remove presentation as it no longer runs

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Penner 2019-05-20 15:54:13 -04:00
parent 69bab3aacd
commit 530d79c09b
28 changed files with 0 additions and 540 deletions

Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
#include <graphics.h>
#include "jorth.h"
static int bgi_on = 0;
void bgi_shutdown() {
if (bgi_on) {
bgi_on = 0;
void bgi_init() {
int driver = VGA;
int mode = VGAHI;
if (!bgi_on) {
initgraph(&driver, &mode, NULL);
bgi_on = 1;
void s_outtext() {
void s_justify() {
settextjustify(TOP().i, TOP_TEXT);
void s_font() {
struct textsettingstype settings;
settextstyle(ST1().i, settings.direction, TOP().i);
void s_direction() {
struct textsettingstype settings;
settextstyle(settings.font, TOP().i, settings.charsize);
void s_moveto() {
moveto(ST1().i, TOP().i);
void s_pos() {
void s_setcolor() {
void s_setbgcolor() {
void s_clear() {
void slide_init() {
CDEF("bgi-on", bgi_init);
CDEF("bgi-off", bgi_shutdown);
CDEF("outtext", s_outtext);
CDEF("justify", s_justify);
CDEF("font", s_font);
CDEF("direction", s_direction);
CDEF("moveto", s_moveto);
CDEF("pos", s_pos);
CDEF("color!", s_setcolor);
CDEF("bg!", s_setbgcolor);
CDEF("wipe", s_clear);

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@
void slide_init();

