983 lines
46 KiB
983 lines
46 KiB
/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
* Run-time assembler for the i386
* Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Ian Piumarta
* This file is part of GNU lightning.
* GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef __lightning_asm_h
#define __lightning_asm_h
/* OPCODE + i = immediate operand
* + r = register operand
* + m = memory operand (disp,base,index,scale)
* + sr/sm = a star preceding a register or memory
typedef _uc jit_insn;
#define _b00 0
#define _b01 1
#define _b10 2
#define _b11 3
#define _b000 0
#define _b001 1
#define _b010 2
#define _b011 3
#define _b100 4
#define _b101 5
#define _b110 6
#define _b111 7
/*** REGISTERS ***/ /* [size,,number] */
#define _AL 0x10
#define _CL 0x11
#define _DL 0x12
#define _BL 0x13
#define _AH 0x14
#define _CH 0x15
#define _DH 0x16
#define _BH 0x17
#define _AX 0x20
#define _CX 0x21
#define _DX 0x22
#define _BX 0x23
#define _SP 0x24
#define _BP 0x25
#define _SI 0x26
#define _DI 0x27
#define _EAX 0x40
#define _ECX 0x41
#define _EDX 0x42
#define _EBX 0x43
#define _ESP 0x44
#define _EBP 0x45
#define _ESI 0x46
#define _EDI 0x47
#define _rS(R) ((R)>>4)
#define _rN(R) ((R)&0x7)
#define _r0P(R) ((R)==0)
#ifndef _ASM_SAFETY
#define _r1(R) _rN(R)
#define _r2(R) _rN(R)
#define _r4(R) _rN(R)
#define _r1(R) ((_rS(R)==1) ? _rN(R) : JITFAIL( "8-bit register required"))
#define _r2(R) ((_rS(R)==2) ? _rN(R) : JITFAIL("16-bit register required"))
#define _r4(R) ((_rS(R)==4) ? _rN(R) : JITFAIL("32-bit register required"))
/*** ASSEMBLER ***/
#define _OFF4(D) (_UL(D) - _UL(_jit.pc))
#define _CKD8(D) _ck_d(8, ((_uc) _OFF4(D)) )
#define _D8(D) (_B(0), ((*(_PUC(_jit.pc)-1))= _CKD8(D)))
#define _D32(D) (_L(0), ((*(_PUL(_jit.pc)-1))= _OFF4(D)))
#ifndef _ASM_SAFETY
# define _M(M) (M)
# define _r(R) (R)
# define _m(M) (M)
# define _s(S) (S)
# define _i(I) (I)
# define _b(B) (B)
# define _noESP(I,OK) (OK)
# define _M(M) (((M)>3) ? JITFAIL("internal error: mod = " #M) : (M))
# define _r(R) (((R)>7) ? JITFAIL("internal error: reg = " #R) : (R))
# define _m(M) (((M)>7) ? JITFAIL("internal error: r/m = " #M) : (M))
# define _s(S) (((S)>3) ? JITFAIL("internal error: memory scale = " #S) : (S))
# define _i(I) (((I)>7) ? JITFAIL("internal error: memory index = " #I) : (I))
# define _b(B) (((B)>7) ? JITFAIL("internal error: memory base = " #B) : (B))
# define _noESP(I,OK) (((I)==_ESP) ? JITFAIL("illegal index register: %esp") : (OK))
#define _Mrm(Md,R,M) _B((_M(Md)<<6)|(_r(R)<<3)|_m(M))
#define _SIB(Sc,I, B) _B((_s(Sc)<<6)|(_i(I)<<3)|_b(B))
#define _SCL(S) ((((S)==1) ? _b00 : \
(((S)==2) ? _b01 : \
(((S)==4) ? _b10 : \
(((S)==8) ? _b11 : JITFAIL("illegal scale: " #S))))))
/* memory subformats - urgh! */
#define _r_D( R, D ) (_Mrm(_b00,_rN(R),_b101 ) ,_L((long)(D)))
#define _r_0B( R, B ) (_Mrm(_b00,_rN(R),_r4(B)) )
#define _r_0BIS(R, B,I,S) (_Mrm(_b00,_rN(R),_b100 ),_SIB(_SCL(S),_r4(I),_r4(B)) )
#define _r_1B( R, D,B ) (_Mrm(_b01,_rN(R),_r4(B)) ,_B((long)(D)))
#define _r_1BIS(R, D,B,I,S) (_Mrm(_b01,_rN(R),_b100 ),_SIB(_SCL(S),_r4(I),_r4(B)),_B((long)(D)))
#define _r_4B( R, D,B ) (_Mrm(_b10,_rN(R),_r4(B)) ,_L((long)(D)))
#define _r_4IS( R, D,I,S) (_Mrm(_b00,_rN(R),_b100 ),_SIB(_SCL(S),_r4(I),_b101 ),_L((long)(D)))
#define _r_4BIS(R, D,B,I,S) (_Mrm(_b10,_rN(R),_b100 ),_SIB(_SCL(S),_r4(I),_r4(B)),_L((long)(D)))
#define _r_DB( R, D,B ) ((_s0P(D) && (B != _EBP) ? _r_0B (R, B ) : (_s8P(D) ? _r_1B( R,D,B ) : _r_4B( R,D,B ))))
#define _r_DBIS(R, D,B,I,S) ((_s0P(D) ? _r_0BIS(R, B,I,S) : (_s8P(D) ? _r_1BIS(R,D,B,I,S) : _r_4BIS(R,D,B,I,S))))
#define _r_X( R, D,B,I,S) (_r0P(I) ? (_r0P(B) ? _r_D (R,D ) : \
(_ESP==(B) ? _r_DBIS(R,D,_ESP,_ESP,1) : \
_r_DB (R,D, B ))) : \
(_r0P(B) ? _r_4IS (R,D, I,S) : \
(((I)!=_ESP) ? _r_DBIS(R,D, B, I,S) : \
JITFAIL("illegal index register: %esp"))))
/* instruction formats */
/* _format Opcd ModR/M dN(rB,rI,Sc) imm... */
#define _d16() ( _B(0x66 ) )
#define _O( OP ) ( _B( OP ) )
#define _Or( OP,R ) ( _B( (OP)|_r(R)) )
#define _OO( OP ) ( _B((OP)>>8), _B( (OP) ) )
#define _OOr( OP,R ) ( _B((OP)>>8), _B( (OP)|_r(R)) )
#define _Os( OP,B ) ( _s8P(B) ? _B(((OP)|_b10)) : _B(OP) )
#define _sW( W ) ( _s8P(W) ? _B(W):_W(W) )
#define _sL( L ) ( _s8P(L) ? _B(L):_L(L) )
#define _O_W( OP ,W ) ( _O ( OP ) ,_W(W) )
#define _O_D8( OP ,D ) ( _O ( OP ) ,_D8(D) )
#define _O_D32( OP ,D ) ( _O ( OP ) ,_D32(D) )
#define _OO_D32( OP ,D ) ( _OO ( OP ) ,_D32(D) )
#define _Os_sW( OP ,W ) ( _Os ( OP,W) ,_sW(W) )
#define _Os_sL( OP ,L ) ( _Os ( OP,L) ,_sL(L) )
#define _O_W_B( OP ,W,B) ( _O ( OP ) ,_W(W),_B(B))
#define _Or_B( OP,R ,B ) ( _Or ( OP,R) ,_B(B) )
#define _Or_W( OP,R ,W ) ( _Or ( OP,R) ,_W(W) )
#define _Or_L( OP,R ,L ) ( _Or ( OP,R) ,_L(L) )
#define _O_Mrm( OP ,MO,R,M ) ( _O ( OP ),_Mrm(MO,R,M ) )
#define _OO_Mrm( OP ,MO,R,M ) ( _OO ( OP ),_Mrm(MO,R,M ) )
#define _O_Mrm_B( OP ,MO,R,M ,B ) ( _O ( OP ),_Mrm(MO,R,M ) ,_B(B) )
#define _O_Mrm_W( OP ,MO,R,M ,W ) ( _O ( OP ),_Mrm(MO,R,M ) ,_W(W) )
#define _O_Mrm_L( OP ,MO,R,M ,L ) ( _O ( OP ),_Mrm(MO,R,M ) ,_L(L) )
#define _OO_Mrm_B( OP ,MO,R,M ,B ) ( _OO ( OP ),_Mrm(MO,R,M ) ,_B(B) )
#define _Os_Mrm_sW(OP ,MO,R,M ,W ) ( _Os ( OP,W),_Mrm(MO,R,M ),_sW(W) )
#define _Os_Mrm_sL(OP ,MO,R,M ,L ) ( _Os ( OP,L),_Mrm(MO,R,M ),_sL(L) )
#define _O_r_X( OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) ( _O ( OP ),_r_X( R ,MD,MB,MI,MS) )
#define _OO_r_X( OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) ( _OO ( OP ),_r_X( R ,MD,MB,MI,MS) )
#define _O_r_X_B( OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS,B ) ( _O ( OP ),_r_X( R ,MD,MB,MI,MS) ,_B(B) )
#define _O_r_X_W( OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS,W ) ( _O ( OP ),_r_X( R ,MD,MB,MI,MS) ,_W(W) )
#define _O_r_X_L( OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS,L ) ( _O ( OP ),_r_X( R ,MD,MB,MI,MS) ,_L(L) )
#define _OO_r_X_B( OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS,B ) ( _OO ( OP ),_r_X( R ,MD,MB,MI,MS) ,_B(B) )
#define _Os_r_X_sW(OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS,W ) ( _Os ( OP,W),_r_X( R ,MD,MB,MI,MS),_sW(W) )
#define _Os_r_X_sL(OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS,L ) ( _Os ( OP,L),_r_X( R ,MD,MB,MI,MS),_sL(L) )
#define _O_X_B( OP ,MD,MB,MI,MS,B ) ( _O_r_X_B( OP ,0 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,B) )
#define _O_X_W( OP ,MD,MB,MI,MS,W ) ( _O_r_X_W( OP ,0 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,W) )
#define _O_X_L( OP ,MD,MB,MI,MS,L ) ( _O_r_X_L( OP ,0 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,L) )
#define _wO( OP ) (_d16(), _O( OP ) )
#define _wOr( OP,R ) (_d16(), _Or( OP,R ) )
#define _wOr_W( OP,R ,W ) (_d16(), _Or_W( OP,R ,W) )
#define _wOs_sW( OP ,W ) (_d16(), _Os_sW( OP ,W) )
#define _wO_Mrm( OP ,MO,R,M ) (_d16(), _O_Mrm( OP ,MO,R,M ) )
#define _wOO_Mrm( OP ,MO,R,M ) (_d16(),_OO_Mrm( OP ,MO,R,M ) )
#define _wO_Mrm_B( OP ,MO,R,M ,B ) (_d16(), _O_Mrm_B( OP ,MO,R,M ,B) )
#define _wOO_Mrm_B( OP ,MO,R,M ,B ) (_d16(),_OO_Mrm_B( OP ,MO,R,M ,B) )
#define _wO_Mrm_W( OP ,MO,R,M ,W ) (_d16(), _O_Mrm_W( OP ,MO,R,M ,W) )
#define _wOs_Mrm_sW(OP ,MO,R,M ,W ) (_d16(), _Os_Mrm_sW(OP ,MO,R,M ,W) )
#define _wO_X_W( OP ,MD,MB,MI,MS,W ) (_d16(), _O_X_W( OP ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,W) )
