package.preload["fennel.repl"] = package.preload["fennel.repl"] or function(...) local utils = require("fennel.utils") local parser = require("fennel.parser") local compiler = require("fennel.compiler") local specials = require("fennel.specials") local function default_read_chunk(parser_state) local function _0_() if (0 < parser_state["stack-size"]) then return ".." else return ">> " end end io.write(_0_()) io.flush() local input = return (input and (input .. "\n")) end local function default_on_values(xs) io.write(table.concat(xs, "\9")) return io.write("\n") end local function default_on_error(errtype, err, lua_source) local function _1_() local _0_0 = errtype if (_0_0 == "Lua Compile") then return ("Bad code generated - likely a bug with the compiler:\n" .. "--- Generated Lua Start ---\n" .. lua_source .. "--- Generated Lua End ---\n") elseif (_0_0 == "Runtime") then return (compiler.traceback(err, 4) .. "\n") else local _ = _0_0 return ("%s error: %s\n"):format(errtype, tostring(err)) end end return io.write(_1_()) end local save_source = table.concat({"local ___i___ = 1", "while true do", " local name, value = debug.getlocal(1, ___i___)", " if(name and name ~= \"___i___\") then", " ___replLocals___[name] = value", " ___i___ = ___i___ + 1", " else break end end"}, "\n") local function splice_save_locals(env, lua_source) env.___replLocals___ = (env.___replLocals___ or {}) local spliced_source = {} local bind = "local %s = ___replLocals___['%s']" for line in lua_source:gmatch("([^\n]+)\n?") do table.insert(spliced_source, line) end for name in pairs(env.___replLocals___) do table.insert(spliced_source, 1, bind:format(name, name)) end if ((1 < #spliced_source) and (spliced_source[#spliced_source]):match("^ *return .*$")) then table.insert(spliced_source, #spliced_source, save_source) end return table.concat(spliced_source, "\n") end local function completer(env, scope, text) local matches = {} local input_fragment = text:gsub(".*[%s)(]+", "") local function add_partials(input, tbl, prefix) for k in utils.allpairs(tbl) do local k0 = nil if ((tbl == env) or (tbl == env.___replLocals___)) then k0 = scope.unmanglings[k] else k0 = k end if ((#matches < 2000) and (type(k0) == "string") and (input == k0:sub(0, #input))) then table.insert(matches, (prefix .. k0)) end end return nil end local function add_matches(input, tbl, prefix) local prefix0 = nil if prefix then prefix0 = (prefix .. ".") else prefix0 = "" end if not input:find("%.") then return add_partials(input, tbl, prefix0) else local head, tail = input:match("^([^.]+)%.(.*)") local raw_head = nil if ((tbl == env) or (tbl == env.___replLocals___)) then raw_head = scope.manglings[head] else raw_head = head end if (type(tbl[raw_head]) == "table") then return add_matches(tail, tbl[raw_head], (prefix0 .. head)) end end end add_matches(input_fragment, (scope.specials or {})) add_matches(input_fragment, (scope.macros or {})) add_matches(input_fragment, (env.___replLocals___ or {})) add_matches(input_fragment, env) add_matches(input_fragment, (env._ENV or env._G or {})) return matches end local function repl(options) local old_root_options = utils.root.options local env = nil if options.env then env = utils["wrap-env"](options.env) else env = setmetatable({}, {__index = (_G._ENV or _G)}) end local save_locals_3f = ((options.saveLocals ~= false) and env.debug and env.debug.getlocal) local opts = {} local _ = nil for k, v in pairs(options) do opts[k] = v end _ = nil local read_chunk = (opts.readChunk or default_read_chunk) local on_values = (opts.onValues or default_on_values) local on_error = (opts.onError or default_on_error) local pp = (opts.pp or tostring) local byte_stream, clear_stream = parser.granulate(read_chunk) local chars = {} local read, reset = nil, nil local function _1_(parser_state) local c = byte_stream(parser_state) chars[(#chars + 1)] = c return c end read, reset = parser.parser(_1_) local scope = compiler["make-scope"]() opts.useMetadata = (options.useMetadata ~= false) if (opts.allowedGlobals == nil) then opts.allowedGlobals = specials["current-global-names"](opts.env) end if opts.registerCompleter then local function _3_(...) return completer(env, scope, ...) end opts.registerCompleter(_3_) end local function loop() for k in pairs(chars) do chars[k] = nil end local ok, parse_ok_3f, x = pcall(read) local src_string = string.char((_G.unpack or table.unpack)(chars)) utils.root.options = opts if not ok then on_error("Parse", parse_ok_3f) clear_stream() reset() return loop() else if parse_ok_3f then do local _4_0, _5_0 = pcall(compiler.compile, x, {["assert-compile"] = opts["assert-compile"], ["parse-error"] = opts["parse-error"], correlate = opts.correlate, moduleName = opts.moduleName, scope = scope, source = src_string, useMetadata = opts.useMetadata}) if ((_4_0 == false) and (nil ~= _5_0)) then local msg = _5_0 clear_stream() on_error("Compile", msg) elseif ((_4_0 == true) and (nil ~= _5_0)) then local source = _5_0 local source0 = nil if save_locals_3f then source0 = splice_save_locals(env, source) else source0 = source end local lua_ok_3f, loader = pcall(specials["load-code"], source0, env) if not lua_ok_3f then clear_stream() on_error("Lua Compile", loader, source0) else local _7_0, _8_0 = nil, nil local function _9_() return {loader()} end local function _10_(...) return on_error("Runtime", ...) end _7_0, _8_0 = xpcall(_9_, _10_) if ((_7_0 == true) and (nil ~= _8_0)) then local ret = _8_0 env._ = ret[1] env.__ = ret on_values(, pp)) end end end end utils.root.options = old_root_options return loop() end end end return loop() end return repl end package.preload["fennel.specials"] = package.preload["fennel.specials"] or function(...) local utils = require("fennel.utils") local parser = require("fennel.parser") local compiler = require("fennel.compiler") local unpack = (_G.unpack or table.unpack) local SPECIALS = local function wrap_env(env) local function _0_(_, key) if (type(key) == "string") then return env[compiler["global-unmangling"](key)] else return env[key] end end local function _1_(_, key, value) if (type(key) == "string") then env[compiler["global-unmangling"](key)] = value return nil else env[key] = value return nil end end local function _2_() local function putenv(k, v) local _3_ if (type(k) == "string") then _3_ = compiler["global-unmangling"](k) else _3_ = k end return _3_, v end return next, utils.kvmap(env, putenv), nil end return setmetatable({}, {__index = _0_, __newindex = _1_, __pairs = _2_}) end local function current_global_names(env) return utils.kvmap((env or _G), compiler["global-unmangling"]) end local function load_code(code, environment, filename) local environment0 = ((environment or _ENV) or _G) if (_G.setfenv and _G.loadstring) then local f = assert(_G.loadstring(code, filename)) _G.setfenv(f, environment0) return f else return assert(load(code, filename, "t", environment0)) end end local function doc_2a(tgt, name) if not tgt then return (name .. " not found") else local docstring = (((compiler.metadata):get(tgt, "fnl/docstring") or "#")):gsub("\n$", ""):gsub("\n", "\n ") if (type(tgt) == "function") then local arglist = table.concat(((compiler.metadata):get(tgt, "fnl/arglist") or {"#"}), " ") local _0_ if (#arglist > 0) then _0_ = " " else _0_ = "" end return string.format("(%s%s%s)\n %s", name, _0_, arglist, docstring) else return string.format("%s\n %s", name, docstring) end end end local function doc_special(name, arglist, docstring) compiler.metadata[SPECIALS[name]] = {["fnl/arglist"] = arglist, ["fnl/docstring"] = docstring} return nil end local function compile_do(ast, scope, parent, start) local start0 = (start or 2) local len = #ast local sub_scope = compiler["make-scope"](scope) for i = start0, len do compiler.compile1(ast[i], sub_scope, parent, {nval = 0}) end return nil end SPECIALS["do"] = function(ast, scope, parent, opts, start, chunk, sub_scope, pre_syms) local start0 = (start or 2) local sub_scope0 = (sub_scope or compiler["make-scope"](scope)) local chunk0 = (chunk or {}) local len = #ast local outer_target = local outer_tail = opts.tail local retexprs = {returned = true} if (not outer_target and (opts.nval ~= 0) and not outer_tail) then if opts.nval then local syms = {} for i = 1, opts.nval, 1 do local s = ((pre_syms and pre_syms[i]) or compiler.gensym(scope)) syms[i] = s retexprs[i] = utils.expr(s, "sym") end outer_target = table.concat(syms, ", ") compiler.emit(parent, ("local %s"):format(outer_target), ast) compiler.emit(parent, "do", ast) else local fname = compiler.gensym(scope) local fargs = ((scope.vararg and "...") or "") compiler.emit(parent, ("local function %s(%s)"):format(fname, fargs), ast) retexprs = utils.expr((fname .. "(" .. fargs .. ")"), "statement") outer_tail = true outer_target = nil end else compiler.emit(parent, "do", ast) end if (len < start0) then compiler.compile1(nil, sub_scope0, chunk0, {tail = outer_tail, target = outer_target}) else for i = start0, len do local subopts = {nval = (((i ~= len) and 0) or opts.nval), tail = (((i == len) and outer_tail) or nil), target = (((i == len) and outer_target) or nil)} utils["propagate-options"](opts, subopts) local subexprs = compiler.compile1(ast[i], sub_scope0, chunk0, subopts) if (i ~= len) then compiler["keep-side-effects"](subexprs, parent, nil, ast[i]) end end end compiler.emit(parent, chunk0, ast) compiler.emit(parent, "end", ast) return retexprs end doc_special("do", {"..."}, "Evaluate multiple forms; return last value.") SPECIALS.values = function(ast, scope, parent) local len = #ast local exprs = {} for i = 2, len do local subexprs = compiler.compile1(ast[i], scope, parent, {nval = ((i ~= len) and 1)}) exprs[(#exprs + 1)] = subexprs[1] if (i == len) then for j = 2, #subexprs, 1 do exprs[(#exprs + 1)] = subexprs[j] end end end return exprs end doc_special("values", {"..."}, "Return multiple values from a function. Must be in tail position.") SPECIALS.fn = function(ast, scope, parent) local index, fn_name, is_local_fn, docstring = 2, utils["is-sym"](ast[2]) local f_scope = nil do local _0_0 = compiler["make-scope"](scope) _0_0["vararg"] = false f_scope = _0_0 end local f_chunk = {} local multi = (fn_name and utils["is-multi-sym"](fn_name[1])) compiler.assert((not multi or not multi["multi-sym-method-call"]), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. tostring(fn_name)), ast[index]) if (fn_name and (fn_name[1] ~= "nil")) then is_local_fn = not multi if is_local_fn then fn_name = compiler["declare-local"](fn_name, {}, scope, ast) else fn_name = compiler["symbol-to-expression"](fn_name, scope)[1] end index = (index + 1) else is_local_fn = true fn_name = compiler.gensym(scope) end do local arg_list = nil local function _2_() if (type(ast[index]) == "table") then return ast[index] else return ast end end arg_list = compiler.assert(utils["is-table"](ast[index]), "expected parameters", _2_()) local function get_arg_name(i, name) if utils["is-varg"](name) then compiler.assert((i == #arg_list), "expected vararg as last parameter", ast[2]) f_scope.vararg = true return "..." elseif (utils["is-sym"](name) and (utils.deref(name) ~= "nil") and not utils["is-multi-sym"](utils.deref(name))) then return compiler["declare-local"](name, {}, f_scope, ast) elseif utils["is-table"](name) then local raw = utils.sym(compiler.gensym(scope)) local declared = compiler["declare-local"](raw, {}, f_scope, ast) compiler.destructure(name, raw, ast, f_scope, f_chunk, {declaration = true, nomulti = true}) return declared else return compiler.assert(false, ("expected symbol for function parameter: %s"):format(tostring(name)), ast[2]) end end local arg_name_list = utils.kvmap(arg_list, get_arg_name) if ((type(ast[(index + 1)]) == "string") and ((index + 1) < #ast)) then index = (index + 1) docstring = ast[index] end for i = (index + 1), #ast, 1 do compiler.compile1(ast[i], f_scope, f_chunk, {nval = (((i ~= #ast) and 0) or nil), tail = (i == #ast)}) end if is_local_fn then compiler.emit(parent, ("local function %s(%s)"):format(fn_name, table.concat(arg_name_list, ", ")), ast) else compiler.emit(parent, ("%s = function(%s)"):format(fn_name, table.concat(arg_name_list, ", ")), ast) end compiler.emit(parent, f_chunk, ast) compiler.emit(parent, "end", ast) if utils.root.options.useMetadata then local args = nil local function _5_(v) if utils["is-table"](v) then return "\"#\"" else return ("\"%s\""):format(tostring(v)) end end args =, _5_) local meta_fields = {"\"fnl/arglist\"", ("{" .. table.concat(args, ", ") .. "}")} if docstring then table.insert(meta_fields, "\"fnl/docstring\"") table.insert(meta_fields, ("\"" .. docstring:gsub("%s+$", ""):gsub("\\", "\\\\"):gsub("\n", "\\n"):gsub("\"", "\\\"") .. "\"")) end local meta_str = ("require(\"%s\").metadata"):format((utils.root.options.moduleName or "fennel")) compiler.emit(parent, ("pcall(function() %s:setall(%s, %s) end)"):format(meta_str, fn_name, table.concat(meta_fields, ", "))) end end return utils.expr(fn_name, "sym") end doc_special("fn", {"name?", "args", "docstring?", "..."