var utils = require("./utils"); var CPU_FREQ_NTSC = 1789772.5; //1789772.72727272d; // var CPU_FREQ_PAL = 1773447.4; var PAPU = function (nes) { this.nes = nes; this.square1 = new ChannelSquare(this, true); this.square2 = new ChannelSquare(this, false); this.triangle = new ChannelTriangle(this); this.noise = new ChannelNoise(this); this.dmc = new ChannelDM(this); this.frameIrqCounter = null; this.frameIrqCounterMax = 4; this.initCounter = 2048; this.channelEnableValue = null; this.sampleRate = 44100; this.lengthLookup = null; this.dmcFreqLookup = null; this.noiseWavelengthLookup = null; this.square_table = null; this.tnd_table = null; this.frameIrqEnabled = false; this.frameIrqActive = null; this.frameClockNow = null; this.startedPlaying = false; this.recordOutput = false; this.initingHardware = false; this.masterFrameCounter = null; this.derivedFrameCounter = null; this.countSequence = null; this.sampleTimer = null; this.frameTime = null; this.sampleTimerMax = null; this.sampleCount = null; this.triValue = 0; this.smpSquare1 = null; this.smpSquare2 = null; this.smpTriangle = null; this.smpDmc = null; this.accCount = null; // DC removal vars: this.prevSampleL = 0; this.prevSampleR = 0; this.smpAccumL = 0; this.smpAccumR = 0; // DAC range: this.dacRange = 0; this.dcValue = 0; // Master volume: this.masterVolume = 256; // Stereo positioning: this.stereoPosLSquare1 = null; this.stereoPosLSquare2 = null; this.stereoPosLTriangle = null; this.stereoPosLNoise = null; this.stereoPosLDMC = null; this.stereoPosRSquare1 = null; this.stereoPosRSquare2 = null; this.stereoPosRTriangle = null; this.stereoPosRNoise = null; this.stereoPosRDMC = null; this.extraCycles = null; this.maxSample = null; this.minSample = null; // Panning: this.panning = [80, 170, 100, 150, 128]; this.setPanning(this.panning); // Initialize lookup tables: this.initLengthLookup(); this.initDmcFrequencyLookup(); this.initNoiseWavelengthLookup(); this.initDACtables(); // Init sound registers: for (var i = 0; i < 0x14; i++) { if (i === 0x10) { this.writeReg(0x4010, 0x10); } else { this.writeReg(0x4000 + i, 0); } } this.reset(); }; PAPU.prototype = { reset: function () { this.sampleRate = this.nes.opts.sampleRate; this.sampleTimerMax = Math.floor( (1024.0 * CPU_FREQ_NTSC * this.nes.opts.preferredFrameRate) / (this.sampleRate * 60.0) ); this.frameTime = Math.floor( (14915.0 * this.nes.opts.preferredFrameRate) / 60.0 ); this.sampleTimer = 0; this.updateChannelEnable(0); this.masterFrameCounter = 0; this.derivedFrameCounter = 0; this.countSequence = 0; this.sampleCount = 0; this.initCounter = 2048; this.frameIrqEnabled = false; this.initingHardware = false; this.resetCounter(); this.square1.reset(); this.square2.reset(); this.triangle.reset(); this.noise.reset(); this.dmc.reset(); this.accCount = 0; this.smpSquare1 = 0; this.smpSquare2 = 0; this.smpTriangle = 0; this.smpDmc = 0; this.frameIrqEnabled = false; this.frameIrqCounterMax = 4; this.channelEnableValue = 0xff; this.startedPlaying = false; this.prevSampleL = 0; this.prevSampleR = 0; this.smpAccumL = 0; this.smpAccumR = 0; this.maxSample = -500000; this.minSample = 500000; }, // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars readReg: function (address) { // Read 0x4015: var tmp = 0; tmp |= this.square1.getLengthStatus(); tmp |= this.square2.getLengthStatus() << 1; tmp |= this.triangle.getLengthStatus() << 2; tmp |= this.noise.getLengthStatus() << 3; tmp |= this.dmc.getLengthStatus() << 4; tmp |= (this.frameIrqActive && this.frameIrqEnabled ? 1 : 0) << 6; tmp |= this.dmc.getIrqStatus() << 7; this.frameIrqActive = false; this.dmc.irqGenerated = false; return tmp & 0xffff; }, writeReg: function (address, value) { if (address >= 0x4000 && address < 0x4004) { // Square Wave 1 Control this.square1.writeReg(address, value); // console.log("Square Write"); } else if (address >= 0x4004 && address < 0x4008) { // Square 2 Control this.square2.writeReg(address, value); } else if (address >= 0x4008 && address < 0x400c) { // Triangle Control this.triangle.writeReg(address, value); } else if (address >= 0x400c && address <= 0x400f) { // Noise Control this.noise.writeReg(address, value); } else if (address === 0x4010) { // DMC Play mode & DMA frequency this.dmc.writeReg(address, value); } else if (address === 0x4011) { // DMC Delta Counter this.dmc.writeReg(address, value); } else if (address === 0x4012) { // DMC Play code starting address this.dmc.writeReg(address, value); } else if (address === 0x4013) { // DMC Play code length this.dmc.writeReg(address, value); } else if (address === 0x4015) { // Channel enable this.updateChannelEnable(value); if (value !