#define _wO_r_X( OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) (_d16(), _O_r_X( OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) )
#define _wOO_r_X( OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) (_d16(),_OO_r_X( OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) )
#define _wO_r_X_B( OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS,B ) (_d16(), _O_r_X_B( OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,B) )
#define _wOO_r_X_B( OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS,B ) (_d16(),_OO_r_X_B( OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,B) )
#define _wO_r_X_W( OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS,W ) (_d16(), _O_r_X_W( OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,W) )
#define _wOs_r_X_sW(OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS,W ) (_d16(), _Os_r_X_sW(OP ,R ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,W) )
/* +++ fully-qualified intrinsic instructions */
/* _format Opcd ,Mod ,r ,m ,mem=dsp+sib ,imm... */
#define ADCBrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x10 ,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD) )
#define ADCBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x12 ,_r1(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ADCBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x10 ,_r1(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ADCBir(IM, RD) _O_Mrm_B (0x80 ,_b11,_b010 ,_r1(RD) ,_su8(IM))
#define ADCBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X_B (0x80 ,_b010 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su8(IM))
#define ADCWrr(RS, RD) _wO_Mrm (0x11 ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define ADCWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _wO_r_X (0x13 ,_r2(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ADCWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wO_r_X (0x11 ,_r2(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ADCWir(IM, RD) _wOs_Mrm_sW (0x81 ,_b11,_b010 ,_r2(RD) ,_su16(IM))
#define ADCWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wOs_r_X_sW (0x81 ,_b010 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su16(IM))
#define ADCLrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x11 ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) )
#define ADCLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x13 ,_r4(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ADCLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x11 ,_r4(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ADCLir(IM, RD) _Os_Mrm_sL (0x81 ,_b11,_b010 ,_r4(RD) ,IM )
#define ADCLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _Os_r_X_sL (0x81 ,_b010 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,IM )
#define ADDBrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x00 ,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD) )
#define ADDBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x02 ,_r1(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ADDBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x00 ,_r1(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ADDBir(IM, RD) _O_Mrm_B (0x80 ,_b11,_b000 ,_r1(RD) ,_su8(IM))
#define ADDBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X_B (0x80 ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su8(IM))
#define ADDWrr(RS, RD) _wO_Mrm (0x01 ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define ADDWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _wO_r_X (0x03 ,_r2(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ADDWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wO_r_X (0x01 ,_r2(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ADDWir(IM, RD) _wOs_Mrm_sW (0x81 ,_b11,_b000 ,_r2(RD) ,_su16(IM))
#define ADDWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wOs_r_X_sW (0x81 ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su16(IM))
#define ADDLrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x01 ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) )
#define ADDLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x03 ,_r4(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ADDLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x01 ,_r4(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ADDLir(IM, RD) _Os_Mrm_sL (0x81 ,_b11,_b000 ,_r4(RD) ,IM )
#define ADDLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _Os_r_X_sL (0x81 ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,IM )
#define ANDBrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x20 ,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD) )
#define ANDBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x22 ,_r1(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ANDBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x20 ,_r1(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ANDBir(IM, RD) _O_Mrm_B (0x80 ,_b11,_b100 ,_r1(RD) ,_su8(IM))
#define ANDBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X_B (0x80 ,_b100 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su8(IM))
#define ANDWrr(RS, RD) _wO_Mrm (0x21 ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define ANDWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _wO_r_X (0x23 ,_r2(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ANDWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wO_r_X (0x21 ,_r2(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ANDWir(IM, RD) _wOs_Mrm_sW (0x81 ,_b11,_b100 ,_r2(RD) ,_su16(IM))
#define ANDWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wOs_r_X_sW (0x81 ,_b100 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su16(IM))
#define ANDLrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x21 ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) )
#define ANDLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x23 ,_r4(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ANDLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x21 ,_r4(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ANDLir(IM, RD) _Os_Mrm_sL (0x81 ,_b11,_b100 ,_r4(RD) ,IM )
#define ANDLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _Os_r_X_sL (0x81 ,_b100 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,IM )
#define BSWAPLr(R) _OOr (0x0fc8,_r4(R) )
#define BTWir(IM,RD) _wOO_Mrm_B (0x0fba ,_b11,_b100 ,_r2(RD) ,_u8(IM))
#define BTWim(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS) _wOO_r_X_B (0x0fba ,_b100 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM))
#define BTWrr(RS,RD) _wOO_Mrm (0x0fa3 ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define BTWrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS) _wOO_r_X (0x0fa3 ,_r2(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define BTLir(IM,RD) _OO_Mrm_B (0x0fba ,_b11,_b100 ,_r4(RD) ,_u8(IM))
#define BTLim(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS) _OO_r_X_B (0x0fba ,_b100 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM))
#define BTLrr(RS,RD) _OO_Mrm (0x0fa3 ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) )
#define BTLrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS) _OO_r_X (0x0fa3 ,_r4(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define BTCWir(IM,RD) _wOO_Mrm_B (0x0fba ,_b11,_b111 ,_r2(RD) ,_u8(IM))
#define BTCWim(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS) _wOO_r_X_B (0x0fba ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM))