}, "Function syntax. May optionally include a name and docstring.\nIf a name is provided, the function will be bound in the current scope.\nWhen called with the wrong number of args, excess args will be discarded\nand lacking args will be nil, use lambda for arity-checked functions.") SPECIALS.lua = function(ast, _, parent) compiler.assert(((#ast == 2) or (#ast == 3)), "expected 1 or 2 arguments", ast) if (ast[2] ~= nil) then table.insert(parent, {ast = ast, leaf = tostring(ast[2])}) end if (#ast == 3) then return tostring(ast[3]) end end SPECIALS.doc = function(ast, scope, parent) assert(utils.root.options.useMetadata, "can't look up doc with metadata disabled.") compiler.assert((#ast == 2), "expected one argument", ast) local target = utils.deref(ast[2]) local special_or_macro = (scope.specials[target] or scope.macros[target]) if special_or_macro then return ("print([[%s]])"):format(doc_2a(special_or_macro, target)) else local value = tostring(compiler.compile1(ast[2], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]) return ("print(require('%s').doc(%s, '%s'))"):format((utils.root.options.moduleName or "fennel"), value, tostring(ast[2])) end end doc_special("doc", {"x"}, "Print the docstring and arglist for a function, macro, or special form.") local function dot(ast, scope, parent) compiler.assert((1 < #ast), "expected table argument", ast) local len = #ast local lhs = compiler.compile1(ast[2], scope, parent, {nval = 1}) if (len == 2) then return tostring(lhs[1]) else local indices = {} for i = 3, len, 1 do local index = ast[i] if ((type(index) == "string") and utils["is-valid-lua-identifier"](index)) then table.insert(indices, ("." .. index)) else index = compiler.compile1(index, scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1] table.insert(indices, ("[" .. tostring(index) .. "]")) end end if utils["is-table"](ast[2]) then return ("(" .. tostring(lhs[1]) .. ")" .. table.concat(indices)) else return (tostring(lhs[1]) .. table.concat(indices)) end end end SPECIALS["."] = dot doc_special(".", {"tbl", "key1", "..."}, "Look up key1 in tbl table. If more args are provided, do a nested lookup.") = function(ast, scope, parent) compiler.assert((#ast == 3), "expected name and value", ast) compiler.destructure(ast[2], ast[3], ast, scope, parent, {forceglobal = true, nomulti = true}) return nil end doc_special("global", {"name", "val"}, "Set name as a global with val.") SPECIALS.set = function(ast, scope, parent) compiler.assert((#ast == 3), "expected name and value", ast) compiler.destructure(ast[2], ast[3], ast, scope, parent, {noundef = true}) return nil end doc_special("set", {"name", "val"}, "Set a local variable to a new value. Only works on locals using var.") local function set_forcibly_21_2a(ast, scope, parent) compiler.assert((#ast == 3), "expected name and value", ast) compiler.destructure(ast[2], ast[3], ast, scope, parent, {forceset = true}) return nil end SPECIALS["set-forcibly!"] = set_forcibly_21_2a local function local_2a(ast, scope, parent) compiler.assert((#ast == 3), "expected name and value", ast) compiler.destructure(ast[2], ast[3], ast, scope, parent, {declaration = true, nomulti = true}) return nil end SPECIALS["local"] = local_2a doc_special("local", {"name", "val"}, "Introduce new top-level immutable local.") SPECIALS.var = function(ast, scope, parent) compiler.assert((#ast == 3), "expected name and value", ast) compiler.destructure(ast[2], ast[3], ast, scope, parent, {declaration = true, isvar = true, nomulti = true}) return nil end doc_special("var", {"name", "val"}, "Introduce new mutable local.") SPECIALS.let = function(ast, scope, parent, opts) local bindings = ast[2] local pre_syms = {} compiler.assert((utils["is-list"](bindings) or utils["is-table"](bindings)), "expected binding table", ast) compiler.assert(((#bindings % 2) == 0), "expected even number of name/value bindings", ast[2]) compiler.assert((#ast >= 3), "expected body expression", ast[1]) for _ = 1, (opts.nval or 0), 1 do table.insert(pre_syms, compiler.gensym(scope)) end local sub_scope = compiler["make-scope"](scope) local sub_chunk = {} for i = 1, #bindings, 2 do compiler.destructure(bindings[i], bindings[(i + 1)], ast, sub_scope, sub_chunk, {declaration = true, nomulti = true}) end return SPECIALS["do"](ast, scope, parent, opts, 3, sub_chunk, sub_scope, pre_syms) end doc_special("let", {"[name1 val1 ... nameN valN]", "..."}, "Introduces a new scope in which a given set of local bindings are used.") SPECIALS.tset = function(ast, scope, parent) compiler.assert((#ast > 3), "expected table, key, and value arguments", ast) local root = compiler.compile1(ast[2], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1] local keys = {} for i = 3, (#ast - 1), 1 do local key = compiler.compile1(ast[i], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1] keys[(#keys + 1)] = tostring(key) end local value = compiler.compile1(ast[#ast], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1] local rootstr = tostring(root) local fmtstr = nil if rootstr:match("^{") then fmtstr = "do end (%s)[%s] = %s" else fmtstr = "%s[%s] = %s" end return compiler.emit(parent, fmtstr:format(tostring(root), table.concat(keys, "]["), tostring(value)), ast) end doc_special("tset", {"tbl", "key1", "...", "keyN", "val"}, "Set the value of a table field. Can take additional keys to set\nnested values, but all parents must contain an existing table.") local function if_2a(ast, scope, parent, opts) local do_scope = compiler["make-scope"](scope) local branches = {} local has_else = ((#ast > 3) and ((#ast % 2) == 0)) local else_branch = nil local wrapper, inner_tail, inner_target, target_exprs = nil if (opts.tail or or opts.nval) then if (opts.nval and (opts.nval ~= 0) and not then local accum = {} target_exprs = {} for i = 1, opts.nval, 1 do local s = compiler.gensym(scope) accum[i] = s target_exprs[i] = utils.expr(s, "sym") end wrapper, inner_tail, inner_target = "target", opts.tail, table.concat(accum, ", ") else wrapper, inner_tail, inner_target = "none", opts.tail, end else wrapper, inner_tail, inner_target = "iife", true, nil end local body_opts = {nval = opts.nval, tail = inner_tail, target = inner_target} local function compile_body(i) local chunk = {} local cscope = compiler["make-scope"](do_scope) compiler["keep-side-effects"](compiler.compile1(ast[i], cscope, chunk, body_opts), chunk, nil, ast[i]) return {chunk = chunk, scope = cscope} end for i = 2, (#ast - 1), 2 do local condchunk = {} local res = compiler.compile1(ast[i], do_scope, condchunk, {nval = 1}) local cond = res[1] local branch = compile_body((i + 1)) branch.cond = cond branch.condchunk = condchunk branch.nested = ((i ~= 2) and (next(condchunk, nil) == nil)) table.insert(branches, branch) end if has_else then else_branch = compile_body(#ast) end local s = compiler.gensym(scope) local buffer = {} local last_buffer = buffer for i = 1, #branches do local branch = branches[i] local fstr = nil if not branch.nested then fstr = "if %s then" else fstr = "elseif %s then" end local cond = tostring(branch.cond) local cond_line = nil if ((cond == "true") and branch.nested and (i == #branches)) then cond_line = "else" else cond_line = fstr:format(cond) end if branch.nested then compiler.emit(last_buffer, branch.condchunk, ast) else for _, v in ipairs(branch.condchunk) do compiler.emit(last_buffer, v, ast) end end compiler.emit(last_buffer, cond_line, ast) compiler.emit(last_buffer, branch.chunk, ast) if (i == #branches) then if has_else then compiler.emit(last_buffer, "else", ast) compiler.emit(last_buffer, else_branch.chunk, ast) elseif (inner_target and (cond_line ~= "else")) then compiler.emit(last_buffer, "else", ast) compiler.emit(last_buffer, ("%s = nil"):format(inner_target), ast) end compiler.emit(last_buffer, "end", ast) elseif not branches[(i + 1)].nested then local next_buffer = {} compiler.emit(last_buffer, "else", ast) compiler.emit(last_buffer, next_buffer, ast) compiler.emit(last_buffer, "end", ast) last_buffer = next_buffer end end if (wrapper == "iife") then local iifeargs = ((scope.vararg and "...") or "") compiler.emit(parent, ("local function %s(%s)"):format(tostring(s), iifeargs), ast) compiler.emit(parent, buffer, ast) compiler.emit(parent, "end", ast) return utils.expr(("%s(%s)"):format(tostring(s), iifeargs), "statement") elseif (wrapper == "none") then for i = 1, #buffer, 1 do compiler.emit(parent, buffer[i], ast) end return {returned = true} else compiler.emit(parent, ("local %s"):format(inner_target), ast) for i = 1, #buffer, 1 do compiler.emit(parent, buffer[i], ast) end return target_exprs end end SPECIALS["if"] = if_2a doc_special("if", {"cond1", "body1", "...", "condN", "bodyN"}, "Conditional form.\nTakes any number of condition/body pairs and evaluates the first body where\nthe condition evaluates to truthy. Similar to cond in other lisps.") SPECIALS.each = function(ast, scope, parent) compiler.assert((#ast >= 3), "expected body expression", ast[1]) local binding = compiler.assert(utils["is-table"](ast[2]), "expected binding table", ast) local iter = table.remove(binding, #binding) local destructures = {} local new_manglings = {} local sub_scope = compiler["make-scope"](scope) local function destructure_binding(v) if utils["is-sym"](v) then return compiler["declare-local"](v, {}, sub_scope, ast, new_manglings) else local raw = utils.sym(compiler.gensym(sub_scope)) destructures[raw] = v return compiler["declare-local"](raw, {}, sub_scope, ast) end end local bind_vars =, destructure_binding) local vals = compiler.compile1(iter, sub_scope, parent) local val_names =, tostring) local chunk = {} compiler.emit(parent, ("for %s in %s do"):format(table.concat(bind_vars, ", "), table.concat(val_names, ", ")), ast) for raw, args in utils.stablepairs(destructures) do compiler.destructure(args, raw, ast, sub_scope, chunk, {declaration = true, nomulti = true}) end compiler["apply-manglings"](sub_scope, new_manglings, ast) compile_do(ast, sub_scope, chunk, 3) compiler.emit(parent, chunk, ast) return compiler.emit(parent, "end", ast) end doc_special("each", {"[key value (iterator)]", "..."}, "Runs the body once for each set of values provided by the given iterator.\nMost commonly used with ipairs for sequential tables or pairs for undefined\norder, but can be used with any iterator.") local function while_2a(ast, scope, parent) local len1 = #parent local condition = compiler.compile1(ast[2], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1] local len2 = #parent local sub_chunk = {} if (len1 ~= len2) then for i = (len1 + 1), len2, 1 do sub_chunk[(#sub_chunk + 1)] = parent[i] parent[i] = nil end compiler.emit(parent, "while true do", ast) compiler.emit(sub_chunk, ("if not %s then break end"):format(condition[1]), ast) else compiler.emit(parent, ("while " .. tostring(condition) .. " do"), ast) end compile_do(ast, compiler["make-scope"](scope), sub_chunk, 3) compiler.emit(parent, sub_chunk, ast) return compiler.emit(parent, "end", ast) end SPECIALS["while"] = while_2a doc_special("while", {"condition", "..."}, "The classic while loop. Evaluates body until a condition is non-truthy.") local function for_2a(ast, scope, parent) local ranges = compiler.assert(utils["is-table"](ast[2]), "expected binding table", ast) local binding_sym = table.remove(ast[2], 1) local sub_scope = compiler["make-scope"](scope) local range_args = {} local chunk = {} compiler.assert(utils["is-sym"](binding_sym), ("unable to bind %s %s"):format(type(binding_sym), tostring(binding_sym)), ast[2]) compiler.assert((#ast >= 3), "expected body expression", ast[1]) for i = 1, math.min(#ranges, 3), 1 do range_args[i] = tostring(compiler.compile1(ranges[i], sub_scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]) end compiler.emit(parent, ("for %s = %s do"):format(compiler["declare-local"](binding_sym, {}, sub_scope, ast), table.concat(range_args, ", ")), ast) compile_do(ast, sub_scope, chunk, 3) compiler.emit(parent, chunk, ast) return compiler.emit(parent, "end", ast) end SPECIALS["for"] = for_2a doc_special("for", {"[index start stop step?]", "..."}, "Numeric loop construct.