{ "ref": "text-teleporterhelp", "pages": [ "----------------------------------------" + " HOW TO USE THE TELEPORTER " + " " + "Using a teleporter requires tokens, so " + "you must first GET tokens out of your " + "pocket and then place your cursor on the" + "teleporter. While your cursor is still " + "on the elevator perform a PUT command. " + "Upon inserting a token you should hear " + "a brief sound indicating success. Make " + "sure your avatar is inside the teleport " + "and that your cursor is placed on the " + "teleporter itself. Now, type in '42nd' " + "or 'plaza' and press RETURN. Typing in " + "'home' will also take you to your " + "own private turf.", "----------------------------------------" + " THE PHONE HOME BOOK " + "Hyper Dr Cross: pop-hyperdrive " + "Hyper Dr North End: pop-hyperdrivenorth " + "Hyper Dr South End: pop-hyperdrivesouth " + "Outamy Wy Cross: pop-outamyway " + "Outamy Wy North End: pop-outamywaynorth " + "Outamy Wy South End: pop-outamywaysouth " + "Road St Cross: pop-roadstreet " + "Road St North End: pop-roadstreetnorth " + "Road St South End: pop-roadstreetsouth " + "Street Rd Cross: pop-streetroad " + "Street Rd North End: pop-streetroadnorth" + "Street Rd South End: pop-streetroadsouth"] }