( O V E R W O R L D ) 24 4 N ' {horse} defentity chuck :noname CHUCK-FOLLOW flag@ not player.state DRIVING f! :| CHUCK-HOME flag@ if chuck yield then done |; ' entities redefine :| touch-begin E leaving? dup if pete say" It's 100 miles to the next town." then touch-next 24 15 2= CHUCK-FOLLOW flag@ and dup if pete say" I'm not walking all the way into\town with a horse!" then touch-next 5 9 2= dup if move-player 13 12 pete.jor queue-level then touch-next 13 6 2= dup if move-player 38 71 trail1.jor queue-level then touch-next 24 6 2= dup if move-player 13 22 jeanne.jor queue-level then touch-next 39 33 2= dup if pete say" School's out for the day,\looks like." then touch-next 32 36 2= dup if mary say" General store and post office." then touch-next 35 39 2= dup if pete say" Community center." then touch-next tile b@ 17 = dup if pete say" I'm not one to drop in\unannounced." then touch-last |; ' player-touch redefine s" road.map" load-map ; ' onload redefine