== 0 && this.initCounter > 0) { // Start hardware initialization this.initingHardware = true; } // DMC/IRQ Status this.dmc.writeReg(address, value); } else if (address === 0x4017) { // Frame counter control this.countSequence = (value >> 7) & 1; this.masterFrameCounter = 0; this.frameIrqActive = false; if (((value >> 6) & 0x1) === 0) { this.frameIrqEnabled = true; } else { this.frameIrqEnabled = false; } if (this.countSequence === 0) { // NTSC: this.frameIrqCounterMax = 4; this.derivedFrameCounter = 4; } else { // PAL: this.frameIrqCounterMax = 5; this.derivedFrameCounter = 0; this.frameCounterTick(); } } }, resetCounter: function () { if (this.countSequence === 0) { this.derivedFrameCounter = 4; } else { this.derivedFrameCounter = 0; } }, // Updates channel enable status. // This is done on writes to the // channel enable register (0x4015), // and when the user enables/disables channels // in the GUI. updateChannelEnable: function (value) { this.channelEnableValue = value & 0xffff; this.square1.setEnabled((value & 1) !== 0); this.square2.setEnabled((value & 2) !== 0); this.triangle.setEnabled((value & 4) !== 0); this.noise.setEnabled((value & 8) !== 0); this.dmc.setEnabled((value & 16) !== 0); }, // Clocks the frame counter. It should be clocked at // twice the cpu speed, so the cycles will be // divided by 2 for those counters that are // clocked at cpu speed. clockFrameCounter: function (nCycles) { if (this.initCounter > 0) { if (this.initingHardware) { this.initCounter -= nCycles; if (this.initCounter <= 0) { this.initingHardware = false; } return; } } // Don't process ticks beyond next sampling: nCycles += this.extraCycles; var maxCycles = this.sampleTimerMax - this.sampleTimer; if (nCycles << 10 > maxCycles) { this.extraCycles = ((nCycles << 10) - maxCycles) >> 10; nCycles -= this.extraCycles; } else { this.extraCycles = 0; } var dmc = this.dmc; var triangle = this.triangle; var square1 = this.square1; var square2 = this.square2; var noise = this.noise; // Clock DMC: if (dmc.isEnabled) { dmc.shiftCounter -= nCycles << 3; while (dmc.shiftCounter <= 0 && dmc.dmaFrequency > 0) { dmc.shiftCounter += dmc.dmaFrequency; dmc.clockDmc(); } } // Clock Triangle channel Prog timer: var trianglesample = this.nes.opts.sampleTriangle; if (triangle.progTimerMax > 0) { triangle.progTimerCount -= nCycles; while (triangle.progTimerCount <= 0) { if (trianglesample) { trianglesample.advance(8); } triangle.progTimerCount += triangle.progTimerMax + 1; if (triangle.linearCounter > 0 && triangle.lengthCounter > 0) { triangle.triangleCounter++; triangle.triangleCounter &= 0x1f; if (triangle.isEnabled) { if (triangle.triangleCounter >= 0x10) { // Normal value. triangle.sampleValue = triangle.triangleCounter & 0xf; } else { // Inverted value. triangle.sampleValue = 0xf - (triangle.triangleCounter & 0xf); } triangle.sampleValue <<= 4; } } } } if (trianglesample) { if (triangle.isEnabled && triangle.progTimerMax > 0) { triangle.sampleValue = trianglesample.sample(triangle.progTimerCount, triangle.progTimerMax, 0.3); } else { trianglesample.reset(); triangle.sampleValue = 0; } } // Clock Square channel 1 Prog timer: var square1sample = this.nes.opts[square1.sampleName]; square1.progTimerCount -= nCycles; if (square1.progTimerCount <= 0) { square1.progTimerCount += (square1.progTimerMax + 1) << 1; if (square1sample) { square1sample.advance(4); } square1.squareCounter++; square1.squareCounter &= 0x7; square1.updateSampleValue(); } else if (square1sample) { square1.updateSampleValue(); } // Clock Square channel 2 Prog timer: var square2sample = this.nes.opts[square2.sampleName]; square2.progTimerCount -= nCycles; if (square2.progTimerCount <= 0) { square2.progTimerCount += (square2.progTimerMax + 1) << 1; if (square2sample) { square2sample.advance(4); } square2.squareCounter++; square2.squareCounter &= 0x7; square2.updateSampleValue(); } else if (square2sample) { square2.updateSampleValue(); } // Clock noise channel Prog timer: var acc_c = nCycles; if (noise.progTimerCount - acc_c > 0) { // Do all cycles at once: noise.progTimerCount -= acc_c; noise.accCount += acc_c; noise.accValue += acc_c * noise.sampleValue; } else { // Slow-step: while (acc_c-- > 0) { if (--noise.progTimerCount <= 0 && noise.progTimerMax > 0) { // Update noise shift register: noise.shiftReg <<= 1; noise.tmp = ((noise.shiftReg << (noise.randomMode === 0 ? 1 : 6)) ^ noise.shiftReg) & 0x8000; if (noise.tmp !