\nEvaluates body once for each value between start and stop (inclusive).") local function once(val, ast, scope, parent) if ((val.type == "statement") or (val.type == "expression")) then local s = compiler.gensym(scope) compiler.emit(parent, ("local %s = %s"):format(s, tostring(val)), ast) return utils.expr(s, "sym") else return val end end local function method_call(ast, scope, parent) compiler.assert((#ast >= 3), "expected at least 2 arguments", ast) local objectexpr = compiler.compile1(ast[2], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1] local methodident, methodstring = false if ((type(ast[3]) == "string") and utils["is-valid-lua-identifier"](ast[3])) then methodident = true methodstring = ast[3] else methodstring = tostring(compiler.compile1(ast[3], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]) objectexpr = once(objectexpr, ast[2], scope, parent) end local args = {} for i = 4, #ast, 1 do local subexprs = nil local _1_ if (i ~= #ast) then _1_ = 1 else _1_ = nil end subexprs = compiler.compile1(ast[i], scope, parent, {nval = _1_}), tostring, args) end local fstring = nil if not methodident then table.insert(args, 1, tostring(objectexpr)) if (objectexpr.type == "sym") then fstring = "%s[%s](%s)" else fstring = "(%s)[%s](%s)" end elseif ((objectexpr.type == "literal") or (objectexpr.type == "expression")) then fstring = "(%s):%s(%s)" else fstring = "%s:%s(%s)" end return utils.expr(fstring:format(tostring(objectexpr), methodstring, table.concat(args, ", ")), "statement") end SPECIALS[":"] = method_call doc_special(":", {"tbl", "method-name", "..."}, "Call the named method on tbl with the provided args.\nMethod name doesn't have to be known at compile-time; if it is, use\n(tbl:method-name ...) instead.") SPECIALS.comment = function(ast, _, parent) local els = {} for i = 2, #ast, 1 do els[(#els + 1)] = tostring(ast[i]):gsub("\n", " ") end return compiler.emit(parent, ("-- " .. table.concat(els, " ")), ast) end doc_special("comment", {"..."}, "Comment which will be emitted in Lua output.") SPECIALS.hashfn = function(ast, scope, parent) compiler.assert((#ast == 2), "expected one argument", ast) local f_scope = nil do local _0_0 = compiler["make-scope"](scope) _0_0["vararg"] = false _0_0["hashfn"] = true f_scope = _0_0 end local f_chunk = {} local name = compiler.gensym(scope) local symbol = utils.sym(name) compiler["declare-local"](symbol, {}, scope, ast) local args = {} for i = 1, 9 do args[i] = compiler["declare-local"](utils.sym(("$" .. i)), {}, f_scope, ast) end local function walker(idx, node, parent_node) if (utils["is-sym"](node) and (utils.deref(node) == "$...")) then parent_node[idx] = utils.varg() f_scope.vararg = true return nil else return (utils["is-list"](node) or utils["is-table"](node)) end end utils["walk-tree"](ast[2], walker) compiler.compile1(ast[2], f_scope, f_chunk, {tail = true}) local max_used = 0 for i = 1, 9, 1 do if f_scope.symmeta[("$" .. i)].used then max_used = i end end if f_scope.vararg then compiler.assert((max_used == 0), "$ and $... in hashfn are mutually exclusive", ast) args = {utils.deref(utils.varg())} max_used = 1 end local arg_str = table.concat(args, ", ", 1, max_used) compiler.emit(parent, ("local function %s(%s)"):format(name, arg_str), ast) compiler.emit(parent, f_chunk, ast) compiler.emit(parent, "end", ast) return utils.expr(name, "sym") end doc_special("hashfn", {"..."}, "Function literal shorthand; args are either $... OR $1, $2, etc.") local function define_arithmetic_special(name, zero_arity, unary_prefix, lua_name) do local padded_op = (" " .. (lua_name or name) .. " ") local function _0_(ast, scope, parent) local len = #ast if (len == 1) then compiler.assert((zero_arity ~= nil), "Expected more than 0 arguments", ast) return utils.expr(zero_arity, "literal") else local operands = {} for i = 2, len, 1 do local subexprs = nil local _1_ if (i == 1) then _1_ = 1 else _1_ = nil end subexprs = compiler.compile1(ast[i], scope, parent, {nval = _1_}), tostring, operands) end if (#operands == 1) then if unary_prefix then return ("(" .. unary_prefix .. padded_op .. operands[1] .. ")") else return operands[1] end else return ("(" .. table.concat(operands, padded_op) .. ")") end end end SPECIALS[name] = _0_ end return doc_special(name, {"a", "b", "..."}, "Arithmetic operator; works the same as Lua but accepts more arguments.") end define_arithmetic_special("+", "0") define_arithmetic_special("..", "''") define_arithmetic_special("^") define_arithmetic_special("-", nil, "") define_arithmetic_special("*", "1") define_arithmetic_special("%") define_arithmetic_special("/", nil, "1") define_arithmetic_special("//", nil, "1") define_arithmetic_special("lshift", nil, "1", "<<") define_arithmetic_special("rshift", nil, "1", ">>") define_arithmetic_special("band", "0", "0", "&") define_arithmetic_special("bor", "0", "0", "|") define_arithmetic_special("bxor", "0", "0", "~") doc_special("lshift", {"x", "n"}, "Bitwise logical left shift of x by n bits; only works in Lua 5.3+.") doc_special("rshift", {"x", "n"}, "Bitwise logical right shift of x by n bits; only works in Lua 5.3+.") doc_special("band", {"x1", "x2"}, "Bitwise AND of arguments; only works in Lua 5.3+.") doc_special("bor", {"x1", "x2"}, "Bitwise OR of arguments; only works in Lua 5.3+.") doc_special("bxor", {"x1", "x2"}, "Bitwise XOR of arguments; only works in Lua 5.3+.") define_arithmetic_special("or", "false") define_arithmetic_special("and", "true") doc_special("and", {"a", "b", "..."}, "Boolean operator; works the same as Lua but accepts more arguments.") doc_special("or", {"a", "b", "..."}, "Boolean operator; works the same as Lua but accepts more arguments.") doc_special("..", {"a", "b", "..."}, "String concatenation operator; works the same as Lua but accepts more arguments.") local function define_comparator_special(name, realop, chain_op) do local op = (realop or name) local function opfn(ast, scope, parent) local len = #ast compiler.assert((len > 2), "expected at least two arguments", ast) local lhs = compiler.compile1(ast[2], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1] local lastval = compiler.compile1(ast[3], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1] if (len > 3) then lastval = once(lastval, ast[3], scope, parent) end local out = ("(%s %s %s)"):format(tostring(lhs), op, tostring(lastval)) if (len > 3) then for i = 4, len do local nextval = once(compiler.compile1(ast[i], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1], ast[i], scope, parent) out = ((out .. " %s (%s %s %s)")):format((chain_op or "and"), tostring(lastval), op, tostring(nextval)) lastval = nextval end out = ("(" .. out .. ")") end return out end SPECIALS[name] = opfn end return doc_special(name, {"a", "b", "..."}, "Comparison operator; works the same as Lua but accepts more arguments.") end define_comparator_special(">") define_comparator_special("<") define_comparator_special(">=") define_comparator_special("<=") define_comparator_special("=", "==") define_comparator_special("not=", "~=", "or") SPECIALS["~="] = SPECIALS["not="] local function define_unary_special(op, realop) local function opfn(ast, scope, parent) compiler.assert((#ast == 2), "expected one argument", ast) local tail = compiler.compile1(ast[2], scope, parent, {nval = 1}) return ((realop or op) .. tostring(tail[1])) end SPECIALS[op] = opfn return nil end define_unary_special("not", "not ") doc_special("not", {"x"}, "Logical operator; works the same as Lua.") define_unary_special("bnot", "~") doc_special("bnot", {"x"}, "Bitwise negation; only works in Lua 5.3+.") define_unary_special("length", "#") doc_special("length", {"x"}, "Returns the length of a table or string.") SPECIALS["#"] = SPECIALS.length SPECIALS.quote = function(ast, scope, parent) compiler.assert((#ast == 2), "expected one argument") local runtime, this_scope = true, scope while this_scope do this_scope = this_scope.parent if (this_scope == compiler.scopes.compiler) then runtime = false end end return compiler["do-quote"](ast[2], scope, parent, runtime) end doc_special("quote", {"x"}, "Quasiquote the following form. Only works in macro/compiler scope.") local function make_compiler_env(ast, scope, parent) local function _0_() return compiler.scopes.macro end local function _1_(symbol) compiler.assert(compiler.scopes.macro, "must call from macro", ast) return compiler.scopes.macro.manglings[tostring(symbol)] end local function _2_() return utils.sym(compiler.gensym((compiler.scopes.macro or scope))) end local function _3_(form) compiler.assert(compiler.scopes.macro, "must call from macro", ast) return compiler.macroexpand(form, compiler.scopes.macro) end return setmetatable({["get-scope"] = _0_, ["in-scope?"] = _1_, ["list?"] = utils["is-list"], ["multi-sym?"] = utils["is-multi-sym"], ["sequence?"] = utils["is-sequence"], ["sym?"] = utils["is-sym"], ["table?"] = utils["is-table"], ["varg?"] = utils["is-varg"], _AST = ast, _CHUNK = parent, _IS_COMPILER = true, _SCOPE = scope, _SPECIALS =, _VARARG = utils.varg(), fennel = utils["fennel-module"], gensym = _2_, list = utils.list, macroexpand = _3_, sequence = utils.sequence, sym = utils.sym, unpack = unpack}, {__index = (_ENV or _G)}) end local cfg = string.gmatch(package.config, "([^\n]+)") local dirsep, pathsep, pathmark = (cfg() or "/"), (cfg() or ";"), (cfg() or "?") local pkg_config = {dirsep = dirsep, pathmark = pathmark, pathsep = pathsep} local function escapepat(str) return string.gsub(str, "[^%w]", "%%%1") end local function search_module(modulename, pathstring) local pathsepesc = escapepat(pkg_config.pathsep) local pattern = ("([^%s]*)%s"):format(pathsepesc, pathsepesc) local no_dot_module = modulename:gsub("%.", pkg_config.dirsep) local fullpath = ((pathstring or utils["fennel-module"].path) .. pkg_config.pathsep) local function try_path(path) local filename = path:gsub(escapepat(pkg_config.pathmark), no_dot_module) local filename2 = path:gsub(escapepat(pkg_config.pathmark), modulename) local _0_0 = ( or if (nil ~= _0_0) then local file = _0_0 file:close() return filename end end local function find_in_path(start) local _0_0 = fullpath:match(pattern, start) if (nil ~= _0_0) then local path = _0_0 return (try_path(path) or find_in_path((start + #path + 1))) end end return find_in_path(1) end local function make_searcher(options) local opts = utils.copy(utils.root.options) for k, v in pairs((options or {})) do opts[k] = v end local function _0_(module_name) local filename = search_module(module_name) if filename then local function _1_(mod_name) return utils["fennel-module"].dofile(filename, opts, mod_name) end return _1_ end end return _0_ end local function macro_globals(env, globals) local allowed = current_global_names(env) for _, k in pairs((globals or {})) do table.insert(allowed, k) end return allowed end local function add_macros(macros_2a, ast, scope) compiler.assert(utils["is-table"](macros_2a), "expected macros to be table", ast) for k, v in pairs(macros_2a) do compiler.assert((type(v) == "function"), "expected each macro to be function", ast) scope.macros[k] = v end return nil end local function load_macros(modname, ast, scope, parent) local filename = compiler.assert(search_module(modname), (modname .. " module not found."), ast) local env = make_compiler_env(ast, scope, parent) local globals = macro_globals(env, current_global_names()) return utils["fennel-module"].dofile(filename, {allowedGlobals = globals, env = env, scope = compiler.scopes.compiler, useMetadata = utils.root.options.useMetadata}) end local macro_loaded = {} SPECIALS["require-macros"] = function(ast, scope, parent) compiler.assert((#ast == 2), "Expected one module name argument", ast) local modname = ast[2] if not macro_loaded[modname] then macro_loaded[modname] = load_macros(modname, ast, scope, parent) end return add_macros(macro_loaded[modname], ast, scope, parent) end doc_special("require-macros", {"macro-module-name"}, "Load given module and use its contents as macro definitions in current scope.\nMacro module should return a table of macro functions with string keys.