defer any-job-started defer all-jobs-complete var JOBSTATE array JOBTASKS 4 cells allot array JOBS 8 cells allot array JOBDATA 8 cells allot : by-jobid ( jobid p -- p ) swap 1 - cells + ; : jobdata ( jobid -- jobid data ) dup JOBDATA by-jobid @ ; : jobdata! ( data jobid -- ) JOBDATA by-jobid ! ; : ijobtask-running ( -- i ) 0 0 4 for JOBTASKS i cells + @ running = if drop i then next ; : jobtask-busy-flag ( ijobtask -- v f ) 1 swap << JOBSTATE swap ; : job-scheduled-flag ( jobid -- v f ) 0x08 swap << JOBSTATE swap ; : next-matching-jobid ( matcher -- jobid ) 0 1 9 for dup not if over i swap execute if drop i then then next swap drop ; : job-unscheduled+xp ( jobid -- b xp ) dup job-scheduled-flag f@ not swap JOBS by-jobid @ ; : next-unused-jobid ( -- jobid ) :| job-unscheduled+xp not and |; next-matching-jobid ; : next-waiting-jobid ( -- jobid ) :| job-unscheduled+xp and |; next-matching-jobid ; : on-job-complete ( jobid -- ) 0 swap job-scheduled-flag f! next-waiting-jobid dup if dup running send 1 swap job-scheduled-flag f! else ( 0 ) ijobtask-running jobtask-busy-flag f! JOBSTATE @ not if all-jobs-complete then then ; : listen-for-jobs activate blah begin receive ( jobid ) any-job-started dup JOBS by-jobid 0 swap @! execute on-job-complete again ; : start-jobtask ( i -- ) task dup listen-for-jobs swap cells JOBTASKS + ! ; : next-free-job-task ( -- task ) 0 0 4 for dup not if JOBSTATE 1 i << f@ not if drop JOBTASKS i cells + @ then then next ; : enqueue-job ( xp -- jobid ) next-unused-jobid dup if dup >rot 1 - cells JOBS + ! else swap drop then ; : try-run-job ( jobid -- ) 0 4 for i jobtask-busy-flag f@ not if 1 i jobtask-busy-flag f! 1 over job-scheduled-flag f! JOBTASKS i cells + @ send breakfor then next ; : sched ( xp -- ) enqueue-job try-run-job ; : sched-with ( data xp -- ) enqueue-job dup >rot jobdata! try-run-job ; :noname 0 start-jobtask 1 start-jobtask 2 start-jobtask 3 start-jobtask ; ' onload redefine