
154 lines
6.2 KiB

(local core (require :core))
(local socket (require :socket))
(local {: int16-to-bytes : int32-to-bytes : bytes-to-uint16 : bytes-to-uint32 : lo : in-coro} (require :lib.util))
(local Ssc (require :ssc))
(import-macros {:sss ! : compile} :ssc.macros)
(local config {
:host ""
:port 6502
{:cmd {
:write 0
:read 1
:eval 2
:pause 3
:ping 4
:response {
:ack 0
:data 1
:pending {}
:msgid 0
:waiting false
:queue []
(fn [self ?port ?host]
(when (not self.connection)
(local [port host] [(or ?port config.port) (or ?host config.host)])
(set self.connection (assert (socket.udp)))
(assert (self.connection:setpeername host port))
(self.connection:settimeout 0)
(core.add_thread #(while (self:connected?) (self:receive) (coroutine.yield)) self.connection)))
:connected? (fn [self] (not= self.connection nil))
(fn [self]
(when self.connection
(set self.connection nil)
(set self.pending {})
(set self.queue [])
(set self.waiting false)))
(fn [self]
(set self.msgid (lo (+ self.msgid 1)))
(fn [self cmd ?data ?callback]
#(let [msgid (self:next-msgid)
msg (.. (string.char msgid cmd) (or ?data ""))]
(print "sending" msgid cmd (length msg))
(when ?callback
(tset self.pending msgid ?callback)
(set self.waiting true))
(self.connection:send msg))))
(fn [self]
(when self.connection
(let [data (self.connection:receive)]
(when data
(let [msgid (string.byte (data:sub 1 1))
cmd (string.byte (data:sub 2 2))
pendingfn (. self.pending msgid)]
(print "recieved" msgid cmd)
(when pendingfn
(tset self.pending msgid nil)
(pendingfn self cmd (data:sub 3)))
(set self.waiting false)))
(when (and (not self.waiting) (> (length self.queue) 0))
(let [f (. self.queue 1)]
(table.remove self.queue 1)
:enqueue (fn [self f] (table.insert self.queue f))
:eval (fn [self c {: parent : org : ignore-result}]
(let [parent (or parent (require :ssc.iigs.u2-debug))
ssc (Ssc {: parent})
org (or org (parent.prg:lookup-addr :u2-debug-buffer))]
(compile ssc
(org [org])
(fn do-the-thing () [c]))
(if (not ignore-result)
(let [(_ data) (self:coro-send self.cmd.eval (. ssc.prg.org-to-block org :bytes))]
{:word (bytes-to-uint16 data) :long (bytes-to-uint32 data 2)})
(self:send self.cmd.eval (. ssc.prg.org-to-block org :bytes)))))
:jump (fn [self addr] (self:eval (! (asm (jsl [(tostring addr)]))) {:ignore-result true}))
(fn [self cmd ?data]
(let [coro (coroutine.running)]
(self:send cmd ?data #(coroutine.resume coro $2 $3))
:handle-ack (fn [self cmd] (assert (= cmd self.response.ack)))
:split-batches (fn [self blocks max-size]
; just make sure it's legal, not optimal - no need to solve an NP-hard bin-packing problem
(fn add-to-batch [batches iblock size]
(let [batch (. batches (length batches))
block (. blocks iblock)]
(if (= block nil) batches
; must be split into multiple batches
(> block.len max-size)
(do (for [i 0 (- block.len 1) max-size]
(when (and (= i 0) (= (length batch) 0)) (table.remove batches))
(table.insert batches [{:addr (+ block.addr i)
:data (when block.data (block.data:sub (+ i 1) (+ i max-size)))
:len (math.min (- block.len i) max-size)
:offset 1
:append-to-addr block.addr}]))
(add-to-batch batches (+ iblock 1) (if (= (% block.len max-size) 0) max-size (% block.len max-size))))
; we have run off the end of the current batch
(> (+ size block.len) max-size)
(do (table.insert batches [])
(add-to-batch batches iblock 0))
; there is enough space to fit into the current batch
(do (set block.offset (+ size 1))
(table.insert batch block)
(add-to-batch batches (+ iblock 1) (+ size block.len))))))
(add-to-batch [[]] 1 0))
:read-batch (fn [self addr-to-len]
(let [blocks (icollect [addr len (pairs addr-to-len)] {: addr : len})
result {}]
(each [_ batch (ipairs (self:split-batches blocks 1450))]
(let [msg (.. (int16-to-bytes (length batch))
(table.concat (icollect [_ {: addr : len} (ipairs batch)] (.. (int32-to-bytes addr) (int16-to-bytes len)))))
(response data) (self:coro-send self.cmd.read msg)]
(assert (= response self.response.data))
(each [_ {: addr : len : offset : append-to-addr} (ipairs batch)]
(let [read-data (data:sub offset (+ offset len -1))]
(if append-to-addr (tset result append-to-addr (.. (. result append-to-addr) read-data))
(tset result addr read-data))))))
:read (fn [self addr len] (. (self:read-batch {addr len}) addr))
:write-batch (fn [self addr-to-data]
(let [blocks (icollect [addr data (pairs addr-to-data)] {: addr :len (+ (length data) 6) : data})]
(each [_ batch (ipairs (self:split-batches blocks 1450))]
(print "writing batch of size" (length batch))
(let [msg (.. (int16-to-bytes (length batch))
(table.concat (icollect [_ {: addr : data} (ipairs batch)] (.. (int32-to-bytes addr) (int16-to-bytes (length data)) data))))]
(self:send self.cmd.write msg self.handle-ack)))))
:write (fn [self addr data] (self:write-batch {addr data}))
:pause (fn [self] (self:send self.cmd.pause (int16-to-bytes 0xffff) self.handle-ack))
:resume (fn [self] (self:send self.cmd.pause (int16-to-bytes 0) self.handle-ack))
:launch (fn [self prg] (self:jump (prg:lookup-addr prg.start-symbol)))
(fn [self prg-old prg-new]
(in-coro (fn []
(local hotswap (prg-old:read-hotswap self prg-new))
(prg-new:upload self)
(prg-new:write-hotswap self hotswap)