838 lines
24 KiB
838 lines
24 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
import internetarchive
import json
import sys
import os
from glob import glob as pyglob
import sh
import re
import requests
from urllib import urlretrieve
from urlparse import urljoin
import unicodedata
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, make_response, send_from_directory
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from binascii import a2b_base64
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
VALID_OPTIONS = set(['user', 'dbdir', 'db', 'dosbox_install', 'default_collection'])
def load_config():
config = SafeConfigParser()
files = [os.path.expanduser('~/.config/sw.ini')]
path = os.getcwd()
while path != '/':
files.insert(1, os.path.join(path, 'sw.ini'))
path = os.path.dirname(path)
for k, v in config.items('config'):
if k.lower() in VALID_OPTIONS:
globals()[k.upper()] = v
if 'DB' not in globals():
DB=os.path.join(DBDIR, 'ia.json')
# DEFAULT_COLLECTION = 'softwarelibrary_msdos_shareware'
# DEFAULT_COLLECTION = 'open_source_software'
# DEFAULT_COLLECTION = 'softwarelibrary_win3_shareware'
# DEFAULT_COLLECTION = 'glorious_trainwrecks'
def genid(name, spec):
# return 'msdos_' + name + '_shareware'
# return 'actionpoint_' + name
# return 'win3_' + name # + '_knp'
return 'gtrwx_' + name
def gen_metadata(spec, orig_file):
def fixklik(spec):
klikfiles = {'exe': None, 'gam': None, 'img': None}
for line in sh.unzip('-l', spec['upload']).splitlines():
match = re.match(r"\s*\d+\s+\S+\s\S+\s+(.+)", line)
file = match.group(1) if match else ''
for ext in klikfiles.iterkeys():
if file.lower().endswith('.' + ext):
if klikfiles[ext]:
klikfiles[ext] = file
for fn in klikfiles.itervalues():
if not fn or not klikfiles['exe'] or fn[:-3] != klikfiles['exe'][:-3]:
exe = klikfiles['exe']
if '/' in exe:
unzipdir = os.path.join(DBDIR, 'tmp')
if os.path.exists(unzipdir):
sh.rm('-r', unzipdir)
sh.mkdir('-p', unzipdir)
dirOld = os.getcwd()
zipfile = os.path.abspath(spec['upload'])
sh.unzip('-q', zipfile)
print exe, exe[:exe.rfind('/')], zipfile
zipdir(exe[:exe.rfind('/')], zipfile)
exe = exe[exe.rfind('/') + 1:]
spec['upload'] = zipfile
spec['emulator_start'] = 'd:\\runapp ' + exe
spec['dosbox_drive_d'] = 'emularity_win31/win31.zip'
def gen_metadata_json(spec, orig_file):
spec['subject'] = 'klik & play;Geocities'
print orig_file, os.path.split(orig_file)[1]
gamesjson_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(orig_file)[0], "games.json")
print gamesjson_path
with open(gamesjson_path, 'rt') as f:
meta = json.load(f)
print meta
if os.path.split(orig_file)[1] in meta:
vals = meta[os.path.split(orig_file)[1]]
if len(vals) >= 1:
spec['title'] = vals[0]
if len(vals) >= 2:
spec['description'] = vals[1]
if len(vals) >= 3:
spec['creator'] = vals[2]
site = None
if '_AUTHOR' in meta:
if 'creator' not in spec:
spec['creator'] = meta['_AUTHOR']
site = meta['_AUTHOR']
if '_SITE' in meta:
site = meta['_SITE']
if '_URL' in meta:
link = '<a href="' + meta['_URL'] + '">'
if site:
link += site
link += 'this Geocities site'
link += '</a>'
spec['description'] = (spec.get('description', '') + """
(Retrieved from """ + link + """.)""")
