flesh out Chuck's story

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Penner 2019-05-19 13:34:27 -04:00
parent 459235117d
commit edf0a91f71
10 changed files with 91 additions and 45 deletions

View file

@ -4,6 +4,12 @@
: world>tile 4 >> swap 4 >> swap ;
: tile>world 4 << swap 4 << swap ;
: +pos ( x1 y1 x2 y2 -- x y )
<rot + >rot + swap ;
: -pos ( x1 y1 x2 y2 -- x y )
negate swap negate swap +pos ;
: defentity ( x y dir anim -- ) array ' drop , , , tile>world , , ;
: entity.x 4 cells + ;
: entity.y 3 cells + ;
@ -28,12 +34,31 @@ var entity-defstate
1 const E
2 const N
3 const S
4 const NODIR
: dir>pos ( dir -- dx dy )
dup W = if drop -1 0 ret then
dup E = if drop 1 0 ret then
N = if 0 -1
else 0 1 then ;
dup N = if drop 0 -1 ret then
S = if 0 1 else 0 0 then ;
: pos>dir ( dx dy -- dir )
dup 0 < if drop drop N else
0 > if drop S else
dup 0 < if drop W else
0 > if E else NODIR then then then then ;
: facing ( x1 y1 x2 y2 -- dir ) -pos pos>dir ;
: entity-dst ( e -- x y )
>r r@ entity.dir @ dir>pos
r@ entity.x @ <r entity.y @ world>tile +pos ;
: move-entity ( e -- )
dup entity.dir @ dir>pos ( e dx dy )
dup if swap drop swap entity.y
else drop swap entity.x then
swap 16 * over @ + 4 <rot move-to ;
: frame ( s n e w ) b, b, b, b, ;
array frames

View file

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ defer entities
( P L A Y E R )
var player.state
var player.prevdir
defer player
1 const MOVING
2 const DRIVING
@ -48,16 +47,6 @@ defer player
12 9 N ' {player} defentity player
: entity-dst ( e -- x y )
>r r@ entity.dir @ dir>pos
r@ entity.x @ <r entity.y @ world>tile +pos ;
: move-entity ( e -- )
dup entity.dir @ dir>pos ( e dx dy )
dup if swap drop swap entity.y
else drop swap entity.x then
swap 16 * over @ + 4 <rot move-to ;
: move-player
1 player.state MOVING f!
player move-entity
@ -96,6 +85,9 @@ defer player-touch ( x y -- b )
: try-move-player
player entity-dst check-player-touch not if move-player then ;
: follow ( e -- )
player entity>pos <rot entity.pos! NODIR player.prevdir ! ;
: check-entity-touch
touch-begin entity-at
touch-next out-of-bounds
@ -132,6 +124,7 @@ player :tick
q-player.x @ q-player.y @ tile>world player entity.pos!
party each follow more
else drop then ;
' mode-move MODE-MOVE !

View file

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ defer loadlevel
s" input.jor" loadfile
s" entity.jor" loadfile
s" timer.jor" loadfile
s" entity.jor" loadfile
s" footer.jor" loadfile
s" map.jor" loadfile
s" game.jor" loadfile

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ e_chuck :touch
car :touch
player move-entity 1 player.state DRIVING f!
move-player 1 player.state DRIVING f!
@ -22,18 +22,33 @@ car :touch
touch-begin S leaving? dup
if player.driving? not
if pete say" I'm not walking."
else player move-entity 24 7 road.jor queue-level
else move-player 24 7 road.jor queue-level
touch-next 6 21 2= dup
if player.driving? not
noone say" * knock knock *"
clear 30 sleep
pete say" Nobody home, I guess."
jeanne say" Go away before I call the\cops, Pete!"
pete say" Oh.\I guess she's still mad."
if CHUCK-FOLLOW state@ not if
noone say" * knock knock *"
clear 30 sleep
pete say" Nobody home, I guess."
jeanne say" Go away before I call the\cops, Pete!"
pete say" Oh.\I guess she's still mad."
pete say" I brought you your\damn horse, Jeanne!"
jeanne say" Oh my God. Is he okay?\Hold on, I'm coming outside."
pete say" He's fine."
W player entity.dir ! move-player move-player E player entity.dir !
( todo: jeanne sprite I guess )
chuck say" * n u z z l e *\(Jeanne! I'm home!)"
jeanne say" Jesus, Chuck, you're a wreck.\Let's get you fed and rested."
pete say" You're welcome."
jeanne say" Don't think for a MINUTE\I'm not still furious at you."
jeanne say" If I catch you on my property\again, I *will* call the cops."
pete say" Alright, alright, I'm going!\Christ, no good deed goes\unpunished."
CHUCK-HOME setstate CHUCK-FOLLOW clearstate
10 6 petehous.jor queue-level
pete say" Jeanne hates me enough already\without driving through her\front door!"

