
67 lines
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( L E V E L 0 0 0 0 6 )
objects: O
2 const ^1
30 const code-y
20 const code-x
: wait-for-digit ( -- n )
0 begin suspend ^1 dup 11 + for i key-pressed if drop i then next dup until
^1 - 1 + dup 10 = if drop 0 then ;
: draw-digit ( x n -- ) code-y swap 48 + text-color @ textc ;
: code-digit ( code x -- code )
wait-for-digit swap code-x + over draw-digit swap 10 * + ;
: read-code ( -- n )
WHITE text-color !
s" ####" code-x code-y textxy
0 0 code-digit
1 code-digit
2 code-digit
3 code-digit ;
var pady-introduced
: keypad-code responder entity.user cell + @ ;
: keypad create-extra-linked-object
:| dup EVTOUCH = if
pady-introduced @ not if
pady say" Hello, stranger! I'm Pady,\the friendly keypad lock!"
jaye say" I need to get through this\door, Pady."
pady say" You didn't say the magic\word, stranger!"
1 pady-introduced !
isneut? if move-player then
PAD-OFF responder>tile? if
runon pady say" Enter your 4-digit door code!\And have a super day!"
read-code keypad-code = if
pady say" That's right! Hooray!\You get a gold star!"
drop EVACT
pady say" Ohhh, sorry! That's not it.\Better luck next time!"
pady say" Oh hi again! I missed you too!"
dup PAD-ON PAD-OFF handle-onoff
PAD-ON handle-link |; listener! ;
3 1 door d1
17 1 door d2
4 11 door d3
10 9 door d4
1234 ' d1 3 2 keypad k1
-1 ' d2 17 2 keypad k2 ( must be hacked )
3456 ' d3 4 10 keypad k3
LEV_END 13 12 exitdoor dx
' dx 14 12 scanner sx
:noname O
5 1 tile>world Jaye entity.pos!
4 0 tile>world Neut entity.pos!
; ' onload redefine