'emulator': 'dosbox',
'emulator_ext': 'zip',
'mediatype': 'software',
'dosbox_drive_d': 'emularity_win31/win31.zip'
def genid_piratekart(name, spec):
spec['creator'] = 'ShaperMC'
default_tags = ["glorious trainwrecks", "klik & play", "The 100-in-1 Klik & Play Pirate Kart"]
def matchheader(start, line):
match = re.match(start + ".*: *(.*)", line)
if match:
return match.group(1)
gametxt = patchstr(sh.unzip('-p', '-C', spec['upload'], 'game.txt', _encoding='cp437'))
for line in gametxt.split('\n'):
if matchheader("D", line):
spec['description'] = matchheader("D", line).strip()
elif matchheader("N", line):
spec['title'] = matchheader("N", line).strip()
elif matchheader("(?:G|Tag)", line):
tags = [tag.strip() for tag in matchheader("(?:G|Tag)", line).split(',')]
print tags
tags = tags + default_tags
spec['subject'] = ";".join(tags)
for tag in tags:
if tag.startswith("kotmk"):
name = tag + "_" + name
def loaddb():
with open(DB, 'rt') as f:
return json.load(f)
def savedb(db):
with open(DB, 'wt') as f:
json.dump(db, f)
def scan(db):
"""Finds everything I've uploaded and adds it to the DB."""
for result in internetarchive.search.Search('uploader:(jeremy@sporktania.com)', ['identifier', 'title', 'collection']):
id = result['identifier']
if id not in db:
db[id] = {'status': 'unknown'}
db[id]['title'] = result['title']
db[id]['collection'] = result['collection']
def diff(db, newdb_filename):
"""Returns a db with all of the items in newdb that don't exist in db."""
with open(newdb_filename, 'rt') as f:
newdb = json.load(f)
diffdb = {}
for id, val in newdb.iteritems():
if db.get(id) != val:
diffdb[id] = val
return diffdb
def check(db, collection=None, ignore=set(['fine', 'dark'])):
"""Prints items and their status, for reporting non-working items to Jason."""
status = {'reshoot': []}
for id, val in db.iteritems():
if collection != None and collection not in val.get('collection', []):
if val['status'] not in status:
status[val['status']] = []
if val.get('reshoot'):
for s, ids in status.iteritems():
if s not in ignore:
print "\n"
print s + ":"
for id in ids:
print "http://archive.org/details/" + id
def setstatus(db, id, status, title=None):
if id not in db:
db[id] = {}
db[id]['status'] = status
if title:
db[id]['title'] = title
def patchstr(s):
"""Remove line-drawing (non-ascii) characters from a string"""
return "".join(ch for ch in unicode(s) if unicodedata.category(ch)[0]!="C" or ch == '\n')
def safefilename(s):
return re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]', '_', s)
def fix(spec):
"""Tries to generate an ID and description"""
print "fix", spec
if 'upload' in spec:
fullname, ext = os.path.splitext(spec['upload'])
spec['upload'] = fullname + ext.lower()
name = safefilename(os.path.basename(fullname))
print name
if 'id' not in spec:
spec['id'] = genid(name, spec)
if 'description' not in spec:
spec['description'] = patchstr(sh.unzip('-p', '-C', spec['upload'], 'FILE_ID.DIZ', _encoding='cp437'))
except sh.ErrorReturnCode:
def defprompt(name):
def decorator(func):
func.name = name
return func
return decorator
def mvprompt(name):
def mv(spec):
destpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(spec['upload']), name)
sh.mkdir('-p', destpath)
sh.mv(spec['upload'], destpath)
return mv
def dbinst(zip):
sh.rm('-r', DOSBOX_INSTALL)
sh.mkdir('-p', os.path.join(DOSBOX_INSTALL, 'INSTALL'))
sh.cp(zip, DOSBOX_INSTALL)
dirOld = os.getcwd()
os.chdir(os.path.join(DOSBOX_INSTALL, 'INSTALL'))
sh.unzip('-q', '../' + os.path.basename(zip))
def dbinstexe(exe):
sh.rm('-r', DOSBOX_INSTALL)
sh.mkdir('-p', os.path.join(DOSBOX_INSTALL, 'INSTALL'))
sh.cp(exe, os.path.join(DOSBOX_INSTALL, 'INSTALL'))
sh.open(os.path.join(DOSBOX_INSTALL, '..'))