View file

@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
( K E Y B O A R D )
57 const ^SPACE
75 const ^LEFT
77 const ^RIGHT
51 const ^<
52 const ^>
31 const ^S
59 const ^F1
0 const BLACK
1 const BLUE
2 const GREEN
3 const CYAN
4 const RED
5 const MAGENTA
6 const BROWN
7 const LGRAY
8 const DGRAY
9 const LBLUE
10 const LGREEN
11 const LCYAN
12 const PINK
13 const LMAGENTA
14 const YELLOW
15 const WHITE
: rungame
0 player.state DRIVING f!
1 showmouse !
[ MODE-MOVE @ lit ] dup MODE-MOVE ! ' tick redefine
' full-draw ' draw redefine
12 11 tile>world player entity.pos!
bgi-off 320x200 loadportraits
s" pete.jor" loadfile
begin suspend again ;
( S L I D E )
var skip
var autoslide
: pause
skip @ not if
suspend 0
^< key-pressed if drop 1 1 skip ! -1 autoslide ! then
^> key-pressed if drop 1 1 skip ! 1 autoslide ! then
^S key-pressed if drop 1 1 skip ! then
^RIGHT key-pressed ^SPACE key-pressed or if drop 1 then
^F1 key-pressed if rungame then
then ;
defer write
: y pos swap drop ;
: nexty ( dy -- y ) y + ;
: writeline ( s x dy ) nexty <rot outtext moveto ;
: header :| 320 50 writeline |; ' write redefine
wipe BLUE bg! 1 5 font 1 justify WHITE color! 320 10 moveto ;
: bullet :| 30 30 writeline |; ' write redefine
3 3 font 0 justify LCYAN color! 30 y 30 + moveto ;
: goof :| 320 60 writeline |; ' write redefine
wipe 4 7 font 1 justify CYAN color! 320 100 moveto ;
( S L I D E S )
' noop
:noname 12 11 tile>world player entity.pos!
s" pete.jor" loadfile ;
:noname :| player yield done |; ' party redefine
0 player.state DRIVING f!
1 showmouse ! MODE-MOVE @ ' tick redefine
12 11 tile>world player entity.pos!
loadportraits ;
:noname s" hide-footer" REPL send ;
:noname s" show-footer" REPL send ;
:noname :| player yield done |; ' party redefine
1 player.state DRIVING f! E player entity.dir ! ;
:noname :| done |; dup ' party redefine ' entities redefine 0 showmouse ! ;
array demostates , , , , , , ,
var demostate
: enterdemostate
demostate @ cells demostates + @ execute ;
: tick-nextslide
^SPACE key-pressed if 1 demostate +! enterdemostate then ;
: demotick
0 ^LEFT key-down if 3 - then
^RIGHT key-down if 3 + then
0 ^UP key-down if 3 - then
^DOWN key-down if 3 + then
player entity.y +!
player entity.x +!
tick-debounce ;
: autoadvance autoslide @ not if 1 autoslide ! then ;
: demo ( endstate startstate -- )
bgi-off 320x200
' full-draw ' draw redefine
' demotick ' tick redefine
demostate ! enterdemostate
begin suspend dup demostate @ <= until drop
' noop ' draw redefine
' noop ' tick redefine
bgi-on autoadvance ;
var demorepldone
: quit 1 demorepldone ! ;
: start-demorepl activate ' putc task-emit !
s" .:: J O R T H ( jean forth) ::." type cr
begin receive loadstring s" ok" type cr again ;
task const DEMOREPL
array replbuf 256 allot
: demorepl
bgi-off key-end 0 demorepldone !
DEMOREPL start-demorepl suspend
begin replbuf gets DEMOREPL send suspend
demorepldone @ until
bgi-on key-start autoadvance ;
array filenamebuf 13 allot
var filenameindex
: store-fn-char filenamebuf filenameindex @ + b! ;
: filename-emit
dup [ key lit ] != if
1 filenameindex +!
0 store-fn-char
else drop then ;
: slidefilename ( i -- s )
task-emit @
' filename-emit task-emit !
0 filenameindex !
s" slide" type
swap .
s" .jor" type
task-emit !
filenamebuf ;
var slidecount
var slideindex
: skipto ( i -- )
slideindex @ - autoslide ! 1 skip ! ;
: fixindex
slideindex @ 0 < if slidecount @ 1 - slideindex ! else
slideindex @ slidecount @ >= if 0 slideindex ! then then ;
: show ( i -- ) 0 skip ! 0 autoslide ! slidefilename loadjor ;
: nextslide
autoslide @ if
autoslide @ slideindex +!
^LEFT key-pressed ^< key-pressed or
if -1 else
^RIGHT key-pressed ^SPACE key-pressed or ^> key-pressed or
if 1 else 0 then then
dup if dup slideindex +! then
then fixindex ;
: slideshow activate blah
bgi-on ' noop ' draw redefine ' noop ' tick redefine
begin slideindex @ show nextslide again ;
task const SLIDESHOW
SLIDESHOW slideshow
0 begin dup slidefilename exists while 1 + repeat slidecount !
:| tick-nextslide [ MODE-MOVE @ , ] |; MODE-MOVE !
; ' onload redefine

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
s" What A 30-Year" write
s" Old PC Can Teach" write
s" Us About Graphic" write
s" Design" write pause
BLUE bg! bullet
s" (just kidding)" write

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
header 320 180 moveto
s" Building Your Own Tools" write pause
s" Or, Be Moore Like Chuck" write

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
s" Things Jorth is missing" write pause
s" * Garbage collection" write pause
s" * Dynamic memory allocation" write pause
s" * Garbage" write pause
s" * Memory safety" write pause
s" * Error reporting" write pause
s" * Static types" write pause
s" * Dynamic types" write pause
s" * Objects" write pause
s" * Polymorphic methods" write pause
s" * Closures" write pause
s" * Flow control (in the interpreter)" write pause
s" * Local variables" write pause
s" * Syntax" write

View file

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
s" Things Jorth has" write
s" * An interactive embedded REPL" write pause
s" * Lightweight co-operative multitasking" write pause
s" * A C FFI" write pause
s" * An extensible compiler, defined in itself" write pause
s" * The ability to fit comfortably in 16kb of RAM" write pause
s" * An entire codebase I completely understand" write
s" and am willing to change to fit my problem" write