#define BTCWrr(RS,RD) _wOO_Mrm (0x0fbb ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define BTCWrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS) _wOO_r_X (0x0fbb ,_r2(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define BTCLir(IM,RD) _OO_Mrm_B (0x0fba ,_b11,_b111 ,_r4(RD) ,_u8(IM))
#define BTCLim(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS) _OO_r_X_B (0x0fba ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM))
#define BTCLrr(RS,RD) _OO_Mrm (0x0fbb ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) )
#define BTCLrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS) _OO_r_X (0x0fbb ,_r4(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define BTRWir(IM,RD) _wOO_Mrm_B (0x0fba ,_b11,_b110 ,_r2(RD) ,_u8(IM))
#define BTRWim(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS) _wOO_r_X_B (0x0fba ,_b110 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM))
#define BTRWrr(RS,RD) _wOO_Mrm (0x0fb3 ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define BTRWrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS) _wOO_r_X (0x0fb3 ,_r2(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define BTRLir(IM,RD) _OO_Mrm_B (0x0fba ,_b11,_b110 ,_r4(RD) ,_u8(IM))
#define BTRLim(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS) _OO_r_X_B (0x0fba ,_b110 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM))
#define BTRLrr(RS,RD) _OO_Mrm (0x0fb3 ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) )
#define BTRLrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS) _OO_r_X (0x0fb3 ,_r4(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define BTSWir(IM,RD) _wOO_Mrm_B (0x0fba ,_b11,_b101 ,_r2(RD) ,_u8(IM))
#define BTSWim(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS) _wOO_r_X_B (0x0fba ,_b101 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM))
#define BTSWrr(RS,RD) _wOO_Mrm (0x0fab ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define BTSWrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS) _wOO_r_X (0x0fab ,_r2(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define BTSLir(IM,RD) _OO_Mrm_B (0x0fba ,_b11,_b101 ,_r4(RD) ,_u8(IM))
#define BTSLim(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS) _OO_r_X_B (0x0fba ,_b101 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM))
#define BTSLrr(RS,RD) _OO_Mrm (0x0fab ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) )
#define BTSLrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS) _OO_r_X (0x0fab ,_r4(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define CALLm(D,B,I,S) ((_r0P(B) && _r0P(I)) ? _O_D32 (0xe8 ,(int)(D) ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in direct jump"))
#define CALLsr(R) _O_Mrm (0xff ,_b11,_b010,_r4(R) )
#define CALLsm(D,B,I,S) _O_r_X (0xff ,_b010 ,(int)(D),B,I,S )
#define CBW() _O (0x98 )
#define CLC() _O (0xf8 )
#define CLTD() _O (0x99 )
#define CMC() _O (0xf5 )
#define CMPBrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x38 ,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD) )
#define CMPBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x3a ,_r1(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define CMPBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x38 ,_r1(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define CMPBir(IM, RD) _O_Mrm_B (0x80 ,_b11,_b111 ,_r1(RD) ,_su8(IM))
#define CMPBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X_B (0x80 ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su8(IM))
#define CMPWrr(RS, RD) _wO_Mrm (0x39 ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define CMPWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _wO_r_X (0x3b ,_r2(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define CMPWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wO_r_X (0x39 ,_r2(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define CMPWir(IM, RD) _wOs_Mrm_sW (0x81 ,_b11,_b111 ,_r2(RD) ,_su16(IM))
#define CMPWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wOs_r_X_sW (0x81 ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su16(IM))
#define CMPLrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x39 ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) )
#define CMPLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x3b ,_r4(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define CMPLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x39 ,_r4(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define CMPLir(IM, RD) _O_Mrm_L (0x81 ,_b11,_b111 ,_r4(RD) ,IM )
#define CMPLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X_L (0x81 ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,IM )
#define CWD() _O (0x99 )
#define CMPXCHGBrr(RS,RD) _OO_Mrm (0x0fb0 ,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD) )
#define CMPXCHGBrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS) _OO_r_X (0x0fb0 ,_r1(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define CMPXCHGWrr(RS,RD) _wOO_Mrm (0x0fb1 ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define CMPXCHGWrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS) _wOO_r_X (0x0fb1 ,_r2(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define CMPXCHGLrr(RS,RD) _OO_Mrm (0x0fb1 ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) )
#define CMPXCHGLrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS) _OO_r_X (0x0fb1 ,_r4(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define DECBr(RD) _O_Mrm (0xfe ,_b11,_b001 ,_r1(RD) )
#define DECBm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0xfe ,_b001 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define DECWr(RD) _wOr (0x48,_r2(RD) )
#define DECWm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _wO_r_X (0xff ,_b001 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define DECLr(RD) _Or (0x48,_r4(RD) )
#define DECLm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0xff ,_b001 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define DIVBr(RS) _O_Mrm (0xf6 ,_b11,_b110 ,_r1(RS) )
#define DIVBm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0xf6 ,_b110 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define DIVWr(RS) _wO_Mrm (0xf7 ,_b11,_b110 ,_r2(RS) )
#define DIVWm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _wO_r_X (0xf7 ,_b110 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define DIVLr(RS) _O_Mrm (0xf7 ,_b11,_b110 ,_r4(RS) )
#define DIVLm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0xf7 ,_b110 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ENTERii(W, B) _O_W_B (0xc8 ,_su16(W),_su8(B))
#define HLT() _O (0xf4 )
#define IDIVBr(RS) _O_Mrm (0xf6 ,_b11,_b111 ,_r1(RS) )
#define IDIVBm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0xf6 ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define IDIVWr(RS) _wO_Mrm (0xf7 ,_b11,_b111 ,_r2(RS) )
#define IDIVWm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _wO_r_X (0xf7 ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define IDIVLr(RS) _O_Mrm (0xf7 ,_b11,_b111 ,_r4(RS) )
#define IDIVLm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0xf7 ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define IMULBr(RS) _O_Mrm (0xf6 ,_b11,_b101 ,_r1(RS) )
#define IMULBm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0xf6 ,_b101 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define IMULWr(RS) _wO_Mrm (0xf7 ,_b11,_b101 ,_r2(RS) )
