babby's first typechecker
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,7 +5,96 @@
[helins.binf :as binf]
[helins.binf.string :as binf.string]
;; [malli.core :as malli]
[meander.epsilon :as m]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]))
(defn compile-error [term message]
; todo: extract location of error term
(js/Error. [term message]))
; typechecking pass: rewrite expressions with type decorations, depth-first.
; I can't think of any reason this shouldn't work fine, as long as we require
; functions to have explicit type annotations
; first task: decorate types for (if (= 1 2) 3 4)
; ^i64 (if ^bool (= ^i64 (lit 1) ^i64 (lit 2)) ^i64 (lit 3) ^i64 (lit 4))
(defn expr-type [expr] (:type (meta expr)))
(defn assoc-type [expr symbol] (with-meta expr (assoc (meta expr) :type symbol)))
(defn make-type [symbol] (fn [expr] (assoc-type expr symbol)))
(def void (make-type 'void))
(def i64 (make-type 'i64))
(def bool (make-type 'bool))
(defn coerce [expr typesym error]
(let [ltype (expr-type expr)]
(cond (= ltype typesym) expr
(= typesym 'void) (void `(cast ~expr))
:else (throw error))))
(defn unify [lexpr rexpr error]
(let [ltype (expr-type lexpr)
rtype (expr-type rexpr)]
(cond (= ltype rtype) [lexpr rexpr]
(nil? error) [(coerce lexpr 'void nil) (coerce rexpr 'void nil)]
:else (throw error))))
(defn form-dispatch [form]
(if (list? form) (first form) `lit))
(defmulti map-subexpressions (fn [form f] (form-dispatch form)))
(defmethod map-subexpressions :default [form f]
(apply list (first form) (map f (rest form))))
(defmethod map-subexpressions `lit [form f] form)
(defmulti decorate-type (fn [form ctx] (form-dispatch form)))
(defmethod decorate-type `if [form ctx]
(m/match form
(_ ?test ?when-true ?when-false)
(let [test-expr (coerce ?test 'bool (compile-error ?test "Condition must be a boolean expression"))
[true-expr false-expr] (unify ?when-true ?when-false nil)
type (expr-type true-expr)]
(assoc-type `(if ~test-expr ~true-expr ~false-expr) type))))
(defmethod decorate-type `= [form ctx]
(m/match form
(_ ?left ?right)
(let [[left-expr right-expr] (unify ?left ?right (compile-error ?left "Cannot compare incompatible types"))]
(bool `(= ~left-expr ~right-expr)))))
(defmethod decorate-type `lit [form ctx]
(cond (integer? form) (i64 `(lit ~form))
(boolean? form) (bool `(lit ~form))
:else (throw (compile-error form "Not a valid literal"))))
(defmulti typecheck-expr (fn [form ctx] (form-dispatch form)))
(defmethod typecheck-expr :default [form ctx]
(decorate-type (map-subexpressions form #(typecheck-expr % ctx)) ctx))
(binding [*print-meta* true]
(pr (typecheck-expr `(if 3 3 true) nil)))
; first task: compile (+ 1 2)
; expected output:
; {:pretype []
; :posttype [:i64]
; :ops [[op/i64-const 1] [op/i64-const 2] [op/i64-add]]}
; possible intermediate output:
; {:pretype []
; :posttype [:i64]
; :subexprs [
; {:pretype [] :posttype [:i64] :ops [[op/i64-const 1]]}
; {:pretype [] :posttype [:i64] :ops [[op/i64-const 2]]}
; {:pretype [:i64 :i64] :posttype [:i64] :ops [[op/i64-add]]}
; ]}
;; ;
;; (defn compile-expr [expr scope expected-type]
;; (m/match expr
;; (+ ?l ?r)))
(def test-wasm
(-> (wasm/ctx)
@ -22,9 +111,9 @@
(wasm/decompile v)))))
(defn instantiate-wasm [wasm importObject]
(-> (wasm/compile wasm)
(js/WebAssembly.instantiate importObject)))
(-> (wasm/compile wasm)
(js/WebAssembly.instantiate importObject)))
#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:clojure-lsp/unused-public-var]}
(defn main []
Reference in a new issue