Jeremy Penner e6eee86a91 Move repl / inspector to new imgui
* make views pin scrolling to bottom
* support multiline labels (no wordwrap yet)
* always expand groups (don't clear after populating form)
2021-12-25 13:26:00 -06:00

55 lines
2.1 KiB

(local util (require :lib.util))
(local style (require :core.style))
(local {: defmulti : defmethod} (util.require :lib.multimethod))
(local {: textbutton : label : under : right-of : reform : group-wrapper } (util.require :editor.imgui))
(local inspector (util.hot-table ...))
(fn inspector.best-inspector [v]
(var best-inspector nil)
(var best-priority -1)
(each [inspector {: priority : predicate} (pairs inspector.inspectors)]
(when (and (> priority best-priority) (predicate v))
(set best-inspector inspector)
(set best-priority priority)))
(set inspector.inspect
(defmulti (fn [form state value]
(when (= state.inspector nil)
(set state.inspector (inspector.best-inspector value)))
state.inspector) :inspect ...))
(fn inspector.register [name priority predicate inspect-func]
(when (= inspector.inspectors nil)
(set inspector.inspectors {}))
(tset inspector.inspectors name {: predicate : priority :inspector inspect-func})
(defmethod inspector.inspect name inspect-func))
(inspector.register :default 0 #true (fn [form state value]
(label (reform form {:font style.code_font}) (fv value))))
(inspector.register :table 10
#(and (= (type $1) :table) (not= (next $1) nil))
(fn [form state tbl]
(let [get-kstate (fn [tbl k state]
(when (= nil state.keys) (set state.keys {}))
(when (= nil (?. state.keys k))
(util.nested-tset state [:keys k] {:collapsed (= (type (. tbl k)) :table) :children {}}))
(. state.keys k))
g (group-wrapper form)]
(each [k v (pairs tbl)]
(let [kstate (get-kstate tbl k state)]
; todo: state assumes an .inspector key
; todo: inspector swapping
; todo: edit in place?
(when (g textbutton (under form {:font style.code_font}) (fv k))
(set kstate.collapsed (not kstate.collapsed)))
(if kstate.collapsed
(g label (right-of form {:color style.syntax.comment :into {}}) "...")
(g #(inspector.inspect $...) (right-of form {:into {}}) kstate.children v))