#define IMULWm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _wO_r_X (0xf7 ,_b101 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define IMULLr(RS) _O_Mrm (0xf7 ,_b11,_b101 ,_r4(RS) )
#define IMULLm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0xf7 ,_b101 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define IMULWrr(RS,RD) _wOO_Mrm (0x0faf ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define IMULWmr(MD,MB,MI,MS,RD) _wOO_r_X (0x0faf ,_r2(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define IMULWirr(IM,RS,RD) _wOs_Mrm_sW (0x69 ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) ,_su16(IM) )
#define IMULWimr(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS,RD) _wOs_r_X_sW (0x69 ,_r2(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su16(IM) )
#define IMULLir(IM,RD) _Os_Mrm_sL (0x69 ,_b11,_r4(RD),_r4(RD) ,IM )
#define IMULLrr(RS,RD) _OO_Mrm (0x0faf ,_b11,_r4(RD),_r4(RS) )
#define IMULLmr(MD,MB,MI,MS,RD) _OO_r_X (0x0faf ,_r4(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define IMULLirr(IM,RS,RD) _Os_Mrm_sL (0x69 ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) ,IM )
#define IMULLimr(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS,RD) _Os_r_X_sL (0x69 ,_r4(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,IM )
#define INCBr(RD) _O_Mrm (0xfe ,_b11,_b000 ,_r1(RD) )
#define INCBm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0xfe ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define INCWr(RD) _wOr (0x40,_r2(RD) )
#define INCWm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _wO_r_X (0xff ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define INCLr(RD) _Or (0x40,_r4(RD) )
#define INCLm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0xff ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define INVD() _OO (0x0f08 )
#define INVLPGm(MD, MB, MI, MS) _OO_r_X (0x0f01 ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define JCCSim(CC,D,B,I,S) ((_r0P(B) && _r0P(I)) ? _O_D8 (0x70|(CC) ,(int)(D) ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in conditional jump"))
#define JOSm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0x0,D,B,I,S)
#define JNOSm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0x1,D,B,I,S)
#define JBSm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0x2,D,B,I,S)
#define JNAESm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0x2,D,B,I,S)
#define JNBSm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0x3,D,B,I,S)
#define JAESm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0x3,D,B,I,S)
#define JESm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0x4,D,B,I,S)
#define JZSm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0x4,D,B,I,S)
#define JNESm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0x5,D,B,I,S)
#define JNZSm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0x5,D,B,I,S)
#define JBESm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0x6,D,B,I,S)
#define JNASm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0x6,D,B,I,S)
#define JNBESm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0x7,D,B,I,S)
#define JASm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0x7,D,B,I,S)
#define JSSm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0x8,D,B,I,S)
#define JNSSm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0x9,D,B,I,S)
#define JPSm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0xa,D,B,I,S)
#define JPESm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0xa,D,B,I,S)
#define JNPSm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0xb,D,B,I,S)
#define JPOSm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0xb,D,B,I,S)
#define JLSm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0xc,D,B,I,S)
#define JNGESm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0xc,D,B,I,S)
#define JNLSm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0xd,D,B,I,S)
#define JGESm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0xd,D,B,I,S)
#define JLESm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0xe,D,B,I,S)
#define JNGSm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0xe,D,B,I,S)
#define JNLESm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0xf,D,B,I,S)
#define JGSm(D,B,I,S) JCCSim(0xf,D,B,I,S)
#define JCCim(CC,D,B,I,S) ((_r0P(B) && _r0P(I)) ? _OO_D32 (0x0f80|(CC) ,(int)(D) ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in conditional jump"))
#define JOm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0x0,D,B,I,S)
#define JNOm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0x1,D,B,I,S)
#define JBm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0x2,D,B,I,S)
#define JNAEm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0x2,D,B,I,S)
#define JNBm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0x3,D,B,I,S)
#define JAEm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0x3,D,B,I,S)
#define JEm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0x4,D,B,I,S)
#define JZm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0x4,D,B,I,S)
#define JNEm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0x5,D,B,I,S)
#define JNZm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0x5,D,B,I,S)
#define JBEm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0x6,D,B,I,S)
#define JNAm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0x6,D,B,I,S)
#define JNBEm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0x7,D,B,I,S)
#define JAm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0x7,D,B,I,S)
#define JSm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0x8,D,B,I,S)
#define JNSm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0x9,D,B,I,S)
#define JPm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0xa,D,B,I,S)
#define JPEm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0xa,D,B,I,S)
#define JNPm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0xb,D,B,I,S)
#define JPOm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0xb,D,B,I,S)
#define JLm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0xc,D,B,I,S)
#define JNGEm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0xc,D,B,I,S)
#define JNLm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0xd,D,B,I,S)
#define JGEm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0xd,D,B,I,S)
#define JLEm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0xe,D,B,I,S)
#define JNGm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0xe,D,B,I,S)
#define JNLEm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0xf,D,B,I,S)
#define JGm(D,B,I,S) JCCim(0xf,D,B,I,S)
#define JMPSm(D,B,I,S) ((_r0P(B) && _r0P(I)) ? _O_D8 (0xeb ,(int)(D) ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in short jump"))
#define JMPm(D,B,I,S) ((_r0P(B) && _r0P(I)) ? _O_D32 (0xe9 ,(int)(D) ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in direct jump"))
#define JMPsr(R) _O_Mrm (0xff ,_b11,_b100,_r4(R) )
#define JMPsm(D,B,I,S) _O_r_X (0xff ,_b100 ,(int)(D),B,I,S )
#define LAHF() _O (0x9f )
#define LEALmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x8d ,_r4(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define LEAVE() _O (0xc9 )
#define LMSWr(RS) _OO_Mrm (0x0f01 ,_b11,_b110,_r4(RS) )
