local tokenizer = {} local function push_token(t, type, text) local prev_type = t[#t-1] local prev_text = t[#t] if prev_type and (prev_type == type or prev_text:find("^%s*$")) then t[#t-1] = type t[#t] = prev_text .. text else table.insert(t, type) table.insert(t, text) end end local function is_escaped(text, idx, esc) local byte = esc:byte() local count = 0 for i = idx - 1, 1, -1 do if text:byte(i) ~= byte then break end count = count + 1 end return count % 2 == 1 end local function find_non_escaped(text, pattern, offset, esc) while true do local s, e = text:find(pattern, offset) if not s then break end if esc and is_escaped(text, s, esc) then offset = e + 1 else return s, e end end end function tokenizer.tokenize(syntax, text, state) local res = {} local i = 1 while i <= #text do -- continue trying to match the end pattern of a pair if we have a state set if state then local p = syntax.patterns[state] local s, e = find_non_escaped(text, p.pattern[2], i, p.pattern[3]) if s then push_token(res, p.type, text:sub(i, e)) state = nil i = e + 1 else push_token(res, p.type, text:sub(i)) break end end -- find matching pattern local matched = false for n, p in ipairs(syntax.patterns) do local pattern = (type(p.pattern) == "table") and p.pattern[1] or p.pattern local s, e = text:find("^" .. pattern, i) if s then -- matched pattern; make and add token local t = text:sub(s, e) push_token(res, syntax.symbols[t] or p.type, t) -- update state if this was a start|end pattern pair if type(p.pattern) == "table" then state = n end -- move cursor past this token i = e + 1 matched = true break end end -- consume character if we didn't match if not matched then push_token(res, "normal", text:sub(i, i)) i = i + 1 end end return res, state end local function iter(t, i) i = i + 2 local type, text = t[i], t[i+1] if type then return i, type, text end end function tokenizer.each_token(t) return iter, t, -1 end return tokenizer