== 0) { // Sample value must be 0. noise.shiftReg |= 0x01; noise.randomBit = 0; noise.sampleValue = 0; } else { // Find sample value: noise.randomBit = 1; if (noise.isEnabled && noise.lengthCounter > 0) { noise.sampleValue = noise.masterVolume; } else { noise.sampleValue = 0; } } noise.progTimerCount += noise.progTimerMax; } noise.accValue += noise.sampleValue; noise.accCount++; } } // Frame IRQ handling: if (this.frameIrqEnabled && this.frameIrqActive) { this.nes.cpu.requestIrq(this.nes.cpu.IRQ_NORMAL); } // Clock frame counter at double CPU speed: this.masterFrameCounter += nCycles << 1; if (this.masterFrameCounter >= this.frameTime) { // 240Hz tick: this.masterFrameCounter -= this.frameTime; this.frameCounterTick(); } // Accumulate sample value: this.accSample(nCycles); // Clock sample timer: this.sampleTimer += nCycles << 10; if (this.sampleTimer >= this.sampleTimerMax) { // Sample channels: this.sample(); this.sampleTimer -= this.sampleTimerMax; } }, accSample: function (cycles) { // Special treatment for triangle channel - need to interpolate. if (this.triangle.sampleCondition) { this.triValue = Math.floor( (this.triangle.progTimerCount << 4) / (this.triangle.progTimerMax + 1) ); if (this.triValue > 16) { this.triValue = 16; } if (this.triangle.triangleCounter >= 16) { this.triValue = 16 - this.triValue; } // Add non-interpolated sample value: this.triValue += this.triangle.sampleValue; } // Now sample normally: if (cycles === 2) { this.smpTriangle += this.triValue << 1; this.smpDmc += this.dmc.sample << 1; this.smpSquare1 += this.square1.sampleValue << 1; this.smpSquare2 += this.square2.sampleValue << 1; this.accCount += 2; } else if (cycles === 4) { this.smpTriangle += this.triValue << 2; this.smpDmc += this.dmc.sample << 2; this.smpSquare1 += this.square1.sampleValue << 2; this.smpSquare2 += this.square2.sampleValue << 2; this.accCount += 4; } else { this.smpTriangle += cycles * this.triValue; this.smpDmc += cycles * this.dmc.sample; this.smpSquare1 += cycles * this.square1.sampleValue; this.smpSquare2 += cycles * this.square2.sampleValue; this.accCount += cycles; } }, frameCounterTick: function () { this.derivedFrameCounter++; if (this.derivedFrameCounter >= this.frameIrqCounterMax) { this.derivedFrameCounter = 0; } if (this.derivedFrameCounter === 1 || this.derivedFrameCounter === 3) { // Clock length & sweep: this.triangle.clockLengthCounter(); this.square1.clockLengthCounter(); this.square2.clockLengthCounter(); this.noise.clockLengthCounter(); this.square1.clockSweep(); this.square2.clockSweep(); } if (this.derivedFrameCounter >= 0 && this.derivedFrameCounter < 4) { // Clock linear & decay: this.square1.clockEnvDecay(); this.square2.clockEnvDecay(); this.noise.clockEnvDecay(); this.triangle.clockLinearCounter(); } if (this.derivedFrameCounter === 3 && this.countSequence === 0) { // Enable IRQ: this.frameIrqActive = true; } // End of 240Hz tick }, // Samples the channels, mixes the output together, then writes to buffer. sample: function () { var sq_index, tnd_index; if (this.accCount > 0) { this.smpSquare1 <<= 4; this.smpSquare1 = Math.floor(this.smpSquare1 / this.accCount); this.smpSquare2 <<= 4; this.smpSquare2 = Math.floor(this.smpSquare2 / this.accCount); this.smpTriangle = Math.floor(this.smpTriangle / this.accCount); this.smpDmc <<= 4; this.smpDmc = Math.floor(this.smpDmc / this.accCount); this.accCount = 0; } else { this.smpSquare1 = this.square1.sampleValue << 4; this.smpSquare2 = this.square2.sampleValue << 4; this.smpTriangle = this.triangle.sampleValue; this.smpDmc = this.dmc.sample << 4; } var smpNoise = Math.floor((this.noise.accValue << 4) / this.noise.accCount); this.noise.accValue = smpNoise >> 4; this.noise.accCount = 1; var extra = 0; if (this.nes.opts.sampleSquare1) { this.smpSquare1 = 0; extra += this.square1.sampleValue; } if (this.nes.opts.sampleSquare2) { this.smpSquare2 = 0; extra += this.square2.sampleValue; } if (this.nes.opts.sampleTriangle) { this.smpTriangle = 0; extra += this.triangle.sampleValue; } // Stereo sound. // Left channel: sq_index = (this.smpSquare1 * this.stereoPosLSquare1 + this.smpSquare2 * this.stereoPosLSquare2) >> 8; tnd_index = (3 * this.smpTriangle * this.stereoPosLTriangle + (smpNoise << 1) * this.stereoPosLNoise + this.smpDmc * this.stereoPosLDMC) >> 8; if (sq_index >= this.square_table.length) { sq_index = this.square_table.length - 1; } if (tnd_index >= this.tnd_table.length) { tnd_index = this.tnd_table.length - 1; } var sampleValueL = this.square_table[sq_index] + this.tnd_table[tnd_index] - this.dcValue; // Right