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
s" Jorth Crash Course" write
s" Syntax & Semantics" write
s" * Read text until a space is encountered" write pause
s" * Look up word in dictionary" write pause
s" * If a definition is found: Execute it" write pause
s" * Otherwise: Parse it as a number" write pause
s" * Otherwise: Give up" write pause
s" * Postfix / Reverse Polish Notation" write
s" parameters and return values live on The Stack" write pause
s" * D E M O !" write pause

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
s" Jorth Crash Course" write
s" The Jorth Virtual Machine" write
s" while (IP.p) {" write
s" W = *IP.p;" write
s" IP.p++;" write
s" W.p->f();" write
s" }" write

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
s" Jorth Crash Course" write
s" Calling Conventions" write
s" void f_docolon() {" write
s" RPUSH(IP);" write
s" IP.p = W.p + 1;" write
s" }" write pause
s" void f_ret() { " write
s" IP = *RPOP();" write
s" }" write

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
s" Jorth Crash Course" write
s" Writing Jorth In Itself" write
s" : begin here ; immediate" write
s" : until ' BZ_ , , ; immediate" write pause
s" " write
s" : if ' BZ_ , here 0 , ; immediate" write
s" : then here swap ! ; immediate" write pause
s" " write
s" : ( begin key ')' = until ; immediate" write

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
s" What Good Was It?" write
s" * Jorth soon spread to every part of the project" write pause
s" * C for the hardware, Jorth for everything else" write pause
s" * All game & drawing logic" write pause
s" * Map editing" write pause
6 4 demo

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
s" Entirely Intuitive Results" write
s" * Forth does not scale up" write pause
s" * Arranging postfix expressions without local" write
s" variables is hard" write pause
s" * It's too easy to fill 64kb of memory" write pause
s" * This would have been impossible without" write
s" the internet" write

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
s" Counterintuitive Results" write
s" * Complicated Forth code is AWFUL..." write pause
s" ... which is a powerful force for simplicity" write pause
s" * Virtually ALL state is global..." write pause
s" ... which makes it all visible when debugging" write pause
s" ... and which lets code stay small and focussed" write pause
s" * Hard to tell what a word might do..." write pause
s" ... but this makes huge implementation" write
s" changes possible!" write pause
s" * The most flexible abstraction may be the tiniest" write pause
s" * It's easier to write my own!" write pause
s" * Map editor" write pause
s" * Music livecoding REPL (<300 LOC!)" write pause
s" * This presentation software (<200 LOC!)" write

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
s" I should shut up now" write pause
goof CYAN bg! MAGENTA color!
s" Questions?" write

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
s" Background" write
s" I decided to write a game" write pause
s" for a 30-year-old computer" write pause
s" on a 30-year-old computer" write

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
s" WHY?!" write pause
s" * I fell in love with MS-DOS" write pause
s" * I wanted to see if I could" write pause
s" * Learning is fun" write

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
s" What were my restrictions?" write
s" * Turbo C++ 1.0 (C & assembler)" write pause
s" * 16-bit real-mode x86" write pause
pos s" * 640kb of RAM" write pause
moveto s" -----" write
pos s" * ~550-600kb of RAM" write pause
moveto s" ----------" write
s" * 64kb of code, 64kb of data," write
s" 256kb of video memory" write pause
s" * E" outtext
2 color! s" G" outtext
3 color! s" A " outtext
4 color! s" G" outtext
5 color! s" r" outtext
6 color! s" a" outtext
7 color! s" p" outtext
8 color! s" h" outtext
9 color! s" i" outtext
10 color! s" c" outtext
11 color! s" s" outtext
12 color! s" !" outtext
13 color! s" !" outtext
14 color! s" !" write
LCYAN color!
s" * 320x200 pixel resolution, 16 colours" write pause
s" * AdLib sound" write
s" * FM synthesis - no digital sampling" write pause
s" * All work done ON THE 286" write

