Exposed doc's internal insert/remove: Doc:raw_insert|remove

This commit is contained in:
rxi 2020-05-14 16:10:48 +01:00
parent ef53453246
commit b8d2805502

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@ -225,11 +225,43 @@ function Doc:get_char(line, col)
local push_undo
local function push_undo(undo_stack, time, type, ...)
undo_stack[undo_stack.idx] = { type = type, time = time, ... }
undo_stack[undo_stack.idx - config.max_undos] = nil
undo_stack.idx = undo_stack.idx + 1
local function insert(self, undo_stack, time, line, col, text)
line, col = self:sanitize_position(line, col)
local function pop_undo(self, undo_stack, redo_stack)
-- pop command
local cmd = undo_stack[undo_stack.idx - 1]
if not cmd then return end
undo_stack.idx = undo_stack.idx - 1
-- handle command
if cmd.type == "insert" then
local line, col, text = table.unpack(cmd)
self:raw_insert(line, col, text, redo_stack, cmd.time)
elseif cmd.type == "remove" then
local line1, col1, line2, col2 = table.unpack(cmd)
self:raw_remove(line1, col1, line2, col2, redo_stack, cmd.time)
elseif cmd.type == "selection" then
self.selection.a.line, self.selection.a.col = cmd[1], cmd[2]
self.selection.b.line, self.selection.b.col = cmd[3], cmd[4]
-- if next undo command is within the merge timeout then treat as a single
-- command and continue to execute it
local next = undo_stack[undo_stack.idx - 1]
if next and math.abs(cmd.time - next.time) < config.undo_merge_timeout then
return pop_undo(self, undo_stack, redo_stack)
function Doc:raw_insert(line, col, text, undo_stack, time)
-- split text into lines and merge with line at insertion point
local lines = split_lines(text)
local before = self.lines[line]:sub(1, col - 1)
@ -245,23 +277,20 @@ local function insert(self, undo_stack, time, line, col, text)
-- push undo
local line2, col2 = self:position_offset(line, col, #text)
push_undo(self, undo_stack, time, "selection", self:get_selection())
push_undo(self, undo_stack, time, "remove", line, col, line2, col2)
push_undo(undo_stack, time, "selection", self:get_selection())
push_undo(undo_stack, time, "remove", line, col, line2, col2)
-- update highlighter
-- update highlighter and assure selection is in bounds
local function remove(self, undo_stack, time, line1, col1, line2, col2)
line1, col1 = self:sanitize_position(line1, col1)
line2, col2 = self:sanitize_position(line2, col2)
line1, col1, line2, col2 = sort_positions(line1, col1, line2, col2)
function Doc:raw_remove(line1, col1, line2, col2, undo_stack, time)
-- push undo
local text = self:get_text(line1, col1, line2, col2)
push_undo(self, undo_stack, time, "selection", self:get_selection())
push_undo(self, undo_stack, time, "insert", line1, col1, text)
push_undo(undo_stack, time, "selection", self:get_selection())
push_undo(undo_stack, time, "insert", line1, col1, text)
-- get line content before/after removed text
local before = self.lines[line1]:sub(1, col1 - 1)
@ -270,56 +299,25 @@ local function remove(self, undo_stack, time, line1, col1, line2, col2)
-- splice line into line array
splice(self.lines, line1, line2 - line1 + 1, { before .. after })
-- update highlighter
-- update highlighter and assure selection is in bounds
function Doc:insert(...)
insert(self, self.undo_stack, system.get_time(), ...)
function Doc:insert(line, col, text)
self.redo_stack = { idx = 1 }
line, col = self:sanitize_position(line, col)
self:raw_insert(line, col, text, self.undo_stack, system.get_time())
function Doc:remove(...)
remove(self, self.undo_stack, system.get_time(), ...)
function Doc:remove(line1, col1, line2, col2)
self.redo_stack = { idx = 1 }
function push_undo(self, undo_stack, time, type, ...)
undo_stack[undo_stack.idx] = { type = type, time = time, ... }
undo_stack[undo_stack.idx - config.max_undos] = nil
undo_stack.idx = undo_stack.idx + 1
local function pop_undo(self, undo_stack, redo_stack)
-- pop command
local cmd = undo_stack[undo_stack.idx - 1]
if not cmd then return end
undo_stack.idx = undo_stack.idx - 1
-- handle command
if cmd.type == "insert" then
insert(self, redo_stack, cmd.time, table.unpack(cmd))
elseif cmd.type == "remove" then
remove(self, redo_stack, cmd.time, table.unpack(cmd))
elseif cmd.type == "selection" then
self.selection.a.line, self.selection.a.col = cmd[1], cmd[2]
self.selection.b.line, self.selection.b.col = cmd[3], cmd[4]
-- if next undo command is within the merge timeout then treat as a single
-- command and continue to execute it
local next = undo_stack[undo_stack.idx - 1]
if next and math.abs(cmd.time - next.time) < config.undo_merge_timeout then
return pop_undo(self, undo_stack, redo_stack)
line1, col1 = self:sanitize_position(line1, col1)
line2, col2 = self:sanitize_position(line2, col2)
line1, col1, line2, col2 = sort_positions(line1, col1, line2, col2)
self:raw_remove(line1, col1, line2, col2, self.undo_stack, system.get_time())