channel: sq_index = (this.smpSquare1 * this.stereoPosRSquare1 + this.smpSquare2 * this.stereoPosRSquare2) >> 8; tnd_index = (3 * this.smpTriangle * this.stereoPosRTriangle + (smpNoise << 1) * this.stereoPosRNoise + this.smpDmc * this.stereoPosRDMC) >> 8; if (sq_index >= this.square_table.length) { sq_index = this.square_table.length - 1; } if (tnd_index >= this.tnd_table.length) { tnd_index = this.tnd_table.length - 1; } var sampleValueR = this.square_table[sq_index] + this.tnd_table[tnd_index] - this.dcValue; if (Number.isNaN(sampleValueL) || Number.isNaN(sampleValueR) || Number.isNaN(this.prevSampleL) || Number.isNaN(this.prevSampleR) || Number.isNaN(this.smpAccumL) || Number.isNaN(this.smpAccumR)) { // this happens sometimes when turning off samples. doesn't seem to make any // sense. reset everything back to 0. sampleValueL = sampleValueR = this.prevSampleL = this.prevSampleR = this.smpAccumL = this.smpAccumR = 0; } // Remove DC from left channel: var smpDiffL = sampleValueL - this.prevSampleL; this.prevSampleL += smpDiffL; this.smpAccumL += smpDiffL - (this.smpAccumL >> 10); sampleValueL = this.smpAccumL; // Remove DC from right channel: var smpDiffR = sampleValueR - this.prevSampleR; this.prevSampleR += smpDiffR; this.smpAccumR += smpDiffR - (this.smpAccumR >> 10); sampleValueR = this.smpAccumR; // Write: if (sampleValueL > this.maxSample) { this.maxSample = sampleValueL; } if (sampleValueL < this.minSample) { this.minSample = sampleValueL; } if (this.nes.opts.onAudioSample) { this.nes.opts.onAudioSample((sampleValueL / 32768) + extra, (sampleValueR / 32768) + extra); } // Reset sampled values: this.smpSquare1 = 0; this.smpSquare2 = 0; this.smpTriangle = 0; this.smpDmc = 0; }, getLengthMax: function (value) { return this.lengthLookup[value >> 3]; }, getDmcFrequency: function (value) { if (value >= 0 && value < 0x10) { return this.dmcFreqLookup[value]; } return 0; }, getNoiseWaveLength: function (value) { if (value >= 0 && value < 0x10) { return this.noiseWavelengthLookup[value]; } return 0; }, setPanning: function (pos) { for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { this.panning[i] = pos[i]; } this.updateStereoPos(); }, setMasterVolume: function (value) { if (value < 0) { value = 0; } if (value > 256) { value = 256; } this.masterVolume = value; this.updateStereoPos(); }, updateStereoPos: function () { this.stereoPosLSquare1 = (this.panning[0] * this.masterVolume) >> 8; this.stereoPosLSquare2 = (this.panning[1] * this.masterVolume) >> 8; this.stereoPosLTriangle = (this.panning[2] * this.masterVolume) >> 8; this.stereoPosLNoise = (this.panning[3] * this.masterVolume) >> 8; this.stereoPosLDMC = (this.panning[4] * this.masterVolume) >> 8; this.stereoPosRSquare1 = this.masterVolume - this.stereoPosLSquare1; this.stereoPosRSquare2 = this.masterVolume - this.stereoPosLSquare2; this.stereoPosRTriangle = this.masterVolume - this.stereoPosLTriangle; this.stereoPosRNoise = this.masterVolume - this.stereoPosLNoise; this.stereoPosRDMC = this.masterVolume - this.stereoPosLDMC; }, initLengthLookup: function () { // prettier-ignore this.lengthLookup = [ 0x0A, 0xFE, 0x14, 0x02, 0x28, 0x04, 0x50, 0x06, 0xA0, 0x08, 0x3C, 0x0A, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x1A, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x10, 0x18, 0x12, 0x30, 0x14, 0x60, 0x16, 0xC0, 0x18, 0x48, 0x1A, 0x10, 0x1C, 0x20, 0x1E ]; }, initDmcFrequencyLookup: function () { this.dmcFreqLookup = new Array(16); this.dmcFreqLookup[0x0] = 0xd60; this.dmcFreqLookup[0x1] = 0xbe0; this.dmcFreqLookup[0x2] = 0xaa0; this.dmcFreqLookup[0x3] = 0xa00; this.dmcFreqLookup[0x4] = 0x8f0; this.dmcFreqLookup[0x5] = 0x7f0; this.dmcFreqLookup[0x6] = 0x710; this.dmcFreqLookup[0x7] = 0x6b0; this.dmcFreqLookup[0x8] = 0x5f0; this.dmcFreqLookup[0x9] = 0x500; this.dmcFreqLookup[0xa] = 0x470; this.dmcFreqLookup[0xb] = 0x400; this.dmcFreqLookup[0xc] = 0x350; this.dmcFreqLookup[0xd] = 0x2a0; this.dmcFreqLookup[0xe] = 0x240; this.dmcFreqLookup[0xf] = 0x1b0; //for(int i=0;i<16;i++)dmcFreqLookup[i]/=8; }, initNoiseWavelengthLookup: function () { this.noiseWavelengthLookup = new Array(16); this.noiseWavelengthLookup[0x0] = 0x004; this.noiseWavelengthLookup[0x1] = 0x008; this.noiseWavelengthLookup[0x2] = 0x010; this.noiseWavelengthLookup[0x3] = 0x020; this.noiseWavelengthLookup[0x4] = 0x040; this.noiseWavelengthLookup[0x5] = 0x060; this.noiseWavelengthLookup[0x6] = 0x080; this.noiseWavelengthLookup[0x7] = 0x0a0; this.noiseWavelengthLookup[0x8] = 0x0ca; this.noiseWavelengthLookup[0x9] = 