def pkginstprompt(spec):
if pkginst(spec):
return "sync" if prompt(spec) else "ignore"
return "ignore"
def dbinstprompt(spec):
x = raw_input("Hit Enter when done (x to cancel): ")
if x == 'x':
return 'ignore'
return pkginstprompt(spec)
def skipprompt(spec):
def sync_only_metadata(spec):
del spec['upload']
sync(spec, ensure_new=False)
def win31prompt(spec):
spec['dosbox_drive_d'] = 'emularity_win31/win31.zip'
return 'ignore'
def dosprompt(spec):
spec['dosbox_drive_d'] = None
return 'ignore'
def maxcpuprompt(spec):
unzipdir = os.path.join(DBDIR, 'tmp')
if os.path.exists(unzipdir):
sh.rm('-r', unzipdir)
sh.mkdir('-p', unzipdir)
dirOld = os.getcwd()
zipfile = os.path.abspath(spec['upload'])
sh.unzip('-q', zipfile)
sh.cp(os.path.join(DBDIR, 'maxcpu.dosbox.conf'), 'dosbox.conf')
zipdir('.', zipfile)
return 'ignore'
def markprompt(db, status):
def mark(spec):
setstatus(db, spec['id'], status, spec.get('title'))
return mark
def run_prompts(input, spec, prompts):
while True:
if prompts:
for k, v in prompts.iteritems():
print k + '=' + v.name,
print ''
result = raw_input(input)
if result in prompts:
result = prompts[result](spec)
if result != "ignore":
return (False, result)
return (True, result)
def prompt(spec, prompts={}, prompt_title=True):
if 'upload' in spec and ('title' not in spec or 'emulator_start' not in spec):
print spec['id']
if 'description' in spec:
print spec['description']
print sh.grep(sh.unzip('-l', spec['upload']), '-i', '.[bec][axo][tem]')
except sh.ErrorReturnCode:
print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
print "no exe found, skipping"
return None
(isexe, exe) = run_prompts('EXE: ', spec, prompts)
if isexe:
if spec.get('dosbox_drive_d', SPEC_DEFAULTS.get('dosbox_drive_d')):
spec['emulator_start'] = 'd:\\runapp ' + exe
spec['emulator_start'] = exe
if 'title' not in spec and prompt_title:
spec['title'] = raw_input('Title: ')
return True
elif exe == 'sync':
return True
if 'upload' in spec and 'emulator_start' in spec and 'title' in spec:
return True
def pkginst(spec, uploadPath=None, prompts={}):
print sh.ls('-al', DOSBOX_INSTALL)
(success, d) = run_prompts('Dir: ', spec, prompts)
if not success:
return d == 'sync'
dirToZip = os.path.join(DOSBOX_INSTALL, d)
if not os.path.exists(dirToZip):
return False
name = spec.get('id')
if not name:
name = raw_input('ID: ')
if not uploadPath:
uploadPath = os.path.join(DBDIR, name + '.zip')
zipdir(dirToZip, uploadPath)
spec['upload'] = uploadPath
return True
def zipdir(dirToZip, zipPath):
dirOld = os.getcwd()
zipPath = os.path.abspath(zipPath)
if os.path.exists(zipPath):
sh.zip('-r', zipPath, sh.glob('./*'))
def sync(spec, db=None, ensure_new=True):
print json.dumps(spec)
item = internetarchive.get_item(spec['id'])
if ensure_new and item.exists:
raise Exception("Item " + spec['id'] + " already exists!")
