{ "ref": "text-telehistory", "pages": [ " The History of TelePort " + "The TelePort was invented by the great " + "tinkerer Avatar, Foontrafian Subtrax. It" + "took many years to perfect the technique" + "and many a test animal was lost to the " + "void. It is still rumored to this day " + "that, when the conditions are JUST right" + "a TelePorting Avatar may end up with " + "animal parts in place of his normal " + "limbs and/or head. Rest assured that " + "this is ONLY a rumor. Regardless of the " + "rumored risks, the TelePort has become " + "the single most valued addition to the " + "universe, opening whole new realms for " + "exploration. Socially the 'Port', as it " + "is called by mostly everyone, has", "restructured the world forever. " + " " + "Thank You, Foontrafian! " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + ""] }