local core = require "core" local DocView = require "core.docview" local workspace_filename = ".lite_workspace.lua" local function serialize(val) if type(val) == "string" then return string.format("%q", val) elseif type(val) == "table" then local t = {} for k, v in pairs(val) do table.insert(t, "[" .. serialize(k) .. "]=" .. serialize(v)) end return "{" .. table.concat(t, ",") .. "}" end return tostring(val) end local function has_no_locked_children(node) if node.locked then return false end if node.type == "leaf" then return true end return has_no_locked_children(node.a) and has_no_locked_children(node.b) end local function get_unlocked_root(node) if node.type == "leaf" then return not node.locked and node end if has_no_locked_children(node) then return node end return get_unlocked_root(node.a) or get_unlocked_root(node.b) end local function save_view(view) local mt = getmetatable(view) if mt == DocView then return { type = "doc", active = (core.active_view == view), filename = view.doc.filename, selection = { view.doc:get_selection() }, scroll = { x = view.scroll.to.x, y = view.scroll.to.y }, text = not view.doc.filename and view.doc:get_text(1, 1, math.huge, math.huge) } end for name, mod in pairs(package.loaded) do if mod == mt then return { type = "view", active = (core.active_view == view), module = name } end end end local function load_view(t) if t.type == "doc" then local ok, doc = pcall(core.open_doc, t.filename) if not ok then return DocView(core.open_doc()) end local dv = DocView(doc) if t.text then doc:insert(1, 1, t.text) end doc:set_selection(table.unpack(t.selection)) dv.last_line, dv.last_col = doc:get_selection() dv.scroll.x, dv.scroll.to.x = t.scroll.x, t.scroll.x dv.scroll.y, dv.scroll.to.y = t.scroll.y, t.scroll.y return dv end return require(t.module)() end local function save_node(node) local res = {} res.type = node.type if node.type == "leaf" then res.views = {} for _, view in ipairs(node.views) do local t = save_view(view) if t then table.insert(res.views, t) if node.active_view == view then res.active_view = #res.views end end end else res.divider = node.divider res.a = save_node(node.a) res.b = save_node(node.b) end return res end local function load_node(node, t) if t.type == "leaf" then local res for _, v in ipairs(t.views) do local view = load_view(v) if v.active then res = view end node:add_view(view) end if t.active_view then node:set_active_view(node.views[t.active_view]) end return res else node:split(t.type == "hsplit" and "right" or "down") node.divider = t.divider local res1 = load_node(node.a, t.a) local res2 = load_node(node.b, t.b) return res1 or res2 end end local function save_workspace() local root = get_unlocked_root(core.root_view.root_node) local fp = io.open(workspace_filename, "w") if fp then fp:write("return ", serialize(save_node(root)), "\n") fp:close() end end local function load_workspace() local ok, t = pcall(dofile, workspace_filename) os.remove(workspace_filename) if ok then local root = get_unlocked_root(core.root_view.root_node) local active_view = load_node(root, t) if active_view then core.set_active_view(active_view) end end end local run = core.run function core.run(...) if #core.docs == 0 then core.try(load_workspace) local exit = os.exit function os.exit(...) save_workspace() exit(...) end end core.run = run return core.run(...) end