Files @thin @thin @thin @thin @thin Tasks Starting menu __init__ << Menu layout >> Utilities @run @run client localhost 7554 @run @run py2exe @run python2.4 py2app @ignore @language python #make standalone, needs at least pygame-1.5.3 and py2exe-0.3.1 from distutils.core import setup import sys, os, pygame, shutil, glob import py2exe #setup the project variables here. #i can't claim these will cover all the cases #you need, but they seem to work for all my #projects, just change as neeeded. script = "" #name of starting .PY icon_file = "" #ICO file for the .EXE (not working well) optimize = 2 #0, 1, or 2; like -O and -OO dos_console = 0 #set to 0 for no dos shell when run extra_data = ['data'] #extra files/dirs copied to game extra_modules = ['pygame.locals'] #extra python modules not auto found #use the default pygame icon, if none given if not icon_file: path = os.path.split(pygame.__file__)[0] icon_file = '"' + os.path.join(path, 'pygame.ico') + '"' #unfortunately, this cool icon stuff doesn't work in current py2exe :( #icon_file = '' project_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(script)[1])[0] #this will create the executable and all dependencies setup(#name=project_name, windows=[script], data_files=[("data", glob.glob("data\\*"))] ) def __init__( self ): """Initialize Demo Class""" # instead of pygame.init(), initialize modules manually to # avoid initing pygame.sound pygame.display.init() pygame.font.init() # setup screen screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (640, 480), DOUBLEBUF ) pygame.display.set_caption( 'WidgetsDemo' ) # request regular event for updating animation self.DRAWEVENT = USEREVENT + 1 pygame.time.set_timer( self.DRAWEVENT, 33 ) #33 == 30fps # filter events badevents = [NOEVENT, ACTIVEEVENT, JOYAXISMOTION, JOYBALLMOTION, JOYHATMOTION, JOYBUTTONDOWN ,JOYBUTTONUP, VIDEORESIZE, SYSWMEVENT, NUMEVENTS] goodevents = [self.DRAWEVENT, KEYDOWN, KEYUP, MOUSEMOTION, MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, MOUSEBUTTONUP, QUIT ] pygame.event.set_blocked( badevents ) # initialize the WidgetWindow base class WidgetWindow.__init__( self, screen ) # create special widgets edit = EditClass( self, self.editaction, (325, 300, 265, 25), "text" ) = PageClass( self, (325, 25, 265, 275), GRAY ) # put the widgets in the window self.addwidget( MultiLineTextClass( self, (25, 25, 250, 145), "MultiLineTextClass\n(transparent)\nHas automatic word wrapping.", 36 ) ) self.addwidget( MultiLineTextClass( self, (25, 195, 250, 145), "MultiLineTextClass\n(with background)\nHas automatic word wrapping.", 36, WHITE, BLACK ) ) self.addwidget( EditClass( self, self.editaction, (25, 350, 150, 30), "second edit box" ), TABTARGET ) self.addwidget( TextClass( self, (25, 400, 590, 19), "TextClass (transparent)", 20 ) ) self.addwidget( TextClass( self, (25, 440, 590, 19), "TextClass (with background)", 20, WHITE, BLACK ) ) self.addwidget( ) self.addwidget( edit, TABTARGET ) self.addwidget( ButtonClass( self, self.buttonaction, (205, 110, 200, 105), "This button overlaps" ) ) # set keyboard focus to the edit widget edit.focus() # initial screen draw self.eventproc( pygame.event.Event( NOEVENT, {} ) ) # animation data self.animrect = Rect( (325, 350, 265, 50) ) self.animline = Rect( self.animrect ) self.animline.width = 5 self.animline.left = self.animrect.left self.addwidget(TextClass(self, (120, 40, 400, 30), "Tennis For Two", 36)) self.addwidget(ButtonClass(self, self.startSingle, (120, 120, 400, 30), "Start Single-Player Game")) self.addwidget(TextClass(self, (120, 190, 400, 20), "Your IP Address: " + getMyIP())) self.addwidget(TextClass(self, (120, 215, 60, 20), "Port:")) self.serverPort = EditClass(self, None, (180, 215, 60, 20), "7554") self.addwidget(self.serverPort) self.addwidget(ButtonClass(self, self.startServer, (120, 240, 400, 30), "Start Server")) self.addwidget(TextClass(self, (120, 310, 160, 20), "Server Address:")) self.clientAddr = EditClass(self, None, (280, 310, 240, 20)) self.addwidget(self.clientAddr) self.addwidget(TextClass(self, (120, 335, 60, 20), "Port:")) self.clientPort = EditClass(self, None, (180, 335, 60, 20), "7554") self.addwidget(self.clientPort) self.addwidget(ButtonClass(self, self.startClient, (120, 360, 400, 30), "Start Client"))