Jeremy Penner 49f532a85b JOPL adlib livecoding environment; stop including JIM files in git
I now have multiple executables that depend on the same .jor source files
and I am not diligent about ensuring that both are up-to-date and working.
As small changes to source files can cause .jim files to fail silently,
I've removed them from the repo for now.
2019-03-31 19:29:16 -04:00

153 lines
3.3 KiB
Executable file

' putc task-emit !
: start-repl activate ' putc task-emit !
s" .:: J O P L ( jean OPL2 print loop) ::." type cr
begin receive loadstring s" ok" type cr again ;
task const REPL
REPL start-repl
var voice
var op
: op-with-voice voice @
dup 2 > if 5 + then
dup 5 > if 5 + then
+ op @ + ;
: opreg create b, does> ub@ op-with-voice ;
: voicereg create b, does> ub@ voice @ + ;
0x20 opreg ar-flags
0x40 opreg ar-level
0x60 opreg ar-ad
0x80 opreg ar-sr
0xe0 opreg ar-wave
0xc0 voicereg ar-alg
0xa0 voicereg ar-freq
0xb0 voicereg ar-note
: op2 3 op ! ;
: op1 0 op ! ;
: loadop ( flags level ad sr wave -- )
ar-wave adlib!
ar-sr adlib!
ar-ad adlib!
ar-level adlib!
ar-flags adlib! ;
: readop ( v -- )
r> r@ 4 + b@ r@ 3 + b@ r@ 2 + b@ r@ 1 + b@ r< b@ loadop ;
: instrument ( alg f1 l1 ad1 sr1 w1 f2 l2 ad2 sr2 w2 -- )
create b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, does>
dup dup 5 + op1 readop op2 readop
10 + b@ ar-alg adlib! ;
0 0x01 0x10 0xf0 0x77 0 0x01 0x00 0xf0 0x77 0 instrument default
: freqon ( oct freq -- )
dup 0xff & ar-freq adlib!
8 >> 0x03 & swap 2 << | 0x20 | ar-note adlib! ;
: noteoff ( -- ) 0 ar-note adlib! ;
array semitones
3520 3520 />ratio ,
3729 3520 />ratio ,
3951 3520 />ratio ,
4186 3520 />ratio ,
4435 3520 />ratio ,
4699 3520 />ratio ,
4978 3520 />ratio ,
5274 3520 />ratio ,
5588 3520 />ratio ,
5920 3520 />ratio ,
6272 3520 />ratio ,
6645 3520 />ratio ,
: note dup 12 / 8 % swap 12 % cells semitones + @ 440 swap *<ratio ;
: noteon noteoff note freqon ;
: read-sbi-reg ( reg-cp -- )
fgetc swap execute adlib! ;
: read-sbi-op-reg ( reg-cp -- )
dup op1 read-sbi-reg
op2 read-sbi-reg ;
: loadsbi ( filename -- )
open 36 seek
' ar-flags read-sbi-op-reg
' ar-level read-sbi-op-reg
' ar-ad read-sbi-op-reg
' ar-sr read-sbi-op-reg
' ar-wave read-sbi-op-reg
fgetc ar-alg adlib!
close ;
: panic 9 -1 for i voice ! noteoff next ;
var songticks
var notestate
var octave
: rest songticks @ begin dup songticks @ != until drop ;
: beat begin dup songticks @ swap % 0 != while rest repeat drop ;
: %O octave ! ;
: %V voice ! ;
: mknote create b, does> ub@ octave @ 12 * + notestate @ if b, else noteon rest then ;
: %loop 0xfe b, , ;
: % notestate @ if 0xf0 b, else rest then ;
: %% 0 for % next ;
: %- notestate @ if 0xfd b, else noteoff then ;
: %do 0xff b, , ;
0 mknote A
1 mknote A#
2 mknote B
3 mknote C
4 mknote C#
5 mknote D
6 mknote D#
7 mknote E
8 mknote F
9 mknote F#
10 mknote G
11 mknote G#
array tracks 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
: track ( i -- p ) cells tracks + ;
: dotrack ( ip -- ip )
dup if dup 1 + swap ub@ r>
r@ 0xff = if dup @ swap cell + swap execute then
r@ 0xfe = if @ dotrack then
r@ 0xfd = if noteoff then
r@ 0xf0 < if r@ noteon then
rdrop then ;
: track-tick ( i -- )
track dup @ dotrack swap ! ;
: :track create here 1 notestate ! does> voice @ track ! ;
: ;track %loop 0 notestate ! ;
: shush 0 voice @ track ! %- ;
: player
songticks @ 1 + songticks !
voice @
0 10 for i voice ! i track-tick next
voice ! ;
var t2
: startt2
0x60 0x04 adlib!
0x80 0x04 adlib!
t2 @ 0x03 adlib!
0x42 0x04 adlib! ;
: ontick adlib@ 0x20 & if startt2 player then ;
; ' onload redefine