mdOld = item.metadata.get('metadata', {})
mdNew = {}
for key in ['title', 'description', 'emulator_start', 'emulator', 'emulator_ext', 'dosbox_drive_d', 'subject', 'creator']:
if key in spec and (key not in mdOld or mdOld[key] != spec[key]):
mdNew[key] = spec[key]
for key, value in SPEC_DEFAULTS.iteritems():
if key not in mdOld and key not in spec:
mdNew[key] = value
if 'upload' in spec:
print "uploading", spec['upload'], "to", spec['id']
item.upload(spec['upload'], metadata=mdNew)
if mdNew and mdOld:
print "updating metadata for", spec['id'], mdNew
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
print e
print e.response
if db:
setstatus(db, spec['id'], 'unknown', spec['title'])
def fixprompt(spec, extraprompts={}):
prompts = {'s': skipprompt, 'i': dbinstprompt, 'p': pkginstprompt, 'z': sync_only_metadata, 'd': dosprompt}#, 'w': win31prompt}
return prompt(spec, prompts)
def fixpromptsync(spec, db=None, extraprompts={}):
if fixprompt(spec, extraprompts):
sync(spec, db)
return True
def reinstall(id, db):
# download the zip
item = internetarchive.get_item(id)
zipfile = item.get_files(formats='ZIP')[0]
zipfilename = os.path.join(DBDIR, zipfile.name)
if os.path.exists(zipfilename):
print id, db.get(id, {}).get('title')
print "downloading", zipfile.name
# install and reupload
raw_input('Hit enter when finished:')
spec = {'id': id}
def exeprompt(spec):
spec['upload'] = zipfilename
prompt(spec, prompt_title=False)
del spec['upload']
sync(spec, db)
prompts = {'w': markprompt(db, 'windows'),
'i': markprompt(db, 'inappropriate'),
'b': markprompt(db, 'busted'),
'e': exeprompt}
if pkginst(spec, zipfilename, prompts):
prompt(spec, prompt_title=False, prompts={'m': maxcpuprompt})
setstatus(db, id, 'unknown')
def installers(db):
for id, val in db.iteritems():
if val.get('status') == 'installer':
reinstall(id, db)
def batchfix(db):
for id, val in db.iteritems():
if val['status'] == 'sync':
sync({'id': id, 'emulator': 'dosbox-sync'})
setstatus(db, id, 'unknown')
db[id]['reshoot'] = True
def updatestatus(db, statusfrom, statusto):
for id, val in db.iteritems():
if val['status'] == statusfrom:
val['status'] = statusto
def clearreshoot(db):
for id, val in db.iteritems():
if val.get('reshoot'):
del val['reshoot']
def iterfiles(ext, dir='.'):
return [fn for fn in os.listdir(dir) if re.search(r'\.' + ext + r'$', fn, re.IGNORECASE)]
def iterzipfiles(dir='.'):
return iterfiles('zip')
def zips(db, prefix, ext='zip'):
prompts = {
'u': mvprompt('uploaded'),
'm': mvprompt('multi'),
'n': mvprompt('notapprop'),
'd': mvprompt('dup'),
'z': sync_only_metadata
for zipfile in iterfiles(ext):
spec = {'upload': zipfile}
gen_metadata(spec, zipfile)
filename = os.path.basename(zipfile)
description = None
# description = patchstr(sh.sed(sh.grep('-i', '^' + filename, 'FILES1.BBS'), '-e', 's/^' + filename + r'[^ ]* *//'))
print description
if fixprompt(spec, extraprompts=prompts):
spec['title'] = prefix + spec['title']
if not spec.get('description'):
spec['description'] = description
print spec['description']
sync(spec, db)
def exes(db, prefix):
prompts = {
'u': mvprompt('uploaded'),
'm': mvprompt('multi'),
'n': mvprompt('notapprop'),
'd': mvprompt('dup')
for exefile in iterfiles('exe'):
x = raw_input("Hit Enter when done (x to cancel): ")
if x == 'x':
spec = {'upload': exefile}
if pkginst(spec, prompts=prompts):
if prompt(spec):
sync(spec, db)
def serve(db):
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['DEBUG'] = True
app.config['SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT'] = 0
ctx = {'db': db}
def gen_tmpl(page):
def from_tmpl():
return render_template(page + '.html', **ctx)
from_tmpl.__name__ = "from_tmpl_" + page
app.route('/' + page)(from_tmpl)
for page in ['check']:
@app.route('/db', methods=['PUT'])
def putdb():
if request.json:
ctx['db'] = request.json
return "OK cool"
@app.route('/', defaults={'filename': 'index.html'})
