renderer = {} function renderer.show_debug(show) -- useful? end function renderer.get_size() return, end function renderer.begin_frame() -- handled in end function renderer.end_frame() -- handled in end function renderer.set_clip_rect(x, y, w, h), y, w, h) end function renderer.set_litecolor(color) local r, g, b, a = 255, 255, 255, 255 if color and #color >= 3 then r, g, b = unpack(color, 1, 3) end if #color >= 4 then a = color[4] end / 255, g / 255, b / 255, a / 255) end function renderer.draw_rect(x, y, w, h, color) renderer.set_litecolor(color)"fill", x, y, w, h) end function renderer.draw_text(font, text, x, y, color) renderer.set_litecolor(color) if pcall(function(), x, y) end) then return x + font.font:getWidth(text) else return x end end renderer.font = {} function renderer.font.load(filename, size) local font =, size) return { font = font, set_tab_width = function(self, n) -- todo? Ignore? end, get_width = function(self, text) return self.font:getWidth(text) end, get_height = function(self) return self.font:getHeight() end } end system = {} system.event_queue = {} function system.enqueue_love_event(ev, a, b, c, d, e, f) local function button_name(button) if button == 1 then return 'left' end if button == 2 then return 'right' end if button == 3 then return 'middle' end return '?' end local function key_name(key) if key:sub(1, 2) == "kp" then return "keypad " .. key:sub(3) end if key:sub(2) == "ctrl" or key:sub(2) == "shift" or key:sub(2) == "alt" or key:sub(2) == "gui" then if key:sub(1, 1) == "l" then return "left " .. key:sub(2) end return "right " .. key:sub(2) end return key end local function convert_love_event() if ev == 'quit' then return {'quit'} elseif ev == 'resize' then return {'resized', a, b} elseif ev == 'filedropped' then return {'filedropped', a:getFilename(), love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY()} elseif ev == 'keypressed' then return {'keypressed', key_name(a or b)} elseif ev == 'keyreleased' then return {'keyreleased', key_name(a or b)} elseif ev == 'textinput' then return {'textinput', a} elseif ev == 'mousepressed' then return {'mousepressed', button_name(c), a, b, e} elseif ev == 'mousereleased' then return {'mousereleased', button_name(c), a, b} elseif ev == 'mousemoved' then return {'mousemoved', a, b, c, d} elseif ev == 'wheelmoved' then return {'mousewheel', b} end end local liteev = convert_love_event() if liteev then table.insert(system.event_queue, liteev) end end function system.poll_event() local liteev = table.remove(system.event_queue, 1) if liteev then return unpack(liteev) end end function system.wait_event(n) -- no love2d equivalent return false end function system.set_cursor(cursor) if cursor == nil then cursor = 'arrow' end if cursor == 'sizeh' then cursor = 'sizewe' end if cursor == 'sizev' then cursor = 'sizens' end love.mouse.setCursor(love.mouse.getSystemCursor(cursor)) end function system.set_window_title(title) love.window.setTitle(title) end function system.set_window_mode(mode) love.window.setFullscreen(mode == 'fullscreen') if mode == nil or mode == 'normal' then love.window.restore() end if mode == 'maximized' then love.window.maximize() end end function system.window_has_focus() return love.window.hasFocus() end function system.show_confirm_dialog(title, msg) return love.window.showMessageBox(title, msg, { 'Yes', 'No', escapebutton = 2 }, 'warning') == 1 end function system.chdir(dir) -- not possible with love2d end function system.list_dir(path) if path == '.' then path = '' end local info = love.filesystem.getInfo(path) if info and info.type == 'directory' then return love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems(path) elseif info and info.type == 'symlink' then return love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems(path .. "/.") end return nil, "Not a directory" end function system.absolute_path(path) return path -- love.filesystem.getRealDirectory(path) end function system.get_file_info(path) local info = love.filesystem.getInfo(path) if info then local type = nil if info.type == 'file' then type = 'file' elseif info.type == 'directory' then type = 'dir' elseif info.type == 'symlink' then if, 1) then type = 'file' else type = 'dir' end end return { modified = info.modtime, size = info.size, type = type } else return nil, "Doesn't exist" end end function system.get_clipboard() return love.system.getClipboardText() end function system.set_clipboard(text) love.system.setClipboardText(text) end function system.get_time() return love.timer.getTime() end function system.sleep(s) love.timer.sleep(s) end function system.exec(cmd) -- ehhhh todo I guess end function system.fuzzy_match(str, ptn) local istr = 1 local iptn = 1 local score = 0 local run = 0 while istr <= str:len() and iptn <= ptn:len() do while str:sub(istr,istr) == ' ' do istr = istr + 1 end while ptn:sub(iptn,iptn) == ' ' do iptn = iptn + 1 end local cstr = str:sub(istr,istr) local cptn = ptn:sub(iptn,iptn) if cstr:lower() == cptn:lower() then score = score + (run * 10) if cstr ~= cptn then score = score - 1 end run = run + 1 iptn = iptn + 1 else score = score - 10 run = 0 end istr = istr + 1 end if iptn > ptn:len() then return score - str:len() - istr + 1 end end table.unpack = unpack ARGS = love.arg.parseGameArguments(arg) VERSION = "1.11" PLATFORM = "love2d" SCALE = EXEDIR = "" PATHSEP = package.config:sub(1, 1) -- love.filesystem.mount(love.filesystem.getSourceBaseDirectory(), love.filesystem.getSourceBaseDirectory()) package.path = love.filesystem.getWorkingDirectory() .. '/data/?.lua;' .. love.filesystem.getWorkingDirectory() .. '/data/?/init.lua;' .. package.path function local core = require('core') local style = require('') style.code_font = renderer.font.load(EXEDIR .. "/data/fonts/monospace.ttf", 15 * SCALE) core.init() if love.load then love.load(love.arg.parseGameArguments(arg), arg) end -- We don't want the first frame's dt to include time taken by love.load. if love.timer then love.timer.step() end local dt = 0 -- Main loop time. return function() -- Process events. if love.event then love.event.pump() for name, a,b,c,d,e,f in love.event.poll() do system.enqueue_love_event(name, a, b, c, d, e, f) if name == "quit" then if not love.quit or not love.quit() then return a or 0 end end love.handlers[name](a,b,c,d,e,f) end end -- Update dt, as we'll be passing it to update if love.timer then dt = love.timer.step() end -- Call update and draw if love.update then love.update(dt) end -- will pass 0 if love.timer is disabled if and then -- update lite & draw core.redraw = true core.frame_start = system.get_time() core.step() core.run_threads() if love.draw then love.draw() end end if love.timer then love.timer.sleep(0.001) end end end