local function view_quote(str) return ("\"" .. str:gsub("\"", "\\\"") .. "\"") end local short_control_char_escapes = {["\11"] = "\\v", ["\12"] = "\\f", ["\13"] = "\\r", ["\7"] = "\\a", ["\8"] = "\\b", ["\9"] = "\\t", ["\n"] = "\\n"} local long_control_char_escapes = nil do local long = {} for i = 0, 31 do local ch = string.char(i) if not short_control_char_escapes[ch] then short_control_char_escapes[ch] = ("\\" .. i) long[ch] = ("\\%03d"):format(i) end end long_control_char_escapes = long end local function escape(str) return str:gsub("\\", "\\\\"):gsub("(%c)%f[0-9]", long_control_char_escapes):gsub("%c", short_control_char_escapes) end local function sequence_key_3f(k, len) return ((type(k) == "number") and (1 <= k) and (k <= len) and (math.floor(k) == k)) end local type_order = {["function"] = 5, boolean = 2, number = 1, string = 3, table = 4, thread = 7, userdata = 6} local function sort_keys(a, b) local ta = type(a) local tb = type(b) if ((ta == tb) and (ta ~= "boolean") and ((ta == "string") or (ta == "number"))) then return (a < b) else local dta = type_order[a] local dtb = type_order[b] if (dta and dtb) then return (dta < dtb) elseif dta then return true elseif dtb then return false elseif "else" then return (ta < tb) end end end local function get_sequence_length(t) local len = 1 for i in ipairs(t) do len = i end return len end local function get_nonsequential_keys(t) local keys = {} local sequence_length = get_sequence_length(t) for k in pairs(t) do if not sequence_key_3f(k, sequence_length) then table.insert(keys, k) end end table.sort(keys, sort_keys) return keys, sequence_length end local function count_table_appearances(t, appearances) if (type(t) == "table") then if not appearances[t] then appearances[t] = 1 for k, v in pairs(t) do count_table_appearances(k, appearances) count_table_appearances(v, appearances) end end else if (t and (t == t)) then appearances[t] = ((appearances[t] or 0) + 1) end end return appearances end local put_value = nil local function puts(self, ...) for _, v in ipairs({...}) do table.insert(self.buffer, v) end return nil end local function tabify(self) return puts(self, "\n", (self.indent):rep(self.level)) end local function already_visited_3f(self, v) return (self.ids[v] ~= nil) end local function get_id(self, v) local id = self.ids[v] if not id then local tv = type(v) id = ((self["max-ids"][tv] or 0) + 1) self["max-ids"][tv] = id self.ids[v] = id end return tostring(id) end local function put_sequential_table(self, t, len) puts(self, "[") self.level = (self.level + 1) for i = 1, len do local _0_ = (1 + len) if ((1 < i) and (i < _0_)) then puts(self, " ") end put_value(self, t[i]) end self.level = (self.level - 1) return puts(self, "]") end local function put_key(self, k) if ((type(k) == "string") and k:find("^[-%w?\\^_!$%&*+./@:|<=>]+$")) then return puts(self, ":", k) else return put_value(self, k) end end local function put_kv_table(self, t, ordered_keys) puts(self, "{") self.level = (self.level + 1) for i, k in ipairs(ordered_keys) do if (self["table-edges"] or (i ~= 1)) then tabify(self) end put_key(self, k) puts(self, " ") put_value(self, t[k]) end for i, v in ipairs(t) do tabify(self) put_key(self, i) puts(self, " ") put_value(self, v) end self.level = (self.level - 1) if self["table-edges"] then tabify(self) end return puts(self, "}") end local function put_table(self, t) local metamethod = nil local function _1_() local _0_0 = t if _0_0 then local _2_0 = getmetatable(_0_0) if _2_0 then return _2_0.__fennelview else return _2_0 end else return _0_0 end end metamethod = (self["metamethod?"] and _1_()) if (already_visited_3f(self, t) and self["detect-cycles?"]) then return puts(self, "#") elseif (self.level >= self.depth) then return puts(self, "{...}") elseif metamethod then return puts(self, metamethod(t, self.fennelview)) elseif "else" then local non_seq_keys, len = get_nonsequential_keys(t) local id = get_id(self, t) if ((1 < (self.appearances[t] or 0)) and self["detect-cycles?"]) then return puts(self, "#") elseif ((#non_seq_keys == 0) and (#t == 0)) then local function _2_() if self["empty-as-square"] then return "[]" else return "{}" end end return puts(self, _2_()) elseif (#non_seq_keys == 0) then return put_sequential_table(self, t, len) elseif "else" then return put_kv_table(self, t, non_seq_keys) end end end local function _0_(self, v) local tv = type(v) if (tv == "string") then return puts(self, view_quote(escape(v))) elseif ((tv == "number") or (tv == "boolean") or (tv == "nil")) then return puts(self, tostring(v)) elseif (tv == "table") then return put_table(self, v) elseif "else" then return puts(self, "#<", tostring(v), ">") end end put_value = _0_ local function one_line(str) local ret = str:gsub("\n", " "):gsub("%[ ", "["):gsub(" %]", "]"):gsub("%{ ", "{"):gsub(" %}", "}"):gsub("%( ", "("):gsub(" %)", ")") return ret end local function fennelview(x, options) local options0 = (options or {}) local inspector = nil local function _1_(_241) return fennelview(_241, options0) end local function _2_() if options0["one-line"] then return "" else return " " end end inspector = {["detect-cycles?"] = not (false == options0["detect-cycles?"]), ["empty-as-square"] = options0["empty-as-square"], ["max-ids"] = {}, ["metamethod?"] = not (false == options0["metamethod?"]), ["table-edges"] = (options0["table-edges"] ~= false), appearances = count_table_appearances(x, {}), buffer = {}, depth = (options0.depth or 128), fennelview = _1_, ids = {}, indent = (options0.indent or _2_()), level = 0} put_value(inspector, x) local str = table.concat(inspector.buffer) if options0["one-line"] then return one_line(str) else return str end end return fennelview