
83 lines
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: stdout ' putc task-emit ! ;
s" jorth.log" open seekend deactivate const LOGFILE
: withfp ( xt fp -- ) fdeactivate r> factivate execute fdeactivate drop r< factivate ;
: log-emit ' fputc LOGFILE withfp ;
: >rot <rot <rot ;
: 2dup over over ;
: 3dup r> 2dup r@ >rot r< ;
: 4dup r> r> 2dup r@ >rot rswap r@ >rot r< r< swap ;
2019-02-11 00:17:58 +00:00
: noop ;
' cells @ const $DOCOLON ( get the colon execution token )
: :noname here $DOCOLON , ] ;
: :| inline| $DOCOLON , ; immediate
: |; ' ret , |inline ; immediate
: defer word new-word $DOCOLON , ' noop , ' ret , ;
: redefine ( cp cpdeferred ) cell + ! ;
: array word new-word $DOVAR , ;
: create word new-word $DOCREATE , 0 , ;
: finishcreate ( ipfirst -- )
( set cell after codepointer to first instruction of does> )
latest codepointer cell + ! ;
: does> here 4 cells + lit ' finishcreate , ' ret , ] ; immediate
2019-02-24 22:26:28 +00:00
: +towards ( from to -- from+-1 )
over > if 1 + else 1 - then ;
: for ( from to -- ) ' r> , here ' r> , ; immediate ( r: to from )
: i ' r@ , ; immediate
2019-02-24 22:26:28 +00:00
: next ' r< , ' r@ , ' +towards , ( from+1 r: to )
' dup , ' r@ , ' = , ' BZ_ , ,
' rdrop , ' drop , ; immediate
: min ( x y -- x|y ) 2dup > if swap then drop ;
: max ( x y -- x|y ) 2dup < if swap then drop ;
: decompile
word lookup if 1 begin ( cp i )
2dup cells + @ ( cp i @cp+i )
dup ' ret != ( cp i @cp+i bool )
dup ` dup if type drop else drop . then bl ( cp i )
1 + ( cp i+1 )
repeat drop drop then drop ;
( tasks )
: mailbox 2 cells + ;
: task-ip task-user-size cells + ;
: task-sp task-user-size 1 + cells + ;
: task-rsp task-user-size 2 + cells + ;
: task-stack task-user-size 3 + cells + ;
: task-rstack task-stack stacksize cells + ;
: doactivate ( task ip -- )
over task-ip !
dup task-stack over task-sp !
dup task-rstack over task-rsp !
: activate
here 4 cells + lit
' doactivate ,
' ret ,
; immediate
: send ( val task -- )
begin dup @ while suspend repeat ( wait for empty mailbox )
! ;
: receive ( -- val )
running mailbox
begin dup @ not while suspend repeat ( wait for mail )
dup @ 0 <rot ! ;