\nConsider using import-macros instead as it is more flexible.") local function emit_fennel(src, path, opts, sub_chunk) local subscope = compiler["make-scope"](utils.root.scope.parent) local forms = {} if utils.root.options.requireAsInclude then subscope.specials.require = compiler["require-include"] end for _, val in parser.parser(parser["string-stream"](src), path) do table.insert(forms, val) end for i = 1, #forms do local subopts = nil if (i == #forms) then subopts = {nval = 1, tail = true} else subopts = {nval = 0} end utils["propagate-options"](opts, subopts) compiler.compile1(forms[i], subscope, sub_chunk, subopts) end return nil end local function include_path(ast, opts, path, mod, fennel_3f) utils.root.scope.includes[mod] = "fnl/loading" local src = nil do local f = assert( local function close_handlers_0_(ok_0_, ...) f:close() if ok_0_ then return ... else return error(..., 0) end end local function _0_() return f:read("*all"):gsub("[\13\n]*$", "") end src = close_handlers_0_(xpcall(_0_, (package.loaded.fennel or debug).traceback)) end local ret = utils.expr(("require(\"" .. mod .. "\")"), "statement") local target = ("package.preload[%q]"):format(mod) local preload_str = (target .. " = " .. target .. " or function(...)") local temp_chunk, sub_chunk = {}, {} compiler.emit(temp_chunk, preload_str, ast) compiler.emit(temp_chunk, sub_chunk) compiler.emit(temp_chunk, "end", ast) for i, v in ipairs(temp_chunk) do table.insert(utils.root.chunk, i, v) end if fennel_3f then emit_fennel(src, path, opts, sub_chunk) else compiler.emit(sub_chunk, src, ast) end utils.root.scope.includes[mod] = ret return ret end local function include_circular_fallback(mod, modexpr, fallback, ast) if (utils.root.scope.includes[mod] == "fnl/loading") then compiler.assert(fallback, "circular include detected", ast) return fallback(modexpr) end end SPECIALS.include = function(ast, scope, parent, opts) compiler.assert((#ast == 2), "expected one argument", ast) local modexpr = compiler.compile1(ast[2], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1] if ((modexpr.type ~= "literal") or ((modexpr[1]):byte() ~= 34)) then if opts.fallback then return opts.fallback(modexpr) else return compiler.assert(false, "module name must be string literal", ast) end else local mod = load_code(("return " .. modexpr[1]))() local function _1_() local _0_0 = search_module(mod) if (nil ~= _0_0) then local fennel_path = _0_0 return include_path(ast, opts, fennel_path, mod, true) else local _ = _0_0 local lua_path = search_module(mod, package.path) if lua_path then return include_path(ast, opts, lua_path, mod, false) elseif opts.fallback then return opts.fallback(modexpr) else return compiler.assert(false, ("module not found " .. mod), ast) end end end return (include_circular_fallback(mod, modexpr, opts.fallback, ast) or utils.root.scope.includes[mod] or _1_()) end end doc_special("include", {"module-name-literal"}, "Like require but load the target module during compilation and embed it in the\nLua output. The module must be a string literal and resolvable at compile time.") local function eval_compiler_2a(ast, scope, parent) local scope0 = compiler["make-scope"](compiler.scopes.compiler) local luasrc = compiler.compile(ast, {scope = scope0, useMetadata = utils.root.options.useMetadata}) local loader = load_code(luasrc, wrap_env(make_compiler_env(ast, scope0, parent))) return loader() end SPECIALS.macros = function(ast, scope, parent) compiler.assert((#ast == 2), "Expected one table argument", ast) return add_macros(eval_compiler_2a(ast[2], scope, parent), ast, scope, parent) end doc_special("macros", {"{:macro-name-1 (fn [...] ...) ... :macro-name-N macro-body-N}"}, "Define all functions in the given table as macros local to the current scope.") SPECIALS["eval-compiler"] = function(ast, scope, parent) local old_first = ast[1] ast[1] = utils.sym("do") local val = eval_compiler_2a(ast, scope, parent) ast[1] = old_first return val end doc_special("eval-compiler", {"..."}, "Evaluate the body at compile-time. Use the macro system instead if possible.") return {["current-global-names"] = current_global_names, ["load-code"] = load_code, ["macro-loaded"] = macro_loaded, ["make-compiler-env"] = make_compiler_env, ["make-searcher"] = make_searcher, ["search-module"] = search_module, ["wrap-env"] = wrap_env, doc = doc_2a} end package.preload["fennel.compiler"] = package.preload["fennel.compiler"] or function(...) local utils = require("fennel.utils") local parser = require("fennel.parser") local friend = require("fennel.friend") local unpack = (_G.unpack or table.unpack) local scopes = {} local function make_scope(parent) local parent0 = (parent or local _0_ if parent0 then _0_ = ((parent0.depth or 0) + 1) else _0_ = 0 end return {autogensyms = {}, depth = _0_, hashfn = (parent0 and parent0.hashfn), includes = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.includes)}), macros = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.macros)}), manglings = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.manglings)}), parent = parent0, refedglobals = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.refedglobals)}), specials = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.specials)}), symmeta = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.symmeta)}), unmanglings = setmetatable({}, {__index = (parent0 and parent0.unmanglings)}), vararg = (parent0 and parent0.vararg)} end local function assert_compile(condition, msg, ast) if not condition then local _0_ = (utils.root.options or {}) local source = _0_["source"] local unfriendly = _0_["unfriendly"] utils.root.reset() if unfriendly then local m = getmetatable(ast) local filename = ((m and m.filename) or ast.filename or "unknown") local line = ((m and m.line) or ast.line or "?") local target = nil local function _1_() if utils["is-sym"](ast[1]) then return utils.deref(ast[1]) else return (ast[1] or "()") end end target = tostring(_1_()) error(string.format("Compile error in '%s' %s:%s: %s", target, filename, line, msg), 0) else friend["assert-compile"](condition, msg, ast, source) end end return condition end = make_scope() = true scopes.compiler = make_scope( scopes.macro = local serialize_subst = {["\11"] = "\\v", ["\12"] = "\\f", ["\7"] = "\\a", ["\8"] = "\\b", ["\9"] = "\\t", ["\n"] = "n"} local function serialize_string(str) local function _0_(_241) return ("\\" .. _241:byte()) end return ("%q"):format(str):gsub(".", serialize_subst):gsub("[\128-\255]", _0_) end local function global_mangling(str) if utils["is-valid-lua-identifier"](str) then return str else local function _0_(_241) return ("_%02x"):format(_241:byte()) end return ("__fnl_global__" .. str:gsub("[^%w]", _0_)) end end local function global_unmangling(identifier) local _0_0 = identifier:match("^__fnl_global__(.*)$") if (nil ~= _0_0) then local rest = _0_0 local _1_0 = nil local function _2_(_241) return string.char(tonumber(_241:sub(2), 16)) end _1_0 = rest:gsub("_[%da-f][%da-f]", _2_) return _1_0 else local _ = _0_0 return identifier end end local allowed_globals = nil local function global_allowed(name) local found_3f = not allowed_globals if not allowed_globals then return true else for _, g in ipairs(allowed_globals) do if (g == name) then found_3f = true end end return found_3f end end local function local_mangling(str, scope, ast, temp_manglings) local append = 0 local mangling = str assert_compile(not utils["is-multi-sym"](str), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. str), ast) if (utils["lua-keywords"][mangling] or mangling:match("^%d")) then mangling = ("_" .. mangling) end local function _1_(_241) return ("_%02x"):format(_241:byte()) end mangling = mangling:gsub("-", "_"):gsub("[^%w_]", _1_) local raw = mangling while scope.unmanglings[mangling] do mangling = (raw .. append) append = (append + 1) end scope.unmanglings[mangling] = str do local manglings = (temp_manglings or scope.manglings) manglings[str] = mangling end return mangling end local function apply_manglings(scope, new_manglings, ast) for raw, mangled in pairs(new_manglings) do assert_compile(not scope.refedglobals[mangled], ("use of global " .. raw .. " is aliased by a local"), ast) scope.manglings[raw] = mangled end return nil end local function combine_parts(parts, scope) local ret = (scope.manglings[parts[1]] or global_mangling(parts[1])) for i = 2, #parts, 1 do if utils["is-valid-lua-identifier"](parts[i]) then if (parts["multi-sym-method-call"] and (i == #parts)) then ret = (ret .. ":" .. parts[i]) else ret = (ret .. "." .. parts[i]) end else ret = (ret .. "[" .. serialize_string(parts[i]) .. "]") end end return ret end local function gensym(scope, base) local append, mangling = 0, ((base or "") .. "_0_") while scope.unmanglings[mangling] do mangling = ((base or "") .. "_" .. append .. "_") append = (append + 1) end scope.unmanglings[mangling] = true return mangling end local function autogensym(base, scope) local _0_0 = utils["is-multi-sym"](base) if (nil ~= _0_0) then local parts = _0_0 parts[1] = autogensym(parts[1], scope) return table.concat(parts, ((parts["multi-sym-method-call"] and ":") or ".")) else local _ = _0_0 local function _1_() local mangling = gensym(scope, base:sub(1, ( - 2))) scope.autogensyms[base] = mangling return mangling end return (scope.autogensyms[base] or _1_()) end end local function check_binding_valid(symbol, scope, ast) local name = utils.deref(symbol) assert_compile(not (scope.specials[name] or scope.macros[name]), ("local %s was overshadowed by a special form or macro"):format(name), ast) return assert_compile(not utils["is-quoted"](symbol), ("macro tried to bind %s without gensym"):format(name), symbol) end local function declare_local(symbol, meta, scope, ast, temp_manglings) check_binding_valid(symbol, scope, ast) local name = utils.deref(symbol) assert_compile(not utils["is-multi-sym"](name), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. name), ast) scope.symmeta[name] = meta return local_mangling(name, scope, ast, temp_manglings) end local function symbol_to_expression(symbol, scope, is_reference) local name = symbol[1] local multi_sym_parts = utils["is-multi-sym"](name) if scope.hashfn then if (name == "$") then name = "$1" end if multi_sym_parts then if (multi_sym_parts[1] == "$") then multi_sym_parts[1] = "$1" name = table.concat(multi_sym_parts, ".") end end end local parts = (multi_sym_parts or {name}) local etype = (((#parts > 1) and "expression") or "sym") local is_local = scope.manglings[parts[1]] if (is_local and scope.symmeta[parts[1]]) then scope.symmeta[parts[1]]["used"] = true end assert_compile((not is_reference or is_local or global_allowed(parts[1])), ("unknown global in strict mode: " .. parts[1]), symbol) if (allowed_globals and not is_local) then utils.root.scope.refedglobals[parts[1]] = true end return utils.expr(combine_parts(parts, scope), etype) end local function emit(chunk, out, ast) if (type(out) == "table") then return table.insert(chunk, out) else return table.insert(chunk, {ast = ast, leaf = out}) end end local function peephole(chunk) if chunk.leaf then return chunk elseif ((#chunk >= 3) and (chunk[(#chunk - 2)].leaf == "do") and not chunk[(#chunk - 1)].leaf and (chunk[#chunk].leaf == "end")) then local kid = peephole(chunk[(#chunk - 1)]) local new_chunk = {ast = chunk.ast} for i = 1, (#chunk - 3), 1 do table.insert(new_chunk, peephole(chunk[i])) end for i = 1, #kid, 1 do table.insert(new_chunk, kid[i]) end return new_chunk else return, peephole) end end local function flatten_chunk_correlated(main_chunk) local function flatten(chunk, out, last_line, file) local last_line0 = last_line if chunk.leaf then out[last_line0] = ((out[last_line0] or "") .. " " .. chunk.leaf) else for _, subchunk in ipairs(chunk) do if (subchunk.leaf or (#subchunk > 0)) then if (subchunk.ast and (file == subchunk.ast.file)) then last_line0 = math.max(last_line0, (subchunk.ast.line or 0)) end last_line0 = flatten(subchunk, out, last_line0, file) end end end return last_line0 end local out = {} local last = flatten(main_chunk, out, 1, main_chunk.file) for i = 1, last do if (out[i] == nil) then out[i] = "" end end return table.concat(out, "\n") end local function flatten_chunk(sm, chunk, tab, depth) if chunk.leaf then local code = chunk.leaf local info = chunk.ast if sm then sm[(#sm + 1)] = ((info and info.line) or ( - 1)) end return code else local tab0 = nil do local _0_0 = tab if (_0_0 == true) then tab0 = " " elseif (_0_0 == false) then tab0 = "" elseif (_0_0 == tab) then tab0 = tab elseif (_0_0 == nil) then tab0 = "" else tab0 = nil end end local function parter(c) if (c.leaf or (#c > 0)) then local sub = flatten_chunk(sm, c, tab0, (depth + 1)) if (depth > 0) then sub = (tab0 .. sub:gsub("\n", ("\n" .. tab0))) end return sub end end return table.concat(, parter), "\n") end end local fennel_sourcemap = {} local function make_short_src(source) local source0 = source:gsub("\n", " ") if (#source0 <= 49) then return ("[fennel \"" .. source0 .. "\"]") else return ("[fennel \"" .. source0:sub(1, 46) .. "...