def staticfile(filename):
return send_from_directory(os.path.join(DBDIR, 'static'), filename)
@app.route('/screenshot', methods=['POST'])
def postscreenshot():
dataUris = request.form.getlist('image')
url = request.form['url']
name = re.match('.*/([^/]+)/?$', url).group(1)
dirname = os.path.join(DBDIR, name)
if len(dataUris) > 1:
dirindex = 1
while os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, 'animation' + str(dirindex))):
dirindex += 1
dirname = os.path.join(dirname, 'animation' + str(dirindex))
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
print dirname, len(dataUris)
filenames = []
index = 1
for dataUri in dataUris:
data = a2b_base64(dataUri[dataUri.index(',')+1:])
while os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, 'screen' + str(index) + '.png')):
index += 1
filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'screen' + str(index) + '.png')
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
if len(filenames) > 1:
# generate an animated giiiffff
gifname = dirname + '.gif'
sh.gm('convert', '-delay', 5, '-loop', 0, *filenames)
sh.gifsicle('--batch', '-O3', gifname)
return "yup good"
import ssl
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2)
context.load_cert_chain(os.path.join(DBDIR, 'server.crt'), os.path.join(DBDIR, 'server.key'))
def join_elements(elements):
text = ''
for element in elements:
textAdd = ''
if element.name == 'p':
if text:
textAdd = '\n\n'
textAdd += join_elements(element.contents)
elif element.name == 'br':
textAdd = ''
elif unicode(element).strip():
textAdd = unicode(element)
if textAdd:
text += textAdd
return text
def scrapefile(project, url, spec):
fn = os.path.join(DBDIR, project, url.split('/')[-1])
if not os.path.exists(fn):
dirn = os.path.split(fn)[0]
if not os.path.exists(dirn):
urlretrieve(url, fn)
if not spec:
spec = {}
spec['upload'] = fn
return spec
def scrapegame(url, spec=None):
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text)
content = soup.find('div', 'node').find('div', 'content')
descElems = [e for e in content.contents if e.name != 'div' and not (e.name == 'table' and e['id'] == 'attachments')]
desc = join_elements(descElems)
desc += '\n\n(Retrieved from <a href="' + url + '">Glorious Trainwrecks</a>.)'
title = soup.find('div', id='center').h2.contents[0]
if content.find('div', 'field-field-gamefile'):
dlurl = content.find('div', 'field-field-gamefile').a['href']
for attachment_link in content.find('table', id="attachments").find_all("a"):
dlurl = attachment_link['href']
if dlurl.lower().endswith('.zip'):
user = soup.find('span', 'submitted').a.contents[0]
tags = 'glorious trainwrecks;Klik & Play'
legacy_event = content.find('div', 'field-field-field-event')
if legacy_event and legacy_event.find('div', 'field-item').contents[0] == 'Pirate Kart 2':
tags += ";The 529 in 1 Klik and Play Pirate Kart Part II: Klik Harder"
event = content.find('div', 'field-field-event-created-for')
if event and not event.a.contents[0].startswith("THE 371-"):
tags += ';' + event.a.contents[0]
if soup.find('div', 'terms'):
for taglink in soup.find('div', 'terms').find_all('a'):
tags += ';' + taglink.contents[0]
spec = scrapefile('gtrwx', dlurl, spec)
'title': title,
'creator': user,
'description': desc,
'subject': tags
return spec
def scrapecomment(url, spec=None):
comment_id = url.split("#")[1]
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text)
comment = soup.find('a', id=comment_id).find_next_sibling('div', 'comment')
user = comment.find('span', 'submitted').a.contents[0]
title = comment.h3.a.contents[0]
event_title = soup.find('div', id='center').h2.contents[0]
content = comment.find('div', 'content')
desc = join_elements([e for e in content.contents if not (e.name == 'table' and e['id'] == 'attachments')])
desc += '\n\n(Retrieved from <a href="' + url + '">Glorious Trainwrecks</a>.)'