0x0fe; this.noiseWavelengthLookup[0xa] = 0x17c; this.noiseWavelengthLookup[0xb] = 0x1fc; this.noiseWavelengthLookup[0xc] = 0x2fa; this.noiseWavelengthLookup[0xd] = 0x3f8; this.noiseWavelengthLookup[0xe] = 0x7f2; this.noiseWavelengthLookup[0xf] = 0xfe4; }, initDACtables: function () { var value, ival, i; var max_sqr = 0; var max_tnd = 0; this.square_table = new Array(32 * 16); this.tnd_table = new Array(204 * 16); for (i = 0; i < 32 * 16; i++) { value = 95.52 / (8128.0 / (i / 16.0) + 100.0); value *= 0.98411; value *= 50000.0; ival = Math.floor(value); this.square_table[i] = ival; if (ival > max_sqr) { max_sqr = ival; } } for (i = 0; i < 204 * 16; i++) { value = 163.67 / (24329.0 / (i / 16.0) + 100.0); value *= 0.98411; value *= 50000.0; ival = Math.floor(value); this.tnd_table[i] = ival; if (ival > max_tnd) { max_tnd = ival; } } this.dacRange = max_sqr + max_tnd; this.dcValue = this.dacRange / 2; }, JSON_PROPERTIES: [ "frameIrqCounter", "frameIrqCounterMax", "initCounter", "channelEnableValue", "sampleRate", "frameIrqEnabled", "frameIrqActive", "frameClockNow", "startedPlaying", "recordOutput", "initingHardware", "masterFrameCounter", "derivedFrameCounter", "countSequence", "sampleTimer", "frameTime", "sampleTimerMax", "sampleCount", "triValue", "smpSquare1", "smpSquare2", "smpTriangle", "smpDmc", "accCount", "prevSampleL", "prevSampleR", "smpAccumL", "smpAccumR", "masterVolume", "stereoPosLSquare1", "stereoPosLSquare2", "stereoPosLTriangle", "stereoPosLNoise", "stereoPosLDMC", "stereoPosRSquare1", "stereoPosRSquare2", "stereoPosRTriangle", "stereoPosRNoise", "stereoPosRDMC", "extraCycles", "maxSample", "minSample", "panning", ], toJSON: function () { let obj = utils.toJSON(this); obj.dmc = this.dmc.toJSON(); obj.noise = this.noise.toJSON(); obj.square1 = this.square1.toJSON(); obj.square2 = this.square2.toJSON(); obj.triangle = this.triangle.toJSON(); return obj; }, fromJSON: function (s) { utils.fromJSON(this, s); this.dmc.fromJSON(s.dmc); this.noise.fromJSON(s.noise); this.square1.fromJSON(s.square1); this.square2.fromJSON(s.square2); this.triangle.fromJSON(s.triangle); }, }; var ChannelDM = function (papu) { this.papu = papu; this.MODE_NORMAL = 0; this.MODE_LOOP = 1; this.MODE_IRQ = 2; this.isEnabled = null; this.hasSample = null; this.irqGenerated = false; this.playMode = null; this.dmaFrequency = null; this.dmaCounter = null; this.deltaCounter = null; this.playStartAddress = null; this.playAddress = null; this.playLength = null; this.playLengthCounter = null; this.shiftCounter = null; this.reg4012 = null; this.reg4013 = null; this.sample = null; this.dacLsb = null; = null; this.reset(); }; ChannelDM.prototype = { clockDmc: function () { // Only alter DAC value if the sample buffer has data: if (this.hasSample) { if (( & 1) === 0) { // Decrement delta: if (this.deltaCounter > 0) { this.deltaCounter--; } } else { // Increment delta: if (this.deltaCounter < 63) { this.deltaCounter++; } } // Update sample value: this.sample = this.isEnabled ? (this.deltaCounter << 1) + this.dacLsb : 0; // Update shift register: >>= 1; } this.dmaCounter--; if (this.dmaCounter <= 0) { // No more sample bits. this.hasSample = false; this.endOfSample(); this.dmaCounter = 8; } if (this.irqGenerated) { this.papu.nes.cpu.requestIrq(this.papu.nes.cpu.IRQ_NORMAL); } }, endOfSample: function () { if (this.playLengthCounter === 0 && this.playMode === this.MODE_LOOP) { // Start from beginning of sample: this.playAddress = this.playStartAddress; this.playLengthCounter = this.playLength; } if (this.playLengthCounter > 0) { // Fetch next sample: this.nextSample(); if (this.playLengthCounter === 0) { // Last byte of sample fetched, generate IRQ: if (this.playMode === this.MODE_IRQ) { // Generate IRQ: this.irqGenerated = true; } } } }, nextSample: function () { // Fetch byte: = this.papu.nes.mmap.load(this.playAddress); this.papu.nes.cpu.haltCycles(4); this.playLengthCounter--; this.playAddress++; if (this.playAddress > 0xffff) { this.playAddress = 0x8000; } this.hasSample = true; }, writeReg: function (address, value) { if (address === 0x4010) { // Play mode, DMA Frequency if (value >> 6 === 0) { this.playMode = this.MODE_NORMAL; } else if (((value >> 6) & 1) === 1) { this.playMode = this.MODE_LOOP; } else if (value >> 6 === 2) { this.playMode = this.MODE_IRQ; } if ((value & 0x80) === 0) { this.irqGenerated = false; } this.dmaFrequency = this.papu.getDmcFrequency(value & 0xf); } else if (address === 0x4011) { // Delta counter load register: this.deltaCounter = (value >> 1) & 63; this.dacLsb = value & 1; this.sample = (this.deltaCounter << 1) + this.dacLsb; // update sample value } else if (address === 0x4012) { // DMA address load register this.playStartAddress = (value << 6) | 0x0c000; this.playAddress = this.playStartAddress; this.reg4012 = value; } else if (address === 0x4013) { // Length of play code this.playLength = (value << 4) + 1; this.playLengthCounter = this.playLength; this.reg4013 = value; } else if (address === 0x4015) { // DMC/IRQ Status if (((value >> 4) & 1) === 0) { // Disable: this.playLengthCounter = 0; } else { // Restart: this.playAddress = this.playStartAddress; this.playLengthCounter = this.playLength; } this.irqGenerated = false; } }, setEnabled: function (value) { if (!this.isEnabled && value) { this.playLengthCounter = this.playLength; } this.isEnabled = value; }, getLengthStatus: function () { return this.playLengthCounter === 0 || !this.isEnabled ? 0 : 1; }, getIrqStatus: function () { return this.irqGenerated ? 1 : 0; }, reset: function () { this.isEnabled = false; this.irqGenerated = false; this.playMode = this.MODE_NORMAL; this.dmaFrequency = 0; this.dmaCounter = 0; this.deltaCounter = 0; this.playStartAddress = 0; this.playAddress = 0; this.playLength = 0; this.playLengthCounter = 0; this.sample = 0; this.dacLsb = 0; this.shiftCounter = 0; this.reg4012 = 0; this.reg4013 = 0; = 0; }, JSON_PROPERTIES: [ "MODE_NORMAL", "MODE_LOOP", "MODE_IRQ", "isEnabled", "hasSample", "irqGenerated", "playMode", "dmaFrequency", "dmaCounter", "deltaCounter", "playStartAddress", "playAddress", "playLength", "playLengthCounter", "shiftCounter", "reg4012", "reg4013", "sample", "dacLsb", "data", ], toJSON: function () { return utils.toJSON(this); }, fromJSON: function (s) { utils.fromJSON(this, s); }, }; var ChannelNoise = function (papu) { this.papu = papu; this.isEnabled = null; this.envDecayDisable = null; this.envDecayLoopEnable = null; this.lengthCounterEnable = null; this.envReset = null; this.shiftNow = null; this.lengthCounter = null; this.progTimerCount = null; this.progTimerMax = null; this.envDecayRate = null; this.envDecayCounter = null; this.envVolume = null; this.masterVolume = null; this.shiftReg = 1 << 14; this.randomBit = null; this.randomMode = null; this.sampleValue = null; this.accValue = 0; this.accCount = 1; this.tmp = null; this.reset(); }; ChannelNoise.prototype = { reset: function () { this.progTimerCount = 0; this.progTimerMax = 0; this.isEnabled = false; this.lengthCounter = 0; this.lengthCounterEnable = false; this.envDecayDisable = false; this.envDecayLoopEnable = false; this.shiftNow = false; this.envDecayRate = 0; this.envDecayCounter = 0; this.envVolume = 0; this.masterVolume = 0; this.shiftReg = 1; this.randomBit = 0; this.randomMode = 0; this.sampleValue = 0; this.tmp = 0; }, clockLengthCounter: function () { if (this.lengthCounterEnable && this.lengthCounter > 0) { this.lengthCounter--; if (this.lengthCounter === 0) { this.updateSampleValue(); } } }, clockEnvDecay: function () { if (this.envReset) { // Reset envelope: this.envReset = false; this.envDecayCounter = this.envDecayRate + 1; this.envVolume = 0xf; } else if (--this.envDecayCounter <= 0) { // Normal handling: this.envDecayCounter = this.envDecayRate + 1; if (this.envVolume > 0) { this.envVolume--; } else { this.envVolume = this.envDecayLoopEnable ? 0xf : 0; } } if (this.envDecayDisable) { this.masterVolume = this.envDecayRate; } else { this.masterVolume = this.envVolume; } this.updateSampleValue(); }, updateSampleValue: function () { if (this.isEnabled && this.lengthCounter > 0) { this.sampleValue = this.randomBit * this.masterVolume; } }, writeReg: function (address, value) { if (address === 0x400c) { // Volume/Envelope decay: this.envDecayDisable = (value & 0x10) !== 0; this.envDecayRate = value & 0xf; this.envDecayLoopEnable = (value & 0x20) !== 0; this.lengthCounterEnable = (value & 0x20) === 0; if (this.envDecayDisable) { this.masterVolume = this.envDecayRate; } else { this.masterVolume = this.envVolume; } } else if (address === 0x400e) { // Programmable timer: this.progTimerMax = this.papu.getNoiseWaveLength(value & 0xf); this.randomMode = value >> 7; } else if (address === 0x400f) { // Length counter this.lengthCounter = this.papu.getLengthMax(value & 248); this.envReset = true; } // Update: //updateSampleValue(); }, setEnabled: function (value) { this.isEnabled = value; if (!value) { this.lengthCounter = 0; } this.updateSampleValue(); }, getLengthStatus: function () { return this.lengthCounter === 0 || !this.isEnabled ? 