(local util (require :lib.util)) (local lume (require :lib.lume)) (local flags [:walkable :neutable :debris :sittable]) (local flag-to-bit {}) (each [iflag flag (ipairs flags)] (tset flag-to-bit flag (bit.lshift 1 (- iflag 1)))) (fn deserialize [tile] (match (type tile) :string {:gfx (tile:fromhex) :flags {}} :table (doto tile (tset :gfx (tile.gfx:fromhex))))) (fn serialize [tile] (doto (lume.clone tile) (tset :gfx (tile.gfx:tohex)))) (local fn-tiles "game/tiles.json") (local fn-portraits "game/portraits.json") (local fn-font "game/font.json") (fn loadgfx [filename] (lume.map (util.readjson filename) deserialize)) (fn savegfx [filename gfx] (util.writejson filename (lume.map gfx serialize))) (fn appendgfx [org gfx] (each [_ g (ipairs gfx)] (when g.label (org:append g.label)) (org:append [:bytes g.gfx]))) (fn appendtiles [org] (local tiles (loadgfx fn-tiles)) (appendgfx org tiles) (appendgfx org (loadgfx fn-portraits)) (org:append :tileflags) (each [_ tile (ipairs tiles)] (var flags 0) (each [flag _ (pairs tile.flags)] (set flags (bit.bor flags (. flag-to-bit flag)))) (org:append [:db flags]))) (fn encode-yx [xy] (if xy (bit.bor (bit.lshift (- xy.y 1) 8) (- xy.x 1)) 0xffff)) ; 20x12 means full map is 240 bytes - we have an extra 16 bytes at the end for metadata (fn append-map [map org] (org:append :map [:bytes (map.map:fromhex)] :map-entity-count [:db (length map.objects)] :map-jaye-yx [:dw (encode-yx map.jaye)] :map-neut-yx [:dw (encode-yx map.neut)] :map-gord-yx [:dw (if map.gord-following (encode-yx map.jaye) 0xffff)] :map-specific-tick [:jmp (if (= (or map.tickword "") "") :next map.tickword)] :map-specific-move [:jmp (if (= (or map.moveword "") "") :move-noop map.moveword)])) (fn find-itile [tiles label ?itilenext] (local itile (or ?itilenext 1)) (local tile (. tiles itile)) (assert (not= tile nil) (.. "No such tile " label)) (if (= tile.label label) (bit.bor (bit.lshift (bit.band (- itile 1) 0x07) 5) (bit.rshift (bit.band (- itile 1) 0xf8) 3)) (find-itile tiles label (+ itile 1)))) {: loadgfx : savegfx : appendtiles : appendgfx : append-map : flags : flag-to-bit : find-itile : fn-tiles : fn-portraits : fn-font : encode-yx}