Fixup bindings correctly

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Penner 2024-07-28 17:10:04 -04:00
parent 21ced785bd
commit f7eee74e2d
3 changed files with 15 additions and 11 deletions

View file

@ -9,13 +9,14 @@
ctx (if scope (new-scope ctx scope) ctx)
new-bindings (:new-bindings special)
bindings (if new-bindings (new-bindings form ctx) {})
new-form (m/rewrite form
('l/lookup ?m) ('l/lookup {:ctx ~ctx & ?m})
(m/and ?form ~new-bindings) (m+ {:bindings ~bindings} ?form)
?form ?form)]
marker (or (:mark-bound-subexpressions special) identity)
form (marker form)
form (if new-bindings (merge-metafield form {:bindings bindings}) form)
add-ctx? (or (= (first form) 'l/lookup) (:binding (second form)) new-bindings)
form (if add-ctx? (merge-metafield form {:ctx ctx}) form)]
(doseq [[symbol binding] bindings]
(bind! ctx symbol binding))
((all-subexpressions (partial decorate-ctx specials ctx)) new-form)))
((all-subexpressions (partial decorate-ctx specials ctx)) form)))
(def perform-lookups

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(ns tock.compiler.specials
(:require [meander.epsilon :as m]
[meander.strategy.epsilon :as r]
[tock.compiler.meander :refer [parse-type to-sym label] :include-macros true]
[tock.compiler.meander :refer [parse-type to-sym label m+] :include-macros true]
[tock.compiler.util :refer [get-meta]]))
;; no namespace - source symbol
@ -84,8 +84,11 @@
:typecheck (comparitor-typecheck logical-type?)}
'or {:desugar (left-binop-desugar 'or)
:typecheck (comparitor-typecheck logical-type?)}
'def {:typecheck (r/rewrite (_ ?t) [[?t ?t]])
:new-bindings (fn [form _ctx] (m/match form ('def {:name ?symbol} ?expr) {?symbol (list 'l/global {:name ?symbol})}))}
'def {:desugar (r/rewrite
('def (m/pred symbol? ?name) ?expr) ('def {:name ?name} ?expr))
:typecheck (r/rewrite (_ ?t) [[?t ?t]])
:new-bindings (fn [form _ctx] (m/match form ('def {:name ?symbol} ?expr) {?symbol (list 'l/global {:name ?symbol})}))
:mark-bound-subexpressions (r/rewrite ('def (m/and ?m {:name ?symbol}) ?expr) ('def ?m (m+ {:binding ?symbol} ?expr)))}
'do {:typecheck (r/rewrite (_) [['void]]
(_ . !stmt ... ?last) [[?last . (m/app (constantly 'void) !stmt) ... ?last]])
:scope {}}

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(ns tock.compiler.type
(:require [meander.epsilon :as m]
[meander.strategy.epsilon :as r]
[tock.compiler.meander :refer [bottom-up m+] :include-macros true]
[tock.compiler.meander :refer [bottom-up m+ merge-metafield] :include-macros true]
[tock.compiler.util :refer [lookup get-meta get-special lookup update-binding!]]))
; typechecking happens bottom-up. by the time a node is called to be typechecked, the system has verified that all of the children
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
; propogate type back to binding
(m/match rewrite
(m+ {:ctx ?ctx :name ?name :type ?type} _)
(update-binding! ?ctx ?name assoc :type ?type)
(_ {:ctx (m/some ?ctx) :binding (m/some ?name) :type (m/some ?type)} . _ ...)
(update-binding! ?ctx ?name merge-metafield {:type ?type})
_ nil)