0 : 1; }, JSON_PROPERTIES: [ "isEnabled", "envDecayDisable", "envDecayLoopEnable", "lengthCounterEnable", "envReset", "shiftNow", "lengthCounter", "progTimerCount", "progTimerMax", "envDecayRate", "envDecayCounter", "envVolume", "masterVolume", "shiftReg", "randomBit", "randomMode", "sampleValue", "accValue", "accCount", "tmp", ], toJSON: function () { return utils.toJSON(this); }, fromJSON: function (s) { utils.fromJSON(this, s); }, }; var ChannelSquare = function (papu, square1) { this.papu = papu; this.sampleName = `sampleSquare${square1 ? 1 : 2}`; // prettier-ignore this.dutyLookup = [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]; // prettier-ignore this.impLookup = [ 1,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]; this.sqr1 = square1; this.isEnabled = null; this.lengthCounterEnable = null; this.sweepActive = null; this.envDecayDisable = null; this.envDecayLoopEnable = null; this.envReset = null; this.sweepCarry = null; this.updateSweepPeriod = null; this.progTimerCount = null; this.progTimerMax = null; this.lengthCounter = null; this.squareCounter = null; this.sweepCounter = null; this.sweepCounterMax = null; this.sweepMode = null; this.sweepShiftAmount = null; this.envDecayRate = null; this.envDecayCounter = null; this.envVolume = null; this.masterVolume = null; this.dutyMode = null; this.sweepResult = null; this.sampleValue = null; this.vol = null; this.reset(); }; ChannelSquare.prototype = { reset: function () { this.progTimerCount = 0; this.progTimerMax = 0; this.lengthCounter = 0; this.squareCounter = 0; this.sweepCounter = 0; this.sweepCounterMax = 0; this.sweepMode = 0; this.sweepShiftAmount = 0; this.envDecayRate = 0; this.envDecayCounter = 0; this.envVolume = 0; this.masterVolume = 0; this.dutyMode = 0; this.vol = 0; this.isEnabled = false; this.lengthCounterEnable = false; this.sweepActive = false; this.sweepCarry = false; this.envDecayDisable = false; this.envDecayLoopEnable = false; }, clockLengthCounter: function () { if (this.lengthCounterEnable && this.lengthCounter > 0) { this.lengthCounter--; if (this.lengthCounter === 0) { this.updateSampleValue(); } } }, clockEnvDecay: function () { if (this.envReset) { // Reset envelope: this.envReset = false; this.envDecayCounter = this.envDecayRate + 1; this.envVolume = 0xf; } else if (--this.envDecayCounter <= 0) { // Normal handling: this.envDecayCounter = this.envDecayRate + 1; if (this.envVolume > 0) { this.envVolume--; } else { this.envVolume = this.envDecayLoopEnable ? 0xf : 0; } } if (this.envDecayDisable) { this.masterVolume = this.envDecayRate; } else { this.masterVolume = this.envVolume; } this.updateSampleValue(); }, clockSweep: function () { if (--this.sweepCounter <= 0) { this.sweepCounter = this.sweepCounterMax + 1; if ( this.sweepActive && this.sweepShiftAmount > 0 && this.progTimerMax > 7 ) { // Calculate result from shifter: this.sweepCarry = false; if (this.sweepMode === 0) { this.progTimerMax += this.progTimerMax >> this.sweepShiftAmount; if (this.progTimerMax > 4095) { this.progTimerMax = 4095; this.sweepCarry = true; } } else { this.progTimerMax = this.progTimerMax - ((this.progTimerMax >> this.sweepShiftAmount) - (this.sqr1 ? 1 : 0)); } } } if (this.updateSweepPeriod) { this.updateSweepPeriod = false; this.sweepCounter = this.sweepCounterMax + 1; } }, updateSampleValue: function () { var sample = this.papu.nes.opts[this.sampleName]; if (this.isEnabled && this.lengthCounter > 0 && this.progTimerMax > 7) { if ( this.sweepMode === 0 && this.progTimerMax + (this.progTimerMax >> this.sweepShiftAmount) > 4095 ) { //if (this.sweepCarry) { this.sampleValue = 0; if (sample) { sample.reset(); } } else { if (sample) { if (this.envVolume === 0 || this.masterVolume === 0) { this.sampleValue = 0; sample.reset(); } else { this.sampleValue = sample.sample(this.progTimerCount, (this.progTimerMax + 1) << 1, this.masterVolume / 15); // console.log("sampled value:", this.sampleValue); } } else { this.sampleValue = this.masterVolume * this.dutyLookup[(this.dutyMode << 3) + this.squareCounter]; } } } else { this.sampleValue = 0; if (sample) { sample.reset(); } } }, writeReg: function (address, value) { var addrAdd = this.sqr1 ? 0 : 4; if (address === 0x4000 + addrAdd) { // Volume/Envelope decay: this.envDecayDisable = (value & 0x10) !== 0; this.envDecayRate = value & 0xf; this.envDecayLoopEnable = (value & 0x20) !== 0; this.dutyMode = (value >> 6) & 0x3; this.lengthCounterEnable = (value & 0x20) === 0; if (this.envDecayDisable) { this.masterVolume = this.envDecayRate; } else { this.masterVolume = this.envVolume; } this.updateSampleValue(); } else if (address === 0x4001 + addrAdd) { // Sweep: this.sweepActive = (value & 0x80) !