\"]") end end local function flatten(chunk, options) local chunk0 = peephole(chunk) if options.correlate then return flatten_chunk_correlated(chunk0), {} else local sm = {} local ret = flatten_chunk(sm, chunk0, options.indent, 0) if sm then local key, short_src = nil if options.filename then short_src = options.filename key = ("@" .. short_src) else key = ret short_src = make_short_src((options.source or ret)) end sm.short_src = short_src sm.key = key fennel_sourcemap[key] = sm end return ret, sm end end local function make_metadata() local function _0_(self, tgt, key) if self[tgt] then return self[tgt][key] end end local function _1_(self, tgt, key, value) self[tgt] = (self[tgt] or {}) self[tgt][key] = value return tgt end local function _2_(self, tgt, ...) local kv_len = select("#", ...) local kvs = {...} if ((kv_len % 2) ~= 0) then error("metadata:setall() expected even number of k/v pairs") end self[tgt] = (self[tgt] or {}) for i = 1, kv_len, 2 do self[tgt][kvs[i]] = kvs[(i + 1)] end return tgt end return setmetatable({}, {__index = {get = _0_, set = _1_, setall = _2_}, __mode = "k"}) end local function exprs1(exprs) return table.concat(, 1), ", ") end local function keep_side_effects(exprs, chunk, start, ast) local start0 = (start or 1) for j = start0, #exprs, 1 do local se = exprs[j] if ((se.type == "expression") and (se[1] ~= "nil")) then emit(chunk, ("do local _ = %s end"):format(tostring(se)), ast) elseif (se.type == "statement") then local code = tostring(se) emit(chunk, (((code:byte() == 40) and ("do end " .. code)) or code), ast) end end return nil end local function handle_compile_opts(exprs, parent, opts, ast) if opts.nval then local n = opts.nval local len = #exprs if (n ~= len) then if (len > n) then keep_side_effects(exprs, parent, (n + 1), ast) for i = (n + 1), len, 1 do exprs[i] = nil end else for i = (#exprs + 1), n, 1 do exprs[i] = utils.expr("nil", "literal") end end end end if opts.tail then emit(parent, ("return %s"):format(exprs1(exprs)), ast) end if then local result = exprs1(exprs) if (result == "") then result = "nil" end emit(parent, ("%s = %s"):format(, result), ast) end if (opts.tail or then return {} else return exprs end end local function macroexpand_2a(ast, scope, once) if not utils["is-list"](ast) then return ast else local multi_sym_parts = utils["is-multi-sym"](ast[1]) local macro_2a = (utils["is-sym"](ast[1]) and scope.macros[utils.deref(ast[1])]) if (not macro_2a and multi_sym_parts) then local in_macro_module = nil macro_2a = scope.macros for i = 1, #multi_sym_parts, 1 do macro_2a = (utils["is-table"](macro_2a) and macro_2a[multi_sym_parts[i]]) if macro_2a then in_macro_module = true end end assert_compile((not in_macro_module or (type(macro_2a) == "function")), "macro not found in imported macro module", ast) end if not macro_2a then return ast else local old_scope = scopes.macro local _ = nil scopes.macro = scope _ = nil local ok, transformed = pcall(macro_2a, unpack(ast, 2)) scopes.macro = old_scope assert_compile(ok, transformed, ast) if (once or not transformed) then return transformed else return macroexpand_2a(transformed, scope) end end end end local function compile1(ast, scope, parent, opts) local opts0 = (opts or {}) local ast0 = macroexpand_2a(ast, scope) local exprs = {} if utils["is-list"](ast0) then local len = #ast0 local first = ast0[1] local multi_sym_parts = utils["is-multi-sym"](first) local special = (utils["is-sym"](first) and scope.specials[utils.deref(first)]) assert_compile((#ast0 > 0), "expected a function, macro, or special to call", ast0) if special then exprs = (special(ast0, scope, parent, opts0) or utils.expr("nil", "literal")) if (type(exprs) == "string") then exprs = utils.expr(exprs, "expression") end if utils["is-expr"](exprs) then exprs = {exprs} end if not exprs.returned then exprs = handle_compile_opts(exprs, parent, opts0, ast0) elseif (opts0.tail or then exprs = {} end elseif (multi_sym_parts and multi_sym_parts["multi-sym-method-call"]) then local table_with_method = table.concat({unpack(multi_sym_parts, 1, (#multi_sym_parts - 1))}, ".") local method_to_call = multi_sym_parts[#multi_sym_parts] local new_ast = utils.list(utils.sym(":", scope), utils.sym(table_with_method, scope), method_to_call) for i = 2, len, 1 do new_ast[(#new_ast + 1)] = ast0[i] end exprs = compile1(new_ast, scope, parent, opts0) else local fargs = {} local fcallee = compile1(ast0[1], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1] assert_compile((fcallee.type ~= "literal"), ("cannot call literal value " .. tostring(ast0[1])), ast0) fcallee = tostring(fcallee) for i = 2, len, 1 do local subexprs = compile1(ast0[i], scope, parent, {nval = (((i ~= len) and 1) or nil)}) fargs[(#fargs + 1)] = (subexprs[1] or utils.expr("nil", "literal")) if (i == len) then for j = 2, #subexprs, 1 do fargs[(#fargs + 1)] = subexprs[j] end else keep_side_effects(subexprs, parent, 2, ast0[i]) end end local call = ("%s(%s)"):format(tostring(fcallee), exprs1(fargs)) exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(call, "statement")}, parent, opts0, ast0) end elseif utils["is-varg"](ast0) then assert_compile(scope.vararg, "unexpected vararg", ast0) exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr("...", "varg")}, parent, opts0, ast0) elseif utils["is-sym"](ast0) then local multi_sym_parts = utils["is-multi-sym"](ast0) local e = nil assert_compile(not (multi_sym_parts and multi_sym_parts["multi-sym-method-call"]), "multisym method calls may only be in call position", ast0) if (ast0[1] == "nil") then e = utils.expr("nil", "literal") else e = symbol_to_expression(ast0, scope, true) end exprs = handle_compile_opts({e}, parent, opts0, ast0) elseif ((type(ast0) == "nil") or (type(ast0) == "boolean")) then exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(tostring(ast0), "literal")}, parent, opts0) elseif (type(ast0) == "number") then local n = ("%.17g"):format(ast0) exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(n, "literal")}, parent, opts0) elseif (type(ast0) == "string") then local s = serialize_string(ast0) exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(s, "literal")}, parent, opts0) elseif (type(ast0) == "table") then local buffer = {} for i = 1, #ast0, 1 do local nval = ((i ~= #ast0) and 1) buffer[(#buffer + 1)] = exprs1(compile1(ast0[i], scope, parent, {nval = nval})) end local function write_other_values(k) if ((type(k) ~= "number") or (math.floor(k) ~= k) or (k < 1) or (k > #ast0)) then if ((type(k) == "string") and utils["is-valid-lua-identifier"](k)) then return {k, k} else local _0_ = compile1(k, scope, parent, {nval = 1}) local compiled = _0_[1] local kstr = ("[" .. tostring(compiled) .. "]") return {kstr, k} end end end do local keys = nil do local _0_0 = utils.kvmap(ast0, write_other_values) local function _1_(a, b) return (a[1] < b[1]) end table.sort(_0_0, _1_) keys = _0_0 end local function _1_(k) local v = tostring(compile1(ast0[k[2]], scope, parent, {nval = 1})[1]) return ("%s = %s"):format(k[1], v) end, _1_, buffer) end exprs = handle_compile_opts({utils.expr(("{" .. table.concat(buffer, ", ") .. "}"), "expression")}, parent, opts0, ast0) else assert_compile(false, ("could not compile value of type " .. type(ast0)), ast0) end exprs.returned = true return exprs end local function destructure(to, from, ast, scope, parent, opts) local opts0 = (opts or {}) local _0_ = opts0 local declaration = _0_["declaration"] local forceglobal = _0_["forceglobal"] local forceset = _0_["forceset"] local isvar = _0_["isvar"] local nomulti = _0_["nomulti"] local noundef = _0_["noundef"] local setter = nil if declaration then setter = "local %s = %s" else setter = "%s = %s" end local new_manglings = {} local function getname(symbol, up1) local raw = symbol[1] assert_compile(not (nomulti and utils["is-multi-sym"](raw)), ("unexpected multi symbol " .. raw), up1) if declaration then return declare_local(symbol, {var = isvar}, scope, symbol, new_manglings) else local parts = (utils["is-multi-sym"](raw) or {raw}) local meta = scope.symmeta[parts[1]] if ((#parts == 1) and not forceset) then assert_compile(not (forceglobal and meta), ("global %s conflicts with local"):format(tostring(symbol)), symbol) assert_compile(not (meta and not meta.var), ("expected var " .. raw), symbol) assert_compile((meta or not noundef), ("expected local " .. parts[1]), symbol) end if forceglobal then assert_compile(not scope.symmeta[scope.unmanglings[raw]], ("global " .. raw .. " conflicts with local"), symbol) scope.manglings[raw] = global_mangling(raw) scope.unmanglings[global_mangling(raw)] = raw if allowed_globals then table.insert(allowed_globals, raw) end end return symbol_to_expression(symbol, scope)[1] end end local function compile_top_target(lvalues) local inits = nil local function _2_(_241) if scope.manglings[_241] then return _241 else return "nil" end end inits =, _2_) local init = table.concat(inits, ", ") local lvalue = table.concat(lvalues, ", ") local plen, plast = #parent, parent[#parent] local ret = compile1(from, scope, parent, {target = lvalue}) if declaration then for pi = plen, #parent do if (parent[pi] == plast) then plen = pi end end if ((#parent == (plen + 1)) and parent[#parent].leaf) then parent[#parent]["leaf"] = ("local " .. parent[#parent].leaf) else table.insert(parent, (plen + 1), {ast = ast, leaf = ("local " .. lvalue .. " = " .. init)}) end end return ret end local function destructure1(left, rightexprs, up1, top) if (utils["is-sym"](left) and (left[1] ~= "nil")) then local lname = getname(left, up1) check_binding_valid(left, scope, left) if top then compile_top_target({lname}) else emit(parent, setter:format(lname, exprs1(rightexprs)), left) end elseif utils["is-table"](left) then local s = gensym(scope) local right = nil if top then right = exprs1(compile1(from, scope, parent)) else right = exprs1(rightexprs) end if (right == "") then right = "nil" end emit(parent, ("local %s = %s"):format(s, right), left) for k, v in utils.stablepairs(left) do if (utils["is-sym"](left[k]) and (left[k][1] == "&")) then assert_compile(((type(k) == "number") and not left[(k + 2)]), "expected rest argument before last parameter", left) local formatted = ("{(table.unpack or unpack)(%s, %s)}"):format(s, k) local subexpr = utils.expr(formatted, "expression") destructure1(left[(k + 1)], {subexpr}, left) return else if (utils["is-sym"](k) and (tostring(k) == ":") and utils["is-sym"](v)) then k = tostring(v) end if (type(k) ~= "number") then k = serialize_string(k) end local subexpr = utils.expr(("%s[%s]"):format(s, k), "expression") destructure1(v, {subexpr}, left) end end elseif utils["is-list"](left) then local left_names, tables = {}, {} for i, name in ipairs(left) do local symname = nil if utils["is-sym"](name) then symname = getname(name, up1) else symname = gensym(scope) tables[i] = {name, utils.expr(symname, "sym")} end table.insert(left_names, symname) end if top then compile_top_target(left_names) else local lvalue = table.concat(left_names, ", ") local setting = setter:format(lvalue, exprs1(rightexprs)) emit(parent, setting, left) end for _, pair in utils.stablepairs(tables) do destructure1(pair[1], {pair[2]}, left) end else assert_compile(false, ("unable to bind %s %s"):format(type(left), tostring(left)), (((type(up1[2]) == "table") and up1[2]) or up1)) end if top then return {returned = true} end end local ret = destructure1(to, nil, ast, true) apply_manglings(scope, new_manglings, ast) return ret end local function require_include(ast, scope, parent, opts) opts.fallback = function(e) return utils.expr(("require(%s)"):format(tostring(e)), "statement") end return, scope, parent, opts) end local function compile_stream(strm, options) local opts = utils.copy(options) local old_globals = allowed_globals local scope = (opts.scope or make_scope( local vals = {} local chunk = {} local _0_ = utils.root _0_["set-reset"](_0_) allowed_globals = opts.allowedGlobals if (opts.indent == nil) then opts.indent = " " end if opts.requireAsInclude then scope.specials.require = require_include end utils.root.chunk, utils.root.scope, utils.root.options = chunk, scope, opts for ok, val in parser.parser(strm, opts.filename, opts) do vals[(#vals + 1)] = val end for i = 1, #vals, 1 do local exprs = compile1(vals[i], scope, chunk, {nval = (((i < #vals) and 0) or nil), tail = (i == #vals)}) keep_side_effects(exprs, chunk, nil, vals[i]) end allowed_globals = old_globals utils.root.reset() return flatten(chunk, opts) end local function compile_string(str, opts) return compile_stream(parser["string-stream"](str), (opts or {})) end local function compile(ast, opts) local opts0 = utils.copy(opts) local old_globals = allowed_globals local chunk = {} local scope = (opts0.scope or make_scope( local _0_ = utils.root _0_["set-reset"](_0_) allowed_globals = opts0.allowedGlobals if (opts0.indent == nil) then opts0.indent = " " end if opts0.requireAsInclude then scope.specials.require = require_include end utils.root.chunk, utils.root.scope, utils.root.options = chunk, scope, opts0 local exprs = compile1(ast, scope, chunk, {tail = true}) keep_side_effects(exprs, chunk, nil, ast) allowed_globals = old_globals utils.root.reset() return flatten(chunk, opts0) end local function traceback_frame(info) if ((info.what == "C") and then return (" [C]: in function '%s'"):format( elseif (info.what == "C") then return " [C]: in ?" else local remap = fennel_sourcemap[info.source] if (remap and remap[info.currentline]) then info["short-src"] = remap["short-src"] info.currentline = remap[info.currentline] end if (info.what == "Lua") then local function _1_() if then return ("'" .. .. "'") else return "?" end end return string.format(" %s:%d: in function %s", info.short_src, info.currentline, _1_()) elseif (info["short-src"] == "(tail call)") then return " (tail call)" else return string.format(" %s:%d: in main chunk", info.short_src, info.currentline) end end end local function traceback(msg, start) local msg0 = (msg or "") if ((msg0:find("^Compile error") or msg0:find("^Parse error")) and not utils["debug-on"]("trace")) then return msg0 else local lines = {} if (msg0:find("^Compile error") or msg0:find("^Parse error")) then table.insert(lines, msg0) else local newmsg = msg0:gsub("^[^:]*:%d+:%s+", "runtime error: ") table.insert(lines, newmsg) end table.insert(lines, "stack traceback:") local done_3f, level = false, (start or 2) while not done_3f do do local _1_0 = debug.getinfo(level, "Sln") if (_1_0 == nil) then done_3f = true elseif (nil ~= _1_0) then local info = _1_0 table.insert(lines, traceback_frame(info)) end end level = (level + 1) end return table.concat(lines, "\n") end end local function entry_transform(fk, fv) local function _0_(k, v) if (type(k) == "number") then return k, fv(v) else return fk(k), fv(v) end end return _0_ end local function no() return nil end local function mixed_concat(t, joiner) local seen = {} local ret, s = "", "" for k, v in ipairs(t) do table.insert(seen, k) ret = (ret .. s .. v) s = joiner end for k, v in utils.stablepairs(t) do if not seen[k] then ret = (ret .. s .. "[" .. k .. "]" .. "=" .. v) s = joiner end end return ret end local function do_quote(form, scope, parent, runtime) local function q(x) return do_quote(x, scope, parent, runtime) end if utils["is-varg"](form) then assert_compile(not runtime, "quoted ... may only be used at compile time", form) return "_VARARG" elseif utils["is-sym"](form) then local filename = nil if form.filename then filename = ("%q"):format(form.filename) else filename = "nil" end local symstr = utils.deref(form) assert_compile(not runtime, "symbols may only be used at compile time", form) if (symstr:find("#$") or symstr:find("#[:.]")) then return ("sym('%s', nil, {filename=%s, line=%s})"):format(autogensym(symstr, scope), filename, (form.line or "nil")) else return ("sym('%s', nil, {quoted=true, filename=%s, line=%s})"):format(symstr, filename, (form.line or "nil")) end elseif (utils["is-list"](form) and utils["is-sym"](form[1]) and (utils.deref(form[1]) == "unquote")) then local payload = form[2] local res = unpack(compile1(payload, scope, parent)) return res[1] elseif utils["is-list"](form) then local mapped = utils.kvmap(form, entry_transform(no, q)) local filename = nil if form.filename then filename = ("%q"):format(form.filename) else filename = "nil" end assert_compile(not runtime, "lists may only be used at compile time", form) return (("setmetatable({filename=%s, line=%s, bytestart=%s, %s}" .. ", getmetatable(list()))")):format(filename, (form.line or "nil"), (form.bytestart or "nil"), mixed_concat(mapped, ", ")) elseif (type(form) == "table") then local mapped = utils.kvmap(form, entry_transform(q, q)) local source = getmetatable(form) local filename = nil if source.filename then filename = ("%q"):format(source.filename) else filename = "nil" end local function _1_() if source then return source.line else return "nil" end end return ("setmetatable({%s}, {filename=%s, line=%s})"):format(mixed_concat(mapped, ", "), filename, _1_()) elseif (type(form) == "string") then return serialize_string(form) else return tostring(form) end end return {["apply-manglings"] = apply_manglings, ["compile-stream"] = compile_stream, ["compile-string"] = compile_string, ["declare-local"] = declare_local, ["do-quote"] = do_quote, ["global-mangling"] = global_mangling, ["global-unmangling"] = global_unmangling, ["keep-side-effects"] = keep_side_effects, ["make-scope"] = make_scope, ["require-include"] = require_include, ["symbol-to-expression"] = symbol_to_expression, assert = assert_compile, autogensym = autogensym, compile = compile, compile1 = compile1, destructure = destructure, emit = emit, gensym = gensym, macroexpand = macroexpand_2a, metadata = make_metadata(), scopes = scopes, traceback = traceback} end package.preload["fennel.friend"] = package.preload["fennel.friend"] or function(...) local function ast_source(ast) local m = getmetatable(ast) if (m and m.line and m) then return m else return ast end end local suggestions = {["$ and $... in hashfn are mutually exclusive"] = {"modifying the hashfn so it only contains $... or $, $1, $2, $3, etc"}, ["can't start multisym segment with a digit"] = {"removing the digit", "adding a non-digit before the digit"}, ["cannot call literal value"] = {"checking for typos", "checking for a missing function name"}, ["could not compile value of type "] = {"debugging the macro you're calling not to return a coroutine or userdata"}, ["could not read number (.*)"] = {"removing the non-digit character", "beginning the identifier with a non-digit if it is not meant to be a number"}, ["expected a function.* to call"] = {"removing the empty parentheses", "using square brackets if you want an empty table"}, ["expected binding table"] = {"placing a table here in square brackets containing identifiers to bind"}, ["expected body expression"] = {"putting some code in the body of this form after the bindings"}, ["expected each macro to be function"] = {"ensuring that the value for each key in your macros table contains a function", "avoid defining nested macro tables"}, ["expected even number of name/value bindings"] = {"finding where the identifier or value is missing"}, ["expected even number of values in table literal"] = {"removing a key", "adding a value"}, ["expected local"] = {"looking for a typo", "looking for a local which is used out of its scope"}, ["expected macros to be table"] = {"ensuring your macro definitions return a table"}, ["expected parameters"] = {"adding function parameters as a list of identifiers in brackets"}, ["expected rest argument before last parameter"] = {"moving & to right before the final identifier when destructuring"}, ["expected symbol for function parameter: (.*)"] = {"changing %s to an identifier instead of a literal value"}, ["expected var (.*)"] = {"declaring %s using var instead of let/local", "introducing a new local instead of changing the value of %s"}, ["expected vararg as last parameter"] = {"moving the \"...\" to the end of the parameter list"}, ["expected whitespace before opening delimiter"] = {"adding whitespace"}, ["global (.*) conflicts with local"] = {"renaming local %s"}, ["illegal character: (.)"] = {"deleting or replacing %s", "avoiding reserved characters like \", \\, ', ~, ;, @, `, and comma"}, ["local (.*) was overshadowed by a special form or macro"] = {"renaming local %s"}, ["macro not found in macro module"] = {"checking the keys of the imported macro module's returned table"}, ["macro tried to bind (.*) without gensym"] = {"changing to %s# when introducing identifiers inside macros"}, ["malformed multisym"] = {"ensuring each period or colon is not followed by another period or colon"}, ["may only be used at compile time"] = {"moving this to inside a macro if you need to manipulate symbols/lists", "using square brackets instead of parens to construct a table"}, ["method must be last component"] = {"using a period instead of a colon for field access", "removing segments after the colon", "making the method call, then looking up the field on the result"}, ["mismatched closing delimiter (.), expected (.)"] = {"replacing %s with %s", "deleting %s", "adding matching opening delimiter earlier"}, ["multisym method calls may only be in call position"] = {"using a period instead of a colon to reference a table's fields", "putting parens around this"}, ["unable to bind (.*)"] = {"replacing the %s with an identifier"}, ["unexpected closing delimiter (.)"] = {"deleting %s", "adding matching opening delimiter earlier"}, ["unexpected multi symbol (.*)"] = {"removing periods or colons from %s"}, ["unexpected vararg"] = {"putting \"...\" at the end of the fn parameters if the vararg was intended"}, ["unknown global in strict mode: (.*)"] = {"looking to see if there's a typo", "using the _G table instead, eg. _G.%s if you really want a global", "moving this code to somewhere that %s is in scope", "binding %s as a local in the scope of this code"}, ["unused local (.*)"] = {"fixing a typo so %s is used", "renaming the local to _%s"}, ["use of global (.*) is aliased by a local"] = {"renaming local %s", "refer to the global using _G.%s instead of directly"}} local unpack = (_G.unpack or table.unpack) local function suggest(msg) local suggestion = nil for pat, sug in pairs(suggestions) do local matches = {msg:match(pat)} if (0 < #matches) then if ("table" == type(sug)) then local out = {} for _, s in ipairs(sug) do table.insert(out, s:format(unpack(matches))) end suggestion = out else suggestion = sug(matches) end end end return suggestion end local function read_line_from_file(filename, line) local bytes = 0 local f = assert( local _ = nil for _0 = 1, (line - 1) do bytes = (bytes + 1 + #f:read()) end _ = nil local codeline = f:read() f:close() return codeline, bytes end local function read_line_from_source(source, line) local lines, bytes, codeline = 0, 0 for this_line, newline in string.gmatch((source .. "\n"), "(.-)(\13?\n)") do lines = (lines + 1) if (lines == line) then codeline = this_line break end bytes = (bytes + #newline + #this_line) end return codeline, bytes end local function read_line(filename, line, source) if source then return read_line_from_source(source, line) else return read_line_from_file(filename, line) end end local function friendly_msg(msg, _0_0, source) local _1_ = _0_0 local byteend = _1_["byteend"] local bytestart = _1_["bytestart"] local filename = _1_["filename"] local line = _1_["line"] local ok, codeline, bol, eol = pcall(read_line, filename, line, source) local suggestions0 = suggest(msg) local out = {msg, ""} if (ok and codeline) then table.insert(out, codeline) end if (ok and codeline and bytestart and byteend) then table.insert(out, (string.rep(" ", (bytestart - bol - 1)) .. "^" .. string.rep("^", math.min((byteend - bytestart), ((bol + #codeline) - bytestart))))) end if (ok and codeline and bytestart and not byteend) then table.insert(out, (string.rep("-", (bytestart - bol - 1)) .. "^")) table.insert(out, "") end if suggestions0 then for _, suggestion in ipairs(suggestions0) do table.insert(out, ("* Try %s."):format(suggestion)) end end return table.concat(out, "\n") end local function assert_compile(condition, msg, ast, source) if not condition then local _1_ = ast_source(ast) local filename = _1_["filename"] local line = _1_["line"] error(friendly_msg(("Compile error in %s:%s\n %s"):format((filename or "unknown"), (line or "?"), msg), ast_source(ast), source), 0) end return condition end local function parse_error(msg, filename, line, bytestart, source) return error(friendly_msg(("Parse error in %s:%s\n %s"):format(filename, line, msg), {bytestart = bytestart, filename = filename, line = line}, source), 0) end return {["assert-compile"] = assert_compile, ["parse-error"] = parse_error} end package.preload["fennel.parser"] = package.preload["fennel.parser"] or function(...) local utils = require("fennel.utils") local friend = require("fennel.friend") local unpack = (_G.unpack or table.unpack) local function granulate(getchunk) local c = "" local index = 1 local done = false local function _0_(parser_state) if not done then if (index <= #c) then local b = c:byte(index) index = (index + 1) return b else c = getchunk(parser_state) if (not c or (c == "")) then done = true return nil end index = 2 return c:byte(1) end end end local function _1_() c = "" return nil end return _0_, _1_ end local function string_stream(str) local str0 = str:gsub("^#![^\n]*\n", "") local index = 1 local function _0_() local r = str0:byte(index) index = (index + 1) return r end return _0_ end local delims = {[123] = 125, [125] = true, [40] = 