tilekey)]
(when (and w (or (= form.w nil) (< form.w (+ w dx)))) (set form.w (+ w dx)))
(when (and h (or (= form.h nil) (< form.h (+ h dy)))) (set form.h (+ h dy))))))
(fn TileView.draw-tile-preview [self form] (vert form tile-preview {} self.itile self.tilekey))
(fn TileView.draw-tile-palette [self x y w]
(fn tile-palette [{:view self : x : y : w &as form} pal selected-color]
(local pal (self:palette))
(let [wrap (horiz-wrapper (with-style form))]
(if pal
(var selected-color selected-color)
(do (var cx x)
(var cy y)
(each [icolor color (ipairs pal)]
(each [icolor color (ipairs pal)]
(when (>= cx w)
(renderer.draw_rect form.x form.y pixel-size pixel-size color)
(set cx x)
(when (= icolor selected-color)
(set cy (+ cy pixel-size style.padding.y)))
(when (button self [:pal icolor] cx cy pixel-size pixel-size)
(set self.icolor icolor))
(renderer.draw_rect cx cy pixel-size pixel-size color)
(when (= icolor self.icolor)
( 1 1 1 1)
( 1 1 1 1)
( :line (- cx 2) (- cy 2) (+ pixel-size 4) (+ pixel-size 4)))
( :line (- form.x 2) (- form.y 2) (+ pixel-size 4) (+ pixel-size 4)))
(set cx (+ cx pixel-size style.padding.x)))
(when (wrap button {:tag [:pal icolor] :w pixel-size :h pixel-size})
(+ pixel-size style.padding.y))
(set selected-color icolor)))
(set form.w w) ;; todo: some kind of "group" combinator that does this for us
(set form.h (+ (- form.y y) pixel-size))
(set form.x x)
(set form.y y)
(fn TileView.draw-tile-palette [self form]
(match (self:palette)
pal (set self.icolor (vert form tile-palette {:w form.w} pal self.icolor))))
(fn TileView.update-tile [self newtile]
(fn TileView.update-tile [self newtile]
(self.tilecache:update-tile self.itile newtile self.tilekey))
(self.tilecache:update-tile self.itile newtile self.tilekey))
(fn TileView.draw-style-selector [self x y]
(fn style-selector [form current-style]
(renderer.draw_text style.font "Style" x (+ y (/ style.padding.y 2)) style.text)
(let [{:view self : x : y : font : color : ypad} (with-style form)
(let [(selection yNext) (dropdown self :layer-selector (tiles.tile-styles) (+ x (* 50 SCALE)) y (* 100 SCALE)) ]
form-drop (lume.merge form {:x (+ x (* 50 SCALE)) :w (* 100 SCALE) :tag :layer-selector})
(when (not= selection)
selection (dropdown form-drop current-style (tiles.tile-styles))]
(self:set-style selection))
(renderer.draw_text font "Style" x (+ y (/ ypad 2)) color)
(- yNext y)))
(set form.w (- (+ form-drop.x form-drop.w) x))
(set form.h form-drop.h)
(when (not= current-style selection) selection)))
(fn TileView.draw-style-selector [self form]
(match (vert form style-selector {}
new-style (self:set-style new-style)))
(fn TileView.draw [self]
(fn TileView.draw [self]
(self:draw_background style.background)
(self:draw_background style.background)
(local (x y) (values (+ self.position.x style.padding.x (- self.scroll.x))
(let [form (self:form)
(+ self.position.y style.padding.y (- self.scroll.y))))
form-side (self:form)]
(local (editor-w editor-h) (self:draw-tile-editor (self:tile) x y))
(self:draw-tile-editor form (self:tile))
(local preview-y (self:draw-tile-flags (+ x editor-w pixel-size) y))
(self:draw-tile-preview (+ x editor-w pixel-size) (+ preview-y style.padding.y))
; layout sidebar
(var selector-y (+ y editor-h pixel-size))
(set form-side.x (+ form.x form.w form.xpad))
(set selector-y (+ selector-y (self:draw-tile-palette x selector-y (- self.size.x 20))))
(self:draw-tile-flags form-side)
(self:draw-tile-preview form-side)
; continue laying out under tile editor
(self:draw-tile-palette (lume.extend form {:w (- self.size.x 20)}))
(when (> (length (tiles.tile-styles)) 1)
(when (> (length (tiles.tile-styles)) 1)
(set selector-y (+ selector-y (self:draw-style-selector x selector-y) style.padding.y)))
(self:draw-style-selector form))
(each [_ key (ipairs (self:tilekeys))]
(each [_ key (ipairs (self:tilekeys))]
(local selector-h (self:draw-tile-selector x selector-y (- self.size.x 20) key))
(self:draw-tile-selector (lume.extend form {:w (- self.size.x 20)}) key))
(set selector-y (+ selector-y selector-h pixel-size)))
(self:end-scroll form)))
(set self.scrollheight (- selector-y y)))
(fn TileView.initial-style [self] :tiles)
(fn TileView.initial-style [self] :tiles)
(fn TileView.get_name [self] "Tile Editor")
(fn TileView.get_name [self] "Tile Editor")
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