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
s" How would I learn all this?" write
pos s" * StackOverflow" write pause
moveto s" -----------" write pause
s" * Graphics Programming Black Book" write
s" by Michael Abrash" write pause
s" * Teach Yourself Game Programming in 21 Days" write
s" by Andre LaMothe" write pause
s" * Commander Keen Dreams source code" write pause
s" * Google... sometimes helped" write

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
s" First Steps" write
s" * Could I write a tile engine?" write pause
s" * Stretch goal: Could I make it scroll smoothly?" write pause
s" * And obviously I've got to draw stuff on top..." write pause
s" * Ooh, what about a stationary HUD?" write pause
3 0 demo

View file

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
BLUE bg!
s" Problems: One Month In" write
s" * Game logic was messy" write pause
s" * Debugging is hard!" write pause
s" * How to edit maps?" write

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
s" I know, I'll just..." write pause
s" WRITE MY OWN" write
s" SCRIPTING LANGUAGE" write pause
s" What could POSSIBLY go wrong??" write pause
s" @SpindleyQ" write pause
s" ohhh noooo I am definitely going to" write
s" write a 16-bit x86 Forth as a scripting" write
s" language for my game, this is happeniiiiing" write pause
s" @mogwai_poet" write pause
s" @SpindleyQ Have you used forth before?" write
s" It's like programming assembly" write
s" on a CPU designed by an alien." write

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
s" FORTH" write
s" * Invented by Chuck Moore around 1970" write pause
s" * Still used in embedded systems & firmware" write pause
s" * The tiniest possible useful language" write pause
s" * 'If you've seen one Forth, you've seen one forth'" write pause
s" * I called mine Jorth ( jean forth)" write

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
: slideNotes
s" * The tiniest abstraction may be the most flexible" write
s" (if you're willing to trade off 'safety')" write
* Forth is really, really good for one person who understands everything
* It is not necessarily great for complex problems
(Change the problem!)
* It is not necessarily great for co-operation
(write-only language)
* It's kind of an anti-social language
(not least because you want to talk about it at length once you learn it!)
* I spent a couple of hours figuring out how to free up enough
memory in the data segment to hold my game engine, Jorth data,
graphics data, and the slide fonts, all at the same time
* Then I wrote some more slides and ran out of RAM to store all
the text, so I

View file

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
#include "jorth.h"
#include "egamap.h"
#include "adlib.h"
#include "slide.h"
/*** T E X T ***/
char far *font = NULL;
@ -225,39 +224,6 @@ void f_cleanup() {
void f_320x200() {
FILE *f;
TifImageMeta_t meta;
f = fopen("FOOTER2.TIF", "rb");
meta = tifLoadMeta(f);
tifLoadEGA(f, meta, 0, 48, 336);
f = fopen("TILES.TIF", "rb");
meta = tifLoadMeta(f);
tifLoadEGA(f, meta, OFF_TILES, NUM_TILES * 16, 16);
void f_loadportraits() {
FILE *f;
TifImageMeta_t meta;
f = fopen("FOOTER.TIF", "rb");
meta = tifLoadMeta(f);
tifLoadEGA(f, meta, 0, 48, 336);
f = fopen("PORTRAIT.TIF", "rb");
meta = tifLoadMeta(f);
tifLoadEGA(f, meta, OFF_PORTRAITS, NUM_PORTRAITS * 32, 32);
void game_f_init(char *exe) {
CDEF("seremit", f_seremit);
@ -280,10 +246,7 @@ void game_f_init(char *exe) {
CDEF("mousepos", f_mousepos);
CDEF("mousebuttons", f_mousebuttons);
CDEF("unfuck", tile_init);
CDEF("320x200", f_320x200);
CDEF("loadportraits", f_loadportraits);
f_atexit = f_lookupcp("atexit");