; Avatar file: ; 0-1 - offset to choreography index ; 2-3 - offset to choreography tables ; 4-6 - unknown, seems to always be ED 14 00 ; 7-18 - array of offsets of limbs (two bytes each, 6 limbs) ; 19-44 - as follows ; (display_avatar in animate.m:30 copies 26 bytes into these tables) head_cel_number: byte 4 frozen_when_stands: byte 0xff pattern_for_limb: byte AVATAR_LEG_LIMB byte AVATAR_LEG_LIMB byte AVATAR_ARM_LIMB byte AVATAR_TORSO_LIMB byte AVATAR_FACE_LIMB byte AVATAR_ARM_LIMB fv_cels: ; order of cels front view byte 0,1,3,4,2,5 bv_cels: byte 5,2,4,0,1,3 cels_affected_by_height: byte 0,0,1,1,1,1 ; "cel" here doesn't mean "cel" in the data structure sense, as each limb ; can have many different cels. however, only one cel per limb is ; displayed at any given time. ; avatar_height is defined in orientation - either 0 or 8 depending on ; the high bit ; limb "prop": ; 0 - count of cel index "frames", minus one ; limbs can have up to 16 cels. therefore, instead of defining states as ; an index into a table of bitmasks, states are defined as an index into ; the table of cels directly. only one cel is visible per-limb at a time. ; 1-2 - unknown. first byte seems to always be zero. second byte seems ; to be correlated with the number of frames or cels, but isn't a direct ; count of either. ; 3 - array of "frames" (cel indexes), (count + 1) bytes long ; (count + 4) - array of cel offsets (two-byte values) ; cels are in exactly the same format as in props. ; choreography index: ; array of bytes, which are indexes into choreography tables. ; this is indexed by the bottom 7 bits of `requested_chore`. Possible choreography values? some special cases are handled in chore.m:212 which suggests these as valid values. ; define AV_ACT_init = 0x80 + 0 define AV_ACT_stand = 0x80 + 1 define AV_ACT_walk = 0x80 + 2 define AV_ACT_hand_back = 0x80 + 3 define AV_ACT_sit_floor = 0x80 + 4 define AV_ACT_sit_chair = 0x80 + 5 define AV_ACT_bend_over = 0x80 + 6 define AV_ACT_bend_back = 0x80 + 7 define AV_ACT_point = 0x80 + 8 define AV_ACT_throw = 0x80 + 9 define AV_ACT_get_shot = 0x80 + 10 define AV_ACT_jump = 0x80 + 11 define AV_ACT_punch = 0x80 + 12 define AV_ACT_wave = 0x80 + 13 define AV_ACT_frown = 0x80 + 14 define AV_ACT_stand_back = 0x80 + 15 define AV_ACT_walk_front = 0x80 + 16 define AV_ACT_walk_back = 0x80 + 17 define AV_ACT_stand_front = 0x80 + 18 define AV_ACT_unpocket = 0x80 + 19 define AV_ACT_gimme = 0x80 + 20 define AV_ACT_knife = 0x80 + 21 define AV_ACT_arm_get = 0x80 + 22 define AV_ACT_hand_out = 0x80 + 23 define AV_ACT_operate = 0x80 + 24 define AV_ACT_arm_back = 0x80 + 25 define AV_ACT_shoot1 = 0x80 + 26 define AV_ACT_shoot2 = 0x80 + 27 define AV_ACT_nop = 0x80 + 28 define AV_ACT_sit_front = 0x80 + 29 ; choreography tables: ; an array of arrays of bytes, indicating "states". if the high bit is ; set, this signals the end of the inner array. ; unclear at this time how exactly these values are interpreted.