#define LMSWm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _OO_r_X (0x0f01 ,_b110 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define LOOPm(MD,MB,MI,MS) ((_r0P(MB) && _r0P(MI)) ? _O_D8 (0xe2 ,MD ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in loop"))
#define LOOPEm(MD,MB,MI,MS) ((_r0P(MB) && _r0P(MI)) ? _O_D8 (0xe1 ,MD ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in loope"))
#define LOOPZm(MD,MB,MI,MS) ((_r0P(MB) && _r0P(MI)) ? _O_D8 (0xe1 ,MD ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in loopz"))
#define LOOPNEm(MD,MB,MI,MS) ((_r0P(MB) && _r0P(MI)) ? _O_D8 (0xe0 ,MD ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in loopne"))
#define LOOPNZm(MD,MB,MI,MS) ((_r0P(MB) && _r0P(MI)) ? _O_D8 (0xe0 ,MD ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in loopnz"))
#define MOVBrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x80 ,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD) )
#define MOVBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x8a ,_r1(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define MOVBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x88 ,_r1(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define MOVBir(IM, R) _Or_B (0xb0,_r1(R) ,_su8(IM))
#define MOVBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_X_B (0xc6 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su8(IM))
#define MOVWrr(RS, RD) _wO_Mrm (0x89 ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define MOVWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _wO_r_X (0x8b ,_r2(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define MOVWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wO_r_X (0x89 ,_r2(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define MOVWir(IM, R) _wOr_W (0xb8,_r2(R) ,_su16(IM))
#define MOVWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wO_X_W (0xc7 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su16(IM))
#define MOVLrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x89 ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) )
#define MOVLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x8b ,_r4(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define MOVLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x89 ,_r4(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define MOVLir(IM, R) _Or_L (0xb8,_r4(R) ,IM )
#define MOVLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_X_L (0xc7 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,IM )
#define MULBr(RS) _O_Mrm (0xf6 ,_b11,_b100 ,_r1(RS) )
#define MULBm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0xf6 ,_b100 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define MULWr(RS) _wO_Mrm (0xf7 ,_b11,_b100 ,_r2(RS) )
#define MULWm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _wO_r_X (0xf7 ,_b100 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define MULLr(RS) _O_Mrm (0xf7 ,_b11,_b100 ,_r4(RS) )
#define MULLm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0xf7 ,_b100 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define NEGBr(RD) _O_Mrm (0xf6 ,_b11,_b011 ,_r1(RD) )
#define NEGBm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0xf6 ,_b011 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define NEGWr(RD) _wO_Mrm (0xf7 ,_b11,_b011 ,_r2(RD) )
#define NEGWm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _wO_r_X (0xf7 ,_b011 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define NEGLr(RD) _O_Mrm (0xf7 ,_b11,_b011 ,_r4(RD) )
#define NEGLm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0xf7 ,_b011 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define NOP() _O (0x90 )
#define NOTBr(RD) _O_Mrm (0xf6 ,_b11,_b010 ,_r1(RD) )
#define NOTBm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0xf6 ,_b010 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define NOTWr(RD) _wO_Mrm (0xf7 ,_b11,_b010 ,_r2(RD) )
#define NOTWm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _wO_r_X (0xf7 ,_b010 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define NOTLr(RD) _O_Mrm (0xf7 ,_b11,_b010 ,_r4(RD) )
#define NOTLm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0xf7 ,_b010 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ORBrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x08 ,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD) )
#define ORBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x0a ,_r1(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ORBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x08 ,_r1(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ORBir(IM, RD) _O_Mrm_B (0x80 ,_b11,_b001 ,_r1(RD) ,_su8(IM))
#define ORBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X_B (0x80 ,_b001 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su8(IM))
#define ORWrr(RS, RD) _wO_Mrm (0x09 ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define ORWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _wO_r_X (0x0b ,_r2(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ORWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wO_r_X (0x09 ,_r2(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ORWir(IM, RD) _wOs_Mrm_sW (0x81 ,_b11,_b001 ,_r2(RD) ,_su16(IM))
#define ORWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wOs_r_X_sW (0x81 ,_b001 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su16(IM))
#define ORLrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x09 ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) )
#define ORLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x0b ,_r4(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ORLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x09 ,_r4(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define ORLir(IM, RD) _Os_Mrm_sL (0x81 ,_b11,_b001 ,_r4(RD) ,IM )
#define ORLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _Os_r_X_sL (0x81 ,_b001 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,IM )
#define POPWr(RD) _wOr (0x58,_r2(RD) )
#define POPWm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _wO_r_X (0x8f ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define POPLr(RD) _Or (0x58,_r4(RD) )
#define POPLm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0x8f ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define POPA() _wO (0x61 )
#define POPAD() _O (0x61 )
#define POPF() _wO (0x9d )
#define POPFD() _O (0x9d )
#define PUSHWr(R) _wOr (0x50,_r2(R) )
#define PUSHWm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _wO_r_X (0xff, ,_b110 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define PUSHWi(IM) _wOs_sW (0x68 ,IM )
#define PUSHLr(R) _Or (0x50,_r4(R) )
#define PUSHLm(MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0xff ,_b110 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define PUSHLi(IM) _Os_sL (0x68 ,IM )
#define PUSHA() _wO (0x60 )
#define PUSHAD() _O (0x60 )
#define PUSHF() _O (0x9c )
#define PUSHFD() _wO (0x9c )
#define RET() _O (0xc3 )
#define RETi(IM) _O_W (0xc2 ,_su16(IM))
#define ROLBir(IM,RD) (((IM)==1) ? _O_Mrm (0xd0 ,_b11,_b000,_r1(RD) ) : \
_O_Mrm_B (0xc0 ,_b11,_b000,_r1(RD) ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define ROLBim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ? _O_r_X (0xd0 ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