== 0; this.sweepCounterMax = (value >> 4) & 7; this.sweepMode = (value >> 3) & 1; this.sweepShiftAmount = value & 7; this.updateSweepPeriod = true; } else if (address === 0x4002 + addrAdd) { // Programmable timer: this.progTimerMax &= 0x700; this.progTimerMax |= value; } else if (address === 0x4003 + addrAdd) { // Programmable timer, length counter this.progTimerMax &= 0xff; this.progTimerMax |= (value & 0x7) << 8; if (this.isEnabled) { this.lengthCounter = this.papu.getLengthMax(value & 0xf8); } this.envReset = true; } }, setEnabled: function (value) { this.isEnabled = value; if (!value) { this.lengthCounter = 0; } this.updateSampleValue(); }, getLengthStatus: function () { return this.lengthCounter === 0 || !this.isEnabled ? 0 : 1; }, JSON_PROPERTIES: [ "isEnabled", "lengthCounterEnable", "sweepActive", "envDecayDisable", "envDecayLoopEnable", "envReset", "sweepCarry", "updateSweepPeriod", "progTimerCount", "progTimerMax", "lengthCounter", "squareCounter", "sweepCounter", "sweepCounterMax", "sweepMode", "sweepShiftAmount", "envDecayRate", "envDecayCounter", "envVolume", "masterVolume", "dutyMode", "sweepResult", "sampleValue", "vol", ], toJSON: function () { return utils.toJSON(this); }, fromJSON: function (s) { utils.fromJSON(this, s); }, }; var ChannelTriangle = function (papu) { this.papu = papu; this.isEnabled = null; this.sampleCondition = null; this.lengthCounterEnable = null; this.lcHalt = null; this.lcControl = null; this.progTimerCount = null; this.progTimerMax = null; this.triangleCounter = null; this.lengthCounter = null; this.linearCounter = null; this.lcLoadValue = null; this.sampleValue = null; this.tmp = null; this.reset(); }; ChannelTriangle.prototype = { reset: function () { this.progTimerCount = 0; this.progTimerMax = 0; this.triangleCounter = 0; this.isEnabled = false; this.sampleCondition = false; this.lengthCounter = 0; this.lengthCounterEnable = false; this.linearCounter = 0; this.lcLoadValue = 0; this.lcHalt = true; this.lcControl = false; this.tmp = 0; this.sampleValue = 0xf; }, clockLengthCounter: function () { if (this.lengthCounterEnable && this.lengthCounter > 0) { this.lengthCounter--; if (this.lengthCounter === 0) { this.updateSampleCondition(); } } }, clockLinearCounter: function () { if (this.lcHalt) { // Load: this.linearCounter = this.lcLoadValue; this.updateSampleCondition(); } else if (this.linearCounter > 0) { // Decrement: this.linearCounter--; this.updateSampleCondition(); } if (!this.lcControl) { // Clear halt flag: this.lcHalt = false; } }, getLengthStatus: function () { return this.lengthCounter === 0 || !this.isEnabled ? 0 : 1; }, // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars readReg: function (address) { return 0; }, writeReg: function (address, value) { if (address === 0x4008) { // New values for linear counter: this.lcControl = (value & 0x80) !== 0; this.lcLoadValue = value & 0x7f; // Length counter enable: this.lengthCounterEnable = !this.lcControl; } else if (address === 0x400a) { // Programmable timer: this.progTimerMax &= 0x700; this.progTimerMax |= value; } else if (address === 0x400b) { // Programmable timer, length counter this.progTimerMax &= 0xff; this.progTimerMax |= (value & 0x07) << 8; this.lengthCounter = this.papu.getLengthMax(value & 0xf8); this.lcHalt = true; } this.updateSampleCondition(); }, clockProgrammableTimer: function (nCycles) { if (this.progTimerMax > 0) { this.progTimerCount += nCycles; while ( this.progTimerMax > 0 && this.progTimerCount >= this.progTimerMax ) { this.progTimerCount -= this.progTimerMax; if ( this.isEnabled && this.lengthCounter > 0 && this.linearCounter > 0 ) { this.clockTriangleGenerator(); } } } }, clockTriangleGenerator: function () { this.triangleCounter++; this.triangleCounter &= 0x1f; }, setEnabled: function (value) { this.isEnabled = value; if (!value) { this.lengthCounter = 0; } this.updateSampleCondition(); }, updateSampleCondition: function () { this.sampleCondition = this.isEnabled && this.progTimerMax > 7 && this.linearCounter > 0 && this.lengthCounter > 0; }, JSON_PROPERTIES: [ "isEnabled", "sampleCondition", "lengthCounterEnable", "lcHalt", "lcControl", "progTimerCount", "progTimerMax", "triangleCounter", "lengthCounter", "linearCounter", "lcLoadValue", "sampleValue", "tmp", ], toJSON: function () { return utils.toJSON(this); }, fromJSON: function (s) { utils.fromJSON(this, s); }, }; module.exports = PAPU;