
71 lines
2.1 KiB

(local util (require :lib.util))
(local {: attach-imstate : textbox : textbutton : mouse-inside} (util.require :editor.imstate))
(local View (require :core.view))
(local style (require :core.style))
(local ReplView (View:extend))
(fn ReplView.new [self conn]
(ReplView.super.new self)
(attach-imstate self)
(set self.conn conn)
(set self.log [])
(set self.cmd "")
(set self.scrollheight math.huge)
(set self.scrollable true)
(set self.title "REPL")
(self.conn:listen self))
(fn ReplView.try_close [self do_close]
(self.conn:unlisten self)
(ReplView.super.try_close self do_close))
(fn ReplView.get_scrollable_size [self] self.scrollheight)
(fn ReplView.append [self line]
(table.insert self.log line))
(fn ReplView.draw-cmd [{: cmd} view x y iline]
(renderer.draw_text style.font cmd x y style.text)
(when (mouse-inside x y view.size.x (style.font:get_height))
(when (textbutton view :X (+ x view.size.x -35) y)
(table.remove view.log iline)
(table.remove view.log iline))
(when (textbutton view :! (+ x view.size.x -60) y)
(view:submit cmd)))
(+ (style.font:get_height) style.padding.y))
(fn ReplView.submit [self ?cmd]
(local cmd (or ?cmd self.cmd))
(when (= ?cmd nil)
(set self.cmd ""))
(self:append {:draw #(self.draw-cmd $...) : cmd})
(self.conn:submit cmd))
(fn ReplView.draw [self]
(self:draw_background style.background)
(var x (- self.position.x self.scroll.x))
(var y (- self.position.y self.scroll.y))
(var rendered-h 0)
; todo: cache sizes and avoid drawing if offscreen?
; note: then offscreen items can't be focussed without further effort
; todo: draw line numbers
(each [i line (ipairs self.log)]
(let [h (line:draw self x y i)]
(set y (+ y h))
(set rendered-h (+ rendered-h h))))
(set self.cmd (textbox self :command self.cmd x y self.size.x))
(local pin-to-bottom (>= self.scroll.to.y (- self.scrollheight self.size.y)))
(set self.scrollheight (+ rendered-h (style.font:get_height) 4))
(when pin-to-bottom
(set self.scroll.to.y (- self.scrollheight self.size.y))))
(fn ReplView.get_name [self] self.title)