_O_r_X_B (0xc0 ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define ROLBrr(RS,RD) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_Mrm (0xd2 ,_b11,_b000,_r1(RD) ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define ROLBrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_r_X (0xd2 ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define ROLWir(IM,RD) (((IM)==1) ? _wO_Mrm (0xd1 ,_b11,_b000,_r2(RD) ) : \
_wO_Mrm_B (0xc1 ,_b11,_b000,_r2(RD) ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define ROLWim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ? _wO_r_X (0xd1 ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
_wO_r_X_B (0xc1 ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define ROLWrr(RS,RD) (((RS)==_CL) ? _wO_Mrm (0xd3 ,_b11,_b000,_r2(RD) ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define ROLWrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ? _wO_r_X (0xd3 ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define ROLLir(IM,RD) (((IM)==1) ? _O_Mrm (0xd1 ,_b11,_b000,_r4(RD) ) : \
_O_Mrm_B (0xc1 ,_b11,_b000,_r4(RD) ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define ROLLim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ? _O_r_X (0xd1 ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
_O_r_X_B (0xc1 ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define ROLLrr(RS,RD) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_Mrm (0xd3 ,_b11,_b000,_r4(RD) ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define ROLLrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_r_X (0xd3 ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define RORBir(IM,RD) (((IM)==1) ? _O_Mrm (0xd0 ,_b11,_b001,_r1(RD) ) : \
_O_Mrm_B (0xc0 ,_b11,_b001,_r1(RD) ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define RORBim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ? _O_r_X (0xd0 ,_b001 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
_O_r_X_B (0xc0 ,_b001 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define RORBrr(RS,RD) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_Mrm (0xd2 ,_b11,_b001,_r1(RD) ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define RORBrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_r_X (0xd2 ,_b001 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define RORWir(IM,RD) (((IM)==1) ? _wO_Mrm (0xd1 ,_b11,_b001,_r2(RD) ) : \
_wO_Mrm_B (0xc1 ,_b11,_b001,_r2(RD) ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define RORWim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ? _wO_r_X (0xd1 ,_b001 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
_wO_r_X_B (0xc1 ,_b001 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define RORWrr(RS,RD) (((RS)==_CL) ? _wO_Mrm (0xd3 ,_b11,_b001,_r2(RD) ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define RORWrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ? _wO_r_X (0xd3 ,_b001 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define RORLir(IM,RD) (((IM)==1) ? _O_Mrm (0xd1 ,_b11,_b001,_r4(RD) ) : \
_O_Mrm_B (0xc1 ,_b11,_b001,_r4(RD) ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define RORLim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ? _O_r_X (0xd1 ,_b001 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
_O_r_X_B (0xc1 ,_b001 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define RORLrr(RS,RD) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_Mrm (0xd3 ,_b11,_b001,_r4(RD) ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define RORLrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_r_X (0xd3 ,_b001 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SAHF() _O (0x9e )
#define SALBir SHLBir
#define SALBim SHLBim
#define SALBrr SHLBrr
#define SALBrm SHLBrm
#define SALWir SHLWir
#define SALWim SHLWim
#define SALWrr SHLWrr
#define SALWrm SHLWrm
#define SALLir SHLLir
#define SALLim SHLLim
#define SALLrr SHLLrr
#define SALLrm SHLLrm
#define SARBir(IM,RD) (((IM)==1) ? _O_Mrm (0xd0 ,_b11,_b111,_r1(RD) ) : \
_O_Mrm_B (0xc0 ,_b11,_b111,_r1(RD) ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SARBim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ? _O_r_X (0xd0 ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
_O_r_X_B (0xc0 ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SARBrr(RS,RD) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_Mrm (0xd2 ,_b11,_b111,_r1(RD) ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SARBrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_r_X (0xd2 ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SARWir(IM,RD) (((IM)==1) ? _wO_Mrm (0xd1 ,_b11,_b111,_r2(RD) ) : \
_wO_Mrm_B (0xc1 ,_b11,_b111,_r2(RD) ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SARWim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ? _wO_r_X (0xd1 ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
_wO_r_X_B (0xc1 ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SARWrr(RS,RD) (((RS)==_CL) ? _wO_Mrm (0xd3 ,_b11,_b111,_r2(RD) ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SARWrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ? _wO_r_X (0xd3 ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SARLir(IM,RD) (((IM)==1) ? _O_Mrm (0xd1 ,_b11,_b111,_r4(RD) ) : \
_O_Mrm_B (0xc1 ,_b11,_b111,_r4(RD) ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SARLim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ? _O_r_X (0xd1 ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
_O_r_X_B (0xc1 ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SARLrr(RS,RD) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_Mrm (0xd3 ,_b11,_b111,_r4(RD) ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SARLrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_r_X (0xd3 ,_b111 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SBBBrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x18 ,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD) )
#define SBBBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x1a ,_r1(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define SBBBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x18 ,_r1(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define SBBBir(IM, RD) _O_Mrm_B (0x80 ,_b11,_b011 ,_r1(RD) ,_su8(IM))
#define SBBBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X_B (0x80 ,_b011 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su8(IM))
#define SBBWrr(RS, RD) _wO_Mrm (0x19 ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define SBBWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _wO_r_X (0x1b ,_r2(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define SBBWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wO_r_X (0x19 ,_r2(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define SBBWir(IM, RD) _wOs_Mrm_sW (0x81 ,_b11,_b011 ,_r2(RD) ,_su16(IM))
#define SBBWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wOs_r_X_sW (0x81 ,_b011 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su16(IM))
#define SBBLrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x19 ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) )
#define SBBLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x1b ,_r4(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define SBBLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x19 ,_r4(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define SBBLir(IM, RD) _Os_Mrm_sL (0x81 ,_b11,_b011 ,_r4(RD) ,IM )
