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This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

;; A pretty-printer that outputs tables in Fennel syntax.
;; Loosely based on inspect.lua: http://github.com/kikito/inspect.lua
(fn view-quote [str] (.. "\"" (: str :gsub "\"" "\\\"") "\""))
(local short-control-char-escapes
{"\a" "\\a" "\b" "\\b" "\f" "\\f" "\n" "\\n"
"\r" "\\r" "\t" "\\t" "\v" "\\v"})
(local long-control-char-escapes
(let [long {}]
(for [i 0 31]
(let [ch (string.char i)]
(when (not (. short-control-char-escapes ch))
(tset short-control-char-escapes ch (.. "\\" i))
(tset long ch (: "\\%03d" :format i)))))
(fn escape [str]
(-> str
(: :gsub "\\" "\\\\")
(: :gsub "(%c)%f[0-9]" long-control-char-escapes)
(: :gsub "%c" short-control-char-escapes)))
(fn sequence-key? [k len]
(and (= (type k) "number")
(<= 1 k)
(<= k len)
(= (math.floor k) k)))
(local type-order {:number 1 :boolean 2 :string 3 :table 4
:function 5 :userdata 6 :thread 7})
(fn sort-keys [a b]
(let [ta (type a) tb (type b)]
(if (and (= ta tb)
(or (= ta "string") (= ta "number")))
(< a b)
(let [dta (. type-order a)
dtb (. type-order b)]
(if (and dta dtb)
(< dta dtb)
dta true
dtb false
:else (< ta tb))))))
(fn get-sequence-length [t]
(var len 1)
(each [i (ipairs t)] (set len i))
(fn get-nonsequential-keys [t]
(let [keys {}
sequence-length (get-sequence-length t)]
(each [k (pairs t)]
(when (not (sequence-key? k sequence-length))
(table.insert keys k)))
(table.sort keys sort-keys)
(values keys sequence-length)))
(fn count-table-appearances [t appearances]
(when (= (type t) "table")
(if (not (. appearances t))
(do (tset appearances t 1)
(each [k v (pairs t)]
(count-table-appearances k appearances)
(count-table-appearances v appearances)))
(tset appearances t (+ (or (. appearances t) 0) 1))))
(var put-value nil) ; mutual recursion going on; defined below
(fn puts [self ...]
(each [_ v (ipairs [...])]
(table.insert self.buffer v)))
(fn tabify [self] (puts self "\n" (: self.indent :rep self.level)))
(fn already-visited? [self v] (not= (. self.ids v) nil))
(fn get-id [self v]
(var id (. self.ids v))
(when (not id)
(let [tv (type v)]
(set id (+ (or (. self.max-ids tv) 0) 1))
(tset self.max-ids tv id)
(tset self.ids v id)))
(tostring id))
(fn put-sequential-table [self t len]
(puts self "[")
(set self.level (+ self.level 1))
(for [i 1 len]
(when (< 1 i (+ 1 len))
(puts self " "))
(put-value self (. t i)))
(set self.level (- self.level 1))
(puts self "]"))
(fn put-key [self k]
(if (and (= (type k) "string")
(: k :find "^[-%w?\\^_!$%&*+./@:|<=>]+$"))
(puts self ":" k)
(put-value self k)))
(fn put-kv-table [self t ordered-keys]
(puts self "{")
(set self.level (+ self.level 1))
;; first, output sorted nonsequential keys
(each [i k (ipairs ordered-keys)]
(when (or self.table-edges (not= i 1))
(tabify self))
(put-key self k)
(puts self " ")
(put-value self (. t k)))
;; next, output any sequential keys
(each [i v (ipairs t)]
(tabify self)
(put-key self i)
(puts self " ")
(put-value self v))
(set self.level (- self.level 1))
(when self.table-edges
(tabify self))
(puts self "}"))
(fn put-table [self t]
(let [metamethod (and self.metamethod? (-?> t getmetatable (. :__fennelview)))]
(if (and (already-visited? self t) self.detect-cycles?)
(puts self "#<table @" (get-id self t) ">")
(>= self.level self.depth)
(puts self "{...}")
(puts self (metamethod t self.fennelview))
(let [(non-seq-keys len) (get-nonsequential-keys t)
id (get-id self t)]
;; fancy metatable stuff can result in self.appearances not including
;; a table, so if it's not found, assume we haven't seen it; we can't
;; do cycle detection in that case.
(when (and (< 1 (or (. self.appearances t) 0)) self.detect-cycles?)
(puts self "@" id))
(if (and (= (length non-seq-keys) 0) (= (length t) 0))
(puts self (if self.empty-as-square "[]" "{}"))
(= (length non-seq-keys) 0)
(put-sequential-table self t len)
(put-kv-table self t non-seq-keys))))))
(set put-value (fn [self v]
(let [tv (type v)]
(if (= tv "string")
(puts self (view-quote (escape v)))
(or (= tv "number") (= tv "boolean") (= tv "nil"))
(puts self (tostring v))
(= tv "table")
(put-table self v)
(puts self "#<" (tostring v) ">")))))
(fn one-line [str]
;; save return value as local to ignore gsub's extra return value
(let [ret (-> str
(: :gsub "\n" " ")
(: :gsub "%[ " "[") (: :gsub " %]" "]")
(: :gsub "%{ " "{") (: :gsub " %}" "}")
(: :gsub "%( " "(") (: :gsub " %)" ")"))]
(fn fennelview [x options]
"Return a string representation of x.
Can take an options table with these keys:
* :one-line (boolean: default: false) keep the output string as a one-liner
* :depth (number, default: 128) limit how many levels to go (default: 128)
* :indent (string, default: \" \") use this string to indent each level
* :detect-cycles? (boolean, default: true) don't try to traverse a looping table
* :metamethod? (boolean: default: true) use the __fennelview metamethod if found
* :table-edges (boolean: default: true) put {} table brackets on their own line
* :empty-as-square (boolean: default: false) render empty tables as [], not {}
The __fennelview metamethod should take the table being serialized as its first
argument and a function as its second arg which can be used on table elements to
continue the fennelview process on them.
(let [options (or options {})
inspector {:appearances (count-table-appearances x {})
:depth (or options.depth 128)
:level 0 :buffer {} :ids {} :max-ids {}
:indent (or options.indent (if options.one-line "" " "))
:detect-cycles? (not (= false options.detect-cycles?))
:metamethod? (not (= false options.metamethod?))
:fennelview #(fennelview $1 options)
:table-edges (not= options.table-edges false)
:empty-as-square options.empty-as-square}]
(put-value inspector x)
(let [str (table.concat inspector.buffer)]
(if options.one-line (one-line str) str))))