const fs = require('node:fs/promises'); const assert = require('node:assert/strict'); const die = (...message) => { console.error(...message) process.exit(1) } if (process.argv.length != 3) { die("Usage: node out2prg.js FILE.out") } const replaceExtension = (filename, ext) => { const idot = filename.lastIndexOf(".") return `${idot < 0 ? filename : filename.substr(0, idot)}.${ext}` } (async () => { const outfilename = process.argv[2] const data = await fs.readFile(outfilename) assert.equal(data.readUint16LE(0), 0xffff, `${outfilename} does not start with magic FFFF bytes`) const prgfilename = replaceExtension(outfilename, "prg") const prgfile = await, "w") try { let off = 2 let nextAddress = null let bootAddr = null while (off < data.length) { const startAddr = data.readUint16LE(off) const endAddr = data.readUint16LE(off + 2) if (startAddr == endAddr && bootAddr == null) { bootAddr = startAddr console.log(`To start, type SYS${bootAddr}`) console.log(`Skipping byte: ${data.readUint8(off + 4)}`) off += 5 continue } assert.ok(endAddr >= startAddr, `Invalid address range ${startAddr}:${endAddr}`) assert.ok(nextAddress == null || startAddr >= nextAddress, `Expected ${startAddr} to come after previous segment ending at ${nextAddress}`) const paddingLength = nextAddress == null ? 0 : startAddr - nextAddress const blobLength = endAddr - startAddr + 1 if (nextAddress == null) { await fs.writeFile(prgfile, data.subarray(off, off + 2)) } if (paddingLength > 0) { await fs.writeFile(prgfile, Buffer.alloc(paddingLength)) } off += 4 await fs.writeFile(prgfile, data.subarray(off, off + blobLength)) nextAddress = endAddr + 1 off += blobLength } } finally { await prgfile.close() } })()