(local util (require :lib.util)) (local {: parse} (util.require :presentation.engine)) (local style (require :core.style)) (local h {:font (renderer.font.load "presentation/font/PrintChar21.ttf" (* 64 SCALE)) :color style.caret :justify :center}) (local ** {:font (renderer.font.load "presentation/font/PRNumber3.ttf" (* 32 SCALE)) :color style.text :justify :left :pause-after true}) (parse [ [h "Some Background" ** "In 2019 I built a 16-bit MS-DOS game engine." "* Built on hardware" "* Using only period software" "* Powered by Forth"] [h "Neut Tower" ** "In 2020, I did the Global Game Jam on my 286." "Finished the 'Shareware Episode' a couple of months later."] [h "Then Kansasfest Happened." ** ""] [h "Oh Dang Bill" ** "Oh gee oh whiz on toast"] ])