const LE = true // little-endian const readBinary = async (url) => { const response = await fetch(url) if (!response.ok) { console.log(response) throw Error(`Failed to download ${url}`) } return new DataView(await response.arrayBuffer()) } const makeCanvas = (w, h) => { const canvas = document.createElement("canvas") canvas.width = w canvas.height = h return canvas } const canvasFromBitmap = (bitmap) => { const h = bitmap.length const w = bitmap[0].length * 2 const canvas = makeCanvas(w, h) const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d") const img = ctx.createImageData(w, h) const putpixel = (x, y, r, g, b, a) => { const i = (x * 8) + (y * w * 4)[i] = r[i + 1] = g[i + 2] = b[i + 3] = a[i + 4] = r[i + 5] = g[i + 6] = b[i + 7] = a } for (let y = 0; y < bitmap.length; y ++) { const line = bitmap[y] for (let x = 0; x < line.length; x ++) { const pixel = line[x] if (pixel == 0) { // transparent putpixel(x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0) } else if (pixel == 1) { // wild // TODO: patterns + colors // for now, always blue putpixel(x, y, 0, 0, 170, 255) } else if (pixel == 2) { // black putpixel(x, y, 0, 0, 0, 255) } else { // skin // TODO: custom skin colors putpixel(x, y, 255, 119, 119, 255) } } } ctx.putImageData(img, 0, 0) return canvas } const signedByte = (byte) => { if ((byte & 0x80) != 0) { const complement = (byte ^ 0xff) + 1 return -complement } else { return byte } } // JS bitmap format: array of scanlines, each scanline being an array of numbers from 0-3 const emptyBitmap = (w, h, color = 0) => { const bitmap = [] for (let y = 0; y < h; y ++) { const scanline = [] for (let x = 0; x < w; x ++) { scanline.push(color) scanline.push(color) scanline.push(color) scanline.push(color) } bitmap.push(scanline) } return bitmap } const drawByte = (bitmap, x, y, byte) => { bitmap[y][x] = (byte & 0xc0) >> 6 bitmap[y][x + 1] = (byte & 0x3c) >> 4 bitmap[y][x + 2] = (byte & 0x0c) >> 2 bitmap[y][x + 3] = (byte & 0x03) } // Prop decoding functions const decodeHowHeld = (byte) => { const heldVal = byte & 0xc0 if (heldVal == 0) { return "swing" } else if (heldVal == 0x40) { return "out" } else if (heldVal == 0x80) { return "both" } else { return "at_side" } } const decodeCelType = (byte) => { const typeVal = byte & 0xc0 if (typeVal == 0x00) { if ((byte & 0x20) == 0) { return "bitmap" } else { return "text" } } else if (typeVal == 0x40) { return "trap" } else if (typeVal == 0x80) { return "box" } else { return "circle" } } const celDecoder = {} celDecoder.bitmap = (data, cel) => { // bitmap cells are RLE-encoded vertical strips of bytes. Decoding starts from the bottom-left // and proceeds upwards until the top of the bitmap is hit; then then next vertical strip is decoded. // Each byte describes four 2-bit pixels. const bitmap = emptyBitmap(cel.width, cel.height) let ibmp = 0 const end = cel.width * cel.height const putByte = (byte) => { const x = Math.floor(ibmp / cel.height) * 4 const y = (cel.height - (ibmp % cel.height)) - 1 drawByte(bitmap, x, y, byte) ibmp ++ } let i = 6 while (ibmp < end) { const byte = data.getUint8(i) i ++ if (byte == 0) { // A zero byte denotes the start of a run of identical bytes. The second // byte denotes the number of repetitions. const count = data.getUint8(i) i ++ if ((count & 0x80) == 0) { // if the high bit of the count is not set, we read a third byte to // determine the byte to repeat. const val = data.getUint8(i) i ++ for (let repeat = 0; repeat < count; repeat ++) { putByte(val) } } else { // if the high bit of the count is set, the lower 7 bits are used as // the count, and a fully transparent byte is repeated. for (let repeat = 0; repeat < (count & 0x7f); repeat ++) { putByte(0) } } } else { // non-zero bytes are raw bitmap data putByte(byte) } } cel.bitmap = bitmap } = (data, cel) => { const bitmap = emptyBitmap(cel.width, cel.height) cel.borderLR = (data.getUint8(0) & 0x20) != 0 cel.borderTB = (data.getUint8(0) & 0x10) != 0 cel.pattern = data.getUint8(6) for (let y = 0; y < cel.height; y ++) { for (let x = 0; x < cel.width; x ++) { if (cel.borderTB && (y == 0 || y == (cel.height - 1))) { drawByte(bitmap, x * 4, y, 0xaa) } else { drawByte(bitmap, x * 4, y, cel.pattern) } } if (cel.borderLR) { const line = bitmap[y] line[0] = 2 line[line.length - 1] = 2 } } cel.bitmap = bitmap } celDecoder.trap = (data, cel) => { let border = false // trap.m:21 - high-bit set means "draw a border" // It looks like this was used as a flag and the real height // was ORed with 0x80 - see house2.m, sign2.m // There are also trapezoids that use 0x80 as their height - // bwall6.m, bwall7.m, bwall9.m, magic_wall.m // This appears to be special-cased to mean "no border" at trap.m:26 // mix.m:253 appears to have the logic to calculate y2, extracting // the height by ANDing with 0x7f (when not 0x80) if ((cel.height & 0x80) != 0 && cel.height != 0x80) { border = true cel.height = cel.height & 0x7f } if ((data.getUint8(0) & 0x10) == 0) { // shape_pattern is a repeating 4-pixel colour, same as box cel.pattern = data.getUint8(6) } else { // shape_pattern is 0xff, and the pattern is a bitmap that follows // the trapezoid definition throw Error("TODO: Implement inline trapezoid patterns") } cel.x1a = data.getUint8(7) cel.x1b = data.getUint8(8) cel.x2a = data.getUint8(9) cel.x2b = data.getUint8(10) // trapezoid-drawing algorithm: // draw_line: draws a line from x1a,y1 to x1b, y1 // handles border drawing (last/first line, edges) // decreases vcount, then jumps to cycle1 if there // are more lines // cycle1: run bresenham, determine if x1a (left edge) needs to be incremented // or decremented (self-modifying code! the instruction in inc_dec1 is // written at trap.m:52) // has logic to jump back to cycle1 if we have a sharp enough angle that // we need to move more than one pixel horizontally // cycle2: same thing, but for x2a (right edge) // at the end, increments y1 and jumps back to the top of draw_line cel.width = Math.floor((Math.max(cel.x1a, cel.x1b, cel.x2a, cel.x2b) + 3) / 4) const height = cel.height cel.bitmap = emptyBitmap(cel.width, height) const dxa = Math.abs(cel.x1a - cel.x2a) const dxb = Math.abs(cel.x1b - cel.x2b) const countMaxA = Math.max(dxa, height) const countMaxB = Math.max(dxb, height) const inca = cel.x1a < cel.x2a ? 1 : -1 const incb = cel.x1b < cel.x2b ? 1 : -1 let x1aLo = Math.floor(countMaxA / 2) let y1aLo = x1aLo let x1bLo = Math.floor(countMaxB / 2) let y1bLo = x1bLo let xa = cel.x1a let xb = cel.x1b for (let y = 0; y < height; y ++) { let patternByte = cel.pattern if (border && (y == 0 || y == (height - 1))) { // top and bottom border line patternByte = 0xaa } // draw a horizontal line from xa,y to xb,y const xStart = xa - (xa % 4) const xEnd = (xb + (3 - (xb % 4))) - 3 for (let x = xStart + 4; x < xEnd; x += 4) { drawByte(cel.bitmap, x, y, patternByte) } const startBit = ((xa - xStart) * 2) const startByte = border ? (0xff >> (startBit + 2)) & patternByte | (0x80 >> startBit) : (0xff >> startBit) & patternByte drawByte(cel.bitmap, xStart, y, startByte) const endBit = (((xEnd + 3) - xb) * 2) const endByte = border ? (0xff << (endBit + 2)) & patternByte | (2 << endBit) : (0xff << endBit) & patternByte drawByte(cel.bitmap, xEnd, y, endByte) // cycle1: move xa do { x1aLo += dxa if (x1aLo >= countMaxA) { x1aLo -= countMaxA xa += inca } y1aLo += height } while (y1aLo < countMaxA) y1aLo -= countMaxA // cycle2: move xb do { x1bLo += dxb if (x1bLo >= countMaxB) { x1bLo -= countMaxB xb += incb } y1bLo += height } while (y1bLo < countMaxA) y1bLo -= countMaxA } } const decodeCel = (data, changesColorRam) => { const cel = { data: data, changesColorRam: changesColorRam, type: decodeCelType(data.getUint8(0)), // wild: (data.getUint8(0) & 0x10) == 0 ? "color" : "pattern", width: data.getUint8(0) & 0x0f, height: data.getUint8(1), xOffset: data.getInt8(2), yOffset: data.getInt8(3), xRel: data.getInt8(4), yRel: data.getInt8(5) } if (celDecoder[cel.type]) { celDecoder[cel.type](data, cel) } if (cel.bitmap) { cel.canvas = canvasFromBitmap(cel.bitmap) } return cel } const decodeSide = (byte) => { const side = byte & 0x03 if (side == 0x00) { return "left" } else if (side == 0x01) { return "right" } else if (side == 0x02) { return "up" } else { return "down" } } const decodeWalkto = (byte) => { return { fromSide: decodeSide(byte), offset: signedByte(byte & 0xfc) } } const decodeProp = (data) => { const prop = { data: data, howHeld: decodeHowHeld(data.getUint8(0)), colorBitmask: data.getUint8(1), containerXYOff: data.getUint8(3), // TODO: parse this when nonzero walkto: { left: decodeWalkto(data.getUint8(4)), right: decodeWalkto(data.getUint8(5)), yoff: data.getInt8(6) }, animations: [], celmasks: [], cels: [] } const stateCount = (data.getUint8(0) & 0x3f) + 1 const graphicStateOff = data.getUint8(2) const celMasksOff = 7 const celOffsetsOff = celMasksOff + stateCount // The prop structure does not directly encode a count for how many cels there are, but each // "graphic state" is defined by a bitmask marking which cels are present, and we do know how // many states there are. We can assume that all cels are referenced by at least one state, // and use that to determine the cel count. let allCelsMask = 0 for (let icelmask = 0; icelmask < stateCount; icelmask ++) { const celmask = data.getUint8(celMasksOff + icelmask) prop.celmasks.push(celmask) allCelsMask |= celmask } if (allCelsMask != 0x80 && allCelsMask != 0xc0 && allCelsMask != 0xe0 && allCelsMask != 0xf0 && allCelsMask != 0xf8 && allCelsMask != 0xfc && allCelsMask != 0xfe && allCelsMask != 0xff) { throw new Error("Inconsistent graphic state cel masks - implies unused cel data") } let firstCelOff = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY for (let celOffsetOff = celOffsetsOff; allCelsMask != 0; celOffsetOff += 2) { const icel = prop.cels.length const celbit = 0x80 >> icel const celOff = data.getUint16(celOffsetOff, LE) firstCelOff = Math.min(celOff, firstCelOff) prop.cels.push(decodeCel(new DataView(data.buffer, celOff), (prop.colorBitmask & celbit) != 0)) allCelsMask = (allCelsMask << 1) & 0xff } // The prop structure also does not encode a count for how many frames there are, so we simply // stop parsing once we find one that doesn't make sense. // We also use the heuristic that this structure always precedes the first cel, as that seems to be // consistently be the case with all the props in the Habitat source tree. We'll stop reading // animation data if we cross that boundary. If we encounter a prop that has the animation data // _after_ the cel data, which would be legal but doesn't happen in practice, then we ignore this // heuristic rather than failing to parse any animation data. // It's possible for there to be no frames, which is represented by an offset of 0 (no_animation) if (graphicStateOff != 0) { for (let frameOff = graphicStateOff; (graphicStateOff > firstCelOff) || (frameOff < firstCelOff); frameOff += 2) { // each animation is two bytes: the starting state, and the ending state // the first byte can have its high bit set to indicate that the animation should cycle const cycle = (data.getUint8(frameOff) & 0x80) != 0 const startState = data.getUint8(frameOff) & 0x7f const endState = data.getUint8(frameOff + 1) if (startState >= stateCount || endState >= stateCount) { break } prop.animations.push({ cycle: cycle, startState: startState, endState: endState }) } } return prop } const celsFromMask = (prop, celMask) => { const cels = [] for (let icel = 0; icel < 8; icel ++) { const celbit = 0x80 >> icel if ((celMask & celbit) != 0) { cels.push(prop.cels[icel]) } } return cels } const compositeCels = (cels) => { let minX = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY let minY = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY let maxX = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY let maxY = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY let xRel = 0 let yRel = 0 for (let cel of cels) { minX = Math.min(minX, cel.xOffset + xRel) minY = Math.min(minY, -(cel.yOffset + yRel)) maxX = Math.max(maxX, cel.width + cel.xOffset + xRel) maxY = Math.max(maxY, cel.height - (cel.yOffset + yRel)) xRel += cel.xRel yRel += cel.yRel } const w = (maxX - minX) * 8 const h = maxY - minY const canvas = makeCanvas(w, h) const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d") xRel = 0 yRel = 0 for (let cel of cels) { ctx.drawImage(cel.canvas, (cel.xOffset + xRel - minX) * 8, -(cel.yOffset + yRel) - minY) xRel += cel.xRel yRel += cel.yRel } return { canvas: canvas, xOffset: minX * 8, yOffset: minY } } const imageFromCanvas = (canvas) => { const img = document.createElement("img") img.src = canvas.toDataURL() img.width = canvas.width * 3 img.height = canvas.height * 3 = "pixelated" return img } const textNode = (text, type = "span") => { const node = document.createElement(type) node.innerText = text return node } const linkDetail = (element, filename) => { const detailLink = document.createElement("a") detailLink.href = `detail.html?f=${filename}` detailLink.appendChild(element) return detailLink } const showStates = (prop, container) => { for (const celmask of prop.celmasks) { const state = compositeCels(celsFromMask(prop, celmask)) const img = imageFromCanvas(state.canvas) img.alt = prop.filename container.appendChild(linkDetail(img, prop.filename)) } } const showCels = (prop, container) => { for (const cel of prop.cels) { if (cel.canvas) { container.appendChild(imageFromCanvas(cel.canvas)) } } } const decodeBinary = async (filename) => { try { const prop = decodeProp(await readBinary(filename)) prop.filename = filename return prop } catch (e) { return { filename: filename, error: e } } } const showError = (e, filename) => { const container = document.getElementById("errors") const errNode = document.createElement("p") console.error(e) errNode.appendChild(linkDetail(textNode(filename, "b"), filename)) errNode.appendChild(textNode(e.toString(), "p")) if (e.stack) { errNode.appendChild(textNode(e.stack.toString(), "pre")) } container.appendChild(errNode) } const displayFile = async (filename, container) => { const prop = await decodeBinary(filename) if (prop.error) { showError(prop.error, prop.filename) } else { try { showStates(prop, container) } catch (e) { showError(e, prop.filename) } } } const displayList = async (indexFile, containerId) => { const response = await fetch(indexFile) const filenames = await response.json() const container = document.getElementById(containerId) for (const filename of filenames) { displayFile(filename, container) } }