#define SBBLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _Os_r_X_sL (0x81 ,_b011 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,IM )
#define SETCCir(CC,RD) _OO_Mrm (0x0f90|(CC) ,_b11,_b000,_r1(RD) )
#define SETOr(RD) SETCCir(0x0,RD)
#define SETNOr(RD) SETCCir(0x1,RD)
#define SETBr(RD) SETCCir(0x2,RD)
#define SETNAEr(RD) SETCCir(0x2,RD)
#define SETNBr(RD) SETCCir(0x3,RD)
#define SETAEr(RD) SETCCir(0x3,RD)
#define SETEr(RD) SETCCir(0x4,RD)
#define SETZr(RD) SETCCir(0x4,RD)
#define SETNEr(RD) SETCCir(0x5,RD)
#define SETNZr(RD) SETCCir(0x5,RD)
#define SETBEr(RD) SETCCir(0x6,RD)
#define SETNAr(RD) SETCCir(0x6,RD)
#define SETNBEr(RD) SETCCir(0x7,RD)
#define SETAr(RD) SETCCir(0x7,RD)
#define SETSr(RD) SETCCir(0x8,RD)
#define SETNSr(RD) SETCCir(0x9,RD)
#define SETPr(RD) SETCCir(0xa,RD)
#define SETPEr(RD) SETCCir(0xa,RD)
#define SETNPr(RD) SETCCir(0xb,RD)
#define SETPOr(RD) SETCCir(0xb,RD)
#define SETLr(RD) SETCCir(0xc,RD)
#define SETNGEr(RD) SETCCir(0xc,RD)
#define SETNLr(RD) SETCCir(0xd,RD)
#define SETGEr(RD) SETCCir(0xd,RD)
#define SETLEr(RD) SETCCir(0xe,RD)
#define SETNGr(RD) SETCCir(0xe,RD)
#define SETNLEr(RD) SETCCir(0xf,RD)
#define SETGr(RD) SETCCir(0xf,RD)
#define SETCCim(CC,MD,MB,MI,MS) _OO_r_X (0x0f90|(CC) ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define SETOm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0x0,D,B,I,S)
#define SETNOm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0x1,D,B,I,S)
#define SETBm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0x2,D,B,I,S)
#define SETNAEm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0x2,D,B,I,S)
#define SETNBm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0x3,D,B,I,S)
#define SETAEm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0x3,D,B,I,S)
#define SETEm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0x4,D,B,I,S)
#define SETZm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0x4,D,B,I,S)
#define SETNEm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0x5,D,B,I,S)
#define SETNZm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0x5,D,B,I,S)
#define SETBEm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0x6,D,B,I,S)
#define SETNAm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0x6,D,B,I,S)
#define SETNBEm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0x7,D,B,I,S)
#define SETAm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0x7,D,B,I,S)
#define SETSm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0x8,D,B,I,S)
#define SETNSm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0x9,D,B,I,S)
#define SETPm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0xa,D,B,I,S)
#define SETPEm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0xa,D,B,I,S)
#define SETNPm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0xb,D,B,I,S)
#define SETPOm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0xb,D,B,I,S)
#define SETLm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0xc,D,B,I,S)
#define SETNGEm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0xc,D,B,I,S)
#define SETNLm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0xd,D,B,I,S)
#define SETGEm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0xd,D,B,I,S)
#define SETLEm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0xe,D,B,I,S)
#define SETNGm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0xe,D,B,I,S)
#define SETNLEm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0xf,D,B,I,S)
#define SETGm(D,B,I,S) SETCCim(0xf,D,B,I,S)
#define SHLBir(IM,RD) (((IM)==1) ? _O_Mrm (0xd0 ,_b11,_b100,_r1(RD) ) : \
_O_Mrm_B (0xc0 ,_b11,_b100,_r1(RD) ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SHLBim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ? _O_r_X (0xd0 ,_b100 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
_O_r_X_B (0xc0 ,_b100 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SHLBrr(RS,RD) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_Mrm (0xd2 ,_b11,_b100,_r1(RD) ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SHLBrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_r_X (0xd2 ,_b100 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SHLWir(IM,RD) (((IM)==1) ? _wO_Mrm (0xd1 ,_b11,_b100,_r2(RD) ) : \
_wO_Mrm_B (0xc1 ,_b11,_b100,_r2(RD) ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SHLWim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ? _wO_r_X (0xd1 ,_b100 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
_wO_r_X_B (0xc1 ,_b100 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SHLWrr(RS,RD) (((RS)==_CL) ? _wO_Mrm (0xd3 ,_b11,_b100,_r2(RD) ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SHLWrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ? _wO_r_X (0xd3 ,_b100 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SHLLir(IM,RD) (((IM)==1) ? _O_Mrm (0xd1 ,_b11,_b100,_r4(RD) ) : \
_O_Mrm_B (0xc1 ,_b11,_b100,_r4(RD) ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SHLLim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ? _O_r_X (0xd1 ,_b100 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
_O_r_X_B (0xc1 ,_b100 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SHLLrr(RS,RD) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_Mrm (0xd3 ,_b11,_b100,_r4(RD) ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SHLLrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_r_X (0xd3 ,_b100 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SHRBir(IM,RD) (((IM)==1) ? _O_Mrm (0xd0 ,_b11,_b101,_r1(RD) ) : \
_O_Mrm_B (0xc0 ,_b11,_b101,_r1(RD) ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SHRBim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ? _O_r_X (0xd0 ,_b101 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
_O_r_X_B (0xc0 ,_b101 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SHRBrr(RS,RD) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_Mrm (0xd2 ,_b11,_b101,_r1(RD) ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SHRBrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_r_X (0xd2 ,_b101 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SHRWir(IM,RD) (((IM)==1) ? _wO_Mrm (0xd1 ,_b11,_b101,_r2(RD) ) : \
_wO_Mrm_B (0xc1 ,_b11,_b101,_r2(RD) ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SHRWim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ? _wO_r_X (0xd1 ,_b101 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
_wO_r_X_B (0xc1 ,_b101 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SHRWrr(RS,RD) (((RS)==_CL) ? _wO_Mrm (0xd3 ,_b11,_b101,_r2(RD) ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SHRWrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ? _wO_r_X (0xd3 ,_b101 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SHRLir(IM,RD) (((IM)==1) ? _O_Mrm (0xd1 ,_b11,_b101,_r4(RD) ) : \
_O_Mrm_B (0xc1 ,_b11,_b101,_r4(RD) ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SHRLim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ? _O_r_X (0xd1 ,_b101 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
_O_r_X_B (0xc1 ,_b101 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM) ) )
#define SHRLrr(RS,RD) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_Mrm (0xd3 ,_b11,_b101,_r4(RD) ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define SHRLrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ? _O_r_X (0xd3 ,_b101 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ) : \