41, [41] = true, [91] = 93, [93] = true} local function iswhitespace(b) return ((b == 32) or ((b >= 9) and (b <= 13))) end local function issymbolchar(b) return ((b > 32) and not delims[b] and (b ~= 127) and (b ~= 34) and (b ~= 39) and (b ~= 126) and (b ~= 59) and (b ~= 44) and (b ~= 64) and (b ~= 96)) end local prefixes = {[35] = "hashfn", [39] = "quote", [44] = "unquote", [96] = "quote"} local function parser(getbyte, filename, options) local stack = {} local line = 1 local byteindex = 0 local lastb = nil local function ungetb(ub) if (ub == 10) then line = (line - 1) end byteindex = (byteindex - 1) lastb = ub return nil end local function getb() local r = nil if lastb then r, lastb = lastb, nil else r = getbyte({["stack-size"] = #stack}) end byteindex = (byteindex + 1) if (r == 10) then line = (line + 1) end return r end local function parse_error(msg) local _0_ = (utils.root.options or {}) local source = _0_["source"] local unfriendly = _0_["unfriendly"] utils.root.reset() if unfriendly then return error(("Parse error in %s:%s: %s"):format((filename or "unknown"), (line or "?"), msg), 0) else return friend["parse-error"](msg, (filename or "unknown"), (line or "?"), byteindex, source) end end local function parse_stream() local whitespace_since_dispatch, done, retval = true local function dispatch(v) if (#stack == 0) then retval = v done = true whitespace_since_dispatch = false return nil elseif stack[#stack].prefix then local stacktop = stack[#stack] stack[#stack] = nil return dispatch(utils.list(utils.sym(stacktop.prefix), v)) else whitespace_since_dispatch = false return table.insert(stack[#stack], v) end end local function badend() local accum =, "closer") return parse_error(("expected closing delimiter%s %s"):format((((#stack == 1) and "") or "s"), string.char(unpack(accum)))) end while true do local b = nil while true do b = getb() if (b and iswhitespace(b)) then whitespace_since_dispatch = true end if (not b or not iswhitespace(b)) then break end end if not b then if (#stack > 0) then badend() end return nil end if (b == 59) then while true do b = getb() if (not b or (b == 10)) then break end end elseif (type(delims[b]) == "number") then if not whitespace_since_dispatch then parse_error(("expected whitespace before opening delimiter " .. string.char(b))) end table.insert(stack, setmetatable({bytestart = byteindex, closer = delims[b], filename = filename, line = line}, getmetatable(utils.list()))) elseif delims[b] then if (#stack == 0) then parse_error(("unexpected closing delimiter " .. string.char(b))) end local last = stack[#stack] local val = nil if (last.closer ~= b) then parse_error(("mismatched closing delimiter " .. string.char(b) .. ", expected " .. string.char(last.closer))) end last.byteend = byteindex if (b == 41) then val = last elseif (b == 93) then val = utils.sequence(unpack(last)) for k, v in pairs(last) do getmetatable(val)[k] = v end else if ((#last % 2) ~= 0) then byteindex = (byteindex - 1) parse_error("expected even number of values in table literal") end val = {} setmetatable(val, last) for i = 1, #last, 2 do if ((tostring(last[i]) == ":") and utils["is-sym"](last[(i + 1)]) and utils["is-sym"](last[i])) then last[i] = tostring(last[(i + 1)]) end val[last[i]] = last[(i + 1)] end end stack[#stack] = nil dispatch(val) elseif (b == 34) then local state = "base" local chars = {34} stack[(#stack + 1)] = {closer = 34} while true do b = getb() chars[(#chars + 1)] = b if (state == "base") then if (b == 92) then state = "backslash" elseif (b == 34) then state = "done" end else state = "base" end if (not b or (state == "done")) then break end end if not b then badend() end stack[#stack] = nil local raw = string.char(unpack(chars)) local formatted = nil local function _2_(c) return ("\\" .. c:byte()) end formatted = raw:gsub("[\1-\31]", _2_) local load_fn = (_G.loadstring or load)(("return %s"):format(formatted)) dispatch(load_fn()) elseif prefixes[b] then table.insert(stack, {prefix = prefixes[b]}) local nextb = getb() if iswhitespace(nextb) then if (b ~= 35) then parse_error("invalid whitespace after quoting prefix") end stack[#stack] = nil dispatch(utils.sym("#")) end ungetb(nextb) elseif (issymbolchar(b) or (b == string.byte("~"))) then local chars = {} local bytestart = byteindex while true do chars[(#chars + 1)] = b b = getb() if (not b or not issymbolchar(b)) then break end end if b then ungetb(b) end local rawstr = string.char(unpack(chars)) if (rawstr == "true") then dispatch(true) elseif (rawstr == "false") then dispatch(false) elseif (rawstr == "...") then dispatch(utils.varg()) elseif rawstr:match("^:.+$") then dispatch(rawstr:sub(2)) elseif (rawstr:match("^~") and (rawstr ~= "~=")) then parse_error("illegal character: ~") else local force_number = rawstr:match("^%d") local number_with_stripped_underscores = rawstr:gsub("_", "") local x = nil if force_number then x = (tonumber(number_with_stripped_underscores) or parse_error(("could not read number \"" .. rawstr .. "\""))) else x = tonumber(number_with_stripped_underscores) if not x then if rawstr:match("%.[0-9]") then byteindex = (((byteindex - #rawstr) + rawstr:find("%.[0-9]")) + 1) parse_error(("can't start multisym segment " .. "with a digit: " .. rawstr)) elseif (rawstr:match("[%.:][%.:]") and (rawstr ~= "..") and (rawstr ~= "$...")) then byteindex = ((byteindex - #rawstr) + 1 + rawstr:find("[%.:][%.:]")) parse_error(("malformed multisym: " .. rawstr)) elseif rawstr:match(":.+[%.:]") then byteindex = ((byteindex - #rawstr) + rawstr:find(":.+[%.:]")) parse_error(("method must be last component " .. "of multisym: " .. rawstr)) else x = utils.sym(rawstr, nil, {byteend = byteindex, bytestart = bytestart, filename = filename, line = line}) end end end dispatch(x) end else parse_error(("illegal character: " .. string.char(b))) end if done then break end end return true, retval end local function _0_() stack = {} return nil end return parse_stream, _0_ end return {["string-stream"] = string_stream, granulate = granulate, parser = parser} end local utils = nil package.preload["fennel.utils"] = package.preload["fennel.utils"] or function(...) local function stablepairs(t) local keys = {} local succ = {} for k in pairs(t) do table.insert(keys, k) end local function _0_(a, b) return (tostring(a) < tostring(b)) end table.sort(keys, _0_) for i, k in ipairs(keys) do succ[k] = keys[(i + 1)] end local function stablenext(tbl, idx) if (idx == nil) then return keys[1], tbl[keys[1]] else return succ[idx], tbl[succ[idx]] end end return stablenext, t, nil end local function map(t, f, out) local out0 = (out or {}) local f0 = nil if (type(f) == "function") then f0 = f else local s = f local function _0_(x) return x[s] end f0 = _0_ end for _, x in ipairs(t) do local _1_0 = f0(x) if (nil ~= _1_0) then local v = _1_0 table.insert(out0, v) end end return out0 end local function kvmap(t, f, out) local out0 = (out or {}) local f0 = nil if (type(f) == "function") then f0 = f else local s = f local function _0_(x) return x[s] end f0 = _0_ end for k, x in stablepairs(t) do local korv, v = f0(k, x) if (korv and not v) then table.insert(out0, korv) end if (korv and v) then out0[korv] = v end end return out0 end local function copy(from) local to = {} for k, v in pairs((from or {})) do to[k] = v end return to end local function allpairs(tbl) assert((type(tbl) == "table"), "allpairs expects a table") local t = tbl local seen = {} local function allpairs_next(_, state) local next_state, value = next(t, state) if seen[next_state] then return allpairs_next(nil, next_state) elseif next_state then seen[next_state] = true return next_state, value else local meta = getmetatable(t) if (meta and meta.__index) then t = meta.__index return allpairs_next(t) end end end return allpairs_next end local function deref(self) return self[1] end local nil_sym = nil local function list_to_string(self, tostring2) local safe, max = {}, 0 for k in pairs(self) do if ((type(k) == "number") and (k > max)) then max = k end end for i = 1, max, 1 do safe[i] = (((self[i] == nil) and nil_sym) or self[i]) end return ("(" .. table.concat(map(safe, (tostring2 or tostring)), " ", 1, max) .. ")") end local SYMBOL_MT = {"SYMBOL", __fennelview = deref, __tostring = deref} local EXPR_MT = {"EXPR", __tostring = deref} local LIST_MT = {"LIST", __fennelview = list_to_string, __tostring = list_to_string} local SEQUENCE_MARKER = {"SEQUENCE"} local VARARG = setmetatable({"..."}, {"VARARG", __fennelview = deref, __tostring = deref}) local getenv = nil local function _0_() return nil end getenv = ((os and os.getenv) or _0_) local function debug_on(flag) local level = (getenv("FENNEL_DEBUG") or "") return ((level == "all") or level:find(flag)) end local function list(...) return setmetatable({...}, LIST_MT) end local function sym(str, scope, source) local s = {str, scope = scope} for k, v in pairs((source or {})) do if (type(k) == "string") then s[k] = v end end return setmetatable(s, SYMBOL_MT) end nil_sym = sym("nil") local function sequence(...) return setmetatable({...}, {sequence = SEQUENCE_MARKER}) end local function expr(strcode, etype) return setmetatable({strcode, type = etype}, EXPR_MT) end local function varg() return VARARG end local function is_expr(x) return ((type(x) == "table") and (getmetatable(x) == EXPR_MT) and x) end local function is_varg(x) return ((x == VARARG) and x) end local function is_list(x) return ((type(x) == "table") and (getmetatable(x) == LIST_MT) and x) end local function is_sym(x) return ((type(x) == "table") and (getmetatable(x) == SYMBOL_MT) and x) end local function is_table(x) return ((type(x) == "table") and (x ~= VARARG) and (getmetatable(x) ~= LIST_MT) and (getmetatable(x) ~= SYMBOL_MT) and x) end local function is_sequence(x) local mt = ((type(x) == "table") and getmetatable(x)) return (mt and (mt.sequence == SEQUENCE_MARKER) and x) end local function is_multi_sym(str) if is_sym(str) then return is_multi_sym(tostring(str)) elseif (type(str) ~= "string") then return false else local parts = {} for part in str:gmatch("[^%.%:]+[%.%:]?") do local last_char = part:sub(( - 1)) if (last_char == ":") then parts["multi-sym-method-call"] = true end if ((last_char == ":") or (last_char == ".")) then parts[(#parts + 1)] = part:sub(1, ( - 2)) else parts[(#parts + 1)] = part end end return ((#parts > 0) and (str:match("%.") or str:match(":")) and not str:match("%.%.") and (str:byte() ~= string.byte(".")) and (str:byte(( - 1)) ~= string.byte(".")) and parts) end end local function is_quoted(symbol) return symbol.quoted end local function walk_tree(root, f, custom_iterator) local function walk(iterfn, parent, idx, node) if f(idx, node, parent) then for k, v in iterfn(node) do walk(iterfn, node, k, v) end return nil end end walk((custom_iterator or pairs), nil, nil, root) return root end local lua_keywords = {"and", "break", "do", "else", "elseif", "end", "false", "for", "function", "if", "in", "local", "nil", "not", "or", "repeat", "return", "then", "true", "until", "while"} for i, v in ipairs(lua_keywords) do lua_keywords[v] = i end local function is_valid_lua_identifier(str) return (str:match("^[%a_][%w_]*$") and not lua_keywords[str]) end local propagated_options = {"allowedGlobals", "indent", "correlate", "useMetadata", "env"} local function propagate_options(options, subopts) for _, name in ipairs(propagated_options) do subopts[name] = options[name] end return subopts end local root = nil local function _1_() end root = {chunk = nil, options = nil, reset = _1_, scope = nil} root["set-reset"] = function(new_root) root.reset = function() root.chunk, root.scope, root.options, root.reset = new_root.chunk, new_root.scope, new_root.options, new_root.reset return nil end return root.reset end local _3_ do local _2_0 = {"./?.fnl", "./?