( L E V 0 0 0 0 3 ) objects: O 9 9 door d1 7 6 door d2 12 8 door d3 deflistener b1targ b1targ :noname d1 evproxy d2 evproxy chain-listener ; ' d3 9 10 scanner s1 ' b1targ 7 7 switch b1 defer c1 ' c1 8 3 computer c3 ' c3 12 11 computer c2 ' c2 5 7 computer _c1 ' _c1 ' c1 redefine 4 0 4 exitdoor dx ' dx 0 5 scanner sx 5 2 defrexx Rexx : flicker c1 EVTOG entity>do 15 sleep ; var gord-introduced c1 :noname dup EVTOUCH = isneut? and gord-introduced @ not and if 1 gord-introduced ! DEV not if neut say" HUMAN PRESENCE\DETECTED" flicker flicker flicker flicker neut say" > HUMAN ASSISTANCE IS\REQUIRED" neut say" > IF HUMAN IS PRESENT\PLEASE RESPOND" hide-footer human-view flicker flicker flicker flicker gord say" What the..." gord say" Is someone in the terminal?" gord say" > HUMAN IS PRESENT" prog-view neut say" > GREETINGS, HUMAN" neut say" > THIS IS NEUT v0.71.4rc12" neut say" > PLEASE STATE NAME AND\STATUS" human-view gord say" > THIS IS GORD" gord say" v1, I guess." gord say" > LEG IS PINNED UNDER DESK\UNABLE TO MOVE" prog-view neut say" > CAN YOU REACH THE SWITCH\BEHIND YOU?" human-view then 5 sleep b1 EVACT entity>do 15 sleep gord say" > I TURNED IT ON" prog-view neut say" > MY PROGRAMMER THANKS\YOU, GORD" neut say" > WE WILL ASSIST YOU SOON" human-view gord say" > AWAITING YOUR HELP, NEUT" prog-view cancel-ev then chain-listener ; var rexx-introduced Rexx :noname dup EVTOUCH = isneut? and rexx-introduced @ not and if 1 rexx-introduced ! neut say" MOBILE ROBOTIC UNIT\IDENTIFY YOURSELF" rexx say" Hiya boss!\I'm Rexx, the janitor!" rexx say" And your best friend!" neut say" A HUMAN IS IN PERIL" neut say" YOUR ASSISTANCE IS\REQUIRED" rexx say" You need me to take out\some garbage??" rexx say" Oh boy! Let me at it!" then chain-listener ; var gord-jaye d2 :noname dup EVTOUCH = isjaye? and gord-jaye @ not and if 1 gord-jaye ! cancel-ev move-player jaye say" Hey! Gord?\I'm Jaye." 6 6 WALKABLE mapflag? if gord say" Jaye, am I glad to see you." else gord say" Jaye, am I glad to see you.\Can you move this desk?" jaye say" Let me try..." jaye say" . . . .\!!!!....." jaye say" !!!!!!!!!!!!!...." jaye say" No, I don't think I can." gord say" I keep staring at that\cleaning robot." gord say" He looks like he could\lift a building." then then chain-listener ; var gord-up :noname O Gord :| dup EVTOUCH = isrexx? and if gord say" AHHH NOOO\NOT GARBAGE\I AM NOT GARBAGE" rexx say" Whatever you say, boss!" then dup EVTOUCH = isjaye? and gord-up @ not and if jaye say" Are you hurt?" gord say" My leg was pinned.\I don't think I can put\any weight on it." jaye say" Here, let me help you up." hide-footer then dup chain-gord-listener EVTOUCH = isjaye? and gord-up @ not and if 1 gord-up ! gord say" Thanks." jaye say" Don't mention it." jaye say" I can help you get around if\you help me navigate this\maze of a security system." gord say" I'm just as eager to get\out of here as you." gord say" Let's go." then |; listener! 7 11 tile>world Jaye entity.pos! 6 12 tile>world Neut entity.pos! 6 7 tile>world Gord entity.pos! ; ' onload redefine