Jeremy Penner ccfb52aeaa iigs: untested uthernet-ii debug stub
65816: support 8-bit immediate mode
repl: add re-run and clear buttons
ssc: fix returning false from an else clause
     add byteswap, byte reads / writes
     start stdlib with memcpy
2021-09-23 22:28:48 -04:00

78 lines
2.3 KiB

(local core (require :core))
(local socket (require :socket))
(local {: int16-to-bytes : int32-to-bytes : lo} (require :lib.util))
(local config {
:host "pi.local"
:port 6502
{:cmd {
:write 0
:read 1
:jmp 2
:pause 3
:ping 4
:response {
:ack 0
:data 1
:pending {}
:msgid 0
(fn [self ?port ?host]
(when (not self.connection)
(local [port host] [(or ?port config.port) (or ?host config.host)])
(set self.connection (assert (socket.udp)))
(assert (self.connection:setpeername host port))
(self.connection:settimeout 0)
(core.add_thread #(while (self:connected?) (self:receive) (coroutine.yield)) self.connection)))
:connected? (fn [self] (not= self.connection nil))
(fn [self]
(when self.connection
(set self.connection nil)
(set self.pending {})))
(fn [self]
(set self.msgid (lo (+ self.msgid 1)))
(fn [self cmd ?data ?callback]
(let [msgid (self:next-msgid)
msg (.. (string.char msgid cmd) (or ?data ""))]
(when ?callback (tset self.pending msgid ?callback))
(self.connection:send msg)))
(fn [self]
(when self.connection
(let [data (self.connection:receive)]
(when data
(let [msgid (string.byte (data:sub 1 1))
cmd (string.byte (data:sub 2 2))
pendingfn (. self.pending msgid)]
(when pendingfn
(tset self.pending msgid nil)
(pendingfn self cmd (data:sub 3))))))))
:jump (fn [self addr] (self:send self.cmd.jmp (int32-to-bytes addr)))
; todo: break up into multiple calls
(fn [self addr len]
(let [coro (coroutine.running)]
(self:send self.cmd.read (.. (int32-to-bytes addr)
(int16-to-bytes len))
#(coroutine.resume coro $3))
(fn [self addr data]
(let [coro (coroutine.running)]
(self:send self.cmd.write (.. (int32-to-bytes addr)
(int16-to-bytes (length data))
#(coroutine.resume coro $3))
:launch (fn [self prg] (self:jump (prg:lookup-addr prg.start-symbol)))