/init.fnl"} table.insert(_2_0, getenv("FENNEL_PATH")) _3_ = _2_0 end return {["debug-on"] = debug_on, ["is-expr"] = is_expr, ["is-list"] = is_list, ["is-multi-sym"] = is_multi_sym, ["is-quoted"] = is_quoted, ["is-sequence"] = is_sequence, ["is-sym"] = is_sym, ["is-table"] = is_table, ["is-valid-lua-identifier"] = is_valid_lua_identifier, ["is-varg"] = is_varg, ["lua-keywords"] = lua_keywords, ["propagate-options"] = propagate_options, ["walk-tree"] = walk_tree, allpairs = allpairs, copy = copy, deref = deref, expr = expr, kvmap = kvmap, list = list, map = map, path = table.concat(_3_, ";"), root = root, sequence = sequence, stablepairs = stablepairs, sym = sym, varg = varg} end utils = require("fennel.utils") local parser = require("fennel.parser") local compiler = require("fennel.compiler") local specials = require("fennel.specials") local repl = require("fennel.repl") local function eval(str, options, ...) local opts = utils.copy(options) local _ = nil if ((opts.allowedGlobals == nil) and not getmetatable(opts.env)) then opts.allowedGlobals = specials["current-global-names"](opts.env) _ = nil else _ = nil end local env = (opts.env and specials["wrap-env"](opts.env)) local lua_source = compiler["compile-string"](str, opts) local loader = nil local function _1_(...) if opts.filename then return ("@" .. opts.filename) else return str end end loader = specials["load-code"](lua_source, env, _1_(...)) opts.filename = nil return loader(...) end local function dofile_2a(filename, options, ...) local opts = utils.copy(options) local f = assert(, "rb")) local source = f:read("*all") f:close() opts.filename = filename return eval(source, opts, ...) end local mod = {["compile-stream"] = compiler["compile-stream"], ["compile-string"] = compiler["compile-string"], ["load-code"] = specials["load-code"], ["macro-loaded"] = specials["macro-loaded"], ["make-searcher"] = specials["make-searcher"], ["search-module"] = specials["search-module"], ["string-stream"] = parser["string-stream"], compile = compiler.compile, compile1 = compiler.compile1, compileStream = compiler["compile-stream"], compileString = compiler["compile-string"], doc = specials.doc, dofile = dofile_2a, eval = eval, gensym = compiler.gensym, granulate = parser.granulate, list = utils.list, loadCode = specials["load-code"], macroLoaded = specials["macro-loaded"], makeSearcher = specials["make-searcher"], make_searcher = specials["make-searcher"], mangle = compiler["global-mangling"], metadata = compiler.metadata, parser = parser.parser, path = utils.path, repl = repl, scope = compiler["make-scope"], searchModule = specials["search-module"], searcher = specials["make-searcher"](), stringStream = parser["string-stream"], sym = utils.sym, traceback = compiler.traceback, unmangle = compiler["global-unmangling"], varg = utils.varg, version = "0.5.0"} utils["fennel-module"] = mod do local builtin_macros = [===[;; The code for these macros is somewhat idiosyncratic because it cannot use any ;; macros which have not yet been defined. (fn -> [val ...] "Thread-first macro. Take the first value and splice it into the second form as its first argument. The value of the second form is spliced into the first arg of the third, etc." (var x val) (each [_ e (ipairs [...])] (let [elt (if (list? e) e (list e))] (table.insert elt 2 x) (set x elt))) x) (fn ->> [val ...] "Thread-last macro. Same as ->, except splices the value into the last position of each form rather than the first." (var x val) (each [_ e (pairs [...])] (let [elt (if (list? e) e (list e))] (table.insert elt x) (set x elt))) x) (fn -?> [val ...] "Nil-safe thread-first macro. Same as -> except will short-circuit with nil when it encounters a nil value." (if (= 0 (select "#" ...)) val (let [els [...] e (table.remove els 1) el (if (list? e) e (list e)) tmp (gensym)] (table.insert el 2 tmp) `(let [,tmp ,val] (if ,tmp (-?> ,el ,(unpack els)) ,tmp))))) (fn -?>> [val ...] "Nil-safe thread-last macro. Same as ->> except will short-circuit with nil when it encounters a nil value." (if (= 0 (select "#" ...)) val (let [els [...] e (table.remove els 1) el (if (list? e) e (list e)) tmp (gensym)] (table.insert el tmp) `(let [,tmp ,val] (if ,tmp (-?>> ,el ,(unpack els)) ,tmp))))) (fn doto [val ...] "Evaluates val and splices it into the first argument of subsequent forms." (let [name (gensym) form `(let [,name ,val])] (each [_ elt (pairs [...])] (table.insert elt 2 name) (table.insert form elt)) (table.insert form name) form)) (fn when [condition body1 ...] "Evaluate body for side-effects only when condition is truthy." (assert body1 "expected body") `(if ,condition (do ,body1 ,...))) (fn with-open [closable-bindings ...] "Like `let`, but invokes (v:close) on each binding after evaluating the body. The body is evaluated inside `xpcall` so that bound values will be closed upon encountering an error before propagating it." (let [bodyfn `(fn [] ,...) closer `(fn close-handlers# [ok# ...] (if ok# ... (error ... 0))) traceback `(. (or package.loaded.fennel debug) :traceback)] (for [i 1 (# closable-bindings) 2] (assert (sym? (. closable-bindings i)) "with-open only allows symbols in bindings") (table.insert closer 4 `(: ,(. closable-bindings i) :close))) `(let ,closable-bindings ,closer (close-handlers# (xpcall ,bodyfn ,traceback))))) (fn partial [f ...] "Returns a function with all arguments partially applied to f." (let [body (list f ...)] (table.insert body _VARARG) `(fn [,_VARARG] ,body))) (fn pick-args [n f] "Creates a function of arity n that applies its arguments to f. For example, (pick-args 2 func) expands to (fn [_0_ _1_] (func _0_ _1_))" (assert (and (= (type n) :number) (= n (math.floor n)) (>= n 0)) "Expected n to be an integer literal >= 0.") (let [bindings []] (for [i 1 n] (tset bindings i (gensym))) `(fn ,bindings (,f ,(unpack bindings))))) (fn pick-values [n ...] "Like the `values` special, but emits exactly n values. For example, (pick-values 2 ...) expands to (let [(_0_ _1_) ...] (values _0_ _1_))" (assert (and (= :number (type n)) (>= n 0) (= n (math.floor n))) "Expected n to be an integer >= 0") (let [let-syms (list) let-values (if (= 1 (select :# ...)) ... `(values ,...))] (for [i 1 n] (table.insert let-syms (gensym))) (if (= n 0) `(values) `(let [,let-syms ,let-values] (values ,(unpack let-syms)))))) (fn lambda [...] "Function literal with arity checking. Will throw an exception if a declared argument is passed in as nil, unless that argument name begins with ?." (let [args [...] has-internal-name? (sym? (. args 1)) arglist (if has-internal-name? (. args 2) (. args 1)) docstring-position (if has-internal-name? 3 2) has-docstring? (and (> (# args) docstring-position) (= :string (type (. args docstring-position)))) arity-check-position (- 4 (if has-internal-name? 0 1) (if has-docstring? 0 1)) empty-body? (< (# args) arity-check-position)] (fn check! [a] (if (table? a) (each [_ a (pairs a)] (check! a)) (and (not (: (tostring a) :match "^?")) (not= (tostring a) "&") (not= (tostring a) "...")) (table.insert args arity-check-position `(assert (not= nil ,a) (: "Missing argument %s on %s:%s" :format ,(tostring a) ,(or a.filename "unknown") ,(or a.line "?")))))) (assert (= :table (type arglist)) "expected arg list") (each [_ a (ipairs arglist)] (check! a)) (if empty-body? (table.insert args (sym :nil))) `(fn ,(unpack args)))) (fn macro [name ...] "Define a single macro." (assert (sym? name) "expected symbol for macro name") (local args [...]) `(macros { ,(tostring name) (fn ,name ,(unpack args))})) (fn macrodebug [form return?] "Print the resulting form after performing macroexpansion. With a second argument, returns expanded form as a string instead of printing." (let [(ok view) (pcall require :fennelview) handle (if return? `do `print)] `(,handle ,((if ok view tostring) (macroexpand form _SCOPE))))) (fn import-macros [binding1 module-name1 ...] "Binds a table of macros from each macro module according to a binding form. Each binding form can be either a symbol or a k/v destructuring table. Example: (import-macros mymacros :my-macros ; bind to symbol {:macro1 alias : macro2} :proj.macros) ; import by name" (assert (and binding1 module-name1 (= 0 (% (select :# ...) 2))) "expected even number of binding/modulename pairs") (for [i 1 (select :# binding1 module-name1 ...) 2] (local (binding modname) (select i binding1 module-name1 ...)) ;; generate a subscope of current scope, use require-macros ;; to bring in macro module. after that, we just copy the ;; macros from subscope to scope. (local scope (get-scope)) (local subscope (fennel.scope scope)) (fennel.compile-string (string.format "(require-macros %q)" modname) {:scope subscope}) (if (sym? binding) ;; bind whole table of macros to table bound to symbol (do (tset scope.macros (. binding 1) {}) (each [k v (pairs subscope.macros)] (tset (. scope.macros (. binding 1)) k v))) ;; 1-level table destructuring for importing individual macros (table? binding) (each [macro-name [import-key] (pairs binding)] (assert (= :function (type (. subscope.macros macro-name))) (.. "macro " macro-name " not found in module " modname)) (tset scope.macros import-key (. subscope.macros macro-name))))) nil) ;;; Pattern matching (fn match-pattern [vals pattern unifications] "Takes the AST of values and a single pattern and returns a condition to determine if it matches as well as a list of bindings to introduce for the duration of the body if it does match." ;; we have to assume we're matching against multiple values here until we ;; know we're either in a multi-valued clause (in which case we know the # ;; of vals) or we're not, in which case we only care about the first one. (let [[val] vals] (if (or (and (sym? pattern) ; unification with outer locals (or nil) (not= :_ (tostring pattern)) ; never unify _ (or (in-scope? pattern) (= :nil (tostring pattern)))) (and (multi-sym? pattern) (in-scope? (. (multi-sym? pattern) 1)))) (values `(= ,val ,pattern) []) ;; unify a local we've seen already (and (sym? pattern) (. unifications (tostring pattern))) (values `(= ,(. unifications (tostring pattern)) ,val) []) ;; bind a fresh local (sym? pattern) (let [wildcard? (= (tostring pattern) "_")] (if (not wildcard?) (tset unifications (tostring pattern) val)) (values (if (or wildcard? (: (tostring pattern) :find "^?")) true `(not= ,(sym :nil) ,val)) [pattern val])) ;; guard clause (and (list? pattern) (sym? (. pattern 2)) (= :? (tostring (. pattern 2)))) (let [(pcondition bindings) (match-pattern vals (. pattern 1) unifications) condition `(and ,pcondition)] (for [i 3 (# pattern)] ; splice in guard clauses (table.insert condition (. pattern i))) (values `(let ,bindings ,condition) bindings)) ;; multi-valued patterns (represented as lists) (list? pattern) (let [condition `(and) bindings []] (each [i pat (ipairs pattern)] (let [(subcondition subbindings) (match-pattern [(. vals i)] pat unifications)] (table.insert condition subcondition) (each [_ b (ipairs subbindings)] (table.insert bindings b)))) (values condition bindings)) ;; table patterns (= (type pattern) :table) (let [condition `(and (= (type ,val) :table)) bindings []] (each [k pat (pairs pattern)] (if (and (sym? pat) (= "&" (tostring pat))) (do (assert (not (. pattern (+ k 2))) "expected rest argument before last parameter") (table.insert bindings (. pattern (+ k 1))) (table.insert bindings [`(select ,k ((or _G.unpack table.unpack) ,val))])) (and (= :number (type k)) (= "&" (tostring (. pattern (- k 1))))) nil ; don't process the pattern right after &; already got it (let [subval `(. ,val ,k) (subcondition subbindings) (match-pattern [subval] pat unifications)] (table.insert condition subcondition) (each [_ b (ipairs subbindings)] (table.insert bindings b))))) (values condition bindings)) ;; literal value (values `(= ,val ,pattern) [])))) (fn match-condition [vals clauses] "Construct the actual `if` AST for the given match values and clauses." (if (not= 0 (% (length clauses) 2)) ; treat odd final clause as default (table.insert clauses (length clauses) (sym :_))) (let [out `(if)] (for [i 1 (length clauses) 2] (let [pattern (. clauses i) body (. clauses (+ i 1)) (condition bindings) (match-pattern vals pattern {})] (table.insert out condition) (table.insert out `(let ,bindings ,body)))) out)) (fn match-val-syms [clauses] "How many multi-valued clauses are there? return a list of that many gensyms." (let [syms (list (gensym))] (for [i 1 (length clauses) 2] (if (list? (. clauses i)) (each [valnum (ipairs (. clauses i))] (if (not (. syms valnum)) (tset syms valnum (gensym)))))) syms)) (fn match [val ...] "Perform pattern matching on val. See reference for details." (let [clauses [...] vals (match-val-syms clauses)] ;; protect against multiple evaluation of the value, bind against as ;; many values as we ever match against in the clauses. (list `let [vals val] (match-condition vals clauses)))) {: -> : ->> : -?> : -?>> : doto : when : with-open : partial : lambda : pick-args : pick-values : macro : macrodebug : import-macros : match} ]===] local module_name = "fennel.macros" local _ = nil local function _0_() return mod end package.preload[module_name] = _0_ _ = nil local env = specials["make-compiler-env"](nil, compiler.scopes.compiler, {}) local built_ins = eval(builtin_macros, {allowedGlobals = false, env = env, filename = "src/fennel/macros.fnl", moduleName = module_name, scope = compiler.scopes.compiler, useMetadata = true}) for k, v in pairs(built_ins) do[k] = v end["\206\187"] = package.preload[module_name] = nil end return mod