JITFAIL ("source register must be CL" ) )
#define STC() _O (0xf9 )
#define SUBBrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x28 ,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD) )
#define SUBBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x2a ,_r1(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define SUBBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x28 ,_r1(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define SUBBir(IM, RD) _O_Mrm_B (0x80 ,_b11,_b101 ,_r1(RD) ,_su8(IM))
#define SUBBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X_B (0x80 ,_b101 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su8(IM))
#define SUBWrr(RS, RD) _wO_Mrm (0x29 ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define SUBWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _wO_r_X (0x2b ,_r2(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define SUBWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wO_r_X (0x29 ,_r2(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define SUBWir(IM, RD) _wOs_Mrm_sW (0x81 ,_b11,_b101 ,_r2(RD) ,_su16(IM))
#define SUBWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wOs_r_X_sW (0x81 ,_b101 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su16(IM))
#define SUBLrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x29 ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) )
#define SUBLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x2b ,_r4(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define SUBLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x29 ,_r4(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define SUBLir(IM, RD) _Os_Mrm_sL (0x81 ,_b11,_b101 ,_r4(RD) ,IM )
#define SUBLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _Os_r_X_sL (0x81 ,_b101 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,IM )
#define TESTBrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x84 ,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD) )
#define TESTBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x84 ,_r1(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define TESTBir(IM, RD) _O_Mrm_B (0xf6 ,_b11,_b000 ,_r1(RD) ,_u8(IM))
#define TESTBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X_B (0xf6 ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u8(IM))
#define TESTWrr(RS, RD) _wO_Mrm (0x85 ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define TESTWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wO_r_X (0x85 ,_r2(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define TESTWir(IM, RD) _wO_Mrm_W (0xf7 ,_b11,_b000 ,_r2(RD) ,_u16(IM))
#define TESTWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wO_r_X_W (0xf7 ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_u16(IM))
#define TESTLrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x85 ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) )
#define TESTLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x85 ,_r4(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define TESTLir(IM, RD) _O_Mrm_L (0xf7 ,_b11,_b000 ,_r4(RD) ,IM )
#define TESTLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X_L (0xf7 ,_b000 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,IM )
#define XADDBrr(RS,RD) _OO_Mrm (0x0fc0 ,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD) )
#define XADDBrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS) _OO_r_X (0x0fc0 ,_r1(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define XADDWrr(RS,RD) _wOO_Mrm (0x0fc1 ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define XADDWrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS) _wOO_r_X (0x0fc1 ,_r2(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define XADDLrr(RS,RD) _OO_Mrm (0x0fc1 ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) )
#define XADDLrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS) _OO_r_X (0x0fc1 ,_r4(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define XCHGBrr(RS,RD) _O_Mrm (0x86 ,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD) )
#define XCHGBrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0x86 ,_r1(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define XCHGWrr(RS,RD) _wO_Mrm (0x87 ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define XCHGWrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS) _wO_r_X (0x87 ,_r2(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define XCHGLrr(RS,RD) _O_Mrm (0x87 ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) )
#define XCHGLrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS) _O_r_X (0x87 ,_r4(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define XORBrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x30 ,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD) )
#define XORBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x32 ,_r1(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define XORBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x30 ,_r1(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define XORBir(IM, RD) _O_Mrm_B (0x80 ,_b11,_b110 ,_r1(RD) ,_su8(IM))
#define XORBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X_B (0x80 ,_b110 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su8(IM))
#define XORWrr(RS, RD) _wO_Mrm (0x31 ,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD) )
#define XORWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _wO_r_X (0x33 ,_r2(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define XORWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wO_r_X (0x31 ,_r2(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define XORWir(IM, RD) _wOs_Mrm_sW (0x81 ,_b11,_b110 ,_r2(RD) ,_su16(IM))
#define XORWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _wOs_r_X_sW (0x81 ,_b110 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,_su16(IM))
#define XORLrr(RS, RD) _O_Mrm (0x31 ,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD) )
#define XORLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD) _O_r_X (0x33 ,_r4(RD) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define XORLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS) _O_r_X (0x31 ,_r4(RS) ,MD,MB,MI,MS )
#define XORLir(IM, RD) _Os_Mrm_sL (0x81 ,_b11,_b110 ,_r4(RD) ,IM )
#define XORLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS) _Os_r_X_sL (0x81 ,_b110 ,MD,MB,MI,MS ,IM )
/* N byte NOPs */
#define _NOPi(N) ((( (N) >= 8) ? (_B(0x8d),_B(0xb4),_B(0x26),_L(0x00),_B(0x90)) : (void) 0), \
(( ((N)&7) == 7) ? (_B(0x8d),_B(0xb4),_B(0x26),_L(0x00)) : \
( ((N)&7) == 6) ? (_B(0x8d),_B(0xb6),_L(0x00)) : \
( ((N)&7) == 5) ? (_B(0x90),_B(0x8d),_B(0x74),_B(0x26),_B(0x00)) : \
/* leal 0(,%esi), %esi */ ( ((N)&7) == 4) ? (_B(0x8d),_B(0x74),_B(0x26),_B(0x00)) : \
/* leal (,%esi), %esi */ ( ((N)&7) == 3) ? (_B(0x8d),_B(0x76),_B(0x00)) : \
/* movl %esi, %esi */ ( ((N)&7) == 2) ? (_B(0x89),_B(0xf6)) : \
( ((N)&7) == 1) ? (_B(0x90)) : \
( ((N)&7) == 0) ? 0 : \
JITFAIL(".align argument too large")))
/*** References: */
/* */
/* [1] "Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual Volume 1: Basic Architecture", */
/* Intel Corporation 1997. */
/* */
/* [2] "Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual Volume 2: Instruction Set Reference", */
/* Intel Corporation 1997. */
#endif /* __lightning_asm_h */