attachments = [a['href'] for a in content.find_all('a') if a['href'].split('.')[-1].lower() not in ['png', 'jpg']]
if len(attachments) == 0:
return None
if len(attachments) > 1:
iattach = 1
for attachment in attachments:
print iattach, attachment
iattach += 1
iattach = raw_input('Which #: ')
iattach = int(iattach)
attachment = attachments[iattach - 1]
return None
attachment = attachments[0]
spec = scrapefile('gtrwx', urljoin(url, attachment), spec)
'title': title,
'creator': user,
'description': desc,
'subject': 'glorious trainwrecks;Klik & Play;' + event_title
return spec
def scrapeuser(username):
games = []
url = 'http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/games/*/' + username
while url:
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text)
for td in soup.find_all('td', 'view-field-node-title'):
games.append((urljoin(url, td.a['href']), td.a.contents[0]))
nextLink = soup.find(title='Go to next page')
if nextLink:
url = urljoin(url, nextLink['href'])
url = None
return games
def runcmd(db, cmd, args):
if cmd == 'scan':
elif cmd == 'check':
elif cmd == 'diff':
diffdb = diff(db, args[0])
runcmd(diffdb, args[1], args[2:])
elif cmd == 'mergedb':
with open(args[0], 'rt') as f:
dbnew = json.load(f)
elif cmd == 'dumpdb':
print json.dumps(db)
elif cmd == 'db':
global DB
db_old = DB
DB = os.path.abspath(args[0])
runcmd(loaddb(), args[1], args[2:])
DB = db_old
elif cmd == 'sync':
elif cmd == 'pkginst':
spec = {}
fixpromptsync(spec, db)
elif cmd == 'zip':
spec = {'upload': args[0]}
gen_metadata(spec, args[0])
fixpromptsync(spec, db)
elif cmd == 'gtgame':
if '#' in args[0]:
spec = scrapecomment(args[0])
spec = scrapegame(args[0])
fixpromptsync(spec, db)
elif cmd == 'gtuser':
games = scrapeuser(args[0])
for url, title in games:
spec = scrapegame(url)
if spec:
fixpromptsync(spec, db)
elif cmd == 'zips':
prefix = args[0] + ": " if len(args) > 0 else ""
zips(db, prefix)
elif cmd == 'exezips':
prefix = args[0] + ": " if len(args) > 0 else ""
zips(db, prefix, 'exe')
elif cmd == 'exes':
prefix = args[0] + ": " if len(args) > 0 else ""
exes(db, prefix)
elif cmd == 'dir':
d = args[0]
if d.endswith('/'):
d = d[:-1]
zipf = os.path.join(DBDIR, safefilename(os.path.basename(d)) + '.zip')
zipdir(d, zipf)
spec = {'upload': zipf}
gen_metadata(spec, d)
if len(args) > 1:
spec['id'] = args[1]
fixpromptsync(spec, db)
elif cmd == 'dirs':
for d in os.listdir('.'):
if os.path.isdir(d):
zipf = os.path.join(DBDIR, safefilename(os.path.basename(d)) + '.zip')
zipdir(d, zipf)
spec = {'upload': zipf}
gen_metadata(spec, d)
fixpromptsync(spec, db)
elif cmd == 'installers':
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
elif cmd == 'batchfix':
elif cmd == 'setstatus':
updatestatus(db, args[0], args[1])
elif cmd == 'clearreshoot':
elif cmd == 'fixext':
for id, val in db.iteritems():
if val.get('status') == 'unknown':
item = internetarchive.get_item(id)
zipfile = item.get_files(formats='ZIP')[0]
md = item.metadata.get('metadata', {})
print "checking", id, zipfile.name, md.get('emulator_ext')
if os.path.splitext(zipfile.name)[1] == '.ZIP' and md.get('emulator_ext') == 'zip':
print "fixing", id
spec = {'id': id, 'emulator_ext': 'ZIP'}
elif cmd == 'reinstall':
reinstall(args[0], db)
elif cmd == 'serve':
if __name__ == '__main__':
runcmd(loaddb(), sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:])