View file

@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
( M A P )
: +pos ( x1 y1 x2 y2 -- x y )
<rot + >rot + swap ;
var tileselect
: invalidate-map mapsize mapsize! ;
: mouseworldpos mousepos scrollpos +pos ;

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
13 8 N ' {car} defentity car
car :touch
player move-entity
1 player.state DRIVING f!
@ -15,17 +15,17 @@ car :touch
touch-begin S leaving? dup
if player.driving? not
if pete say" It's too far to walk to town."
else player move-entity 5 10 road.jor queue-level
else move-player 5 10 road.jor queue-level
touch-next 13 8 2= player.driving? and dup
if player move-entity
if move-player
0 player.state DRIVING f!
W player entity.dir !
player move-entity
touch-next 12 7 2= player.driving? not and dup
if player move-entity 16 9 petehous.jor queue-level then
if move-player 16 9 petehous.jor queue-level then
touch-next 30 7 2= dup
if pete say" It's... kinda swampy.\I don't wanna get wet if I\don't have to." then
touch-next 30 9 2= dup

View file

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ done |; choose ;entity
:| table yield chair yield bed yield e_phone yield done |; ' entities redefine
touch-begin 16 10 2= dup if
player move-entity 12 8 pete.jor queue-level
move-player 12 8 pete.jor queue-level
then touch-next 9 4 2= dup if
pete say" The closet is a disaster.\I don't want to deal with that\right now."
then touch-next 11 4 2= dup if

View file

@ -3,18 +3,20 @@
24 4 N ' {horse} defentity chuck
1 player.state DRIVING f!
CHUCK-FOLLOW state@ not player.state DRIVING f!
:| CHUCK-HOME state@ if chuck yield then
done |; ' entities redefine
touch-begin E leaving? dup
if pete say" It's 100 miles to the next town." then
touch-next 24 15 2= CHUCK-FOLLOW state@ and dup
if pete say" I'm not walking all the way into\town with a horse!" then
touch-next 5 9 2= dup
if player move-entity 13 12 pete.jor queue-level then
if move-player 13 12 pete.jor queue-level then
touch-next 13 6 2= dup
if player move-entity 38 71 trail1.jor queue-level then
if move-player 38 71 trail1.jor queue-level then
touch-next 24 6 2= dup
if player move-entity 13 22 jeanne.jor queue-level then
if move-player 13 22 jeanne.jor queue-level then
touch-next 39 33 2= dup
if pete say" School's out for the day,\looks like." then
touch-next 32 36 2= dup

View file

@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
3 const CHUCK-HOME
3 const LAST-STATE
array state LAST-STATE 8 / 1 + allot
array flags LAST-STATE 8 / 1 + allot
: statef ( f -- v f ) dup 8 % 1 swap << swap 8 / state + swap ;
: state! ( b f -- ) statef f! ;
: state@ ( b f -- ) statef f@ ;
: setstate 1 swap state! ;
: clearstate 0 swap state! ;
: flagstof ( f -- v f ) dup 8 % 1 swap << swap 8 / flags + swap ;
: flagsf! ( b f -- ) flagstof f! ;
: state@ ( b f -- ) flagstof f@ ;
: setstate 1 swap flagsf! ;
: clearstate 0 swap flagsf! ;
16 18 W ' {horse} defentity p_chuck

View file

@ -4,7 +4,21 @@
39 71 N ' {car} defentity car
car :touch
player move-entity 1 player.state DRIVING f!
CHUCK-FOLLOW state@ if
pete say" I can't leave Chuck here!"
move-player 1 player.state DRIVING f!
e_chuck :touch
pete say" Woah, boy. Calm down."
chuck say" * w h i n n y *\(You came back!)"
pete say" Of course I did, boy.\Of course I did."
p_chuck follow
( e_chuck entity>pos p_chuck entity.pos!
p_chuck entity>pos player entity>pos facing player.prevdir ! )
CHUCK-GONE clearstate CHUCK-FOLLOW setstate
@ -16,9 +30,9 @@ car :touch
touch-begin S leaving? dup
if player.driving? not
if player.driving? not CHUCK-FOLLOW state@ not and
if pete say" I'm not walking."
else player move-entity 13 7 road.jor queue-level
else move-player 13 7 road.jor queue-level
CHUCK-GONE state@ if