2010-12-01 17:04:15 -08:00

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<story title="Richard and Larry Build A Time Machine" author="Jeremy Penner">
<loadmodule url="retrochronal.js" />
<nev name="start">
<p>"I still can't believe you actually used a [DeLorean]," says Larry.</p>
<p>"Hey, if you're going to do a thing, you ought to do it right," says [Richard].</p>
<word name="DeLorean">
<verb name="Examine">
Larry looks at the [DeLorean] with astonishment. [Richard] has done it up to look <i>exactly</i> like the car from
<i>Back to the Future</i>.
<verb name="Drive">
<p>Larry eyes the [DeLorean car]. "Give me the keys," he says. "I want to take this baby to 88."</p>
<p>"Oh, it doesn't drive anymore," says [Richard]. "I had to use the engine to power the time machine."</p>
<word name="Richard">
<verb name="how" display="What have you done?">
<p>"So, run it by me again," says Larry.</p>
<p>"I modified this [DeLorean] to send information backwards through time," says [Richard].</p>
<p>"Just information. Not matter."</p>
<p>Larry ponders this for a moment. "How... how does that even work?"</p>
<p>[Richard] waves his hands around. "Spooky action at a distance," he says.</p>
<p>"No, I mean, augh. I mean, what can you practically change about the past with this machine?" says Larry.</p>
"Well, so far I've gotten my computer to crash five minutes before I push this [button]," says [Richard],
gesturing at one of the controls inside the [DeLorean].
<word name="button">
<verb name="Push">
<p>Larry reaches for the button and gives it a push.</p>
<p>"Nothing happened", says Larry, looking at the [computer].</p>
<p>"I <i>told</i> you you were going to push it," says [Richard].</p>
<p>Larry opens his mouth to say something, then seems to think better of it.</p>
<pastresponse after="start" future_cause="button.Push" name="crash">
<p>There is a beep as [Richard Richard's] [computer] spontaneously and inexplicably reboots.</p>
<p>"Aw, geez, you're going to push the button, aren't you?", whines [Richard].</p>
<p>"What? What button?" asks Larry, puzzled.</p>
<p>"Never mind," says [Richard].</p>